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Chapter 18.23 The opening of the gate to hell

 The multiverse records life information very deeply, and the physical information containing the amount of intelligence can be infinitely stacked in compliance with quantum rules.

The stacking of this information to different levels will cause various macroscopic phenomena, and high-density information can even directly open wormholes in space.

The iron law of "Information Theory" of the 21st century in the main world that "the total amount of information cannot exceed the limit of (electrons, photons) carriers" does not apply in the multiverse.

Because the quantum state inside each photon and electron does not "collapse the wave function upon observation," the past of these photons and electrons can still be reviewed.

Theoretically, in multidimensional planes, photons and electrons can superimpose information that far exceeds their own quantity, and the more entangled they are, the greater the amount of information. They will connect to the quantum entanglement of matter in other spaces.

For example, the material of the Earth and the material of Mars separated five billion years ago. The two sides have never communicated with each other across the vast space. There is no recent quantum entanglement. However, in the multidimensional plane, they can break through and move things from other spaces over.


Wanlun Continent belongs to the ascending plane, so it regards itself as a mortal world. However, there are ruins of sunken civilizations in space, and the "evil technologies" derived from these ruins are considered demonic under the rendering of mysticism.

When the entangled information of photons and electrons reaches an upper limit, a qualitative change will occur. Godhead is the strongest qualitative change that occurs when the amount of information reaches the top scale.

Wei Keng's note from the scientist's thinking: This type of phenomenon can be referred to, just like the "hydrogen atoms" in the main world that gather to a certain extent will cause star ignition. When the multidimensional information gathers to a certain extent, it will penetrate the "crystal wall".

Of course, just as the "light elements" in the main world produce nuclear fusion, the high temperature and pressure inside the star need to break through the threshold, but the critical mass for the fission of heavy elements is much smaller! The summons carried out by the ancient arcane mages also selected similar information categories.

"Information collection" to summon alien creatures, and various "rituals" accidentally encountered under the mysterious system are just for the purpose of similar information.

As for demon summoning, it is also a powerful information channel generated by a type of "information" integrated to a certain extent! This information channel directly runs through similar worlds.

Information enrichment can be generated by human thinking. Ancient evil mages often tortured intelligent life to obtain enough information to guide other worlds. But what if there is a backlash of thinking in an entire country?

Wei Keng watched the "information enrichment" happening in Anglo and understood where the "devil" came from!

Keng: Just as my spiritual power can explore the future possibilities in many time and space, another spiritual power in the opposite direction (degeneration) can explore the opposite world (the planet of indulgence, selfishness, and hypocritical enjoyment).

When a world's planetary civilization is so dark that all the gods have given up spreading faith and entered the doomsday time and space stage. After the self-degenerate "free people" exist there and swallow up all hope, they will long for a new world for them to destroy.

...garbage has the same smell, and now the country on the Wanlun Continent that has quietly been doing garbage for a thousand years has attracted a bigger devil in advance...

Fire Emblem Calendar Year 3252, May 20th. The capital is in order, the factories are steaming, the rich areas are brightly lit, and the poor areas, although they are poor in the literati's writings, they also have their own "happiness index".

In the Anglo Capital Circle, a block outside Area 13, a large number of troops wearing chemical protective suits blocked the place. Military modular steel plates blocked the sound of howling.

And move inside the blockade area.

In a huge underground collapse, some mutated forms roared, gnawed at each other, and beat each other with their claws in the once secret room where the bricks collapsed. It was very chaotic.

In the center of the collapse is a space door. Beyond the space door is a dark world. That world leads here from the top of a building. Obviously, the space door leading to Wanlun Continent opens in that world.


Through the building, I could see the streets below a few hundred meters away. Twenty or thirty tons of rotting trolls were rushing towards the high tower of the building with their heavy bodies, trying to climb up.

The Anglo-style industrial society attracts the "doomsday world" based on the principle of information similarity, which is also industrialization. Therefore, the transformed objects are physically strong, but they are by no means just fighting based on the body.

You know, tens of thousands of years ago in the era of swords and magic, when human civilization was still in the Old Continent in the south, the Wanlun Continent was occupied by demons. As a base for invading the human kingdom, archaeological remains show that the demons also produced something similar to the human world.

Division of labor. There is a Balrog blacksmith shop, a ladder assembled by a forest poisonous creeper, and even an entertainment industry has emerged. Succubi opened red-light district buildings, and archaeologists have discovered "crystal cucumber" antiquities.

Demons will use this knowledge of the existence of information in the etheric realm in the human world to produce corresponding tools. These tools are contemporaneous with the human world. In other words, when humans produce giant crossbows, the demons will also install mechanical crossbows on giant beasts.

.And now that humans are mechanized, demons will also keep pace with the times.

This time, these demons broke into the smelting plant and jumped in when the molten steel was still red-hot. Then, flesh and blood were soon fried in the hot molten iron and reborn, and the evil machinery was directly in the molten iron.

After growing up, wisps of organic matter entered the iron shell and turned into a war puppet monster.

Crossing space in the universe and being able to achieve an "information link" with the Wanlun Continent is also impossible to reach the technological level of the primitive world.

In Xiacheng District, Yunli, who is wearing clockwork armor, is investigating the disappearance of Xiacheng District residents.

She opened a spherical mechanical bird. After hundreds of protective blessings, she reached out and let the mechanical bird fly, entering the bottomless underground world within the blockade.

The mechanical bird passed through the broken underground pipes, and after escaping the attack of the ghouls at the bottom of the pit, it saw a huge lake-like mirror at the bottom of the pit, and the mirror surface was hazy.

Yunli, who was outside, looked at the scene projected by the mechanical bird. After hesitating for a moment, she reached out and touched the interface in the projection. Soon, a suction force wanted to drag her into that dark world. However, she threw away her spirit.

A force-attached mechanical bird.

From a physical perspective, her mechanical bird traveled directly to the world where "extraterrestrial civilization collapsed" six hundred light years away.

Yunli saw a lot of pictures of that world through the link of the mechanical bird!

It was a very "prosperous" city, with groups of dark factories spewing smoke into the world. Outside the factories, huge trains with skeletons hanging on them were sailing around. In some isolated areas of the city, various mutant creatures were jumping around repeatedly.


But in some places that are obviously high-value areas, there has been a fusion of mutated organisms and machines.

For example, there are mechanical tank beasts that carry armor and have gun barrels. Obviously there are many models, and they can be installed somewhat arbitrarily.

The armor of these mechanical fusion beasts is very cold. The left and right observation windows are either eyes or derived yuyu tentacles. Is the chassis movement like tracks or elephant-like fleshy feet, or a mixture of the two? A twenty-ton single turret.

It is still a fifty-ton three-turret, or a ten-ton eight machine gun configuration. The demons' understanding of their own mechanization is just like the players' faces in the Cyberpunk 2077 game, each with its own merits.

What, what should I do if the cannonballs are not uniform? Of course they are not uniform. Each variation emits different ammunition, and some shells are made of copper.

The reconnaissance bird landed on the steel shell of these monster turrets and used the hacking information field to explore the inside of the tank turret.

In the automatic loading structure of this tank turret, the shells are ready-made, and there is a special cigarette-like equipment inside to roll the skin of some unknown metalized creature into shells.

Of course, not all tank beasts are stereotyped.

Some of the shells fired from these tank turrets rotated under the rifling, while others were wrought iron lumps, or they fired stone balls directly.

Of course, most three- to four-ton low-level demons fire bone shells directly.

As the devil of cannonballs, bones are not easy to underestimate. After the bone cannonball explodes, it will produce phosphorus fire and poisonous gas. But if it is done this way, the range will be inconsistent, and the combat effectiveness will also be mixed.

…The fallen world is full of melancholic sounds. This alien civilization relies on good biomedical technology, but it has begun to have trouble with its own core...

But soon, the messages from the mechanical birds disappeared one after another. After the last mechanical bird ended, Yunli saw the murderer who destroyed the mechanical birds. He was a man with a handsome face and a body wrapped in silver-white mechanical armor.

There are turbofan jets on the wings spread out on their backs. Although their faces are handsome, there is an evil aura all over their bodies, and the two children turn blood red.

Yunli quickly performed a mental defense spell on herself (notes of Anglo hymns surrounded her to resist evil intrusion). She understood that these people should be the high-level ruling group in the dark world.

When the scene ended, Yunli began to recall the information.

In this dark world, a large number of weird mechanical beasts gather in the city, preparing to enter the world of Wanlun through the gates to other worlds. These gates to other worlds are at the bottom of the buildings in Anglo cities, or they are strange doors that appear in the corridors at fixed times.


Yunli: The world over there is well prepared and ready to invade Wanlun Continent.

…mystics will only use mystical ideas to find the origin of disasters, just like when a country is in decline, Feng Shui masters will only use Feng Shui to analyze…

Four days later, Yunli's mysterious incident investigation team quickly found the corresponding world in a book written by a lower-class Anglo author.

A member of Yunli's team followed the guidance of the "Golden Flying Ball" and came to a low-level bookstore. Among the small books with pornographic colors and violent illustrations, he found a very popular novel, Yun.

Li took out a small bottle of "different world" breath, and the breath flowed on the text of this novel on the spot,

These words were jumping around, and there were direct signs of contract summons. Yunli used a magic wand to disrupt these strange words on the spot, and quickly notified her colleagues to come here to seal them.

In the novel "Machine Demon" written by this author, such a world is constructed.

In that world, human beings completed the extraction of nature, and then the human beings who relied on nature became ill. Groups in various countries began to treat the disease, but in the end they discovered that this was the chaos of human vitality caused by the "loss of world vitality", so ever since

, a very small number of human beings absorbed pure life and became "saints".

One-third of the human race has become a fusion of machinery and organic matter because Zaza began to undergo mechanical transformation to maintain physical order.

The rest, after the transformation failed and could not be integrated with the machinery at all, turned into biological monsters, which are the ghouls crawling out of the building, and the huge steel monsters on the ground with metal chains growing from their bodies.

Authors who write such novels on Wanlun Continent are already polluted. In interstellar planes like Taita, they are rewarded with a blaster shot.

Narrator: Since the information "just" fits, this novel is indeed sensitive to alien planes in terms of information, but if this is regarded as the cause of the devil's arrival, it is putting the cart before the horse.

The cultural department of Anglo-Saxon immediately seized the strange novel "The Machine Demon". This novel was considered to be the introduction to the summoning of demons, and was defined as the "934" evil source book. The author was even more concerned because of the current situation in his mind.

Having communicated with the power of another dimension, he was directly admitted to the safest "weird" center and was guarded by specialized dementors. Once a new idea occurs in his mind, a dementor will immediately extract it!

But now, the increasingly declining spiritual state of the Anglo-Century era is the key, and evil books are just an introduction.

…Wei Keng: Don’t do bad things, and don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. If a country is always used to playing tricks, it will also attract ghosts knocking on the door...

At present, the dawn of informatization has appeared in Wanlun Continent, but strictly speaking, it is still a second-level world.

The secondary world is a world where industry has developed to mechanical power, and information is exchanged through telegraphs, newspapers, and letters. Therefore, information aggregation is formed through readers' associations when paper novels are circulated (a thousand readers have a thousand Shakespeares)

, and then form some spatial channels similar to the resonance of parallel worlds.

The third-level world is the information world, and what creates "world resonance" at this time is movies.

Note: Since the information world has a wider understanding of science, in the third-level world, dark reflection worlds such as "Resident Evil" and "Robots Destroying Humanity" are very normal. As for the fourth-level world, it has entered the interstellar age and there has been an invasion of insect swarms.

, it does not necessarily come from this plane. Powerful information creates space distortion projects, which will cause such interstellar worlds to encounter various monsters.

Of course, every dark world that can be summoned has a real prototype as a cause and effect. For example, biohazard appears in literary works and generates popular associations because the world really retains a "biological warfare laboratory."

When there was a leak in one of these biological laboratories, panic arose, which in turn led to associations that produced more information than any arcane sacrificial ritual in ancient times torturing the unlucky ones, forming an "information convergence" on related movies.

It will break through the "critical point" (similar to the critical point of nuclear materials in the main world), and finally open a space door similar to the world.

…The scholars from the Anglo Ministry of Magic wearing the “Supreme Mage Uniforms” originally planned to have this “arrival” happen on Iron Star…

Yunli is investigating such a world, and Wei Keng's partial body is also investigating such an Anglo-first connected dimension. As a "super consciousness", Wei Keng has a more macro perspective.

The planes where Wei Keng descends are all "hot" planes, that is, the flow of time is relatively slow, a large number of possibilities gather, and the degree of downstream historical bifurcation planes is high.

Similar to the "dark worlds" currently connected to Wanlun Continent, Wei Keng avoided all of them when he came. Although some gods deliberately induced Wei Keng to directly descend into these dark planes.

Time flows too fast in these planes. Wei Keng: It's like a river. The first thing you see are the relatively stationary stones, ignoring the fleeting trickles.

According to Wei Keng's visual standards: those times and spaces flow very fast, there are many lines in the world, and souls are rare. They are also "dark worlds" abandoned by God.

Any soul that falls into this destined world will become the only light in this world, and what awaits them is to burn out in this world and fall into eternity and despair.

When Yunli retrieved the mechanical bird in area 13, a certain clone of Wei Keng was in the next area and also sent a message to hack and simply read Anglo's chaos.

...Anglo has now opened the door to devil and the door to hell at the same time...

Wei Keng: Under Anglo mysticism, this is because our own side (the people in the middle and lower classes who lack perspective) have suffered too much in the dark life. Under the suppression of the Anglo absolute order, all thinking has been turned into stinking information, leading to the gate of hell.

However, the upper-class Anglo rulers who are obsessed with this kind of conspiracy do not know that their "hiding behind the scenes and manipulating" things like this will quietly let the devil smell it.

Wei Keng is now certain that there are two dark forces in the current chaos in Anglo, one of which is the bloody gaze of chaotic evil looking up at Wan Lun. The other is the evil of order hidden behind the scenes, peeping from the darkness.

…From a physical point of view, the time and space orientations of demons and devils are different…

The "evil" comes from the "moment" of disorderly collapse of a failed civilization hundreds of light years away in space.

Yes, the civilization when the devil collapsed may have been destroyed tens of millions of years ago, but the "moment" of collapse was recorded in the time and space of multiple planes for one or two hundred years. Once the current civilization is in chaos, it will trigger

The demon trapped in "a moment" descends. (The principle of the previous Great Holy Grail summoning is similar, but the summons is the heroic spirit trapped in a moment in the old southern continent.)

The devil comes from other timelines, those timelines where darkness has ruled the civilization for hundreds of thousands of years and has existed stably for hundreds of thousands of years. The devil's plane is completely an alien plane, and the devil's camp is order evil. High-level vampires, dark elves

, even the human dark tyrants are devils, coming from the "hell plane".

The abyssal plane is the "heat death" of information, that is, all information returns to "infinite entropy increase", then hell is the coldness of civilization. After everything comes to an end, it becomes the final product, the final thinker, and the final power.

After batches of chaotic consciousnesses fell in the devil's space, they were condensed into chaotic blocks. These chaotic blocks either returned to chaos, or devoured other chaotic blocks before returning to chaos, striving to grow into a larger chaotic speed.

In the devil's space, after the unreasonable order has killed all humanity, it continues to expand, trying to spread this selfish order to other worlds.

Narrator: Let countries like Anglo continue to win. As technology develops, it will eventually become a hell plane. Everything will eventually be ruled by a few people who no longer have any morals and only follow their paranoid ideas. So even if

If Wei Keng does not attack the Anglos, the gods will end the mortal empire and replace it with a new civilization every few thousand years.

It is recorded in ancient magic scrolls that some arcane planes often form "a kingdom occupied by vampires" or a "dark wasteland occupied by death lords". In fact, the described planes are all timelines of degradation.

"Prosperous human empire, elven alliance, and dwarf kingdom" develop in the history of degradation. If they are resonated by some degraded ideas in the mainstream timeline, then a "devil's contract" will be reached to open up the two timelines.

The devils in these timelines: such as the ancestor of the super vampire, or the Cthulhu life with octopus teeth, have always been tirelessly exploring the "living" world (other timelines).

Oh, it is not difficult to understand that these "devils" living in the dark and fallen world like to lure mortals into corruption.

…All human social phenomena in multiple dimensions can be found in the main world…

Wei Keng complained: In the ancient industrial era, in the New World, during the last period of decline of the United States, after realizing that they had failed in gun barrels, failed in epidemic prevention, failed in economy, and failed in ethnic groups, they were more enthusiastic about promoting their ideas to normal countries.

values', trying to draw more countries into their "normalization".

Oh, this mentality is that as long as you see others fail, you will be normal. Such enthusiasm for seduction is even greater than sending American soldiers to directly invade and bomb. Of course, in the later period of the United States, there will be a two-level split. Both the donkey and elephant parties are evil, but the elephant

The Party belongs to "chaos", and the Donkey Party belongs to "order".

Describe the devil (orderly evil): "Under certain circumstances, it is normal to eat eight. Come and eat this eight." When you eat eight, the devil: "So you are a lowly eight-eating monster." Then it starts to act openly.

He licked his own nose.

Describing the devil (chaotic evil): "I really like eating eight. I want to assimilate you and eat eight like me."

…The public instruments of the state must not be stained by dust. If you try to fight evil with evil, you will eventually be doomed.…

When Yunli's Ministry of Magic concentrated the power of Aurors and destroyed all the gates to hell.

The Wei Keng split (Wen San) is standing in the center of the Anglo city, looking at the palace that is still at the top of the world's prosperity from a distance.

This chapter has been completed!
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