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Chapter 20.09 One Sword Becomes a Crowd

 27 years after the Jiulan Star expedition, the battle in the star sea is not a confrontation between suppression and counter-suppression, but a battle of "survival and alienation".

At that time, the Interstellar Empire was eager to suppress the "alienation route" of humans in the area. The strategic purpose of launching the war was to make humans here "dare not dare".

The Interstellar Empire only considers blockage, but does not consider the actual situation here and what plan should be used to replace the route of becoming a beast.

Therefore, the "will to fight" of the interstellar empire here four thousand years ago was constantly being depleted.

Shuoyuan humans want to take root here, and the strategic purpose is not to replace the race, but to correct and turn humans back from the genetic evolution route of the giant beasts. This is to require the replacement of the giant beast route with the "human civilization route". This is

A humanistic war.

In Wei Keng's words, those "people" in the "behemoth" camp = "possibility" are meant to be included in our line.

Narrator: The larvae of the giant beast are in human form, and Wei Keng is ready to make this idea to compete with the super star sea giant beast.

…the only ones that can be preyed upon by Wei Keng these days are the highest-level interstellar behemoths.…

In the sea of ​​​​stars, after regional sword arrays are deployed, they are waiting for the giant beasts that have evolved into sect masters to take over.

From 27 to 28, these interstellar behemoths tried to save their place of origin, but were ambushed by Wei Keng along the way. The 17 planet master behemoths were all severely injured. Three of them were seventh-level dark energy behemoths, possibly

The weakest one was directly annihilated to death.

As soon as the giant beasts enter the navigation state, Wei Keng quietly follows them within a light-second distance, staring at their buttocks (several groups of energy dissipation points) and drawing circles.

After several rounds of periodic observations, the Shuoyuan faction under the shift system finally pinpointed and struck the target in a sneak attack, directly drilling through its vital points.

Since the "space-time system" dark energy is the most mobile in the star sea, the focus of the dark energy smelting planned by Wei Keng lies in this.

This large-scale interception and battle made this wave of interstellar behemoths have no idea how many level seven dark energy users came to surround them this time, and they became suspicious for a while.

This is to say, in Shuoyuan's earliest and weakest dangerous link in the Behemoth Nebula, due to the slow scheduling of these behemoths, the seventh-level behemoths belonging to different subspecies lacked "unified information exchange" (similar to the two

At the beginning of the 11th century, Indian warships and American Eagle warships conducted military exercises, and communication relied on semaphores)

The Shuoyuan space knights, under the leadership of Wei Keng, adopted the form of sparrow warfare and constantly mobilized in the starry sky to allow the farming group to pass the initial farming stage.

...In the sea of ​​​​stars, humans and beasts, generations of patience and the ambition of ancient buried nebulae, rub hands with each other...

Taxi Qiduo, the third-level Shuoyuan, has not returned to the seventh level of dark energy at this time, and formed a very unscientific "confrontation" state with these interstellar behemoths between 27 and 30 years. This is like

In the jungle, the huge tiger saw the boy holding the stick, and finally turned back in three steps and retreated.

One sword is like a pack of wolves, but the strength is weak and the energy is long-lasting. Such a result made the observers silent! Because from the beginning of this battle, it was already certain that "Shuoyuan" won.

When the strongest of a force cannot protect the youngest and weakest, it will face the end of being replaced.

The terrifying erect ape on Earth in the main world not only has frontal attack power comparable to that of large species, but also protects the young and weak, and builds mud houses and thatched houses. To a certain extent, it is more important than spears and stone tools.

Human male teenagers will not become the main force of the group until they are 5 or 6 years old until they are 13 or 14 years old. This period of time is actually longer than that of tigers, leopards, and wolf cubs, and consumes more energy. Theoretically, this is the "

"Evolutionary disadvantage" can make the terrifying Ape erectus be eliminated. But the result is: humans have the upper hand in cultivating and reproducing offspring.

As a bystander, Zhen Xun didn't react immediately because Wei Keng didn't beat the opponent to death. Why? Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan used gorgeous words to praise him without hesitation? Is it a bit too much?

She admitted that Wei Keng was very bold and strong, but she wondered whether the two supervisors' "praise" was a bit "too disgusting".

The logic of women in Zhen Xun Promise Star is inevitably a bit similar to "Oriental feminism in modern times was obsessed with eachother and always expected men to give everything at once. For example, when encountering danger, they always hoped that unrelated men around them would rush to block the harm. Don't be timid.


But for most of the time on earth, women's strategy towards men was "gentleness."

[In other words, the popular culture between the sexes in this historical period at the beginning of the 21st century belongs to anti-human genetic reproduction. This is abnormal in human history, because only continuation can have history. If we give up continuation, it will inevitably be short-lived.

Naturally it’s weird.]

This is the evolution of the Promised Star, in which women have long had the power to define society. Only after they have completely gained control over men can they be considered normal compared to the Promised Star people.

Relatively speaking, "Jing Guyu" and "Qin Xiaohan" were women who were born during this period of normal development at the end of the 26th century. Their strategy for dealing with men was to "wind around their fingers and wrap their arms around them softly", completing their calculations in a gentle manner.

Jing Guyu noticed Zhen Xun's confusion and made a small talk: "The brilliance of the sword does not lie in how many bloods it cuts, but how many evils it cuts. The sword's intention does not lie in how many evils it kills, but how many evils it sustains."

Righteousness abounds.”

She stretched out her delicate hand and said, "I understand you, your kind of person, you enjoy the pleasure of controlling powerful and outstanding men on your five fingers. But a real man, a big hero, as a prairie fire flame, has never been able to be led away.

They have their own goals - and for us, to identify these men, we can see how determined they are towards their goals. Don't judge from your perspective, you have to follow his sword and see where he is pointing.

Then wipe the sword edge along the way."

Narrator: Apparently Jing Guyu once treated Wei Qiang like this.

When Wei Keng was fending off the hordes of predators with his interstellar sword, he was also helping the humans in Shuoyuan survive the "life and death test" at all costs on each target planet.

So when Zhenxun saw Wei Keng's sword pointed at the giant beast, he was puzzled by "it didn't match what she thought was better".

What Jing Guyu and Qin Xiaohan saw was Wei Keng's detailed work as he forced the giant beast back with his sword. Behind the scenes, while the giant beast was still hesitating, he continued to cover the development of the new force of the "Shuoyuan Sect".

And precisely when men on earth master violence, the most important thing is to precisely and intensely drive the development of the "organizational power" of their group.

…In various planets in the Behemoth Nebula, the cultivation of Shuoyuan in the human base stage is being stepped up.…

According to the current Shuoyuan system, the first stage of assessment is between the ages of 45 and 60.

At this time, the first stage of life as a carbon-based human being has ended. The accumulation of knowledge system is almost the same, the world view is stable, and has its own set of persistence in facing the world. It is about to enter the stage of mental aging. If you don't fight at this time, it will be better.


At this time, humans will be organized into groups and deployed at various high-risk links in the war!

In these links, the personnel system is fluid. Therefore, the entire group faces risks at the same time.

In the dying struggle, human beings who were originally aging have all returned to the state equivalent to their youth in terms of learning knowledge and action efficiency. (This is just like the review efficiency before the college entrance examination is the highest.)

The Shuoyuan organization's sensitivity to combat issues exceeds that of any current human organization in the star sea.

As for the forces on the opposite side that followed the path of giant beasts, the "deceitful methods" used in this war were quickly understood by the Shuoyuan faction.

...The tricks used by the giant beasts in battle, in the eyes of Shuoyuan, are as clumsy as trying to trick a three-year-old child into using a lollipop...

Scene 1: At the lakeside, a beautiful human medical staff is calling for help. However, before the sporozoite, which mimics the shape of a human beauty, can wait for its prey, the core members of Shuoyuan's mechanical army rushed up and attacked this person who came to her doorstep.

"Female body" heterogeneous binding, followed by a set of mechanical "general health care".

That is: intubate front and back (the upper and lower holes are all filled), the needle goes out and points to the internal organs, suppressing the dark energy genes in the body, and then all the "female body aliens" are stimulated, the body rises and falls, and the silver thread drops from the mouth.

During the intubation, the "milky white" gene stabilizer is poured into the cannula. (The whole process needs to be completely coded and silenced.)

Scene 2: Groups of shadow mantises lurk on the road they must pass, waiting for the transportation corps sent by Shuoyuan to arrive to block them. However, before they can get close, a group of mosquitoes fly over and humans aim to transform them into "sour-loving" mosquitoes.

, when these mosquitoes danced the figure eight dance on the shadow mantis grass, the Shuoyuan faction immediately understood, and then the cloud explosion bombs were projected over, roasting these "sneak attack" mantises in batches at the ambush point. (Mosquito transformation

The amount of biotechnology enrichment is much higher than the genetic mutation efficiency of the giant beasts)

Scene 3: In the 8343 Steel Underground Base of the Shuoyuan Sect, after the third wave of large-scale insect infestation was repelled, humans began to patrol the battlefield. Suddenly, one of the behemoth juveniles who was said to be a local surrender faction claimed to have been attacked by the "higher body" from the opposite side.

"Persecution. (The juvenile bodies of the Behemoth Sect were still in human form for the first twenty years. The Shuoyuan Sect allowed them to surrender)

But this surrender was not the case. When this existence with hidden fifth-level dark energy deceived the many mechanical checkpoints in the human base, and when it came to the human logistics center and prepared to jump back, it transformed into a massacre, the scene in the surrounding medical center suddenly switched to an ambush.

lock up.

It turned out that this medical center had just been holographically projected, and the Shuoyuan human who had been deceived by the fake surrender monster directly popped out the hollow sword, and while it was transforming, it output four swords, cutting it to half of its health (chopped off)

Half of the movable limbs were removed), and after its transformation was completely completed, it was found that it was suddenly moved into an ambush circle, locked by a large number of particle cannons, and either surrendered or burned to ashes.

After the battle was won, Shuo Yuanzhe sarcastically said to the loser: You are so stubborn, just keep practicing.

"Soldiers, deceitful ways." The giant beasts will only give you the beginning, but what about the rest?

The complete version is: "Therefore, show the inability to use it when it is possible, show the use when it is used, show the distance when it is near, and show the nearness when it is far. Use it to lure it when it is advantageous, take it when it is chaotic, prepare it when it is practical, and avoid it when it is strong.

, scratch them when you are angry, be arrogant when you are humble, work for them when you are tired of them, leave them when you are close, attack them when they are unprepared, and catch them by surprise."

...playing tricks behind the scenes and digging holes in front of the enemy...

The giant beasts had one brain to play with, and the Shuoyuan faction had more than 40 brains to play with them.

The front-line execution "brains" also have the "brains" in the organization behind them to rely on, and the backup team arranges "guaranteed" plans and comprehensive planning.

Not to mention that among these people, Wei Keng's body was also mixed in, playing a leading role among them.

In the tunnel battlefield inside the star, Yan Ming and her team followed the big brother matched by the "travel system", drilling into caves, trekking through the underground flying ocean, and "catching fish and shrimps". They held the hollow sword and pried it again and again.

After opening the skull of the giant beast, without even realizing it, the barrier (social fear) that I once had about joining a team was overcome silently.

"Human Theory" is not only a talk with the beasts of the Behemoth Nebula, but also a refutation of those "spiritual injection" routes.

Master Wei has a saying that is very thought-provoking among Shuoyuan humans: It doesn’t matter if you are stupid, you can fly first, and it doesn’t matter if you are not good enough. Make up for your shortcomings and don’t hold others back. Make sure you keep going.

The only thing you should not do is think that you are the smartest, take shortcuts, and regard others as "mentally retarded". Then you will unknowingly lose your wits.

This group of people who follow the path of giant beasts are "unsociable" and naturally have no social interaction. They are "so simple and simple, and they think they are the best among animals."

Mr. Wei: I remember that although the true genius (Sacred Great Wall) does not care whether the sky is high or high, he still constantly looks at his surroundings. By judging the good and evil of people's hearts, he first clears his own posture, and then fights evil with good!

[If biological organizations are used to describe the efficiency and response capabilities of social organizations, the bloated bureaucracy of the Star Sea Empire four thousand years ago was almost at the level of a crab, but now Shuoyuan's frontline operations are like a warm-blooded animal that always maintains "heat"]

In the last year of 2027, Wei Keng selected 40 front lines and fought against the cases in multiple aspects of logistics. He took two small teams of time travelers to study them repeatedly (open a small stove), and emphasized to them in detail which ones were the most dangerous.

The link requires you to pay attention, pay attention, and pay attention again.

But after the meeting, Wei Keng heard the words of these young people that made him heartbroken.

"Senior Wei Keng is teaching?" "That should be the case." "Damn, after months of fighting, he went through a hail of bullets, so I was worried about him at the beginning." "Senior Wei Keng's so-called danger is

, scrape the skin." "What exactly is his plane support (envious tone)?"

These conversations seem to be bringing people closer, but behind the scenes there is banter. It can be said that Fanhong's group has not yet entered the "alive" state. They still regard themselves as passers-by in this world.

Wei Keng had to ask the system for advice. Wei Keng asked, "Does this fight look like I'm playing?"

Qin Xiaohan explained patiently: "No, you have suppressed every risk to a minimum in order to reduce the war losses as much as possible. You have put a lot of effort into it, but the new people lack your growth process and cannot understand it, so they can only praise you for your mistakes.


Wei Keng: "So I am the teacher who is dancing happily on the podium, and below are a group of stupid students. Can I teach them to death?"

Jing Guyu interjected: "Some learning requires making mistakes before you know the key. This -" The system wants to persuade Wei Keng, or make these newcomers understand the lesson "bloody".

Wei Keng was somewhat silent: "I know, but I won't make mistakes. I have already tasted the price. They have their own way."

Wei Keng will never let his clones relax their vigilance and sacrifice their blood and tears to teach others. He is prepared to find an opportunity to have a good talk with them and find another way to awaken their "muddleheadedness".

…Some roads cannot be walked for others. Shuo Yuan is life’s own task.…

In the 30th year of the Shuoyuan calendar, three important planets (areas) in the Behemoth Nebula were gradually taken over by the power of "Shuoyuan". The behemoths in the star sea were once again restless. These seventh-level planet masters were near the central white dwarf star No. 2.

Had a meeting.

When these beings, which are seven to eight hundred kilometers in length and are comparable to interstellar battleships, dragging the dust flow often from the tail of comets, into the orbit of white dwarfs, and all arrive, a "gathering of beasts" begins.

However, the giant beasts discovered that a group of light prisms suddenly appeared on the space layer of the white dwarf star. These light prisms reminded them that they had been "tailed" in the past three years.

But now that everyone in the inner circle is here, none of the giant beasts in the nebula have retreated.

Qiheng (a thousand-kilometer-long bright beetle) quickly shouted to the center of the white dwarf: "Outsiders, it seems you are really arrogant."

At this time, "movie" projection beams were projected in the white dwarf star.

This projection appeared in front of every interstellar sect leader in the form of a giant beast, showing a young man holding a long sword in his hand. Of course, this long sword is a particle shock beam more than ten kilometers long in the open universe!

Taxi Kaiduo took over the behemoths and roared: "Young people, of course, have to be energetic. If you are not energetic, are you young? You are wrong not to take me with you to the meeting. Now I am also a member of the Behemoth Nebula.


At this time, a super centipede with a body length of 500 kilometers and a total length of 3,000 kilometers with an obsidian shell refuted Wei Keng's words: "You are an outsider. Naturally, you have no place here."

Wei Keng immediately raised his sharp blade, and then the rhombus-shaped space gate flashed out from the side of the centipede. Suddenly, a space was cut, and then, in the open space, the link parts of this "centipede" that were hundreds of kilometers thick were cut by the sword.

The awn was cut.

These very precise strikes within a range of thousands of kilometers mean that the fine interstellar dust has already completed line deployment and precise guidance. These giant beasts are already in the formation at this time.

In space, thousands of kilometers of planetary atmosphere-like shields were formed around the behemoths, and the already tense atmosphere was now on the verge of breaking out.

Taxi Qiduo said leisurely: "I live here sincerely. Since I am not qualified, then if I cut off a few guys, the positions will be freed up for me, right? Do you agree? If so.

, just nominate a representative, or, um, let me choose the weakest to weaken?"

Qi Heng: "Your Excellency is a high-level dark energy user of the space-time system. Why are you so attached to this small place like ours?"

Taxi turned on the helm and sang: "The mountain is not high, if there are immortals, it will be famous; if the water is not deep, if there is a dragon, it will be spiritual. This is a humble house, but I am virtuous. I think this place is very good. How can it be called a small place?"

At this time, Wei Keng was just like SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star, causing trouble to his neighbors.

Although Wei Keng showed his willingness to negotiate, the interstellar beasts did not welcome "Taxi Kaiduo" because the traces of foreign power on Wei Keng's body were too serious, and the human forces under Wei Keng were trying to eradicate the inheritance of the beasts here.

So, after ten minutes, the two sides broke down.

Wei Keng then revealed the bottom line: "Battles below level seven must be resolved by those below level seven. If high-end forces insist on participating, then fight to the end. - Also, Shuoyuan does not want to eradicate human beings here, what I want is human beings."

Reestablish the path.”

Starlights appeared in the space, and we saw that such a "conflict" was about to begin.

At this moment, high-speed beams of light echoed out from the empty white dwarf space.

Wei Keng suddenly stopped and looked warily at the space above the North Pole.

There, a spatial shock struck down, followed by a familiar figure of Wei Keng in the entire area.

Complex fluctuations occurred in the materiality of space for six light seconds. Only Wei Keng could feel such a huge change in the nature of space. Moreover, his mouth, which had been fluttering wildly before, was now pursed quietly.

Qingsu, who suddenly intervened here, also looked at both sides of the confrontation.

The giant beast called "Mingya" was the target of Qingshuoyi's encirclement and suppression four thousand years ago. And the little enemy on the other side called "Taxi Qiduo" was the little villain she wanted to seize.

Qingsu also chose neutral, and warned both parties in a soft voice: "I think it makes sense, high-level and high-level confrontation, low-level and low-level confrontation, but I don't mind cross-level challenges" - the last sentence is obviously aimed at the tower

West starts the rudder.

Wei Keng's astral sword formation was adjusting its direction, aiming at Qing Su Yi and making "margin" preparations. After hearing Qing Su Yi's words, Wei Keng complained in the space memo: Stop it, you idiot.

Are you Zhang Wuji?

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