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Chapter 2.35 Although I am unwell, you are not worthy

 Shaoguang City was breached, and the defeated people carried thorn sticks on their backs to plead guilty. This was according to the defeat ceremony in ancient books. The conquering army did not catch the cold, and immediately separated the powerful armed leader family and the people of Shaoguang City. Waiting for them.

It will no longer be the original condition.

According to the previous plan in the Zhujing District, all property must be confiscated, all personnel must be publicly tried, and must undergo labor reform.

The merit prison has been built for them. The books inside can be read, and even the mechanical war beasts can be kept under supervision. However, the transformation and development of the mechanical war beasts must be under the supervision of the organization.

The administrative cadres who came over inspected the upper-class nobles of Shaoguang City and dealt with a few of the most heinous acts, but failed to find any black material about the highest aristocratic family in Shaoguang City.

Because the city lord's reputation is very good, he can organize the city wall defense before the war, in an attempt to resist the general trend of conquest.

However, after the war reached this point, Wei Keng activated his "nerve".

On the evening of the 13th, under the electric wires mounted on wooden poles, the suspended electric lamps emitted orange light. Many flying insects surrounded the lights, making the light of the electric lamps flicker.

Under the ruins of the city wall, the Wei Keng group looked at the body of the city lord that the cleanup team had pulled out from the bricks. The local scholars attached to the side looked at Wei Keng, as if expecting what decision Wei Keng would make.

Wei Keng knew what they were thinking, which was to show enough generosity by burying the city lord's body thickly and win back their frightened hearts.

Wei Keng let out a breath: "I'm not here to win people's hearts. I can't help but reason, so I'm quite annoying in every dimension."

Regarding the corpse of the city lord, Wei Keng asked him to cover it with a white cloth and dispose of it normally. During this process, some old people and children lay on the corpse crying, which gradually made Wei Keng's heart grow cold.

As a result, Wei Keng wrote the city lord's epitaph overnight: "To evaluate him apart from this era and class conflicts, it seems that he was a good person.

After his death, some people said that he was just confused and did something wrong, and that he could not be blamed entirely.

But in fact, he has never left his own class and has always stayed firmly in this era.

He followed the interests of the old class and did what he took as a matter of course. But he had to transcend the times and judge the situation regardless of the attributes of the "old forces". What's the point of this?

If forgiveness and recognition are given, the reactionaries will definitely erect a tall monument in the future. Then we will be the ones who are wrong."

As an ordinary person from the upper reaches of history, Wei Keng clearly knows the routine of "whitewashing".

The first step is not to deny that history is correct, but to explain from other perspectives that a certain loser on the opposite side of history may be a good person.

Step two: repeat it a thousand times, confuse public opinion, and create a so-called "history from multiple perspectives" before making a conclusion that this person may be a good person.

Step 3: Based on what was explained in the second step: the possibility that this person is a pure good person, further infer: Why do good people do wrong? Maybe history is incorrect. "What? You don't agree? History requires multiple perspectives.

You should read more books. Maybe history is incorrect."

This kind of sophistry in the "left foot and right foot can reach heaven" model is a daily occurrence in the most chaotic ideological trend of the 21st century. Every time he thinks of this, Wei Keng can't help but get angry.

In a certain era, a large number of people were massacred and died, so much so that the whole world at that time determined that certain people were butchers and executioners. But decades later, a group of despicable literati in the name of "objectivity" first

Vague, then wavered, and finally said in a high-sounding way: "Because you all support one-sided views, so for the sake of diversity, I support another view!"

The people are always too tolerant. They have just stood up and are still confused. They have not yet had time to realize how unfair the oppressive actions of the former oppressors are.

Wei Keng directly took over the work of the public trial and obtained sufficient evidence from prisons, hard labor camps, old abandoned soldiers, and suffering malnourished teenagers in the city. Then he brought the entire city-state's upper echelons to justice.

Luxurious living announced.

A city-wide denunciation was launched. Faced with the mobilized anger of the people, the upper echelons of Shaoguang City felt great panic. Seven or eight of them who hung up the sign immediately fainted. Afterwards, they said to themselves: "I almost died."

I feel like I’m finished.”

Wei Keng: "You don't have to kill people, but all your luck must be crushed cleanly."

Perhaps, Wei Keng's character is really a bit radical. The explorers of the Space-Time Administration should not be like this. Wei Keng, who was recruited during the first plane war, has gone through too few tests.

After Shaoguang City was captured, the rest of the cities no longer hesitated and were handed over according to the Ji'an City model. Especially Zeng Lin. He originally wanted to intercede for some of his family friends in Shaoguang City, but the unified army now behaved selflessly.


Wei Keng and Zeng Lin met at the train station near Ji'an City.

Wei Keng: "Before the fight, anything can be discussed, but after the fight, everything is locked. The law has made its judgment and this cannot be changed."

Zeng Lin took a breath and said, "This, if possible."

Wei Keng: "No, absolutely not. Mr. Zeng's other cooperation can continue, but this wheel of history must not be reversed."

Zeng Lin looked at Wei Keng and said, "Sir, are you interested in studying at Jianye? I look forward to you becoming a war beast trainer."

Zeng Lin had not thought of this proposal when he came, and it was not entirely a whim. Wei Keng paused, then firmly shook his head and repeated: "It is not an exchange of conditions."

Zeng Lin: "It's not an exchange, it's a suggestion. You have rebuilt civilization in the south, and you should also look north. The future? Judging from your appearance, you will go north sooner or later, right."

Wei Keng checked the information on the parallel plane and said slowly: "Indeed, I will go to the north."

Zeng Lin: "You need a letter of introduction, I have connections there."

Wei Keng stared at him.

Zeng Lin: "There are no other conditions. You have already said that Gongde Prison is a place of reform and will not kill anyone. I believe you."

Wei Keng: "But nothing is free in the world." Zeng Lin spread his hands, expressing that he was really helpless. Wei Keng: "Give me the letter, six thousand steel coins, I paid for it."

Zeng Lin nodded.

After Zeng Lin left, Wei Keng's consciousness group thought about going north.

The suggestion given by the system is: "You can go to the north, but it is best to load powerful gene community nodes.

The combat power of the mechanical war beast is composed of a large number of mechanical devices, but its powerful potential is the vitality of the individual. For example, a small mechanical structure requires something to pull the trigger, and a weak mechanical war beast can only evolve a tentacle to provide it.

After continuous training and calcium injection, the powerful mechanical creature can provide bony branches and complete the evolution of a finger-like structure.

For travelers on other timelines, it is undoubtedly the best way to capture a node creature when they go north to Jianye, or in front of the Bohai Rim city-state area.

After entering the city-state area, relying on the powerful evolutionary power of his own life attributes, he can easily jump from elite to master, and then jump to a higher trainer level. He can become a super genius recognized by the old city-states.

In other timelines, it may be a little difficult for sergeant-level time travelers to lock a node creature with their will.

But based on the system’s model budget for Wei Keng.

Well, in fact, there is no need for a model at all. The community here regards Wei Keng as a natural enemy. It is their honor to be a dog of Wei Keng. Now the big radish in the pond is living very comfortably.

However, Wei Keng himself had different ideas.

"Go north as a genius?" Wei Keng shook his head and said in a low voice: "I am a middle-aged person. No matter what I add, it is a packaging effect. Sometimes, I really can't get along with the top circles."

In a space bubble.

Qin Xiaohan stared at Wei Keng's answer on the interface and frowned.

Next to the boundary on her left hand was Wei Keng's performance of a series of "bumps" during his recent travels. She discovered that the traveler in her hand had no consciousness of a time and space adjuster at all. Even if he bumped into something, he would flow.

Even though he was bleeding, he chose to continue touching it.

Qin Xiaohan raised his head and looked at the background of the space filled with swan feathers and heavy snow. Xizi asked himself with a frown: "How could it be like this? Is there any mistake?"

In fact, if there is no necessary pressure on any plan about adventure or adventure, Wei Keng will often think twice before moving on.

Wei Keng has always lacked confidence in himself when taking risks, something that relies on character and talent.

Wei Keng, who has not come out of the shadows since the 21st century: "I know myself very well. Damn it, 'young people start their own business'. 'Buying a house', 'savings', and 'stabilizing a job' are my thing."


After being forcibly pulled by the Space-Time Management Bureau to travel through time and space, Wei Keng still showed this desire for stability when traveling through these dimensions: "Farming first when troubles arise, upgrading technology with unknown risks, preparing plans for ever-changing opponents, the biggest

There may be some margin left.”

Now in the north, Wei Keng is not eager to try, but has an overtime mentality of "the task is here again".

If he hadn't made a promise to conquer this world and needed to understand the world's intelligence firsthand, Wei Keng really wouldn't want to go to a place he was unfamiliar with.

Wei Keng: "I'm not good at this matter. You can let Luo Hongxing go. Where is Luo Hongxing? Where did this guy go?"

Wei Keng didn't know that due to the expansion effect caused by the emergency development of the timeline during the last plane war, every time he traveled through it caused a huge time consumption compared to the main world. Luo Hongxing has now run away.

In the 142nd year of the Pandora era, the conquering army completed the unification of the old city-states in Guangdong. However, the follow-up work tasks were still arduous.

The easiest place to see in a world is often the most glamorous place, while some tragedies in the edge corners exist all the time, but are ignored by the whole world intentionally or unintentionally.

In the world of Pandora, there are a large number of satellite settlements near the city-state of Guangdong. In these scattered settlements, the total population is sometimes no less than the total number of residents. However, because they are on the edge, they carry a large number of shadows of the human city-states in this world.


Genetic polluter! He is one of these shadows.

In 134, during the siege of Ji'an City, a large number of humans were contaminated after being radiated by the genetic community. When these people were driven out of the city, they were extremely desperate. Later, they were injected with blood by Wei Keng

After completing the treatment of life radiation, they gained new life.

Gaining a new life? This means that the outcome of such things for people in the past was to completely fall into darkness.

Wei Keng, who accounted for one-third of the total number of the unified conquering army, began to work in various villages near these city-states. Regarding the arrival of the unified conquering army, most of these villages were very repulsive. Of course, this kind of attempt to resist the new regime's takeover of the grassroots

, with the bombardment of artillery, everyone opened the gate of the village community very wisely.

All personnel were counted, and the clan leaders were all moved back to their city-states for centralized management. New cadres were promoted to assist in village management.

But when counting the population, someone in the village joked that the beastmen were not counted as the population.

It was this joke that brought the Yuanhua crew and Wei Keng into deep contact with another side of this era.

In the cowshed, Wei Keng found these genetic polluters who were no longer human, with thickened limbs and rickety bones. They had terrible ringworm all over their bodies, and the entire living area was covered with weeds. When he saw the people,

He shrank inside in fear.

Here, Wei Keng walked up to them and looked into their eyes. In looking at each other, Wei Keng was sure that some of them could still be considered human beings.

The total number of genetic polluters in Guangdong is 83,354, accounting for 16% of the total population.

While searching for information, Wei Keng found that none of the travelers from other parallel timelines were working in this area, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Oh, I'm the first person to do such a thing. I'm really 'bored'


In May 142, Wei Keng classified genetic polluters into three categories: light, medium and severe pollution.

Among them, mild contamination requires a large amount of blood transfusion and one or two bone correction surgeries.

Moderate pollution may require tissue transplantation, and the tissue here may be Wei Keng's own flesh and blood. This requires Wei Keng to devote a lot of determination to cut off his flesh to save people? Is this considered a holy mother? But he still has the desire to survive, and his performance

If you don’t dedicate your future to this world, then maybe you should save it.

As for severe pollution, there is basically no way to save it. Even self-awareness does not exist. They are completely absorbed in traditional desires such as eating, sleeping, and excretion. For them, only the most basic humanitarian protection can be provided to let them get through it.

Last time.

Regarding the treatment plan for genetic polluters, people in this plane, especially those who were frustrated in the original city-state, sneered at it and even commented sarcastically: "He is really kind."

After Wei Keng heard these comments, his heart became numb.

Mr. Wei read such passages more than once in their literature:

1: "When the trainer's mechanical war beast was severely damaged, it never left its master. What a deep feeling!"

2: "When the trainer's beast died after being plotted by the enemy to protect its master, the trainer returned five years later and completely burned the place, leaving no one behind. How cruel is this!


However, now, by saving these groups who have been silently ignored by them, I have become the Virgin of "releasing useless kindness".

Wei Keng: "Indeed, according to your true feelings and nature, you should save animals that are related to you, and you should not give charity to people who have nothing to do with you. Now I am not saving based on my temperament, but only in accordance with the legal requirements.

Go save me. I am a small citizen and I don’t want to climb high and hold the legal system. However, although I am not fit, you are not worthy of holding the legal system, so I will take it away.”

This chapter has been completed!
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