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Chapter 19.35 (Part 2) Poma’s Fear

On June 20, there was a great uprising in the Lyon area south of Vers, where the industrial organization made systematic progress.

The so-called systematic progress means that the insurrectionary army began to have a clear ideological and military command, clear action goals, and a clear economic management plan after the uprising was successfully launched.

A Vernian soldier who "returned" from the southern battlefield began to create heroes. Under the slogan of serving humanity, he transformed what was originally a campaign of indiscriminate destruction of Vern's superstructure into a campaign focused on attacking the "evil group" of the bourgeoisie.

Although the self-rescue movement did not eliminate all the bourgeois factions in southern Vers at once, it still preserved the order of industrial management.

Yu Chen, a southern nationalist faction in Vern, began to lead the restless southern army to launch an attack on the inorganic and corrupt evil corporate group in the desert dunes of the southern front.

After Yu Cheng beautified his qualifications for fighting bloody battles in the south, under the slogan of uniting workers internally, he began to liquidate those Ver Capital Groups with old feudal colors.

In early July, Yu Cheng, as a small "major" bureaucrat, completed the military assembly and defeated the army of the "Feast King", and the ancient desert monster finally disappeared.

The three corrupted Vernal capital family forces were also annihilated and trapped in the center of the pyramid for elimination. However, at this time, many areas in the south were exposed to the strike range of Iron Star heavy missiles. And this autonomous corps in the southern Vernal also

There are no war weapons including land cruisers and dragon guards.

For this reason, this autonomous force in the southern part of Vers began to hibernate under regional control. Build a railway!

Later, Yu Cheng began to unite some urban capitalists and large farmers, followed by establishing rural and rural organizations, and began to learn the basic model of Iron Star to counter the "Osima invasion".

…Yu Cheng is cunning. At this time, most of the Mortals still don’t want to bow to the external war. Whoever proposes to “think” about Iron Star is in trouble...

Yu Cheng still makes correct decisions based on the interests of the mortals. Just like the United States in modern times wants to be great again and wants to restore the industrial prosperity after World War II, but it does not mean that it wants to admit defeat to Asia. So it is still xenophobic.

Must be exclusive.

Right now it's not Yu Cheng's problem, it's Ver's self-esteem problem. But the problem is, Osima doesn't need to cooperate.

During the battle in July, the Iron Star Alliance also avoided the uprising area south of Ver and began to shrink back to its original front line. It demolished industrial facilities and railways in the Ver area.

Because the Iron Star strategy was not originally launched to occupy the southern area of ​​​​Ver. According to a certain Pi who has passed away: "After I beat you, I will jump back. Are you angry?"

At the central headquarters of Osima, Su Ni determined that the southern workers' forces in Ver were unwilling to be "comrades" with their own side, so he nodded and began to announce the end of the upcoming war with other Iron Star military members at the meeting.


Su Ni: "Our strategy is to defeat Ver's armed intervention on our side. Now it has been completed. We are not war madmen. We want to minimize military destructiveness. At this stage, we might as well put away the guns and open the economic and diplomatic toolbars.


…For a time, the reasons for the Southern Rebel Army in Vern to oppose the Iron Star suddenly became embarrassing...

However, it was such a "tacit understanding" that Central Verne realized that he had grasped something, so he sent a military police group into the south on July 5 to seek unity.

A 2,000-ton fan-blade-powered aerostat landed. The Aegis logo, which was designed by Poma himself and represented the knightly spirit of Verzong, was very eye-catching on the front of the aerostat.

A few minutes later, in the simple underground desert fortress, Yu Cheng looked at the recall order and smiled sarcastically because of the lack of water.

The military policeman who came to announce Yu Cheng's callback appointment looked a little embarrassed.

At this time, Yu Cheng was removed from the southern war situation and replaced with the situation at the Palace of Mirrors. It was obviously to seize power. In order for Boma to ensure that his direct line controlled Ver, this method was really too low-level. Moreover, Yu Cheng

Will you accept this order?

When the military police captain was hesitating whether to implement Yu Cheng's "special plan" after his disobedience.

Yu Cheng accepted the order and left the headquarters here. The team on the southern front had been set up a long time ago, and he would not admit defeat without him. Just after Yu Cheng left, two military policemen followed him, one on the left and one on the right.

Yu Cheng couldn't help but pause.

The military police also paused and couldn't help but put their hands on Yu Cheng's back. These two lieutenants didn't know the political situation and were not that smart. They only knew that this mission was to escort!

So much so that Yu Cheng reminded them in a low voice: "At least do some scene work, otherwise,~" At this time, one of the two fools pushed Yu Cheng.

At this time, in the military base, someone suddenly took out a gun and pointed it at the outsider, and the military police department who came over asked: "What are you doing? General Yu Cheng made great contributions during the war. Did you invite him?"

Reporting on duty, still killing the general!"

This is a very clear warning. The southern front is semi-independent. Don't ignore the implementation of the order just because the master in the rear has given it.

The gendarmerie captain also realized something, and immediately slapped someone away, then took out his pistol and shot the guy who pushed Yu Cheng, hitting the shoulder.

Because: when Yu Cheng has shown cooperation, if the military police's misconduct leads to a mutiny, no one can afford it.

...After the disappearance of the arcane magic, the "spell of understanding" no longer exists. For certain classes who used to be able to look down on others, they are suddenly blind. Only when they are hurt can they know how to deal with it...

Five minutes later, Yu Cheng boarded the plane, accompanied by the military police chief. San San explained: "It was a misunderstanding just now. We also did it for the sake of appearance in the imperial capital, but general, you must be careful when you go back this time."

Yu Cheng interrupted: "Okay, you know what you should know. If you didn't put a metal bracelet on me, it would be considered very polite. Follow me!" After saying that, Wei Keng snapped his fingers, and the sound was comparable to

The sound of bullets exploding, bursting at the fingertips, and the high-speed air flow cut a fly in the cabin in half, and then left the shiny metal scratches of the knife on the aluminum alloy cabin.

The faces of these military policemen changed suddenly. They were about to take out the forbidden law system they were carrying, but it was broken by Kacha.

Facing the nervous gaze of the military police, Yu Cheng explained apologetically: Well, I am born with supernatural powers.

The restraining and locking equipment brought by the military police on this trip had no effect at all. At this time, they realized that the general who could win in the south was extraordinary. As a result, the smiles on their faces became a little more polite again.

…The airship flew and flew, passing through clouds, seemingly far away from the turmoil on the ground…

Six hours later, Yu Cheng came to Ver, and saw an acquaintance Orr! After being transferred back from the Bohan Colony War, he was never reused, but was sent to the submarine warfare in the southern waters of Ver.

In the middle, that is, in the harbor of Luojiwo on the left side of the "t" continent, the iron stars are all in the east at this time, and the southwest sea area can only be peaceful.

No matter how extraordinary Or's combat power is now, none of Ver's local officers, including Boma, dare to use him in this battle with Osima. Just like Cao Cao never dared to use Zhang Liao to deal with the Han Dynasty.

It was the same as Shouting Hou’s Northern Expedition.

Yu Cheng paused after seeing Orr. His abilities come from blood! The biggest problem with blood is that it involves its essence.

Similar to the problem faced by "warlocks" in the era of swords and sorcery.

On the road to chasing power, his consciousness gradually synchronizes with the quantum information of his bloodline, and he cannot tell whether he is the consciousness born in this life or an individual with an extended bloodline.

Although it is not the ancient mysterious era now, Orr at this age is gradually beginning to think about the world following the quantum information transmitted by the bloodline left by Enma.

And once you think about it, the ghost will linger in your heart.

In front of the aisle, Orr also saw Yu Cheng's gaze, paused, and then smiled. Both of them were Vernet's generals, and neither of them were direct descendants of Poma.

For a time, Orr felt the same way and felt sympathy for the southern general who was transferred back.

Orr sighed after watching Yu Cheng walk from the deep hall to the reception office of Ver's Fifth Empire. At this time, he did not know that he and Yu Cheng would become the promoters of Ver's Second Republic.

…Of course, now we have to wait for the corrupted and expired “wise leader” in the office to get out.…

In the office, Boma, who had bloodshot eyes, was looking at the interface. The interface showed an industrial relic from Verre six hundred years ago. It was a focusing altar with a base of 500 meters. There were a large number of optical prisms on the base of the altar.

, allowing light beams to undergo complex refraction in it. This is an extremely large preaching altar. It was once a miracle for Ver to summon the gods.

A super altar, which can consume a lot of energy to perform quantum operations, can connect the thoughts of all believers in the world, allowing their thoughts to swim freely in this constructed world.

In the super ancient times, the so-called Soul Forbidden Curse, a super spell that changed the beliefs of tens of millions of people in several countries, was a super spell that required several divine descendants to sacrifice themselves. After casting the divine descending spell,

If the amount of self-information released is too large, it will collapse if it cannot hold the energy.

But now, if we smash down millions of tons of steel and let thermal power stations burn millions of tons of coal, we can complete the energy supply. If we block a leader's concept field, we can start super computing.

But now God has disappeared! Boma didn't want to believe this reality, so he dug out the altar, thinking at one point that he wanted to verify that it was false.

This is similar to when you are playing with your mobile phone and your friend next to you says that the Internet is disconnected. You try to turn on the Internet immediately and try to verify it! "Disconnecting from the Internet" is a fatal thing for some people! But for some people, it is nothing.

...Boma now just sees that his system is down, and has not yet received the bad news of "no return"...

When Yu Cheng came in, Boma raised his head and stared at the Wei Keng clone. After staring like this for a full minute, Boma said dryly: "I thought I would never see you again! Haha.


Boma said this because four months ago, the nuclear-powered floating battleship he was driving as a stand-in crashed during the Battle of Medog. At that time, the other body of Wei Keng parachuted away.

Yu Cheng let out a breath. A few years ago, he was a small soldier. He was captured from the Southern Old Continent. Then he used a major's uniform to become a warlord in Ver. The storms he experienced allowed him to face Boma calmly.

Since he is no longer a soldier, he is actually a feudal official. Even if Boma kills him, he cannot use simple reasons.

Yu Cheng, who was completely single, found a sofa and sat down. He looked at the coffee table filled with ashtrays in front of him, shook his head and said, "You've been very nervous recently. It's not good if you smoke too much."

After taking a deep breath, Boma opened the window, raised his hand at the same time, and closed the door of his office tightly. Then he said to the traveler in front of him in a solemn tone: "I can't go back here, what about you?" (

Boma has no system anymore, which is the source of his greatest anxiety at present)

Boma sat on the main chair in front of the desk, seemingly still calm, but at this time his bloodshot eyes did not leave Wei Keng. Of course, if possible, Boma now wanted to strangle the Wei Keng split in front of him.

Yu Cheng was very incompetent and clasped his fingers on the leather sofa.

Yu Cheng looked out the window, wondering if there would be a "swordsman" downstairs, and said slowly: "At this moment, I am Yu Cheng, and the group of splits that are fighting against you have dispersed. Well, I don't

Maybe I went back as a time traveler and wanted to live here."

Boma cursed: "Are you kidding! You want to drag us to death in this world in this plane confrontation. What good does this do to you?!" He stared at Wei Keng, deep in his eyes.

Trembling and fearful.

Yu Cheng looked at Boma in surprise, and then asked in confusion: "Isn't it good to live in this world? At least there are no snoopers or fate arrangers to interfere with us."

Boma: "I don't want to stay here. If you want to stay, you can let me go! Now the action in this plane is stagnant."

Yu Cheng stared at Boma and suddenly felt a little pitiful for him: "Have you ever died?"

Boma was stunned. In some dangerous missions, his consciousness was also damaged. It was defined as "death" but he still had the chance to come back. But the split body in front of him - he suddenly recalled something,

The system explained that this time traveler named Wei Keng has an independent consciousness in each body. It is not that he understands the substitute, and in this battle between gods, more than one individual died. And this death is? Never come back.

not coming.

Yu Cheng said word by word: "I have died many times in my cluster, not just in this plane. When it comes to life and death, be open-minded, know the past, grasp the present, and work hard to expand the future." His tone was flat,

But it drained all the energy from Boma's body.

Yu Cheng looked at him, as if to say: Young man, work hard and take root here.

In this war in the mortal world, Boma's "soul" was already scattered by the Holy Great Wall, and it could not withstand the rough "gravel" of Wei Keng.

This chapter has been completed!
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