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Chapter 19.21 (Part 2) Biao Ke: Damn the sadness

 Liusheng City, this is the biochemical research headquarters of Anglo here, and Yunli is the top person in charge here. At 12 o'clock at noon on the 15th, Yunli saw the heavy armored forces from the Southern Rebel Army appearing here, and sighed.

tone, and then said self-deprecatingly: "Perhaps the big shots in the empire are happy to see this place be captured."

Because once it fell, all the evidence of the Imperial Legion's scandalous corruption cases was completely covered up. But as everyone knows, the people above are practicing law, and the people below are not taking the law into account.

Yunli came to the Southern Continent and discovered that the flow of water in many factories was extremely unreasonable. There was always some trace of the contracts involved involving the regional governor, and here the governor and local interest groups have a large number of interests.

Blood vessel.

…When one’s camp unites to face challenges, the scum are sucking the fuel. The more scum a camp has, the more scum they get…

The violent shelling hit the city wall, and the tall towers were blown down. As for the collapsed concrete city wall, it was obvious that there was a lack of steel bars. The funding for the steel bars may have been a golden griffon newly received by the Governor of Golden Oak Harbor.


When the Nanlu Iron Star Commandos rushed up, the resistance forces in the area put up fierce resistance, but were eventually annihilated. Anglo here has 1,457 researchers and more than 5,000 military personnel

Was quickly eliminated from combat effectiveness.

Four hours later, the Saturn side quickly cleaned up the battlefield and began to evacuate. As a sanitary expert from Saturn, Biaocheng rushed to the laboratory occupied by the side, because in this battle, a big fish was caught, and the second was indeed the following.

There is too much information coming up.

After Wei Keng saw the biological data in the culture tank, he turned to Yunli, a girl who was only nineteen years old. After a second's pause, Wei Keng mustered up his courage and slapped Yunli in the face. He said coldly

Zheng Nian's half-sister whispered: "This is a big mistake."

Such a large biochemical laboratory represents the "skinned black sexual sludge".

Although Yunli has taken control, to a certain extent, she has just experienced the world and was deceived by Anglo conspirators. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that she was captured so quickly this time. If she had waited until she took control of this place,

After a few years and becoming an Anglo-Black Glove, she was destined to perish.

…Wei Keng to Yun Li: If I don’t give her a slap now, I will give her a bullet in the future. Zheng Nian, I have exhausted all my kindness and righteousness with this girl.…

The greatest sin on the Anglo side, or in other words, the biggest sin in history under the leadership of gods in the multiverse world, is to let a group of people deal with mistakes in the wrong way, and then wait until this group of people are used up and then deal with them.

In a large number of fourth-stage, interstellar worlds, what often happens is that a wave of extreme genetically modified warriors are created, all chaotic genetically modified warriors are dealt with, and then these genetically modified warriors "born for killing" are "

"Harmless" treatment.

[Remarks: The fourth phase of the interstellar period is due to the chaotic use of genetic technology during the multicultural period of the human planet after leaving the home planet in the early days. These genetic technologies are no problem for one generation or two, but after becoming accustomed to it, a certain subsequent generation begins to pursue it again.

"True love" undergoes chaotic hybridization, and this hybridization eventually leads to genetic chaos. This kind of genetic chaos is not just a demented child, but a strong development of all parts of the body, but a violent personality and full of animality. - Often

People of a certain generation will amplify their own reasons, deny and break the taboos of generations]

But looking at the root of all "tragic stories", the Machiavellians choose a "fool" to do the wrong thing, and then sacrifice the fool to make the mistake seem as if it never happened! Such conspiracies succeed frequently, and no one

Come and accuse! In the end, in the process of civilization development, countless smart people followed his example, and eventually became the nightmare of civilization development.

…The principle of right and wrong cannot tolerate human feelings. Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs.…

In the main base, behind the one-way transparent glass in the interrogation room, in the data statistics room.

Biao immediately turned off the interrogation communicator, pointed at Yunli's nose on the other side of the one-way glass, and cursed: "You are such a fool! You fool, you sold it to others and then counted the money for them. Do you think you fell into darkness?"

It’s a tragic story, oh, people admired your falling posture, and then when it was all over, they swept you into the trash can.”

Yunli stared at Biao Ke, who was in charge of the interrogation: "Are you pitying me? Rebel, what qualifications do you have."

Biao Ke really wanted to slap her in the face again: "You, a descendant of a subjugated princess, are like a dog with a broken ridge. You were led by others without knowing it. You came to the southern continent to bite people, and you were not beaten even if you succeeded.

If it is known to the world, even if it is buried in secret and destroyed, of course I will pity you."

Of course, Mr. Wei has a lot of inner activities, and the interrogation still proceeds according to the procedures.

It seems that with Zheng Nian as a comparison, Wei Keng is angry at the guys of the same bloodline, or maybe Wei Keng has been suppressed for too long after coming to this world, and has accumulated a lot of anger towards the entire multi-dimensional human beings who succumbed to the gods.

Too much anger.

In the interrogation room, the interrogator poured two cups of tea, then chose one cup for her, and then got up with another cup of tea, leisurely letting Yunli continue to explain.

Yunli also took a sip, frowning slightly, because the tea was too clear and there was no sugar or milk.

Yunli asked: "Are you just drinking leaf water?"

The interrogator said impatiently: "Green tea, incorruptible."

Yunli put down the quilt gracefully and looked around: "This room is very dark, no matter how clear it is, it still makes people feel scared." She emotionally denied that the Saturn Alliance destroyed the superstructure of the Southern Old Continent.

Being honest is not worth it.

The interrogator said in a leisurely tone: "So, you are going to be put on trial in broad daylight?"

Yunli responded in a noble tone: "At least it should be a spacious and bright court. Also, I need my lawyer, and I will plead my case at my seat."

However, what she said next made her look confused.

The people in the interrogation room looked at Yunli with contempt: "Just because you stood in a bright place in the past, do you think it is reasonable for the high platform you are leaning on to block the light of all living beings with its shadow?

The few people who enjoy the sunshine on the old stage deny the true supreme strength and the sun! Disdain those who cannot make a voice or criticize you in the audience?

Four years ago, you looked down on Osiima’s brother in the north, now you look down on us, but in the end, you will be denied by history.”

This chapter has been completed!
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