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Chapter 3.11 Pixiu

 Qin Tongli year 2215

The China where Wei Keng was located was quieter than the timeline in other materials, perhaps due to the impact of the economic war between east and west China. Therefore, Shengyang did not launch a sneak attack during this period.

The Edo side wants to backstab their father's country at this stage.

It's just that at this time in the timeline, the Chinese Navy was doing its job well under Guan Yiyan's strict orders, and there were too many boring patrols, so there was no chance for a sneak attack.

However, Wei Keng is a little strange. According to the national character of Shengyang, he will never give up the planned action of betting on national sports due to too many changing factors. Oh, at most, it may be postponed a little, and the way of appearance is more underworld.

So what are they doing now?

In Shenjing, the current cabinet group is angrily speculating about what the guard is going to do.

In October, the entire Shenjing already showed signs of surrendering and compromising on the current situation. Xu Gen was even ready to step down.

Then he said to his colleagues rather sadly that he wanted to apologize to Mr. Wei Keng.

Xu Gen apologized just to be polite.

Mr. Wei took it seriously. Not only did he write to Dali Temple to punish the culprit, he also prepared a public trial, and issued quotas for participation in the public trial to all positions and industries. He also broadcast live the prison facilities and environment of economic prisoners, and ensured Good conditions in prison for elderly criminals.

In this way, the entire Donglin was furious and no longer compromised with the Western Economic Alliance, and Mr. Xu Ge did not mention stepping down.

But, if you don’t mention it, don’t mention it! Now that the economic war cannot be stopped, the entire Western Economic Union is no longer panicking.

After October, the economic victory has been decided! The entire Shu region has been reduced to a place of gambling in this struggle between the two powers. No, it was directly swallowed up by the Western Economic Alliance.

Western Economic Union has built fourteen new development zones near Shudu. These development zones are close to Shudu, but they are definitely in the countryside.

A large number of police drones have also been equipped for the administrative departments of the entire region. The big households in Shudu, which are about to go bankrupt, have no ability to resist in the face of the general trend of this era!

In a new economic development zone, in front of drones and electronic robot dogs, what else can you do?

Public areas such as roads, stations, and supermarkets have complete electronic management systems. In addition, Western Economic Union recruited a large number of local cadres in Shu as early as sixteen years ago when Mr. Wei first laid out the third section .Now you can freely use it directly in your home country.

The Western Economic Alliance took over Shu and directly connected Yunnan and Guizhou. In the future, it will connect the Indo-China Peninsula to the Tianzhu Ocean. This will definitely form a strategic encirclement of the Eastern China Group.

Therefore, at the moment, Western Economic Union is not afraid of delaying. If the delay continues, Shenjing's military trump card will also become weaker.

The sage from the Shenjing Palace has spoken many times today, and he is very cautious in his words. He hopes that the billions of people in China will work together. Of course, he has also sent letters several times to order the cabinet to take responsibility for state affairs.

China is a constitutional monarchy, and the saints no longer hold real power, but now they are reprimanding the cabinet, which is unprecedented. It is not that the imperial power has been strengthened, but that the cabinet that has been in power for more than 20 years has now been hammered into the weakest position. All parties hope that it will be the weakest.

Step down.

After paying homage to the saint in the palace,

Mr. Xu Ge was walking in the palace corridor very bleakly. Next to him was the royal family member from the Finance Department.

Mr. Xu Ge asked like a candle in the wind: "Rikou, I have been prosperous and ruined in my life. But I have never been as confused as today."

This person named Ricoh, a member of the royal family's financial staff, supported the elder and said with pertinent words: "The elder is worried. Who could have predicted today's situation in advance?"

Mr. Xu Ge laughed miserably: "They mobilized 400,000 people just to enter the level of small private enterprises in the southeast. My cousin and the heads of dozens of gold clans in the southeast were all in a state of dissatisfaction. Apart from the differences in new technologies,

With one move, everyone and everyone will lose."

Mr. Xu Ge: "After I leave, everything depends on you."

The royal family member was stunned for a moment, but he could only nod his head with difficulty. According to the political rules of the upper echelons of Shenjing, if a senior official does not resolve matters during his tenure, his family will be ruined in three generations (that is, six generations).

Ten years) cannot be re-entered the official position.

Now that Xu is gone, it is obvious that he has finally completely given up on the family's career as an official.

But now, including Ricoh, a series of people who have taken over power in Shenjing would rather Xu Gen stay.

They want to wait until the situation gets worse, and the culprit is completely separated from his relatives, so that when the time comes, he can play the role of a dead person. Well, the person who survives and retreats is not as effective as a "dead person" in repaying debts.

Mr. Wei Keng was so upright that he refused to compromise on the conditions for the trial of economic criminals. This made the entire capital of Kyoto unable to stand.

When Western Economic Union was about to burn down the roof, the people in Shenjing didn't think that changing the door now would solve the problem.

In November, the Xu cabinet, which had lasted for 25 years, was dissolved.

A few years ago, no one would have thought that there would really be the power to bring down this force that spread across the court.

Of course, what I didn't expect is that the group of middle- and lower-level scholars gathered in Xilong now have not just changed the sky in Shenjing, but they have to continue to investigate!

Western Economic Union: The cabinet has fallen, but the financial group behind it is still there. The jackal will eventually eat people and must be killed.

In the past year, the public opinion in the Southeast has changed from ridicule and watching the excitement at the beginning to a calm attitude.

Throughout the article, conflicts continue, which is detrimental to the country and the people, and those in the same room are at war with each other, which only adds to the laughter of outsiders.

This internal battle in China has its own opinions from external public opinion.

Continental Europe and the United States of Edenia are very cautious in their comments, believing that this situation in the Western Economic Union cannot last long, and if it continues, both sides will eventually suffer losses.

As for Soviet Russia, Pravda tended to report the collapse of the old capitalist model in the face of the revised new capitalist model.

However, Wei Keng is not looking at these external evaluations now. This war is not fought for them.

In such a war for your own future, you must stick to your own ideas at all times.

Wei Keng: "This is not a dispute between regions or interest groups, but a battle over who holds the line. There is no tea or wine in this contest, it's just life and death."

Wei Keng remembered what happened to the defeated side after the main world Misu hegemony ended. The ideological defeat was to surrender from top to bottom, from the heart to the body, and let the external gluttons plunder like fools. This lasted for more than ten years. Later, the public knowledge controlled by the outside was still going against the public interests and emphasizing the rationality of all this in the mainstream discourse.

Wei Keng fully knew what would happen if he lost. And when he thought about his defeat, his opponent would discredit him out of fear. This would also lead to distortions in later history books for thousands of years. So now, Wei Keng was going to beat his opponent to death. .

The Shenjing side granted immunity to the self-removed cabinet elder. They wanted to force it to an end and let the so-called trial of the Western Economic Union go unfinished.

But Wei Keng, who had been provoked three times, would never let the other side off again no matter what.

Wei Keng did not accept Cao Cao's method of "killing grain storage officials".

Wei Keng: Since Shenjing has solved this problem by playing a physics game, the entire debt will now be shouldered by Shenjing.

China’s east-west strategic war must continue. If you want to blur the target, then you will be the target.

But in November, Wei Keng set new goals at an internal meeting of the Western Economic Union via remote projection.

For example, Mr. Xu Ge has now returned to his field. It is very difficult to put him on trial now, unless there is a military rebellion or a lengthy lawsuit. This is not something that most people can intervene in.

but now?

Wei Keng said to many comrades: "If the other side does not surrender, then we will achieve a small goal! China's high-value technology, high-tech talents, and the standards of the next generation of industrial products should be won in this economic war!"

With Wei Keng waving the baton again, this young, large, and energetic organization has not slowed down in momentum and has begun to move towards a new copy.

[In the 21st century, in the operation of the successful online game World of Warcraft: let young players, mainly young players, continue to start a large number of side tasks after completing the main tasks to maintain the passion for participation. This experience can naturally be applied to Let’s get started now.]

After finishing this small meeting of "setting goals".

The Gobi Desert is now covered with green greenhouses and black mirrored solar mirror collectors. In this wilderness that is gradually full of life, Wei Keng walked out of the greenhouse holding a cucumber in his mouth and looked at a distant one. Construction progress of the two-hundred-meter-tall anti-ballistic missile laser defense tower.

Wei Keng chewed the broken cucumber with a "click": "Actually, it is a bloody formatting that can make everything more thorough."

December 2215 of the Qin Dynasty

Western Economic Union is digesting the entire Shu region with peace of mind. It will integrate 90% of the industry in the region into the big data system. At the same time, it will train local personnel extensively and prepare to plan three hydropower stations in the Hengduan Mountains.

It’s still the same, energy, factories, roads, and then the training of young and strong productive forces, education of the young, and basic medical care for the elderly. The money is spent here, and only spent here honestly, and the assets are lost.


This kind of economic expansion is all about points! Workers who join the factory for training have meat and egg points. Raw materials purchased by the factory are given points for raw materials. Downstream sales and feedback are also points.

After getting the points, you can not only consume them immediately, but also save them. After one quarter, they will be automatically counted as a completely free currency. However, compared with the purchasing power, purchasing points is a little cheaper.

Therefore, the common people and small business owners in Shu are now thinking about how to spend the money allocated to them in the form of Western Economic Union.

Not a penny of the capital sent out during the expansion of Western Economic Union flowed into the Chinese market.

After reading the report of his subordinates in Shu, the newly appointed Minister of Household Affairs in Shenjing made a gaffe and commented that this was Pixiu (specialized in eating and not pulling).

There is no remaining funds flowing into the financial market, which means that big data statistics can judge the various interactive relationships in the production chain just right!

When the Bank of China conducted a liquidity survey at the end of the year, from top to bottom, they had no confidence in this economic war. When faced with the new cabinet's cross-examination at the meeting, they could only reply, "This is being adjusted. We are working on it."

Try your best to save" and other empty nonsense.

In the minds of the people in charge of the Baochao Bureau: this has long been a problem that cannot be solved by economic means. When asking for "extraordinary decisions", they are always perfunctory, so they are perfunctory now.

In the huge Shenjing, the only ones who are still "speaking uprightly" about the current bad situation are the radicals.

But if you study carefully, you will find a very interesting phenomenon:

Those who are leading radicals are not from the military; they may be in charge of the economy.

But those who are looking forward to using the economy to fight back are the civil servants who don't care about the economy.

And the guys who claimed in their speeches that "active actions must be taken to bridge differences" were all former officials of a certain department with no real power.

[Master Wei: "In my previous life, I read too much junk news like this. Press x on all pop-up windows."]

The huge ruling center of China was paralyzed in chaos, but all parties held the idea that "if this continues, there will definitely be a way to solve it in the end."

But the upper levels can be dragged down, but all walks of life in eastern China cannot hold on.

At the end of the year, it is time for the financial accounts of all business systems to be settled. The traditional moneymakers in China can no longer hold on. Once the bubble bursts and the economic war is decoupled, all these highly valued industries in the east will collapse.

Many small and medium-sized enterprises have begun to surrender. For example, small enterprises in Central Plains, Anhui, and Hunan came to Western Economic Union to exchange shares. Small enterprises in other regions simply went bankrupt.

The giants in the east can't hold on anymore.

December 12th happens to be an Internet consumption festival within the Western Economic Union.

Master Wei Keng and Zhou Boutong had a beef ramen in the cafeteria. Zhou Boutong had two points for adding meat. Master Wei accepted the meal without hesitation and gave him three kilograms of fruit points.

But after this small "trade" ended, Wei Keng and Zhou Boutong discussed the transformation of the economic structure involving hundreds of millions of people.

In the extremely confidential data center, Zhou Boutong looked at the materials forwarded by Wei Keng and asked: "President, will we switch to a wartime economy? Is this situation so serious?"

Wei Keng: "Based on the current intelligence, it's not that serious, but as a person in charge, you should always keep an eye on it. Now that the deadlock has dragged on for so long, any bad direction may happen. Whether the other side can lift the table depends on us.

Is there a knife under the table?"

Later, Wei Keng gave him the bottom line: "The boss of Fenghou Group had a talk with me yesterday, and they will come over. I want to have a talk with the boss. If the talks fail, there will definitely be a fight."

Zhou Boutong nodded solemnly. Wei Keng patted him: "Don't go home these days. Please abide by the confidentiality agreement."

Zhou Boutong originally wanted to ask what Wei Keng and Fenghou Group were talking about, but he swallowed it.

Zhou Butong nodded: "Yes, it's better to stay here and work overtime, so someone can ask me when I go back." He took a long breath and sighed, "A storm is coming."

Yesterday, when Bai Jingqi of Fenghou Group came to Wei Keng, it was for the private enterprises of Fenghou Group whose capital chain was completely broken. When China used the points system to carry out internal circulation production, it also stopped purchasing from these heavy military industries in the east.

order. This will bring disaster to Fenghou.

Bai Jingqi came to Wei Keng to ask for his help.

However, the settlement plan proposed by Wei Keng was definitely an unequal treaty that "lost power and humiliated the country" to Bai Bai.

A large number of trucks and heavy machinery will be acquired by Western Economic Alliance. At the same time, all technology patents from three years ago will be transferred.

Bai Jingqi immediately ridiculed Wei Keng: "Brother who stabbed me at both sides? You stabbed me the deepest."

But he didn't want Wei Keng to uncover old accounts from the past, including the small moves the Fenghou Group made against Luo Shui before the Battle of Yibohai.

Wei Keng replied calmly: "Where, we are talking about business."

When Bai Jingqi saw that his persuasion was fruitless, he angrily warned: "You Luoshui people, be careful to overeat and die."

Wei Keng still responded calmly: "Today's Luoshui is not Wei's Luoshui. Don't worry, there are many people here, many mouths, not enough per capita, and we can't eat enough."

This chapter has been completed!
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