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Chapter 19.31 (Extra) Let us raise our wings!

 On the night of June 5th, after two groups of pilots took off from the aircraft carrier Vast.

In the center of Iron Star, the ruling group of the Supreme Alliance of Iron Star obtained the information provided by the military.

The reconnaissance satellite in the etheric realm has now sent out the picture of the huge preaching altar being activated. Various instruments in space show that this is an energy release no less than that of a nuclear bomb.

However, just such a large-scale energy release has caused controversy among non-military political factions within Iron Star.

One faction within Iron Star believes: "We should wait and see." The last information nuclear bomb "Devil's Coming" severely damaged Anglo.

Therefore, based on the habitual successful experience, Iron Star and other "waiting parties" want to do it again.

The other group believes: "This is not a matter of observation. This kind of forcibly injecting information is war. Compared with guns and cannons, this kind of war is more covert and subversive to Iron Star!"

Both groups of people are arguing, but the focus of the debate is increasingly diverging.

…Wei Keng’s thoughts from time travel: After building a new group, don’t count on the group’s upper limit…

Now in Iron Star, people's hearts are still waiting for many changes. Because the group of people who have climbed to the top will always be used to verbally claiming that they represent xx, but they forget that they are separated from xx.

Gods who claim to be "progressive" and "civilized" have been doing this for several eras in multiple dimensions.

Mortal souls are the dander of gods, and Wei Keng's body is mixed into it, fighting against it in the feudal era, revolutionizing it in the commercial and private era, but also competing with it in the social era.

Even at this time in the Iron Star, the people below have paid a price that has been ignored. Since it is difficult to calculate statistics with today's technology, they will be ignored in the data, or technologically forgotten.

The participants in the Iron Star Center all took notes on paper with red-head pens produced by the Iron Star Swan City Stationery Factory. Although the meeting had entered the "online video" stage, the sound of writing was still heard in the venue.

Finally, during the meeting, the suggestion of "negotiations with Anglo-French" came up.

Wei Hao stood up and looked at the 'comrades' at the meeting: "Communication is possible, but communication is also the beginning of another war. Maintaining one's own red lines is the most difficult thing to do."

And now, here, in a world with gods, Wei Keng cannot let this red line retreat now.

...In the vision of the gods: Before the miracle comes, the villain force that I have determined needs to be chatty...

Late at night on June 5th, with the Iron Star general publicity machine running, the external affairs department "persuaded" Anglo and Vern: to stop the huge energy transmitters launched in the ports of Oxford and Edin, and to require reasonable

Explain what this facility does.

However, even with such words, he was still rejected. The Anglo-Temple believes that spreading the gospel is a proper behavior for the progress of human society. A bright government should not refuse. A government that rejects has its own problems.

Of course, an hour later, both Anglo and Verre directly and without any hesitation rebuked the "Iron Star" for its unbelief and evil.

This finally made the dizzy upper management of Tie Xing wake up.

Wei Hao immediately took out the propaganda draft he had prepared and gave an on-site education: They are planning to use this model to pollute your country ideologically and then achieve economic and political conquest. After so many years of mutual exchanges, this

How can the world's temple forces soften? These guys who believe in gods have always put us Iron Star on the same level as demons for hostility.

If we don’t draw a line between the exchange faction and give them the freedom to have no political stance, then we will wait for the country’s ideological door to be blasted open!

At the Western Air Force Base in the sky, the organizational order was finally issued.

This highest authorization from Iron Star means that the "space-based ion cannon", a super offensive weapon comparable to nuclear weapons, can be put into use. (Wei Keng himself prepared it in advance, but always waited for the last step.)

Zheng Nian attended the meeting in the airborne data system.

The image in front of him at this time was the entire Anglo air defense system network. Our air power was competing with the Anglo floating radar system.

In this dimension, Anglo's large airships have deployed a strict and highly mobile reconnaissance network in the sky.

…The air defense nets seem to be shouting, come here, I won’t let even a single mosquito go...

At this time, in the first wave of Su Ni, the assault had turned into an aerial attack, and they began to shoot down the Anglo floating warships one by one.

In the second wave of attack battle group, Zheng Nian determined after integrating all the frontline intelligence: "The penetration must complete the underground target within twenty minutes, and then kill the large information radiation tower (Preacher God)

(Altar), however, such a battle process requires locking hundreds of mobile targets in the sky and ground along the way, which is impossible for novices to complete. And besides myself, the only one in the world is that guy!"

Zheng Nian bit the back of his hand and thought to himself, "What the hell?!" He raised his head and looked in the direction of the Phoenix constellation. The star seemed to be particularly bright now.

...Zheng Nian chose to let the main force attack head-on for a period of time, while he rushed forward alone on the feint attack route...

At 8:53 pm on June 5th, on Hill Plains, it was only 40 kilometers away from the altar at Oxford Port.

As the Anglo navy formed a crossfire on the coastline, Wei Keng had to move back and then initiate space teleportation.

A lightly mechanized force, under the cover of the Iron Star Air Force's artillery fire, successfully traveled through time and space to the rear.

Among this armed force of sixty 120-ton tanks, all are Wei Keng split units.

These Wei Keng come from various departments of the Iron Star military, and are combat forces determined after extensive screening. This means that every Wei Keng split must seize the quota for this mission even if they are "cheating".

Facing the gods, Wei Keng is of course in his strongest state. If the threshold of the Dragon Guards' Zheng Nian training team was not too high and Wei Keng really couldn't be "squeezed out", then the air aspect would also explode.

The combat effectiveness of the Pure Guard Keng Corps troops is worthy of being the strongest ground force. (The plane of Pandora is the time and space civilization of the main world. Among all planes at this stage, it is the only super civilization that can chase after the insect swarms.)

...On this day, Wei Keng's light armored firepower was like a nimble hand, tearing apart the bastard's shell, all the way across the Hill Plains...

Before ten o'clock, in just one hour, the mechanized troops defeated the outer perimeter of Oxford Port one by one.

On these armored vehicles, which are mainly hundreds of tons of tanks, the Wei Keng cluster uses a large number of angles of photoelectric reconnaissance and spiritual language communication to systematically outline this city that has gradually become "sacred".

Of course, at this time, the "sacred city" is only limited to the Advent area. Outside the Advent area, things that should collapse and panic are still the same.

In the Oxford port, Carruth was reading the latest "Message to Wan Lun" published by Iron Star. As the sound of a cannon was heard through the ground shaking, he raised his head and looked at the rapidly approaching empty space on the strategic map.

Troops. On the left interface, there are "conceptual shielding dark spots" in the sky. These dark spots are space particle cannons.

Karus suddenly understood something. With such a force, he was not here to make a difference, but to help the gods attract hatred.

In the demon disaster, Wei Keng showed the horror of spiritual language group hunting. (The gods have no cognitive concept of "tracing the source")

The fully mechanized Wei Keng, with the blessing of spiritual language, is now even more indestructible.

When the armored force general responsible for the interception of Anglo appeared on the battlefield in a huge land cruiser, a particle cannon from space fell from the sky, and then the mechas of the Weijian swarmed in, harvesting the low-armored vehicles and unarmored artillery behind the land cruiser.

At this time, there are sixty-seven energy space stations deployed in space. These "space-based particle cannon" weapons serve as heavy fire support for this battle and will teach the masters of Oxford Port a good lesson.



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