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Chapter 19.27 (Part 2) May 27, God has no backup

 On the morning of May 27, outside the main theater where the events were about to take place, the ants were ignorant of their fate. Even some so-called "heroes" did not know that they, as chess pieces, were about to face their fate.

At the junction of southern Anglian and Ver, there is a glass sand dune. This was once an ancient city in the Age of Dharma. During the advent ceremony of the heroes nine years ago (Chapter 17.31), the mystics of Ver were unearthed in the eastern part of the glass sand dune.

The ancient heroes were summoned on the altar. Then there were a large number of sand monsters as followers. The ancient heroes rebuilt the ancient factory here. From a microscopic perspective, all the particles of the sand monsters are tiny nano-robots.

The predecessors of these sand monsters are very clearly recorded in Glass Dune. They were the nobles in this city in ancient times. Because of their pursuit of immortality, they eventually became such monsters.

The nobles who pursued immortality thousands of years ago achieved the result of "immortality" through untold hardships. It was also a black joke played by the gods indifferently on them. However, after surviving for so many years, they seemed to have received some kind of revelation again.

, Resurrection became Ver's contractual ally in the southern desert area.

The ruler of Ver, Poma, provided this non-human with a robot body transformed into a human form, allowing them to regain the sense of hot and cold, and the human perception of distinguishing colors. Of course, these mechanical bodies still cannot distinguish between sweet and sour.

This kind of "peaceful coexistence" of humans and robots living in a mechanical city was regarded as a model by Vernian bureaucrats. Many romantic Vernian writers also came here to enjoy "equality" and "fraternity"


However, the world is bloody, and any covenant between two groups that relies solely on so-called friendship will break sooner or later. Because friendship is often maintained by interests,

Vern provided these sand monsters with a large number of industrial machinery, well, of course to mine the rich non-ferrous metal minerals in the local underground.

Of course, if friendship is maintained by profit without rational planning, the benefits generated by the alliance will breed greed at any time. Greed will expand infinitely.

Ver's wars over the years have repeatedly required the sand monsters here to speed up mining in contracts, making the local ethnic groups less and less patient. As these southern elemental sand monsters gradually began to replicate the industry underground, they were ready to start.


So at this shaky moment of "friendship", a saint came and upheld God's will to make the sand monster here serve Ver again.

...The story of the sand monster is actually not important. What is important is this land, which is also a suitable place for the gods to descend...

Duke (Boma's stand-in) came here by train, looking at the pyramids in the desert along the way and the clusters of animals with flashing metallic colors, and silently thinking about something. Sand monsters, according to ancient mysticism, are gravel puppets, but

According to current science, this is the silicon element in the gravel forming a semiconductor, and then turning into a nanoswarm.

Today, these mobile nano-swarms have begun to enter the bodies of the original large animals here. After completing the semi-mechanical and even electrical transformation of organisms, the ecology of the south has changed dramatically.

People can see that a lion with a quartz sand skin has a corundum eye on its forehead that can open and close, and can emit strong laser light. In the river, there is a hippopotamus creature with a yellow sand texture. This hippopotamus does not have any long-range attacks.

The force is strong, but the spikes popping out from its back are enough to cut through any large ship.

Biological hardening is a term proposed by Vern scholars after an investigation two years ago. They believe that this hardening has brought a lot of impact to the ecology. In this evolutionary competition, all high-end species will use inorganic information particles.

It has become a necessary condition for survival.

But no one knows what it feels like in the process of transforming this organic body into a mechanical body.

…On multiple planes, all immortality is accompanied by a curse…

At present, there are various magnificent rock pyramid buildings on both sides of the railway, large petrified statues, and the real phenomenon of biological golden blood in the literature. Of course, the literature also records that because of being obsessed with such grandeur, it has led to inexplicable disasters.

The tragedy of everything returning to Huangsha.

In recent years, with the advancement of industrial technology on the mainland, industrial products have spread.

The "sand people" here are also using the technology of this era and the increasingly powerful material production industry to start tinkering with things that are not in line with the style of this era. The organic humans here also have geometric edges and corners, both men and women.

It's an awl face.

Among them, some of the animals they domesticated began to grow in size as their organisms hardened.

These war elephants, which are more than thirty meters long, are semi-erect giant snakes. The lasers and particle beam weapons carried between their eyebrows have begun to increase in power.

According to many natural plots in the past history of this world, a new force is about to appear and then shine in this world. When the mortal world cannot cope with it, a human selected by God will complete the trial.

Today, this plot is more like a hero selected by the gods to awaken this ancient power and prepare to intervene in contemporary human battles to curb the expansion of contemporary "evil" that does whatever they want.

At 7 a.m. on the 27th, Duke stepped off the train in front of the Core Pyramid. As the heroic force chosen by God at this time, he appeared on stage with a sacred object. The sandstone immortal priests who had been cursed for decades

, at this time, the electronic eyes began to flash with blue expectation.

The appearance of this holy object is God's forgiveness.

However, these days, God's words don't count. Just when Duke was walking towards the steps of the pyramid carrying the sacred object, a radar scanning beam appeared in the sky. Duke stopped in front of the steps, his face twitching.

Hundreds of stars fell from the starry sky, and then burst out flames that burned everything. In the center of the pyramid,

The ancient hero looked up to the God Realm, and the expression in his eyes returned to the helpless anger at the end. This era does not belong to the golden race. Once again, he was abandoned by the gods and burned into a glaze state in the fire.

This chapter has been completed!
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