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Chapter 19.06 (Part 1) The cause of the Southern Old Continent

 In the year 3253 of the Fire Pattern Calendar of Wanlun Continent, in the high-dimensional space, Wei Keng is using his own system to evaluate the self-metamorphic variables of different timelines.

Wei Keng: I am normal most of the time, but among all living beings, I will burn and shine "at certain times" and "under certain conditions".

For example, in the Old Continent in the south of Wanlun Continent, the "self" of the "unruly people" category is particularly prominent in the Wei Keng cluster annotation!

It can be said that in this plane, compared to Wei Keng, such as Enma, Liu Si, and Wei Hao, who came first, Yu Run is a new group of pioneering groups in Chide, the old continent in the south. (Yu Run was originally from Iron Star.

Dragon Guard.)

You must know that Enma, Liusi, and Weiyun were born in the industrialized areas in the north. They have certain stereotypes about the old continent in the south, thinking that it is "ignorant" and "backward." And because of the revolutionary work in the north,

All my energy has been taken up and I am unable to go to the south to conduct in-depth investigations and form an accurate understanding.

However, Chide and Yurun fell into the Old Continent in the South as "idlers". In the harsh living situation, they tried their best to sprout, and finally determined that it was possible for the Old Continent in the South to break out of the vicious cycle of thousands of years.

Complete industrialization.

Due to the huge differences in "inertial thinking", the two batches of Wei Keng can be regarded as two advents.

Compared with the "divine" route of crossing, Wei Keng's "middle man" route is much broader.

Under the leadership of Migalena and Monat, when new travelers come to multiple planes, if they are bifurcated in time and space and become two parts of consciousness that develop independently and independently, there will be conflicts in thinking.

Liberals have a professional term for this, called "soul-splitting people." A classic example is that he was a vampire in his first life, suddenly lost his memory and was assigned to be a vampire hunter. After the memory of the two lives was awakened, the two parts of the soul were incompatible and competed for dominance.


Under the play of fate, there are many examples of "soul splitting" in multiple planes.

However, Wei Keng did not let fate test him, but took the lead in completing the process of "repeatedly recognizing the world".

Two batches of selves exist at the same time, passing on the fire.

Osima and Liusi began to pack their bags, preparing to go to Gemin District in the south.

Although Liu Si was born in the north, he has always been in a "middle man" status, so it has not changed. He can be used as a connecting point to neutrally view himself on the north and south sides of the Wanlun plane. Therefore, Su Ni and Wei Hao are the two separate entities.

Since the buttocks are already sitting on the northern position, issues that are difficult to summarize can be summarized by Liusi.

Liu Si sighed about his past stereotypes about the old southern continent: Most people start the process of self-confidence when they are teenagers and "arrogantly think that they know themselves well". But as the years collide, they feel that they know themselves very well.

In the past, I was conceited. Of course, many people are conceited even in their old age, stubbornly believing that they have a bad idea about themselves.

However, only by continuous learning can we continue to realize that we still need to "know" ourselves.

After leaving a letter to Zheng Nian, Liu Si began the process of going abroad for assistance.

Wei Keng is currently preparing for a final battle with the gods. In order to strengthen his will, his thinking is constantly expanding. He begins to bravely face various realities in the world and determines what kind of mentality he should face it with.

…When a person begins to struggle to his death, he may find at any time that he can change his appearance and develop...

When Liu Si embarked on a new journey, he sensed that the gods seemed to be interfering with his journey. He smiled scornfully.

Thoughts: Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and regard all things as rotten dogs; saints are unkind, and regard the common people as rotten dogs. Between heaven and earth, is it like a tuó (yuè)? It is empty but unyielding, and becomes more active when it moves.

The bellows of an ancient blower.)

Wei Keng left a guide in the public system (visible by Yan Beixiang).

1: "Heaven and earth do not use emotions and treat all things equally. Heaven and earth nourish all things and do not say how kind they are. They do not ask for all things. They use dogs made of grass to express their worship. The saint does not talk about benevolence and does not compete for benevolence. He does things for the people.

, without asking for anything in return from the people. The basic principle for saints to deal with (cosmology) matters is to follow the laws of "heaven and earth". Laws and laws are essentially equal and the same.

The interpretation that Yan Beixiang saw: Those gods, the Machiavellian among mortals, are obsessed with deflecting and controlling the world that is meaningless. They may seem extraordinary, but in fact they still cannot escape the category of stupid dogs!

However, Yan Beixiang did not know at this time that in the space occupied by her superior, Bai Linglu had completed deciphering the gods' blockade and happened to see Yan Beixiang's current troubles (for Zheng Nian information, Bai Linglu was

Unknown variables are masked, completely unknown).

2: Bai Linglu will make a second interpretation here: Lao Tzu used a bellows as a metaphor - from the surface, the bellows is constantly being operated, but during the operation, the "shaft" in the middle of the bellows

Always maintaining a relative stability in its position, this axis is the interaction force of benevolence. Laozi wants to tell you that everything has its own "middle", and this "middle" is also relatively stable.

, Therefore, if you can find a "central" axis that determines things, you have found the essence of its huge operating rules.

Returning to Wanlun Continent, here, Wei Keng has to face all the complicated problems. After simplification, they are: So where is the axis of the bellows of human society that is constantly rotating and developing?

Just like no matter how many dynasties changed in the history of ancient China, no matter whether the Tang poetry lasted for thousands of years or the Song poetry was elegant, no matter how the literati described the personality of the dynasty, the axis of the dynasty was always based on agriculture, rivers were controlled, and frontier defenses were completed.

Everything is changing, Wei Keng has also come in two waves, and the world view is also being updated repeatedly! But even so, there is still a relatively unchanged "axis" in everything!

Facing the prosperity of multiple planes, the huge system of gods confuses the eyes. This is not only a contest of will and strength, but also a contest of philosophical ideas.

The years are quiet and good, and "people are average", but when the world is in chaos, someone like Wei Keng has to act like a saint.

This chapter has been completed!
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