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Chapter 19.24 The Dawn of June 6th

 On June 5th, in the upper and central part of the southern continent, the moist airflow from the ocean finally broke the high-pressure siltation area on the isobaric surface at an altitude of two thousand meters. The atmospheric circulation brought the warm and moist airflow from the ocean in.


In short, thunder and heavy rain come at this time.

According to the ruling habits of the colonial governors of the Southern Old World, colonial troops would not be dispatched during heavy rains in spring. Because the regiments were dispatched on rainy days, the maintenance and depreciation of weapons were real. This was originally a false account they reported to the mainland. How could it be changed?

Does it come true?

At this point in time, not even a single communication detective was sent to each colonial stronghold, because even if these colonial officers sent "patrol teams", these puppet soldiers recruited from feudal areas were just "Zhu Bajie scouting the road and finding a rock to sleep on"


At this time, Li Jianfei lacked the experience of cooperating with local pig teammates. His advancing corps was abruptly blocked in a small place called "Ink Cartridge Beach" during several days of fighting.

When the Endeavor Group fell into a tight siege, his friendly forces were all off duty at this time.

This Anglo first-class modern land cruiser force was electromagnetically blocked by the bumpkins from the Southern Old World using a large number of antenna jammers modified from microwave ovens, so that the armies of the surrounding "civilized world" did not even notice that it was being blocked.

The entire Saturn is now undergoing large-scale mobilization, and columns are rushing to the front line one by one. Yu Run, as the battle commander of Saturn, proposed to annihilate the Endeavors at all costs!

During this battle, Yurun was always paying attention to the extent of the "Sparrow War"'s impact on colonial rule. Yurun, who was holding a ham sausage in his mouth, was even more aware of the virtues of his friendly troops than Lidong, who was holding chocolate dipped in coffee.

During the heavy rain stage, the colonial army's actions were slow. To be precise, this required a strict will to fight. The will to fight here could be accomplished by undead soldiers without a sense of loss.

The mobilization of various military supplies on rainy days requires the cooperation of non-commissioned officers and soldiers. Among other things, some equipment is wrapped in plastic sheets on rainy days and checked for leaks. This may increase the availability of some equipment from 100% to 100%.

Fifty to ninety percent fluctuation.

At six o'clock in the morning, when the heavy rain began to stop, I looked at the blocking position formed around me, and I couldn't help but feel moved by my always indifferent expression.

This position was formed within six hours, that is, through digging and repairing in heavy rain. The strategic enthusiasm of the southern rebels made him realize that they wanted to completely keep him.

At the same time, his armored group was already stuck in the mud. The huge tracks on one side of some tanks rotated and turned into digging dirt. The more dirt was dug, the more mud pits below were pulled out by the sliding tracks.

soil, and finally the armored cruiser was embedded directly into the ground, digging a grave for itself.

…At this moment, just like the scene when Enma blocked Lance in the Steel Tower City during the Sky Empire uprising, the scene reappears…

The outer shell of the 600-ton giant under Endeavor's seat was now covered in large distortions. The ten-centimetre-thick skirt that originally covered the mechanical legs was blown away by the terrible explosion, leaving only a small section of twisted steel plate.

The outer ceramic shell basically turned into a broken glass window, and the steel shell above was also punctured in many places.

During the day and night of the offensive, these heavy artillery had become fixed bunkers and lost their mobility. The war became a desperate battle between infantry.

The fearless "Death Soldiers" around the Anglo Land Cruiser were far more determined than the gray beasts of the Sky Empire during the Iron Star Uprising. They made their final struggle in the rainy day war.

Because most of the firearms were stuck in the mud, the "Necromancer Soldier" injected himself with twice the dose of "strength potion" and then used a hand-to-hand charge to deal with the Saturn attack.

This kind of hand-to-hand charge once captured the first position on the front line. However, because the machine gun firepower they carried could not support them, the Saturn sergeants on the opposite side duly joined the reserve team, picked up their machetes and counterattacked, killing the Anglo group who had given up on humanity.

The beasts of identity were driven back.

Note: This kind of charge and countercharge not only relies on morale and bravery, but also requires strict calculation of the physical strength and ammunition carrying capacity of the soldiers. In the early stage of the counterattack, firepower and physical strength are the most abundant, and the formation requirements are high, requiring perfect organization.


In the past, the bourgeois insurrectionists in the Southern Continent did not understand what a "perfect organization" meant.

Wei Keng explained: A perfect organization means that the command system is anxious on the battlefield, the stalemate pattern is clear at a glance, the fire suppression happens to be in the most effective place, not the open space, and the useless smashing of the front of the enemy's heavy armored steel shell can make

The company broke into the enemy's weak flank from another direction in the most timely manner and blasted the explosive warhead onto the enemy's tracks at close range.

Therefore, a very unacceptable fact emerged for Ni Nidu, that is: in such an infantry battle, the troops under his command who were not afraid of death were beaten to a casualty ratio of 4:1 or even 5:1.

That's right, strong vitality and fearlessness of death are not worth the advantages of organizational strength.

...Wei Keng: My evolution tells me that those who are not human beings cannot defeat those who are serious about being human beings...

On the Saturn Alliance position, it was also a rainy day. In the safe area behind the position, Biao was undergoing surgery in the field hospital. A large number of people whose wounds were blocked with cotton cloth were evacuated!

This kind of positional warfare in the mud is cruel. Of course, the more cruel it is, the more scientific it is. In hand-to-hand combat, about 70% of the deaths are caused by blood loss. Therefore, blocking the bleeding opening will give you a chance of rescue.

, so Wei Keng prepared a large amount of cotton before the war for every soldier. The cotton was sprinkled with a coagulant like dry powder, which blocked the wounds and quickly coagulated the blood, allowing the soldiers to survive and reach the rear base.


Rows of doctors are following the principles of disinfection, removal of bullets, and sutures to quickly sew up the soldiers' wounds and send them to the rear for recuperation. From the side, this also allows the soldiers on the front line to stand face to face with those "inhumans"

To Gang's blood.

Thunderbolts roared, and lightning flashed again.

At the Saturn forward command post, Yu Run listened to the latest battle report from the soldiers whose bodies were wet and whose faces were covered with mud in the heavy rain. The casualties had reached 1,034.

Yu Run planned the position of the large-caliber direct firepower advancing in the rear tunnel, and issued a fatal order to the forward troops: "Within six hours, the tunnel must be extended to within a range of 200 meters."

The herald immediately left after receiving the order. At this time, in the tunnel, a large number of drainage ditches were flowing with water. The soil in front was still being dug in from around the tunnel. The fuel excavator dropped waves of soil to both sides.


Note: "There is a mud technique in the arcane world, which uses ultrasonic waves to seep water into the earth to form a slurry, so it can be used for quick tunnel operations at this time."

…At this time, everyone here on Saturn knows that as long as this battle is won, the history of the colonial army’s four or five land cruisers daring to run rampant in the southern continent will no longer exist...

At this time, in the encirclement of the position, Li Liangte was also learning about the battle report of his subordinates. Under his command, the five regiments he brought had been wiped out. This was an infantry unit of 5,000 people. At this time, his troops were on the spot.

Shrink the defense line.

At the same time, the palace was not beautiful. During the severe thunder and lightning, the wires were also struck by lightning, and the telephone communication with the outside world disappeared. In fact, even if he connected to the outside world, he would find that all the surrounding rescue teams were blocked by the Saturn blocking force.

Having turned into a dead soul, he felt a real sense of despair. In despair, he angrily criticized the unruly people in the Southern Continent who resisted the empire. They cheated and cheated under the rule of the empire, but they were so proactive in the process of rebellion. The empire has been so active in these years.

The government is still too kind to these unruly people.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, as the tunnel was semi-encircled and approaching, he also saw smoke and dust appearing 20 kilometers away to the east. This was not his troops, but Saturn's heavy armor. These heavy armors were all 150-ton lightweight weapons.


In the past, such a small armored force had never been looked down upon by Endeavor. Among the eighteen units under his command, there were five knight-level tanks. These were heavy equipment that could stand in the front row. But now, his

The entire heavy armored corps was stuck in the mud and could not form a perfect land battle group. Coupled with the Saturn tunnel battle, any Anglo armored vehicle would quickly stand out from the impact queue in this geometric tunnel and be trapped.

Saturn's large-caliber artillery concentrated fire.

These light tanks can circle back to the side in large groups and use their 150mm main gun to carry out side assaults.

Oh, also in the mud, in fact, the heavy armor on Saturn's side also encountered mud interference, but behind every armored vehicle on Saturn's side there is a "log" tied together with steel bars and carbon fiber. This is called "self-rescue" in the main world

"Wood" is commonly found in the tanks of traditional armies of major countries. For example, it is found in Soviet and Chinese tanks.

When the tank fell into the tunnel, the mechanical soldiers following the tank crew immediately removed the piece of wood, and under their own fire cover, placed the piece of wood under the tank to allow the tank to crawl out.

This world is following the path of super-heavy tanks, so this type of equipment is not used. But Saturn is now following the path of main battle tanks, and the weight of heavy tanks has been reduced to one hundred tons. In terms of materials, similar auxiliary sticks can be developed and used

Made of manganese steel and carbon fiber materials, it can withstand the pressure of tank tracks stepping on obstacles. And just this material can be carried by tank soldiers through spare mechas and sent to the front of the tank tracks.

Saturn's light armor has gained the advantage of armored maneuverability in such heavy rain weather.

...Chide: Serious attitude, a mode that can utilize limited weapons to more than 100%...

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the heavy rain temporarily stopped, and at this time the tunnels were extended to the front of the armor of all parties. The nearest tunnel had reached 150 meters, which was beyond the reach of the Anglo heavy firepower. The assault battle was

The conditions have been met.

Following the order, the assault infantrymen with rocket jets and mechanical balance wings on their backs launched an attack on the No. 5 and No. 3 vehicles in the Anglo circle.

On the projectile positions set up with thick mortars, forty kilograms of gas canisters were sprayed into the Anglo position.

The gilded skull on the towering heavy armor was peeled off by the blazing flames, revealing the brass underneath, which was quickly burned and discolored.

One thousand meters away, Yunli, who was part of the medical team at this time, couldn't help but raise her head. She sensed in the etheric realm that the various armor concepts of the empire had collapsed.

Before this, she had never thought that this force lacking super-heavy weapons could defeat the powerful imperial force.

However, at this moment, she looked back at the world. In the etheric realm, this huge circle with a radius of twenty kilometers was filled with the supreme spirit condensed with passion. Yes, "the spiritual fields are already connected."


The "spiritual field" is a reflection of reality. If there were no epic changes in reality, such a glorious scene would not be possible in the etheric world.

After Yunli was sure that she had witnessed history, she opened her mouth and said nothing.

…Anything that claims to be eternal will collapse under the rust of arrogance.

After fighting for more than ten hours, the originally indestructible Imperial Legion was so unshakable when they first entered the battlefield. However, after the order was given, everyone held the hope of "maybe dead", "maybe failed once" and "but hope to stay"

The next glimmer of hope may be to gain some experience for future success, and "as long as you work hard, you will definitely succeed in the future" to fight this war that you cannot see.

But as everyone carried out the order with steel, they "surrounded", "blocked" and "trapped" the enemy, suppressed the enemy's artillery fire in the mud, fought bloody battles in tunnels, and uprooted the enemy step by step.

, that seemingly ferocious undead army, for a full ten hours, they kept fighting and fighting, and everyone gradually discovered that this time they had the upper hand. After years of hoping and working hard, at this moment, they finally saw a hole drilled in the dark sky.

The hole came out, and a ray of sunlight came through.

For the first time in thousands of years, the people of the Southern Continent were able to eliminate enemy troops head-on in a frontal battle, a battle that external colonists believed could never be failed. The past was no longer the past.

At 14:33 pm on June 5th, Saturn captured the fifth and third Anglo tanks. The red Venus flag flew over the wreckage of the two land battleships. Every time it shook, a huge conceptual tsunami

, ripples in the etheric realm. The broken and twisted cannon barrels and the high-flying flags form a lively scene.

In the arcane world, it is always the spirit that affects reality, but in major historical breakthroughs, it is always the great interference of reality. The face of the person waving the flag is covered with mud and black dust, but the blazing "red starlight" is visible for kilometers around.


This scene was naturally seen by Li Nijite. He, who had always been as cold as iron, was now shaken and frightened. Such emotions also affected many soldiers who were contracted by his spiritual power.

These undead spirits did not understand the meaning of life when they separated from the living beings, and now that the "living beings" have ignited such a magnificent flame, they, the dead, are destined to be burned to ashes.

Endeavor was furious at his heavy armor, and he threw some of the wounded, and of course the corpses, directly outside.

The business president who was accompanying the army saw Li JiTe and seemed to know that he was about to escape now, oh, it was a retreat. He was about to step forward to persuade him, but at this time he happened to hit the muzzle of a gun. Li JiTe came angrily and did not wait for the business president.

Whatever he said, he punched him with his fist.

Endeavor began to settle the score: "I want the ceramic armor, but you perfunctory me, I will tie you outside the tank to resist the artillery shells." Then after a bloody kick and beating, he was also thrown out of the vehicle.


At 18:56 in the evening, the final line of defense of the Endeavor Group collapsed and an all-out assault was ordered.

Three moving chariots are trying to crush the eastern front. In the past, these three chariots were invincible mountains in the face of the many fragile armed forces in the southern continent, but now they have become the lost dogs.

19:23. The tanks that Saturn has been waiting on the periphery are restrained by an old cruiser on the front, and on the side are cutting-edge 100-ton assault tanks, forming an impact group. These impact groups brave sporadic counterattacks from the fleeing Anglo warships.

The artillery fire advanced to a distance of a full four hundred meters and the bombardment began.

At such a close range, even though the Anglo armored vehicle had a tonnage of 600 tons, the side tracks and road wheels were directly removed under a wave of salvo fire.

This tank artillery battle lasted for less than forty minutes. Two of the three Anglo tanks were completely destroyed. Huge explosions radiated from the top turret. The remaining one, the Endeavor vehicle, relied on the concept field.

Strong and equipped with electromagnetic armor, it retreated into the encirclement through a zigzag pattern.

Pressed back into the encirclement, he began negotiations with Saturn, trying to stall for time while waiting for rescue.

However, Yu Run saw his trick clearly. At four o'clock in the morning on the 6th, Saturn's ultimatum ended and the final attack was launched. At this time, after the heavy rain passed, the sky rarely bloomed with starlight.

Yu Run stood on the main battle tank on the front line and made a final announcement: "Comrades, the final darkness is coming, but I don't want to wait. I will fight our dawn so that he will not see the sun the next day!"

Under hundreds of rounds of illumination bombs, even though it was early in the morning, the last darkness was ignited by this blazing light! (At this time, Zhou Yan led the mechanized infantry team and took the lead.)

A large number of artillery began to suppress continuously, and the turret tank of Endeavor suddenly flashed with thousands of iron flowers, and then a large number of mechanical infantry carried out an assault under the suppression of artillery. This was to attack the last armored force of Anglo as a single fortress.


The remaining "loyal undead" struggled helplessly in the gaps between the wreckage and were purified by flamethrowers.

Finally, at 5:45, with the sky whitening, Endeavor was rushed into the tank by the commandos. The general, who was hesitating whether to commit suicide, was captured. Since then, most of the Anglo-Southern Port Corps has been annihilated.


When Li Li Te tried to pretend to be a soldier and got through the border, he was recognized by a prisoner named Yu Chen and was caught on the spot. Yu Chen himself was given leniency.

At six o'clock, Yu Run looked at the general who was being held in custody with his head lowered. He paused, said nothing, and announced that the soldiers would send him to the prisoner of war camp.

after an hour.

At this time, the undead core of the Endeavor special tank was also ripped out of the tank. As an expert, Yunli came to report that she saw Biao Ji. At this time, Biao Ji was looking at the sky and paused. Suddenly

, Biao immediately covered his heart.

Yunli was slightly startled, she mistakenly thought that Biao was overjoyed and had a secret injury.

However, at this moment, Biao suddenly raised his head, pointed at the sky, and asked Yunli: "Did a bright star suddenly appear over there at the Phoenix constellation?"

Yunli looked at it and shook her head blankly. At this time, she turned her head and saw tears suddenly falling from the corners of Biao Ke's eyes.

It is now 7:06 on June 6, 3254.

While the southern Old Continent gained new life, the north completed the "great sublimation" of human self-proven dignity.

This chapter has been completed!
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