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Chapter 19.17 Seeing the advantage and forgetting the danger, the iron-blooded mortal

 Fleet Commander An Jiexin arrived at Yuzui Port. Twenty years ago, the low plants that caught her eye while standing on the ship have now been flattened during large-scale construction. The entire military base looks very neat in appearance.


Neatness is the appearance, and housekeeping reflects discipline. The iron star with red lines has been wiped spotless and hung in the most conspicuous place, reflecting on the surrounding floor tiles.

An Jiexin vaguely remembered what Enma said back then: If the military appearance at the sentry post is not neat, it is almost a modern industrial force, but if someone is playing cards at the headquarters, the force is basically a feudal force.

It is now March 9th, and a large-scale offensive against Medog is underway. A chubby large transport plane landed, and the combat troops filed down. Everyone's movements were very consistent, without any redundancy, and they looked very capable. Each transport vehicle in the entire base

The cars all go their own way without any stagnation.

On the aerial turret, the radar constantly emits electromagnetic waves. In the monitoring post, although there are no enemies, the shift workers are staring at the screen 24 hours a day.

In this combat alert moment, air defense positions not only need to keep an eye on when others will come! They also need to know their own air forces thoroughly.

At this time, Iron Star's own air force is in the process of high-frequency dispatches. At this time, each aviation position of Iron Star must verify the frequency of its own air force's dispatches.

The notifications sent by the Iron Star Air Force are all monitored by ground radar stations and connected with the relevant air traffic control departments for verification. The digital screen rises to indicate a group of surface-to-air missile groups, which monitors the missiles flying in the sky overhead.

All forces are recorded. (The accidental attack by the US military is caused by the lack of coordination system between the various services)

It can be said that the troops flying over at high altitude are not just a matter of the Air Force, but also have traces of duty records in the entire system! In other words, if there is a situation where it is difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, we can quickly query other adjacent air defense posts.

Record, in one minute of communication, you can know whether you are an enemy or not.

It won't happen, an accidental hit caused by a system error! The linkage of multiple systems also increases the difficulty for the enemy to sneak in.

Such complex and cumbersome systems and regulations are serious. It is the "serious" battle summary made by the air general of Osima after a large number of exercises and various "lively" tactics. (Master Wei's split, in which

A lot of summarizing work was done, and Zheng Nian was tried as much as possible to "control" his many exaggerated plays)

…When it comes to life-and-death confrontations, Axis serves as the backdrop and will never just shout “cow pomegranate” after his own side’s “skin” operation,…

The stronger the modern war, the more complex the communication system becomes. It requires highly educated, highly responsible personnel, and a very good communication culture.

At the end of modern times, the U.S. imperialist military equipment was lagging behind, which to some extent was due to the shortage of talents. The middle-level talents were ignored.

Under the green card myth, enough people from Asians and Latin Americans with good basic education can be lured into engineering positions. For example, there are always Vietnamese on the core of the US aircraft carrier. However, ethnic problems are often the most serious in these highly technical and difficult positions.

, at the bottom of the cultural contempt chain.

When Asians occupy important positions in technical positions, their voices are generally "lower" in communication, so that problems are reflected but difficult to deal with.

What, why not let other ethnic groups come? Oh my god, first-generation Asians are the only group that values ​​education under the arrogant rule of the West.

Even white Americans are polarized. The rich go to school to become lawyers, doctors, and financiers, while the poor are left alone. As for black Americans, their education rate is the lowest, and they are also busy fighting for their rights.

…In Zheng Nian’s words: Sometimes, what determines achievement is not just individual ability, but the platform formed by many people, so don’t tear me down...

The air force is frequently dispatched from Yuzuigang Air Force Base, aiming at Medog!

A seemingly well-defended place is actually a "dead place" without modern warfare capabilities. The "poison" of capital in this dead place is comparable to that of a petri dish at 20 degrees Celsius, corrupting all modern rules and regulations in just one week.

Seventy-five hours into the war, 470 kilometers away in a straight line, in the canal port of Medog, the largest river channel, is now filled with smoke, and the entire large metal defense fortress is burning with black smoke, hovering in the air

All were from the Iron Star Air Force. These fighter planes poured down glide bombs from the sky, strangling everyone on the ground who were still in defensive positions.

Overall, the technical gap between the two sides is not large. The key is the ideological gap between the two military commanders based on technology. The tactical thinking dominated by the old military bureaucrats is too slow in the new era.

Thirty hours after Iron Star launched its air strike, judging from the map, the largest natural lake embraced by the Medog region of the Ver Corps was completely lost!


You must know that the transportation vehicles in Medog city are still hundreds of years ago, and the railwayization of many road systems is very backward. The entire Medog relies on lakes and waterways for mineral mining and transportation. Strictly speaking, if the lakes are lost, the entire Medog

If you take it off, it's completely over.

As a foreign occupying force, the Ver Legion did not have a defensive awareness of the core value goal of "social functioning".

At 13:00 on March 3, within three hours of the start of the war, Iron Star directly airborne and took down the three most important "Marine Police Camps" in the lake. The dirty blue wave flag on the square was torn down, and Iron Star's

The movable fence lights (similar to the lights on the deck of an aircraft carrier to indicate landing) are turned on to provide aerial representation of one's own side.

If calculated in terms of total assets, these three Medog dewatering police camps are less than one building in the central city of Medog. Their most important component is dry production, 73 water ships. Medog also uses steam for these ships.

The power is burned from heavy oil extracted from here.

Thousand-ton marine police ships like the Medog are already obsolete in the northern continent. They were second-hand equipment that was eliminated during the infrastructure upgrade of the Sky Tiexing River, and then purchased and refitted by the local commercial department.

But precisely at this time, these ships are the vehicles with the strongest tactical maneuverability on this almost closed Danshui lake.

The heavy armored troops and Mountain Giant-class engineering vehicles that followed Iron Star directly ejected their mechanical arms, and 120mm self-propelled howitzers were welded onto these marine police ships.

These water artillery fleets were more effective than the artillery firepower of a division in the subsequent urban battle against Medog, the largest commercial city.

...Rudimentary is crude, but the place where it appears is critical, and many advanced equipment indicators are just to be able to rush to key places at critical times...

Among the ten-meter-high concrete buildings in Medog, when Ver's commander drove a Land Cruiser, crushing a large number of urban obstacles, he arrived at the city intersection.

In front of the Verland Cruiser, the auxiliary infantry on the left and right sides had been completely demolished by the high-explosive bombs projected by the water police fleet in the river!

As the Iron Star reconnaissance company appeared behind these Verland cruisers, it fired smoke indicator bombs, red, green, and yellow smoke. After being recognized by the Iron Star aerial reconnaissance target, it was reported to the rear, followed by the Iron Star command team.

Immediately follow combat procedures and use 300mm missiles one by one to hit these high-value targets on the battlefield identified by the scouts.

After a new round of technological updates, the Land Cruiser's steel shell has liquid protection capabilities, and its armor will disguise various false "vulnerable" windows.

However, Iron Star is also undergoing information updates. The reconnaissance elite successfully approached and deployed the hacker warhead to conduct a full scan of the steel shell.

With the information guidance of the Iron Star soldiers' drones, sometimes the 100mm caliber rockets carried by the battlefield jeeps can penetrate the gaps in the steel shell and directly hit the key points of the Land Cruiser.

In the end, stacked armor could not withstand the progress of "eyes" and "spear".

From the 3rd to the 5th, in the large area in Medog City that was captured by Iron Star, there were already 278 destroyed heavy vehicle wreckage! In the entire street, the number of nodes was relatively small.

Iron Star is approaching step by step!

By the 9th, the annihilation battle of Verre Central Armored Group was a foregone conclusion.

Ver's army that took over Medog was divided into three parts. The part where the general headquarters was located had only five land cruisers. Of course, there were seven destroyed ones that could be used as land battle bunkers.

At ten o'clock in the morning on the 9th, Ver's commander, Dicharle (a level five hero), was sitting in the bunker, and the dust falling from the bunker at regular intervals showed that the artillery fire was getting closer and closer.

His radio was playing Iron Star's "Prairie March". At this time, the southern reinforcements were still 120 kilometers away from Medog and were advancing at a speed of three kilometers per hour. It was destined to be too late.

While the adjutant on the side was asking for help in an almost cursing tone, Diqia Le was already getting drunk with red wine to numb the shame of his defeat.

In Wanlun Continent, the most popular epic novel "Falling Gems" has this plot: That is the human empire described in the novel. When the most prosperous commercial street was invaded by barbarian forces, after the barbarian forces invaded,

Dazzled by the dazzling silks, porcelain and various exquisite ornaments, they began to rob, and finally chaos broke out, and they were burned to death by the human counterattack.

Almost everyone on the mainland laughed while reading this novel. The country bumpkin barbarians had never seen the civilized world, and as a result, they lost their lives due to their stupidity and greed.

But modern people can always mock the ancients based on modern values, but they don’t know that modern times are just different concepts from ancient times, and contemporary people can’t tell the difference.

The feudal barbarian troops committed ungrateful robbery, which led to the collapse.

After entering Medog, was this capitalist army of Vers not obsessed with commercial and private interests and forgot about war preparations?

Looking back a week ago, what was Diqia Le's command doing during the critical twenty-four hours?

Diqal was busy answering domestic phone calls to report the victory.

Then he held a cocktail party, and with his own business and private group, he began to control important "banks", "energy building headquarters" and "seaport terminals" and inventory goods.

If they had known today's outcome, the Lake Marine Corps would have taken it down at that time.

You must know that at that time, the chiefs of water security in Medog were trying to curry favor with the Veran occupation forces, but Di Qia Le was very busy, and only the adjutant of Di Qia Le's adjutant was waiting. After holding a boiled water banquet, these naval officers did not

Flavor of allegiance. (Narration: The leader held a meeting to ask for love for the company, but there was no dinner party and no gifts at the meeting. Although the employees verbally supported it, in fact it was just to give the leader face)

Di Qia Le captured key regional figures and gained control of power, but he completely failed to think about it! The turmoil in people's hearts is not only at the upper level, but also at the lower level.

Given enough time, Diqia Le could gradually complete control of the lower levels of the city, but Iron Star did not give him a chance.

The result was that forty-eight hours later, the security forces on the Meridian River had just declared their allegiance to the military government established by Ver. As a result, under the strong attack of the Iron Star airborne mechanical infantry, these security forces dispersed, leaving all the ships behind.

Iron star!

What, why didn’t these sailors stay and resist? Think about it, in the 21st century, a company owner ran away, and debt collectors came to smash the windows. Why didn’t the employees stay to guard the company’s property?

In the words of a certain leather goods guy, "To achieve great things, you need to build great trust." That is to say, only by making sincere promises to the middle and lower classes with great credibility can they help you achieve credibility at critical times, and Medog's credibility comes to Vere's doorstep.

When it was taken over, it had changed from a country to a company.

The Medog MPs who were passionate about Iron Star were already "castrated" when Ver attacked, and the Ver soldiers began to defend themselves: Don't resist, we must defend our values ​​together! This negated the sanctity of Medog's "independence".

These sailors have families and wives, and there is no guarantee that "Medog" can give them substantial feedback for their resistance. After all, when Ver came, Medog's performance of "lifting up his skirt" was worthless. If the resistance

After being beaten to death, they really asked for "feedback" from above. Those big guys defined the resistance of the little guys as a voluntary act. Wouldn't the little guys cry?

After Diqia Le captured Medog, he did not integrate the sailors into the Ver's regular army for reorganization and use Ver's credibility to guarantee it, nor did he directly send troops to control the naval station. The ending of dispersing under the Iron Star attack was doomed.


In fact, the imperialist army established for the purpose of plunder controlled important "commercial assets" and failed to perform timely control of "strategic assets". This is the realistic version of "the barbarians were dazzled".

Ver's commander, Di Qia Le, is now aware of his various strategic mistakes, but still has not reflected on the essence.

He regrets it. But is regret useful? If regret was useful, the gods would have reminded him long ago.

If he goes back to a week ago and dares to let go of those important assets, the power of Vernal Capital will immediately change from the attitude of "asking for services" to the attitude of "threaten services".

[Wei Keng: "The war between Vern and Medog is essentially a capitalist invasion war. No matter how many lies are repeated and claimed to be for values, the actual interests are oriented and the main purpose is to control strategic assets. Therefore, when entering Mexico

Within the first twenty-four hours of taking off your clothes, you are destined to be unable to adapt to the local area.”]

In the early morning of March 10th, when the war came to an end, Di Chiara's bunker was blasted open. During his transfer, he was attacked by a reconnaissance team. After his armored vehicle was hit by dozens of heavy machine gun rounds and his legs were maimed, he had no choice but to raise the white flag.


At six o'clock in the morning, the corps of the other three modules were also annihilated in the storm.

Before the fight started, Ver's entire left hook force was completely wiped out.

...On Ver's side and on Boma's side, Biaoke took a breath and said to his old enemy with a smile: "If you don't play your cards right, you will have no chance."...

On March 12, a gorgeous battleship took off in the sky. This floating battleship with two upper and lower five turrets and a total of seven turrets was a super vehicle that Boma focused on building in the past twenty years.

This vehicle belongs to the fourth air and space commander, and next to him at this time is Biao Ke (Wei Keng split). At this time, this Wei Keng split is in the powerful concept field of this unprecedented floating battleship.

Under oppression, he was almost defenseless, and every inch of his movement was monitored.

Boma's stand-in is the commander of the battleship named "Sun King".

In the projection, Poma adjusted the course of the battleship, which was heading north at this time.

The two sides entered into a quantum dialogue again, and Boma leisurely said to Biaoke: "You fought beautifully, but!" He pressed the row of gem buttons on the left.

The battleship raised its gun barrel and fired out layers of beams, killing them in the distance. In the air, the Iron Star reconnaissance plane was shot down. Boma: "My arrangement is actually to annihilate your northern strategic force."

Biaoke paused and deduced a little and understood: after our own side annihilated the Boma Group in the Medog area, Boma also tried to destroy the entire Medog area.

In Boma's hero template, the biggest move is "Nuclear Destruction". At this time, there are six eight-ton super nuclear bombs inside the Sun King. A wave of continuous shooting is enough to destroy all the Iron Star targets in the Medog area. By then

The battlefield where Iron Star was originally dominant will be reversed.

Boma sighed: I originally had high hopes for Di Qia Le, but now that Di Qia Le has surrendered, I can make up my mind.

Biao Ke looked at this seemingly calm but actually crazy time traveler and nodded to him with "understanding".

If Di Qia Le resolutely refuses to surrender, Boma cannot explode with his own people! The biggest taboo of a commander is unfair rewards and punishments. If he fights bravely but is deliberately covered by his own artillery, then the morale of the army will be lost. But if the enemy

For those who are timid and surrender, carrying out such fire bombing is the effect of "supervising the battle team".

Wei Keng (Biao Ke) looked at Boma and kept smiling.

Since Wei Keng didn't say anything, Boma smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly: "Yes, I also plotted against our people, but in your words, 'kindness cannot lead an army,' right?"

Wei Keng nodded: "Yes, you have your reasons, and I also have mine. Both sides' reasons are reasonable, so there is a war." (Wei Keng has no interest in using language to criticize 'crazy' to influence Boma. If

If this works, then why is there a need to fight?)

This chapter has been completed!
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