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Chapter 18.20 Beat the snake seven inches

 With the Austrian Railway and Sky Railway Star Western Front troops forming a joint military system.

Su Ni came to Osima as an individual and joined the military staff system outside the Aotiefengyu Plain.

When Su Ni entered the military headquarters, Liu Yina (General Osima, female, level 3 hero, original Nusi deputy 14) was working on the position. Su Ni took a look at this person who could be regarded as

The girl from the "Hero Unit" withdrew her gaze.

The military combat commander of the Austrian Railway, Slot (a student of the Iron Star veteran Bess) unfolded the entire sandbox map of the Wind Whispering Capital: "It is April 24th, and the time is just right."

Su Ni sat in the fourth position, looked at the map, and agreed that "the time is just right".

…When the Anglo capital was hit by hacker missiles, the Osima conservatives began their final “rejoicing” at this time…

Feng Yu and these "clinging businessmen" still haven't learned the lesson of "the mountains fall, the rivers dry up".

In the past six months, after they were ready to abandon their financial obligations, they first hoped that stealing the authority of the parliament would allow them to act in reverse without being refuted by anyone. Zheng Nian took the lead in attacking and hit only one city left! Now they are on the verge of failure.

Finally, after breaking the rules, the Osima Group, which controls the state's public assets, is ready to completely negate the "Iron Star".

Oh, the CEO of Fengyu can say that he was forced by the current situation and argued that he "wouldn't have done this originally." But in Wei Keng's view, he never had faith in Iron Star in the first place.

Even if there is no rebel army, when they feel that their power is stable, they start to set off a "freedom" trend, and then find an opportunity to take off the "Iron Star" symbol that does not match their throne. Of course, the reason at that time is still "forced".

"Based on the situation, weigh the pros and cons" and find thousands of reasons.

In the arrogant thinking of these aristocratic intellectuals, they often fall into a self-comfortable way of thinking. Even if they are uncomfortable, there is a kind of self-hypnosis, thinking that those are just short-term adjustments, and they still grasp the general trend.

But at the moment, he removed the Iron Star and hugged Anglo tightly at the same time, so now facing the Iron Star held high by the rebels, they are now rebels! The final battle to attack the city has been defined as a definite counter-insurgency campaign.

Because the upper-class nobles in various cities in the Wind Whispering Plain have done too many unjust things.

Wei Keng's individuals in the Fengyu Imperial City have developed underground organizations in major factories, and Osima's legionnaires have provided the defense map of the entire city! The time is ripe politically to invade the Fengyu Imperial City.

...People who are about to freeze to death will have the illusion of "warmth" at the last moment...

In terms of "economy", Fengyu Imperial City also fell into a "cold winter".

In the Agricultural Committee on the left side of Su Ni, a report was made. At this time, spring planting and farming arrangements were almost the same in all agricultural areas. The critical stage of food production had passed, and manpower could now be mobilized to participate in this final battle.

During the assessment, Austrian Railway judged: Fengyu Imperial City is now short of food! Judging from the queues at bakeries in other major cities, it is not far from the final collapse. We must make good arrangements for industrial personnel.

At this time, the adults in Fengyu Imperial City are counting on the Anglo side to rely on the teleportation array to support food supply. But according to the determination of the underground working group, the economic chiefs of the reactionary group in Fengyu Imperial City are working every day.

Find the Anglo Ambassador, but the Anglo Minister has avoided it for now.

External support is now the only remaining hope for the Fengyu Imperial City. This hope is also the driving force for them to resist and persevere in the siege. Faced with such "tenacity", if Otie launches a strong attack, it will bring the big city of Osima

All residents are in pain, which will cause them to divert their internal attention and grit their teeth to persist.

The nobles of the Fengyu Imperial Capital would not succeed in their desire to save themselves. At Su Ni's suggestion, Aoti did not take the initiative to launch a large-scale campaign, but stayed until the end of the busy farming season. Let the memory of "hunger" dominate the residents of big cities.

Rather than the "pain" of siege.

Because the long "hunger" comes from the nobles, and the "pain" will be pointed to the iron star by the noble essayists.

The Austrian Railway has a worry-free supply of its own food, and it has purchased a large amount of food and supplies from the sky at low prices, mixed them with its own supplies, and airdropped them into the city.

Austrian Railways is not short of food, and Sky New Railways also supplies this batch of food materials for "political purposes." Although internationally, Sky and Austrian Railways both declare that this is a normal business trade that can no longer be normal.

The contract was signed in 1950 for the exchange of light industrial products from southern Osimar and agricultural products from southern Iron Star.

Wei Keng: The battle to attack the heart is to say to the mobilization forces in Osima: the assistance you are looking forward to is far away, but the purchase of external strategic materials from our side is at your call. If external assistance is regarded as capital, you (

It is still impossible for the capital of Osimar Nobles to come back.

As waves of "materials and food" were delivered to Osimar, the effect of being "embattled on all sides" was produced.

With Zheng Nian unilaterally controlling the sea by air and blocking the Anglo-Eastern Channel, the Anglian people announced that they would not sail in the Bohai Sea within five months. This directly changed the hope of the Fengyu Empire for foreign aid, which was short of food and clothing.

into despair.

In the later stage of the siege battle, meat buns are more effective than cannonballs.

…Under the arrangement of Wei Keng, the relationship between Austrian Railway and Sky New Railway Star has a clear foundation for healthy development from the beginning.…

Note: The way for Austrian Railways to repay the loan is to use part of the production share of the foreign trade industry in the Austrian Railways control area next year, and the indicators set by the planned economy of Sky Railway Star will be repaid by floating according to the market price.

This is different from the situation where capitalism controls the means of production of other countries through capital acquisition. Countries that follow a planned system of economic production, and their "economic surplus" with other countries ultimately follow the route of "economic coordination rights."

It is inevitable for countries to have economic and trade surpluses and deficits. This is a natural and objective phenomenon. As long as the social and political camp conducts commodity trade exchanges, it will inevitably occur.

For example, if a country with few resources and a small social and political camp wants to have no external deficit at all, it will have to close the country and give up accepting external technology, capital, and management experience. And this is equivalent to imposing economic sanctions on itself.

But if we want to let the weak countries just let go under the capital system trade, the "foreign debt" will accumulate to the end, and the weak party will be unable to repay it no matter what. The result will be the loss of life-blood rights such as "food" and "currency".

Under the planned system, trade between countries in the socialist camp must abide by the principle that the basic economy of the weaker party in trade must be guaranteed and the sovereignty of other countries' production materials shall not be seized. However, due to the advantages of globalized economy, technology, management, and powerful countries, they may

The party with an economic deficit acquires the "economic planning" rights of its bankrupt industries and slowly promotes economic integration. The formulation of industrial standards in foreign trade is ultimately equivalent to "economic rights."

The problem with Zhongsu in the 20th century of the main world is that Su did not have enough economic exports to Zhong (trade surplus), but instead tried to swallow up hundreds of millions of people (economic planning power) and directly planned all the Zhong and Zhong.

The lifeline economic plan made Zhongguo directly become a vassal of its own industry.

This Russian (Mongolian) patriarchal idea of ​​domination and chauvinism between a strong country and a weak country is against economic and trade rules.

Of course, after Soviet Russia implements their "account-free" integration, they will also provide material support. The country in the northern part of Ban Island is the beneficiary of this system, and the same is true of the original animal husbandry areas in central Asia, "Mongolia and Kazakhstan"

kind of beneficiary. Even for a long time in Russia, there was no patent fee. Sometimes the furry bears are really innocent and cute.

Other countries are small and have small capital, so they have no objection to Su's "deal". However, Zhong's own capital is too large, with hundreds of millions in size, he has completed literacy education, and has the ability to independently move towards industrialization. This

After 1979, "capital" turned to Western countries led by the United States, which could be exchanged for more in the so-called international market. However, Sun's little assistance and planning for the economy of a large country with a population of 7.8 billion and a land area of ​​9.6 million were obviously

Want to buy at a low price.

In the final analysis, the two social and political powers of Zhongsu and the Soviet Union were actually "economic problems." Mao Zi was too ignorant and not good at thinking about economic problems. In the end, he was unable to solve the problem. His thoughts were too barbaric and he ended up with "big power chauvinism". Facts

At that time, the East was in great need of Su's "technological capital". If the two sides could reach a reasonable "technology" and "market" exchange agreement, perhaps the West would not set the standards for the fourth technological revolution.

But in the end, there was no if. At the end of the 20th century, Su's large amount of capital failed to be successfully spent in Eastern economic exchanges, and it was disbanded, which was equivalent to "death" with it.

...brothers, if they cannot settle accounts openly, then they must break up...

Back on the Wanlun Continent, the human effect has caused a huge gap between the old and new forces.

The influence of gods on the mortal world is far less than the direct influence of mortal "rationality" on history at this time.

Now those "devoutly religious" lambs are as stupid as pigs in this historical change.

What the upper echelons of the reactionary group in Osimane firmly disagree with is that the Anglo will give up on them!

Still looking forward to the fact that the Angles will send large-scale combat troops into Osimar to fight as agreed.

But this idea is doomed to come to nothing, because on the Anglo Sea! Eight Anglo battleships sank. From late March to late April, the Anglo navy and army attacked the Great Wall that smashed their "window glass".

There is no solution at all.

In mid-April, although the Anglo capital learned its lesson from the first raid and began to defend the city with heavy troops, Zheng Nian did not come because only doing this kind of thing once was enough!

Wei Keng commented: There is no difference between pouring shit on a statue once or twice.

After the dignity of the Anglo rulers has been torn to pieces, it is not so easy to mend. Next, as long as Zheng Nian leads a team around the Anglo coastline, it will cause a stress response from the entire Anglo aristocratic group.

Anglian's defense can only focus on defending the city, and its merchant ships, ports, and docks are all attack nodes.

In the next half month, Zheng Nian did not even capture the merchant ship. He only threw incendiary bombs, causing raging fires to appear on the cargo and materials on the merchant ship. The hull buildings were damaged, and the cargo was burned, which had already destroyed the Anglo business

Transportation costs are prohibitively expensive.

Zheng Nian was not evenly matched. He gave many Anglo ports a "human rights ranking" on leaflets. Whenever newspapers responded that "black magic should not be used and human experiments are opposed", they would not disturb the ports. (Local nobles still deny it.

, but it has actually started to be done.)

The Anglo Navy had only a few encirclement and suppression campaigns, but it still couldn't catch the Iron Star maritime formation. After all, the "information control power" in the Dragon Guard area was too strong. Zheng Nian said to his subordinates: "Take these Iron Kings around with you, as long as you have the hands.


Anglian originally tried to raid Iron Star, but it was impossible to do so without pulling out a small "thorn". What was more important was "material preparation".

Before 1952, the internal contradictions of the Anglo-American Empire were already huge, and they tried to use war to divert the contradictions outward.

A year ago, the Anglo royal family took the lead and various business giants and dignitaries made an appointment to work together to solve the problem of "empire hunger". However, when the imperial capital was raided by rockets and hit the palace, the "dining table" was smashed


...The reason why Anglo can survive to this day is entirely due to the stable environment created by the gods for thousands of years...

Anglo has always ridiculed Ver's "common discussion" system as a mutual quarrel and inefficient, but Ver's "common discussion" system is still cohesive when group interests are provoked.

If the opponent is Verne, and Zheng Nian wants to achieve his strategic goal, he must at least have the ability to attack several trust giants in Verne at the same time, and focus on severely damaging one of the trust giants. This requires the formation of at least eight dragon guard assault groups


But at present, the Anglo royal family is the only trust. As long as the Holy Great Wall focuses on smashing the royal glass, the ruling tentacles of the entire empire will be retracted to the center, and the ability to control the empire will be lost.

Since April, the prices of hydrocarbon fuels, food, and steel parts in Anglo have skyrocketed. Without the royal family to maintain order, various business groups loyal to the royal family have fallen into a dark forest, and they have all begun to hoard market supplies for fear of themselves.

It became the food rations for "similar people".

Please note that the centralization of power in the empire is different from the "centralization of power elected by consensus".

The difference between the two lies in the gap in the optional and available "talent pool" in the "centralized downward control process".

The empire was centralized, and its legal system was based on its own nobility. The people employed by noble people should be "sub-noble". In other words, only people from sub-noble circles can be reused.

Otherwise, if a person with a poor background is transferred to an important position, he will be ostracized by the circle. As a result, he will not be able to find colleagues who can cooperate with him in practical affairs and will be unable to play his role.

Therefore, the "talent pool" that the empire's centralized power can use is very small! And due to the "loyalty" mechanism for selecting talents in the empire, the existing bureaucratic group must give priority to preserving the imperial royal family when the central government encounters a crisis. This is like

Just like an octopus, once it is strongly stimulated, it quickly retracts all its tentacles.

The symptom of centralization is smaller. Even though there is a circle, this circle is much larger than the circle of people employed in the imperial system.

After understanding this truth, you can understand the reason why Zheng Nian now uses a battle formation to contain a country!

Anglo is bloated, but for any country, the asymmetric confrontation of the new system will produce unprecedented complex problems. The difference is that the old country cannot find enough people to deal with these new problems.

Just like during the Qing Dynasty, if you fight against the British Empire's Indian Army in the northwest land, you can still find the "framework" left by the Qianlong period and organize a team to work hard with the British and Indian Ministry. However, if you encounter a maritime invasion, you will not be familiar with the sea.

The service team is useless.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Southeast was familiar with maritime affairs and was the pirate leader of the Southeast. They did not enter the decision-making circle of the Qing Dynasty. The Qing government could only rely on the Confucian system of Zeng and Li to make foreign affairs decisions. In the end, these half-hearted people were just trying to calm down the troubles.

A lot of high blood pressure operations.

The Anglo power system was too centralized, and the channels for advancement were too narrow. However, it encountered the "Holy Holy Spear" unprecedented in the history of this world, and directly fell into paralysis.

...When Su Ni ended the call with Zheng Nian, without hanging up, he heard Zheng Nian muttering: Sir, times have changed...

After April 2, in the Windwhisper Plain of Osima, the Windwhisper Empire was eager to receive foreign aid, but a large number of cities no longer followed.

After April 20, as the network began to tighten, Osima's economic war had begun to bear fruit, and many cities were forced to surrender unconditionally.

Regarding surrender, Su Ni, who seems to be a "peaceful" guy (because he advocates attacking the heart), denies all conditional surrenders in these big cities, and actively contacts the main war faction to prepare for the attack.

On April 23, Omit City was carefully selected as a breakthrough point. On the eve of the siege, the underground organization stole all the defense information and instigated the rebellion of soldiers in key positions. Therefore, it was captured by the First World War in less than fifteen hours.


After getting all the defense plans, Su Ni flicked the densely packed messages with his fingers, and murmured to Yi Na with some complacency: I have thousands of people here who are responsible for the economy, siege, and intelligence organization, so you are not allowed to be reserved."

Armistice", and then invited you to be the boss, you are the losers. Under the current circumstances, you have only two possibilities: surrender unconditionally, or continue to resist and be wiped out.

...After the Omi City War, comrades on the Austrian Railways also determined that Su Ni was a "peace faction" but not a "compromise faction"...

In the latest meeting speech, everyone also started to take more notes on Su Ni's speech.

At this time, Su Ni switched his perspective to the huge boundary between Osimar and Ver.

Su Ni: "The longer it is delayed, the more opportunities there will be for them (Ver). Now it has reached the critical point. I think we should seize the time to launch a propaganda offensive! Launch a general offensive within ten days!"

In Iron Star of Osima, Su Ni is now an outsider. After his opinions are raised, they still need to be discussed internally. However, Zheng Nian has said hello: 'In the entire battle of the Wind Whisper Imperial Capital, we should try to refer to the suggestions of frontline combatants.'

At this time, Su Ni came to the forefront of the battle. He came with the Dragon Guard mecha and was a front-line combatant.

In this way, preparations for the attack began. In early June, on the Fengyu Plain Railway Line, the seven-turret train gun was emitting white smoke and entered the artificial hill bunker position area at the front.

Inclined tracks are also laid in each tunnel, which facilitates the rapid transfer of hundreds of tons of engineering artillery within the position.

This seems to be a traditional concept of siege warfare! It seems that it is not very consistent with the smart combat system that Otie is currently in the limelight. However, Wei Keng is best at hiding needles in thin layers (hidden mines in pits).

...Wei Keng: This summer, I want to catch a fish...

Of course, for the entire world, the final battle of Osimar made all parties' minds spin rapidly.

In the capital area of ​​Ver, the "Signs of the Decisive Battle" information from the Windwhisper Plain quickly entered the consul's palace. Bol personally looked at the sand table in the Osimar area and planned the end of the "Osimar Civil War".

At this time, Vern is mobilizing and deploying the border, trying to launch a small border change operation before the end of the Osima Civil War to advance the border and gain some advantages. If it goes well, Vern politicians believe that as long as it causes

It is an established fact that the newly born Iron Star can only recognize the status quo, and Verre promises not to send additional military deployments. This will reduce war conflicts.

Boma calculated in his mind: "Iron Star must be weakened, but it must always be on guard against Anglo."

Anglo's huge fleet deployment and armed forces were exposed under the attack of the Holy Wall, and the whole of Ver could not help but be on guard.

…Boma, as a big fish, feels that the bait of Osima is a bit dangerous.…

Verle has focused too much attention on the south in recent years! Poma is now focusing on providing loans and military assistance to various forces in the old southern continent, especially Cyrol, who has armed it and uses this ally to protect his southern old continent.


Similar to the purpose of the alliance between Germany and Italy, Italy and Italy will rebuild the Roman Empire, but they still need technical assistance and military support from Germany. Furthermore, if the Axis wins, the African resources will still belong to Germany and Italy.

The reason why Boma "doesn't distinguish the importance" is because he knows that the southern continent has also visited the traversers.

As a time traveler who fought against the gods in this world, Boma always felt that the tasks assigned by the gods were a bit unfair, so he felt a little emotional.

Note: No matter how weak the time traveler is, he still has soul sovereignty, which makes the gods miscalculate Boma's emotions.

In this divine war, Boma began to be distracted because the south was the entertainment bureau. Between 1950 and 1952, he did not focus on the Iron Star with all his strength, but instead went towards the southern travellers.

forces intervened,

Until the drastic changes in Osimar, he had no ability to quickly withdraw strategic power to intervene.

... Regarding the current situation of Wanlun Continent, the gods are uncoordinated. Some (finance) want to fight to the death, and some (torque) want to transfer...

This situation of "the enemy being in disarray" is one of the various scenarios in which Mr. Wei's original luck suddenly changed for the better.

On April 24, Mr. Wei deliberately asked the system: "System, how is my fortune recently!" (Wei Keng never asks about fortune, so asking at this time is more like teasing the "pseudo system")

After a few seconds, Sissi, who manages the system monitoring, seemed to check and confirm.

Sissi respectfully said: "Your luck is still negative. And this kind of thing does not belong to the category of personal luck, but to the country's luck. Congratulations, your behavior is awe-inspiring to God." (At this time, Sissi, the little angel, seemed to have turned around.


Wei Keng paused and was surprised. He didn't know how true this system person's words were. Maybe he was "infiltrating his side as an undercover agent" or "wanting to change his family"

At this time, in the high-dimensional space, the feathers on the busy wings of this angel are all blown out.

In fact, Qianqian did not take the Wei Keng group's questioning at this time as the focus. She was casually dealing with the industrial god who was unwilling to return. As for this seraph, his attention at this time was on the "Holy Great Wall" and the latest fate.

Calculating! The fate ahead is like a cliff.

…Even those in the hostile camp do not deny that Zheng Nian is charming enough now.…

On May 3rd, the Fengyu siege began. The first four hours of the battle were filled with large-scale fire preparations. After the artillery swept across the front positions on a large scale, they stripped away large areas of small firepower locations.

Then the firepower focused on bombing the south and north gates of the Fengyu Imperial Capital. Some permanent defenses showed their strength under such firepower. Under the intensive firepower on the ground, the steel plates were still strong despite being hit with pits.

At this time, Iron Star's armored cluster began to launch an attack, and Osimar Windwhisper's side also quickly mobilized heavy armor forces.

If before the war started, Iron Star's heavy armor force was still very weak, but now it has the capital for a head-on confrontation.

When the defensive firepower knocked out a heavy armor rivet and the armor steel plate was about to fall off, the heavy machinery began to retreat to the rear and left the firing line. As the airborne airship sprinkled silver liquid balls,

and repaired steel plates piece by piece. After dozens of minutes, this large armor returned to full health.

The strong magnetic shock effect reduces the melting point of metal to below one hundred degrees Celsius, so that damage can be repaired. This was a mysterious technique a thousand years ago, mastered by priests of the god of metal tempering, but now it has been deciphered by arcanists and

widely used.

Iron Star's armored force continued to advance forward. In the ruins of the defenders, a large number of artillery fires misfired. This was not because they were hit, but because personnel escaped from the battlefield, because in the process of this rumbling track moving forward,

It's disappointing.

In the central area of ​​Fengyu's capital, this general, wearing the uniform of an imperial-era commander, held up a phone and loudly scolded and resisted.

However, at this time, the phone call came: "They are coming, it's over, they are coming from the back."

…Wei Keng’s style of play has a very high fault tolerance rate, which means that once Mr. Wei decides to use a force, the scale will be quite large…

At this time on the battlefield, the dragon guards appeared at the most appropriate time.

When the heavy armor of Wei Keng's front was advancing step by step, the armored forces of the Fengyu defenders fell into a situation of communication chaos and fighting on their own. These mobilizers relied on powerful military forces. In the mobile fortress, the captains communicated with each other on the phone at different times, and occasionally

After the phone call was made, 30% of them were still like "primary school students playing games, vomiting fragrance"

Compared with Zheng Nian's preemptive strike, Wei Keng gradually suppressed his opponent and made him "left and right".

At 10:30 in the morning, Su Ni led the Dragon Guard Group, just like cutting out flesh with a knife, directly leading the Dragon Guard Group through from the side.

Three hundred and forty combat mechs swept past the defensive void on the side of the city. These were dragon guards using the hand system. They were inferior to the Zheng Nian Dragon Guard Group, but the scale of the gathering was now larger.

Oh, at this time, Fengyu had already transferred the defense forces to the main offensive line of heavy armor. There was air leakage from all sides, and the rapid-fire artillery firepower had disappeared due to the early heavy artillery bombardment. Therefore, two holes were opened in the two directions of city defense, one in the south and one in the north.

When these groups of Dragon Guards penetrated the wind-whispering heavy-armored butt with hacking beams and injected missiles into it, what was originally thought to be a "several-day land warship bombardment" process came to an end.

Mr. Wei: "Who said that after mobilizing frontal firepower and heavy armor, I would fight a regular war in a regular manner. Who said that new weapons must be used separately. When I cook, I need to add sauce~"

Zheng Nian's combat method is a high-tech assault, and Mr. Wei will try his best to use heavy pressure to make the final decision.

These are the two intersection points of the parabola and the coordinate axis.


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