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Chapter 19.14 It seems that the 'magic disaster' is over.

 In the backwaters of the Southern Old Continent, where dogtail grass is everywhere, the Great Saturn Uprising that took place was a "critical moment" destined to be mentioned repeatedly in later generations of history. However, in the contemporary era, people from all over the world still focus on the Northern Iron Star.

The decisive battle with the Verre religious conservative group.

In January 3254, the Anglian capital fell. The whereabouts of the direct royal line are still unknown. The two branch princes of the Anglian royal family fell into chaos due to the struggle for the throne, but in the end, the princess closest to the previous emperor took the crown.

God's way is reincarnation, and the Anglo political sticks who have always been trying to balance the outside world have now begun to split themselves in the chaos.

The remaining members of Congress who escaped from the disaster area in the capital city formed a provisional ruling government, which was corrected by the field marshal and its military force was renamed the Federal Army.

The Imperial Navy was obviously unwilling to accept the leadership of such a provisional government.

Moreover, the influence of the royal family is so far-reaching that almost all top-level civil servants have received honors from the royal family. This honor is comparable to passing imperial examinations in the East of the Earth.

In a closed environment like a warship, the living society of all crew members is equivalent to a town closed to the outside world. This kind of environment with only thousands or hundreds of people is naturally suitable for the feudal system.

Moreover, due to the thousands of years of noble marriages in the Anglo Empire, many families have distant branches of the royal family. In their view, when the whereabouts of the royal direct line are now unknown, according to the principle of aristocratic succession, the leadership should be established by the collateral line.

Therefore, the marshals of the main fleet at sea and the feudal officials in coastal cities now do not recognize the legitimacy of the Anglo Provisional Government, and are especially dissatisfied with the current issue of succession to the "throne"

Of course, the Anglo navy had such capital.

Unlike land-based countries, where the army controls all domestic industrial furnaces, the navy controls vast raw material sites and market sales channels.

Note: The navy of a country with land power will never realize the pleasure of having a high degree of influence on the "political situation" of the navy of a country with sea power.

A large country with land power has set up a navy and an air force marshal. Well, most of them are formalities. If there is a "naval marshal" or "air force marshal", it will mainly be some low-level leaders who are more eager to achieve success than those in the regime, and they are ready to form one.

The powerful style of “the government and the public are full”.

In a country with true sea power, all industrial output is concentrated in coastal areas, 90% of the economy relies on maritime trade lines, and the navy is not only a fleet, but also a port city that supports itself.

Now the Anglo Royal Navy and the Federal Army are fighting against each other, and at the same time they have taken away most of the coastal cities in England.

Calculated in terms of the large cities under its control, the Provisional Government supported by the Anglo Army controlled less than one-third of the large cities. Most of them were concentrated in the north and inland river plains. In terms of food production areas, the Army was

It can be regarded as controlling the vast majority, but Anglo's grain and mineral raw materials rely on maritime trade lines, not inland farming, and sustainable development.

The economy of Anglo coastal cities is deeply tied to overseas colonies, so this time most of the local interest groups in Anglo are siding with the royalist faction of the navy.

And Anglo capital controlled not only Anglo coastal cities, but also colonial coastal cities.

...Pirates plundered the seas, and then became more civilized and occupied the maritime trade lines and collected profits from sea trade. Since modern times, the essence has not changed, but the packaging has changed...

On January 2, it was under such circumstances that Fenzheng met his boss, the Admiral of the Navy.

In the hall, the mechanical pendulum clock was crackling, and the hollow pendulum with the metal quenching furnace engraved on it was swinging slowly from side to side. Marshal of the Navy was naturally very happy to see Fenzheng accepting the invitation.

Of course, this is just the first step. The marshal attaches great importance to Fen Zheng. Of course, if his good subordinate has "different political opinions," then the swordsmen around the hall, uh, are purifiers of a company, will activate the purification method.

formation to cleanse Fen Zheng. At the same time, it was announced that Fen Zheng was in poor health and needed a long time to correct himself. When the situation stabilized, it was slowly announced that Fen Zheng had unfortunately passed away.

Oh, as for whether Fenzheng is "contaminated", it just depends on the judgment of the Navy Marshal.

Determine whether they are willing to stand with you.

Finzheng's father, Lance, is also an Anglo prince and has the legal right to inherit.

Of course, if this inheritance right were to directly seize the highest throne in the contemporary era, it would probably be impossible to realize it. However, if one retreats to the next best thing and supports a powerful party, then the benefits will be maximized.

…A group of joint interest groups formed by careerists, when they get together, they have to figure out each other’s ambitions…

Fen Zheng, who rushed back from the Southern Continent, directly controlled only an aviation armored regiment.

In recent years, Anglo has built a total of eight new Imperial Aviation Armored Regiments.

Each aviation armored regiment is supported by three land cruisers, and is organized into an air commando team composed of thirty-six Dragon Guards. It has an independent command system.

When the empire was intact, the commanders of these aviation armored regiments were separated from Fenzheng. Under normal circumstances, the old superior-subordinate relationship no longer existed.

But now the empire has collapsed. The commanders of these eight aviation armored regiments were all brought out by Fen Zheng, who was their old squad leader. Now Fen Zheng's influence on these aviation regiments is unmatched by anyone.

The two major Anglo power groups were wooing this aviation force. Of course, the navy was the first to grab the key figure Fenzheng.

The naval marshal promised Fen Zheng a general position and helped him rebuild the Dragon Guard Regiment. Because rebuilding the Dragon Guard Regiment in the name of Fen Zheng can attract talents from other Dragon Guard Regiments to the maximum extent, this will make

The interim government supported by the Army had no talent available.

Of course, when forming the Dragon Guard Regiment, the marshal had to arrange his power, but this arrangement was a science.

If the personnel were improperly placed, take Emperor Chongzhen of the late Ming Dynasty as an example, the eunuchs he sent to supervise the army were the ones who caused trouble, and Lu Xiangsheng was tricked to death.

Wei Zhongxian knew that Zhenliao had to let capable people like Qi Shaobao go there in order to keep the overall situation stable.

In short, in this era of "turbulent changes", those in power must choose "morality" and "talent" to win over, dye them with the color of their own camp, and then send them to key positions. This is the technique of "forming parties for personal gain".

The competition between the navy and the army has reached an intensifying stage.

At this moment, in the captain's room of the battleship, Fenzheng had "Lance" as his staff officer, and he quickly understood the meaning of the marshal.

Narrator: As for the Admiral, Lance had dealt with him when he intervened in the Sky Empire uprising. At that time, the Admiral was still a lieutenant general.

What impressed Lance most about this "old colleague" was that he always responded "positively" and "highly enthusiastically" in his work reports.

Lance despised it when he was alive, but now after death, he admires such ambition very much.

So Lance guided his son and successfully passed the test with this naval marshal.

…Anglo politicians and the devil are on the same page, and both parties are calculating against the other in their dealings.…

By the time Fenzheng came out, he had become an admiral commanding a squadron. This squadron had three 30,000-ton battleships, 27 cruisers, and more than 50 offshore supply ships. He was also responsible for commanding the Anglo-Saxon fleet.

All the Dragon Guard Assault Combat Groups. (The fleet establishment is the marshal who mixes water with water, while the Dragon Guard wants Fen to add flour when he is about to knead the dough)

Note: Under the current political situation, it is impossible for the eight Dragon Guard combat regiments to rely on Fenzheng to be appointed as the so-called "air admiral" by the royalists.

Fenzheng must have real power and arrange enough seats to allow his subordinates to board his ship.

Once Fenzheng obtains these eight Dragon Guard combat groups, the navy will give allegiance to Fenzheng to a squadron.

Politics is about constantly wooing people, gathering forces around themselves, with themselves as the core.

During the millennium of Anglo-Continental Balancing Policy, the purpose of breaking the unity of the original region and burying countless contradictions was to make itself the center.

After becoming the center, in order to unite the team well, it is necessary to find a target to attack, attack, or even fight against, to demonstrate one's "leadership" and to have one's "partners" follow one's correctness.

...The blackened Fen Zheng needs to fight against evil in order to get the chance to become a dragon...

On January 23, Fenzheng, who had obtained military power, began the final blow against the chaotic and evil maritime forces.

After passing the sea road, we soon found these demon fleets coming from the "plane gate" in the foggy area.

When these old warships of 10,000 to 20,000 tons were bombarded by the 500mm cannons of the 150,000-ton super-dreadnoughts, they were like hyenas being bitten by a lion.

But these demon-polluted warships will also cause pollution after they sink to the bottom of the sea.

Perhaps in the future, these demon warships will emerge from the seabed with large numbers of chaotic sea monsters from time to time, and harm innocent ships at sea.

These sea monsters include flesh-sucking mermaids and rotten crabs densely covered with iron worm tentacles.

In order to maintain the safety of the waterway, Fenzheng is attacking these polluting demon warships by bombing them inch by inch.

When the demon fleet slowly emerged from the miasma of the sea, the sky suddenly became gloomy.

At this time, groups of Dragon Guards braved the lightning and thundering darkness, unfolded their wing blades and rushed towards these demonic warships.

Communication space spells are constantly intertwined. The Anglo Dragon Guards sit in the cabin, holding the belief in the glory of the empire, guiding hacking lights and missiles to attack these rusty, pus-oozing, and stinking battleships.

The demon battleship also flew up, and countless bat-winged flying monsters wrapped in black light greeted the combat mechas above the sea.

The corrosive webs ejected by the evil bat machine intersect with the golden laser beams of the dragon guards.

Three of the Anglo Dragon Guards were hit and fell into the sea, but they could not be saved because the power of corrosion turned the warriors into phosphorus and green bones in less than a few seconds.

Of course, on the battleship, Fen Zheng did not have the slightest concern about the miserable situation of his subordinates in the communication.

As the dragon guards locked onto the Demon Battleship, he ordered the "purification missile" to be launched. A sixteen-meter-long ballistic missile was set up on the mechanical platform behind the battleship where Fen Zheng was, and then flew into the sky.

Sixteen minutes later, a huge flame appeared on the Demon Steam Battleship as the warhead hit.

Then, under the guidance of the flames, the incendiary bombs launched by the airship were tilted on the strange hull. The originally twisted iron star (camouflage) was burned red-hot and bounced on the deck in a mess.

In the end, the superstructure of the ship was reduced to ashes, only the skeleton of the outer shell was left, and the cabin was in a mess.

Six hours after the battle, these demonic ships reopened the ether transmission interface. As the destroyed demonic warships prepared to sink to the "seabed", a black-red abyssal vortex appeared on the sea surface.

The vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and warships from all eras appear in the inner layer of the vortex. There are shabby first-generation ironclads, and there are also early ships with broken sails. There are also many people on each ship. If you look closely, they are all wearing clothes.

Skeletons in military uniforms of that era.

When the evil battleship that was fighting with Anglo was about to escape, the main gun of Anglo's 150,000-ton battleship opened fire. With a hit, the demon warship that was about to return from the whirlpool to the abyss was immediately broken into two halves, with the big devil above it.

Roaring, obviously these battleships can no longer be used when they return to the Demon Realm.

After the war, the sea returned to calm. Fen was passing the Ocean Fleet, looking at the courtyards of coconut-tree mansions on the shore of the city, changing his expression, and began his speech: "Soldiers of the Empire, we have achieved a decisive victory."

…The devils successfully infect an upper class, and when they change their skin, they will declare “justice has prevailed” and point the knife at the next victim…

On January 26, Su Ni conveyed the latest news to Zheng Nian in Osimar Iron Star: "The Anglo side has been calmed down.".

At this time, Zheng Nian has devoted himself wholeheartedly to preparing for the war, and now the core industry layout is being adjusted to small cities.

In front of Zheng Nian, chip processing under the unique physical rules of this world is going on.

Different from traditional silicon crystal, silicon carbide and other electrical chips, these are extremely tiny gem array systems, in which photons can store multiple quantum phases. During the conversion of different phases, electrons of different energy levels will appear.

Forms the potential that identifies the operation.

In this way, the chip has better spiritual integration. In other words, it is easier for human thinking and spiritual power to penetrate deeply, and it can even carry the soul. It seems that it will become the starting point of the "thought uploading network" in the future.

Regarding this production line, Zheng Nian was inexplicably hesitant, because this technology was "too perfect" and could easily transform humans into "spiritual beings".

Zheng Nian didi gugu: "A door that looks very beautiful suddenly opens to humans, but after stepping in, will you find a pit?" Then, he looked up at Su Ni, paused and then turned his head.

Asked: "You are here, what did you say just now?"

Su Ni curled his lips, and then said angrily: "I am saying that the holidays are coming to an end. The Anglo-Abyss natural disaster is about to end. The Western Continent will start when it is ready."

Zheng Nian had just wiped his sweat from training, and the lines of Dharma veins on his fair forehead were very clear: "Did they make any revolutionary military breakthroughs in this battle against demons?"

Su Ni clicked on the military intelligence photo sent back from Anglo and replied to Zheng Nian: "Yes, the Dragon Guards are already very proficient in their tactics." Lan

Wei Keng added in his mind: "When time travelers interfere in the world, all kinds of science and technology will be rapidly spread. Now, there is no system advantage."

Zheng Nian nodded calmly: "Since they want to fight, they have to fight. This can better defeat their sophistry and tell them that their mistake is not in the military technology they think they are." It has not yet arrived.

At the age of twenty, he now possesses a magnanimity far beyond his years.

Wei Keng paused slightly: "Well, it seems that I am still an honest person. Hou Lang is just amazing."

...There are young people every year, but it takes more than one generation to create a hero...

Six days later, as the abyss links began to weaken one by one in the big cities, the demons finally began to evacuate the big cities where they were wreaking havoc.

The devil packed up all the heavy industrial equipment and fallen humans in the city.

Oh, these humans no longer look like humans. Their whole bodies are covered with iron sheets, and their limbs have become mechanical arms. They are completely mechanical slave workers. They will be the consumables of the demon army in the abyss.

The laws of demons in big cities in hell are different from those of humans. There is no need for a huge urban entertainment and consumption system. Only the flesh and blood of the slaughterhouse continuously stimulates the enthusiasm for industrial production.

Note: Master Wei is on the other side of Siyang Abyss, so this situation is inevitable.

Just like someone who needs instant noodles to relieve stress, the nature of abyssal species at this time is to destroy flesh and blood.

Wei Keng: Nature cannot be changed, but the way of cultivating "nature" can make progress in compliance with the rules of the Tao.

Zhou rites used three animals instead of human sacrifices, and used pottery figurines to replace human sacrifices. Finally, they developed into paper figures and paper money, which gradually did not harm life.

On the Siyang Abyss, Wei Keng also adopted the "initiator" method, constructing the destruction of mechanical puppets step by step, and letting the demons fight with each other and vent their anger in the built machinery to replace the destruction of flesh and blood in life on the chaotic planet.

The desire to destroy.

Compared to the yes-or-no way of the gods of this world.

Wei Keng fully respects the basis of "nature" and carries out correct evolutionary improvements instead of directly eradicating blockages!

The fourth-level technological world is too blocked by these gods in the development process. All the thoughts and philosophies of civilization lack a foundation and almost develop along an "absolutely correct" line. There is a lack of dialectics.

Of course, the gods have bad tastes, and there are many abyssal individuals like "succubi" who like to distort the order. Many of these "free" changes are caused by the outside world interfering with nature, and are not in line with the "Tao" of life.

What Wei Keng does is "civilization accumulation". Even in the most chaotic areas, he will find a way to sprout tenaciously.

…However, wherever the light of the gods shines, even the most vibrant places, there are spots of putrid insects that breed.…

On February 24th, the Anglo-Abyss disaster finally came to an end.

The Anglo-flagged warship sailed on the River Tay again. The black-painted bow of the ship broke the waves on the calm river, and the whistle began to reverberate, resonating with the water spray.

It’s just that there is no one on the Taihe River, which has been baptized by the disaster. There are newspapers scattered on the streets, and there are still coffees left in the shops. The coffee in these cups has been there for several days, and the liquid level has dropped slightly due to evaporation. Everything is so normal.

Except there were no people left, it was as if the chaos had never happened.

Thousands of years of mysterious accumulation have finally been released.

The Anglo Mystery Department was also completely destroyed in this disaster, but it was not completely wiped out.

It turns out that many important families in the Anglo Mysterious Department are now scattered all over the Wanlun Continent. Some branches will go to Sirol or even the Southern Continent, while some branches will come to Vern!

Like caterpillars spinning cocoons, they will re-create the arcana of the mysterious system.

Of course, the traditional forces in Verne are now also aware of the dangers of "mystery". Verne has formed an official organization dedicated to suppressing these mysterious forces and preventing them from using magic power indiscriminately in areas where normal people can see the city.

This chapter has been completed!
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