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Chapter 20.16 (Part 1) Iron Will on the Artificial Planet

 Around the great black hole of creation, Wei Keng has quietly started to "crisscross the streets". One by one, negative entropy carved planet strongholds have begun to be set up on the periphery. Because they are very far apart, they are very indistinct.

No one among the great forces in the universe could imagine that this small celestial body would dare to semi-encircle the entire large black hole?

Of course, this promise could not be imagined by the aliens and the idle strategic thinking of the earthlings.

Earthling: Yes, I can't eat you today, but what about the future? The strategy must be grand, so that there will be more room for tactical choices in the future.

…Mr. Wei himself didn’t realize how aggressive he was. Wei Keng: I love peace.…

Six hundred light-years away to the east of the Great Black Hole, the Beehive Star is a planet whose volume changes periodically. The surface of the planet is distributed in a hexagonal network. The gaps (rift valleys) in each hexagonal continent are 50 kilometers apart.

and changes back and forth about a hundred kilometers.

Each module is a continent, with periodic condensation and periodic plate drift. This is mainly the effect of gravitational tides. During the periodic expansion of such a planet, oceans and land alternately transform.

But compared with the Nirvana Star first created by Wei Keng, this is somewhat similar, but the details are a little different.

The Nirvana star was on the verge of destruction, but was saved by Wei Keng's orbit adjustment, tearing apart the planet's tidal gravity, and finally a series of exquisite structural transformations within the star body, forming internal energy that strengthened internal autobiography. This is a masterful rejuvenation."

This hive planet with a large number of craters was not originally a whole planet, but an asteroid belt. Weikeng passed the tidal point calculations and condensed the gaseous polymers of these asteroids into a planet.

This planet was a dead baby from the beginning! Now Wei Keng has reunited it, and it has changed from "rejuvenating with a wonderful hand" to "bringing it back to life".

Obviously, Wei Keng's skills are like those of an old Chinese medicine practitioner, improving through accumulation.

Now the entire planet is constructed of countless hexagonal frames, which are then filled with the interstellar material that was originally the asteroid belt. Each frame is a flowing layer vertical to the inner core of the earth, becoming a dynamic equilibrium state.

...The honeycomb star is hollow from the inside and does not have a mass-dense star core...

The water content of this planet is quite high. Unlike the earth, which only has a layer of ocean on the surface, it has water stored inside, and five percent of its volume is water.

This is because iron-core planets like the Earth lose a lot of oxygen in their early stages of formation.

The location of this hive is the "asteroid belt" area, which belongs to the junction of rocky planets and gaseous planets. As a result, neither molten rock planets with metallic cores nor gaseous planets dominated by hydrogen and helium have been formed.

In order for Wei Keng to have enough gravity to complete the aggregation of the planet, he had to add hydrogen to allow the oxygen to stay.

Narrator: The thermal insulation property of water is much better than that of the atmosphere. In the orbit between Mars and Jupiter, if a large celestial body is formed, and if this celestial body is not an icy comet inside, then a large amount of water will remain on the surface, forming a

A water layer hundreds of kilometers thick must be added with an atmosphere hundreds of kilometers high in the troposphere to ensure the exchange of ocean heat and space. However, large rocky planets cannot hold such an atmosphere with extremely high water content, and a large amount of hydrogen will be lost.

into space.

In the transition zone stage between rocky planets and gaseous planets, due to the huge difference between "gas" and "solid", natural stars cannot be formed.

Wei Keng created an artificial "unnatural" celestial body. From an external perspective, it is a layer of honeycomb hexagonal plates. Each plate rises or falls with the periodic thermal springs. Each plate has convex edges.

It is a terrain with mountains and a central depression forming an inner lake.

The inner lakes of all plates are connected to the internal oceans.

The huge underground ocean connected by hollow pipes under the plate will lift the plate when it is heated, and vice versa.

This dynamic balance pressure relief and pressurization mode allows the entire planet to breathe and breathe like a living thing.

The entire planet is like a huge steam boiler group, and each hexagonal plate is a piston system.

And this kind of power eventually transformed into artificial plate movements on the planet's surface that were more frequent than those on the natural planet. The planet rose and fell like a self-ringing bell.

When Wei Keng created this planet, the key point was to set up the star's "core to surface" water circulation system. The star uses this water circulation to "negative entropy" sort out the tidal energy received by the star.

It can be said that every negative entropic planet that has returned to order from chaos is ingenious and more dazzling than the most beautiful gems. Oh, if Wei Keng is willing to give such a "gem" to a certain lady.

Then it will be accepted happily, and it will last forever.

...In fact, when completed, this planet will not be a "romantic gem", but a piece of soil that will be soaked in blood...

After the honeycomb ball was successfully created, the Arctic Jet Zone Fleet arrived,

They fought a "rule-limited" battle with the traceability faction on this artificial planet.

The fleets of large black holes created in batches require the builders on this planet to follow the rules of "creating large black holes in the North Pole" and hand over control of the core planet.

Narrator: Wei Keng set up a sword formation system on a nearby star. At the same time, he held a light speed guarantee and provided an agreement of "not engaging in a seven-level war", and conducted friendly negotiations with Ju Mang, the planetary master in the Arctic Creation Ejection Zone. Both parties

There will be no use of planet-destroying weapons, and it will rely entirely on star warfare and precision strikes in space.

Mr. Wei came up with a quick and easy agreement very leisurely, looking forward to the opponent's foul.

Devouring Gold Jumang glanced at the sword formation in the direction of the star, and seemed to be sending some message to the great black hole of creation.

It has been forty-seven years since we parted ways with Blue Star that day. The seventh-level planetary masters of the Great Black Hole of Arctic Creation are very afraid of what kind of strength Taxi Qiduo has returned to now.

Sixteen days later, the Great Black Hole of Arctic Creation had a phone call with the satellite on the Beehive star, confirming that the bottom line of "no participation in the war at level seven" would not be breached.

…Wei Keng received Jumang’s reply, exhaled, looked towards the Beehive Star, and murmured: “Children, you are on your own”…

On the surface of the Hive Star, if you look at the sky, you can see more than a thousand local battleships with a length of 100 kilometers, gritting their teeth.

Currently, a large number of mechanical shuttle squids have been added to the electromagnetic launch silos on the surface of the honeycomb, ready to enter low-Earth orbit to intercept this invasion.

At this time, there are more than one million people migrating here from the hive planet. To be precise, excluding Wei Keng, there are 993,343 people working in the core of the star.

On this planet, the tracers are sure that there is a probability that they will perish in this battle, but there is also a probability that they will complete the sublimation of "self-possibility".

…Compared to the origin-tracing faction, which has a common goal, and the Arctic Creation Black Hole Attacking Faction, the sixth-level defenders are still thinking about “snake tricks”...

Faced with a sudden war, the Promise Star people would inevitably weigh and compare. After all, they are "leftover from the arboreal evolutionary period" and their political talent is inherently higher than that of the people on Earth. However, the people on Earth have this war mentality and political skills are not enough.

Traceability School: The first preparation is to "fight". Even if you lose the fight and are completely wiped out, if you don't fight, you will never know whether many of your vague points are right or wrong.

On the hive planet, the battle platform broadcast, unifying everyone's thoughts: it is impossible to whitewash conflicts, and they will break out sooner or later. Therefore, when it comes to the survival of the route, even the weak cannot compromise.

When the hive planet's broadcast rang, all tracers had determined that war was inevitable.

The tracers did not agree to any of the "tolerant" conditions proposed by the Devouring Gold Jumang before the war began, and did not intend to have any "hesitant thinking" about these hypocritical conditions.

After 49 long blue star years, when did I escape from the control of the traditional dark energy group as a civilian? After tasting the freedom of free labor, I am now unwilling to return to the cage obediently, even if those guys put more in the cage.

Sweet bait.

...Wei Keng: In the 21st century, there are always people who are willing to return to the cage because a few "pet dogs" say: The moon is rounder in the cage...

The Hive Planet War, which the traditional forces of the star seas on all sides thought was an ordinary star sea conflict that would end soon, gradually attracted the attention of most of the promised people in the star sea.

This battle has been going on for 5 long Blue Star years!

In the first year, the Jumang fleet blocked the entire planet area.

Used the Star Destroyer Cannon to overturn more than a hundred of the six hundred hive hexagonal plates.

When the bombing was at its most intense, the entire planet was on the verge of collapse. Large steam volcanoes were ejected to an altitude of 100,000 kilometers. However, in the end, the people stationed on the Hive Star repaired the Hive Planet's steam system.

And at the end of the year, the traceability faction formed the Sky Knights force and began to follow the comet's elliptical orbit to compete with the fleet in the North Pole jet zone for control of the star's gravity zone.

...On earth, there is no legal right to a piece of land that does not come from the struggle for blood, and only after the struggle for blood will it not be squandered...

Wei Keng had anticipated this when he handed over the planet to the Origin Sect.

In a desperate struggle, the Wei Keng clones were the kings of scrolls and directly tried the "Zheng Nian System" in space.

The tracers used their own dark energy smelting to create a unique "visual advantage" and developed a high-speed fighter based on thermonuclear fuel.

Note: This kind of visual advantage is due to its high cost performance. Basically all first-order tracers can wake up and observe. Compared with those high-order dark energy sensors, tracers act in batches.

Cruise in a large area of ​​space, sowing each model of battlefield like potatoes, and at the same time checking for enemy signal points. This dark energy satellite is codenamed "Sky Knight"

Because in space, the mass of a battleship is an advantage, and it cannot be defeated in a head-to-head encounter. However, the acceleration of actions in space due to its huge mass is a disadvantage.

So in the second year of the war, the Arctic jet zone still surrounded the 'Hive Star'. But the battlefield had entered space.

In the third year of the battle for the Gold-devouring Gathering Fleet, there was a blind spot outside the fleet. All space observation stations disappeared. They were surrounded by the information network established by the Space Sky Knights of the tracing faction.

In this star system, in the North Pole jet area, all non-space transport material chains of major planets have been cut off.

…In the fourth year of the war, the flames of war reached the surface of the star…

Tracers have figured out the "menstrual period" of eruptions that occur every ten years on their own stars.

When solar flares erupt every day, the most common picture is of the space transport ships of the invaders being hit by high-speed warheads guided by the Sky Knights.

When the tracers' high-speed warheads directly drilled through the large transport ship, the commander then carried the "quark matter robot" (base) and launched it on the ship's hull to engage in an interstellar hegemony. It started inside the 100-kilometer battleship in the Arctic jet zone.

"Force formation", base advancement, and small-scale battles were carried out.

In this kind of war within the ship, the commanders of both sides created their own "interstellar base vehicle" system, ranging from hundreds of tons of multi-legged robots to as small as nano-swarms. These are not the most advanced, but they must be real-time.


After the fourth year of the battle, looking from outer space, a large number of debris platforms have become the norm in the war zone.

The Arctic jet zone is also becoming increasingly unfavorable for attacks on the hive planet.

Jumang blocked the treaty line and asked the defenders to dispatch weapons of mass destruction. Jumang kept looking at the internal situation of the star. He was like a kitten stealing fish, afraid of Taxi Qidian's further actions.

Wei Keng did not overreact, because the pressure Ju Mang was giving was just right.

When hundreds of billions of equivalents of energy were baptized in the Arctic jet zone, the people hiding in the planet plates did not give in.

On the contrary, a large number of second-level tracers appeared and began to work on more advanced nano-manufacturing systems. The second-level traceability technique can support higher energy states.

Under the new technology, the original "planet repair ability" of the traceability faction has become fully mature.

The tracers began to fight the war into a stalemate. It was like a python and a crocodile rolled together. The crocodile would not let go, and the python would not let go.

In the Beehive Star New Watch, you can see a large number of meteors flying from the surface towards the sky every day when you look up. These are all materials that are directed towards space.

At the end of the year, at the control center of Continent 23, Hai Sui, a tracer in mechanical armor suit, looked at the warship in the sky far away from the "magnetic pulse" attack, and laughed: "Keep fighting, I haven't fought enough yet."



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