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Chapter 19.27 (Part 1) Sea, land and air

 After Iron Star annihilated the large-scale effective forces of Ver in the "Multi-fulcrum Dynamic Defense War", it did not extend the front on land, but retracted its hand, and at the same time struck the Anglo rear across the sea and across the ocean, which caught the enemy off guard.

Such a war model involves changes in national politics from modern times to modern times.

…The Angles couldn’t understand why Iron Star had stopped without advancing into the interior of Ver.…

Between World War I and World War II on Earth, the huge difference was not only the change from trench infantry, mules and horses to trucks and artillery, but the even greater difference was the stability of the country during the war.

During World War I, there were still a large number of feudal lords in Europe. This meant that if countries in the European War wanted to achieve victory conditions, they had to annex other countries' territories and transfer immigrants to reconcile the conflicts of domestic landlord interests. However, World War II was already a war driven by capital.

What capitalists value is not the land they cannot control, but the control of all transportation and currency in the country.

Explain why the highly capitalized empire does not pay attention to directly annexing land: In the 21st century, urbanites will not buy houses in rural areas, and investors will not contract land in the countryside, because contracting fish ponds and farmland only requires local land.

If you make trouble for the land purchaser, sprinkle some medicine in the fish pond, or bring people to plow the contracted land when the harvest is good, there will be no profit from the commercial purchase of the land.

Unless some countries where feudal landlord groups have a place, when they invade, their own military organizes reclamation groups, organizes landlord armies, and drives out the indigenous people, can they obtain the benefits of land appropriation.

Before the European War, the Junkers in Prussia, the Black Dragon Society and the Locust Army in Manchukuo a dozen years later, and the Kingdom of Judah in Jerusalem in the 21st century were all like this.

The semi-feudal colonial empire, in a war of aggression, must need occupied land to distribute to "soldiers recruited from agricultural areas" when distributing the benefits of aggression. This leads to the fact that its goal in launching a war must be to successfully capture another country.

If a country's land fails to achieve this goal and the bloody military cannot distribute the benefits, it will backfire on itself.

However, the commercial capital empire is more advanced in distributing the war dividends generated by aggression. It does not need to occupy other countries' territories, but through rounds of harvesting, it can turn the dividends of aggression into domestic welfare and complete the distribution. Maintain absolute status at sea in the 21st century

This is what the Eagle with the superior number of aircraft carriers looks like.

As long as you disarm other countries during the war and threaten the legitimacy of other countries' regimes in the most direct way, you can gain dominance at the economic and trade level. Therefore, the threshold for victory conditions in the war has been lowered.

Iron Star's Osimar, Sky, is not an imperialist country and will not plunder the defeated countries, but it is the same under the situation of "lowering the threshold of war victory".

Wei Hao: When Ver launched an attack, we struck early and annihilated Ver's invading troops. The war has been won. The next thing Pomama will have to deal with is the challenge of an internal crisis of confidence. On the premise that the military adventure has failed.

Now, it is no longer possible to continue to challenge Iron Star with a total war attitude. Osima's military can occupy a few terrain advantages. If it takes a long time, Boma will have to reconcile. Even if Boma does not reconcile, Ver

Eventually they will reconcile and establish economic cooperation with us.

...Anglo strategists are now antiques and have lost control of the course of the war. Now faced with the iron star's sudden turn, internal fighting begins...

On May 20, after confirming that Iron Star had made a small-scale landing on the northern Anglo coastline.

The Anglo Navy struck preemptively: It's because your army is incompetent and can't defend the fortress. The army scolded: "Aren't you responsible for coastal defense?"

The army faction under the interim government found a point of criticism: Fen Zheng, the commander-in-chief of the land aviation combat formation who was supported by the navy.

The card newspaper commented sharply on the Royal Air Force: The Swan Knight (Fen Zheng) was so much boasted, but now in actual combat, he encountered the Holy Great Wall and collapsed at the touch of a touch, and also allowed precious large-scale land vehicles to be secretly imitated. So the signals are all over the place. So. Woolen cloth,

At this time, the Anglo newspapers seemed to have completely forgotten Fenzheng's achievements in annihilating the Demonic Scourge Legion.

...Fen Zheng fell into depression, and his depression caused the demon Lance who was attached to him to receive backlash...

The emergence of the Dragon Guard Group is a dimensionality-reducing blow to the traditional giant artillery sect.

On May 19, Zheng Nian completed heavy damage to eight battleships. The weapons used were advanced rocket-propelled torpedoes.

[Rocket-assisted torpedo: When launched, it flies quickly on the sea surface. After approaching the target for five kilometers, it directly enters the water and begins to quietly approach the ship according to the self-sonar system. Compared with Japan's oxygen torpedo idea, the range is not weak, and it is safer. many.】

In recent times, this thing was overshadowed by anti-ship missiles. Its development path was to specialize in anti-submarine warfare. Even the charges were reduced and it was not responsible for attacking warships.

However, the technological content of torpedoes is higher than that of missiles to some extent, because the weight saved by the charge is reserved for underwater maneuvering and sonar search.

In the multidimensional plane, thermal tunneling is still difficult to solve, and the technology of high-speed missiles still needs to be solved. In addition, in the battleship era, there were protective covers, and a large number of close-in defense guns and laser beams were piled up.

Faced with the jamming system of laser-to-air strikes by the sea iron bastards, Zheng Nian decisively gave up the dive bombing route and used the vaginal leg-skimming technique that specialized in the lower three routes against the Anglo surface ships.

Therefore, compared with the rocket-boosted torpedoes of modern times, Zheng Nian's final torpedo has a larger index volume and is equipped with a sea-skimming high-speed flight engine, air rudder, and information command system.

The Dragon Guard is equipped with anti-ship torpedoes, underwater sonar, and a supercavitation penetration system for the last 500 meters! As well as a "magnetic induction of enemy ships" position identification system.

For example, in the morning the Dragon Guards silenced the first Sovereign-class battleship.

The 30mm close-in anti-gun mechanical system on the battleship's three-meter-high turret can only enter the water at a distance of three thousand meters when faced with a sea-flying object that is rapidly approaching on the sea.

For the battleship's radar, as soon as the close-in anti-gun radar locks on a foreign object, it has already plunged into 20 meters of water. The shells fired by the close-in anti-gun can't penetrate such a thick layer of water and maintain the interception effect. , watching helplessly, a white dragon with a bubble trail suddenly emerged from the deep sea, and then with a bang, it pierced the bottom of its own ship.

Narrator: The weight of a single torpedo used by the Dragon Guards to attack the fleet is 800 kilograms, so in this world the code name is not "torpedo", but "蛟 Bomb", which means "dragon-like cannonball".

In order not to waste the maneuverability and load of the Dragon Guard, Zheng Nian developed a maritime drone specifically designed to carry bombs to deliver tons of output to the Anglo navies.

In this way, the Iron Star naval combat system completely bypasses the battleship main gun technology tree developed by Anglo for hundreds of years.

The Dragon Guards flew around the fleet at a distance, gliding along the edge, and then guided the bomb-dropping fighters to release "flood bombs" one after another.

When the dragon bomb is launched, it is like a bird skimming the waves on the sea. When it is close to five kilometers, it is like a needle dropped into the sea and cannot be found.

A few minutes later, at 500 meters, it turned into a white wave line under the water, and then rushed straight over. Finally reaching the side of the ship, there were large white spots spreading underwater. It was very beautiful. Looking down from the ship's hull, it

Everyone knew that the steel plate on the bottom of the ship had been completely shattered.

Therefore, compared with the troops on land who could not prevent the Holy Great Wall's lightly-armed assault, the battleship's main artillery force at sea could not stop the Holy Great Wall either.

The Anglo Navy's remedy plan is to build a large number of destroyers, and then carry "defensive torpedoes" and these flood bombs for "counterattack". Of course, this plan will not be effective in the short term in the current war. The current short-term policy of the Anglo Navy is to pass the blame.

Faced with such an epic defeat, the Anglo generals really had nothing to say, and after arguing with each other, they settled on nothing.

This chapter has been completed!
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