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Chapter 20.25 (Part 2) That year in the river, who was carp and who was crucian carp.

In the 72nd year of Shuoyuan's history, the Behemoth Nebula, Jiulan Star, and the Arctic Jet Zone have signed a number of economic and cultural exchange agreements.

Rows of stargate networks were opened again. The energy force field standards connected the public transport ships in the two major areas.

Subsequently, the Shuoyuan Sect also signed a large number of agreements with the Twin Black Holes.

According to the agreement, the small and medium-sized base stations in the Behemoth Nebula star sea will be open to these major forces. For these major forces, the stellar energy facilities and dark matter resonance facilities of the Behemoth Nebula can be exchanged with the outside world.

For the planetary masters, when the younger generations awaken to new dark energy, sometimes they are stuck on a level, and they need to go to different dark matter distribution cosmic areas to make up for it.

Behemoth Nebula's open attitude made all the major forces show a positive attitude.

"Shuoyuan" people are also very sure of this openness, because technological exchanges here in the Behemoth Nebula can support the liberation of other barren areas on a large scale.

...Wei Keng boasted to Zhen Xun: I have the final say whether Xinghai is in chaos or not. Zhen Xun, on his side, knows that Wei Keng is sometimes out of tune, and he has learned to roll his eyes like Qin Xiaohan's.…

In another corner of the Great Black Hole of Creation, the planetary war with the Antarctic Jet Zone also ended simultaneously. The seven interstellar guardians of the Antarctic Jet Zone were completely defeated after enduring for 12 years.

The Shuoyuan Sect made perfect use of the active cycle of the star "Flutter Light" every fifteen years to carry out transformation into "siege equipment".

During the period when the star was inactive, the Shuoyuan sect accumulated a large amount of helium-3 material clouds inside the star. These helium-3 were "lost arrows". As the nuclear reaction in the star's core reached an active period, they tried to use stellar flares to pull the "long bow"

, complete the salvo

The solar coronal light layer artificially constructed by the Shuoyuan faction has turned into tens of thousands of "long bow" concave surfaces, aiming at the planets competing for the Antarctic ejection zone.

The Shuoyuan faction's own defense of the planet was also at this moment of attack, simultaneously completing the strongest defense in history. The planet's energy bubbles stacked up hundreds of times, and the planet's magnetic field increased to forty times.

When one's own spear pokes one's own shield, it hits the other person's hand that is resting on the shield. This is called "chopping meat with a chopping board."

But in the outer orbit, the fleets in the Antarctic jet area had previously besieged the planet protected by the Shuoyuan faction's energy bubbles. Now, during the solar flare outbreak, they were blocked from the door and faced this 'rising sun judgment'.

The commander's battleship encountered this compound killing guidance energy supply with space splitting ripples, quark matter destruction, and neutrino insight!

This energy hits the pattern, just like water sticking to a glass surface, forming ripples.

The entire 3,000-kilometer-long battleship was evenly cut open in an instant. The overall structure was still intact, but the cut parts were all filled with blazing red straight cuts.

Such a huge warship is like a cow being dissected by a butcher, cut from head to tail by nano-thin energy lines.

The huge energy does not lose its precise lethality! It is very shocking.

However, what is even more unacceptable for the Antarctic jet area is that the aftermath of such a terrifying energy strike is still followed by Shuoyuan's tactics of "people follow the missiles as they approach".

At the same time as the cutting strike, the Sky Knight charged at a thousand kilometers per second within ten light seconds!

At that time, the entire battleship was already facing an early stage of intensive burning and suppression, and the protective cover was deployed and unable to use firepower to intercept.

And when the brilliant "sword energy" from the star penetrated, after the sword swing, the "blood marks" did not show up, but these days the sledgehammer represented by the knight hit the Tianling cover.

The battleship where the dark energy user Xingyao was at the late sixth level was hit hard.

The sword energy emitted from the star to strike the command ship has excess power like "a naval gun opening a wine bottle". This "excess" power does not lose its sophistication at the same time.

When the powerful energy cut open the battleship, it accurately passed through her central control room. As she hurriedly evaded, a "sword ray" was separated from her left hand and was chopped off. The sword radiance was like falling from a landslide.

A small piece of gravel falls

When she picked up her arm, she saw that the hull of the ship she was on had separated, and a line had appeared in the confined space. Outside the line was the starry sky and the increasingly bright Knight of the Sky.

When she took action again, the beam of the Hollow Sword appeared in front of her. She could make the space twist and turn into a physical entity. With her as the center, an endless sea of ​​light appeared. If the waves on the ocean bloomed, they could spread across the ocean on the surface of the planet.

A star strike tsunami hundreds of meters high is formed.

But in this cabin of less than fifty meters, before he could release it, he encountered a precise penetration of energy that was no thicker than an arm, but like a locomotive hitting it.

Her energy structure was tapped, and the nanoenergy she was about to load was absorbed by the "space backpack" thrown by the enemy, causing it to collapse to a point.

In the chaotic battlefield, in the battleship, she can only fight with her own energy at this time, just like the mosquitoes fighting in the split tree

Tenth of a second later, Shuoyuan's sky-breaking sword collided with Xingyao's dark energy field. The sky-breaking sword penetrated into the high-energy dark energy and brought out blazing energy, just like the blue flame pillar of the 21st century aircraft.

This energy column is about the size of a pressure cooker, and the blue-white light turns into coke when someone touches it.

Xing Yao was directly hit by this blue light, but a palm-sized hole appeared on her chest, just like a small hole punched by an armor-piercing bullet, and the energy density of her body was also evident.

Of course, Xingyao's body was so damaged that a large amount of quantum intrusion instantly impacted her thinking.

So her body then became quantized, and when she woke up again, she was already in the Void Prisoner of War Camp.

[The Void Prisoner of War Camp is a space bubble. There is pure space outside, but no starlight can be seen. There is no sense of up, down, left, and right directions, and there is no matter except themselves. Of course, the prisoners are willing to imagine that matter will jump out of the space, and the scale will not be the same.

It’s more than one hundred cubic meters, but it will disappear after ten minutes, so you need to constantly think about it.】

Xingyao looked at this sealed space, and the only thing he said was: 'It is worthy of the space-time dark energy'.

…The Antarctic ejection zone also failed to expel the Shuoyuan faction in the southern area of ​​the Great Black Hole of Creation, which shows that Wei Keng’s semi-encirclement strategy has been completed.

On the Nirvana planet, Jiulan Star’s second negotiation to mediate the conflict between the Shuoyuan Sect and other star sea forces began.

On the Nirvana planet, compared to the last time Xin Zheng and others arrived, the Grand Canyon-like ocean has expanded a lot, and the entire planet is changing at an alarming rate. The two visitors who came not long ago felt a strange feeling.

An unknown impact.

This impact comes from the resonance between life. The planet created by the emergence of dark energy from Wei Keng will emit "negative entropy" at the quantum level that can be felt by intelligent life.

The atmosphere concentration of this planet is 70% carbon dioxide and 16% oxygen.

Note that the oxygen content in this atmosphere is sufficient, but the carbon dioxide concentration will poison humans. When people soak in this carbon dioxide concentration, their blood will basically become carbonated drinks.

There is nothing Wei Keng can do about this. White dwarf stars produce the most interstellar gases from carbon molecules.

No skeletal animals can yet be formed on this planet. The protozoa are molluscs. Because the atmosphere is reducing, many organisms can be suspended in the air by relying on hydrogen bladders.

The visitor descended into the atmosphere and came to a super dam spanning 600 kilometers in the Grand Canyon.

This dam is semi-natural, because the dam body is a basalt mountain range! This mountain range blocks the westward water flow on both sides of the equator. The power of this water flow comes from the powerful three-hour rotation of the star, which makes the water flow

Flows toward the west on a large scale.

These mountains that block the flow of water are all distributed on the equator, sixty-four in total. From space, the vertical mountains on the equator look like gears on the outer side of a coin.

Wei Keng did this deliberately, because if this equatorial torrent were not blocked in this way, the atmospheric circulation on the entire surface of the star would follow the inertia of the ocean, resulting in extremely terrifying equatorial storms.

Of course, such a large flow of water cannot be completely blocked, and it is better to unblock it than to block it.

Wei Keng has arranged underground rivers, and the water flows continuously from the bottom of the mountains from the west to the east.

The flow of these underground rivers is very turbulent, with an average flow speed of 12 meters per second (3 meters per second in the Yangtze River)

Stretching for hundreds of kilometers, the size of a cave can reach more than forty times the power generation of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station, which also provides considerable electricity for civilized facilities on this planet.

The Wei Keng branch welcomed the arrival of these negotiators, guided them to the foot of a "standardized mountain range" and took them into the underground base.

A quantum data crystal as tall as the Statue of Liberty is built here.

The current negative entropy stability on this planet allows natural humans to survive, but it is not suitable to support the development and growth of the "human base". Therefore, it is impossible for Wei Keng to send humans to stay permanently.

Wei Keng is equipped with super thoughts on this planet to control the planet. Of course, the total computing center is in the center of the Nirvana planet. What is now established on the surface can only be regarded as the "skin" ganglia.

Xin Zheng looked at the huge quantum crystal tower, and after a long time he said something that took a while for the other followers to react: "Congratulations."

Xin Zheng's congratulations are not on this "successful transformation of the planet", but on the fact that Taxi Qiduo is now a serious seventh-level dark energy user, and his dark matter attribute is so high that he cannot see clearly.

When the scale of dark energy reaches a certain level, it will form traces similar to the gravitational collapse of a planet.

Just now, Xin Zheng had implicitly come into contact with Wei Keng's emergence.

The new battle has now been determined. Although the carbon-based body of Taxi Qiduo is standing in front of him, this "planet" can only accommodate one finger of Taxi Qiduo.

It can be said that this rotating planet is the Taxi Kaiduo fidget spinner.

Wei Keng met himself in a state of "emerging" dark energy. This was a sign of respect for Xin Zheng, and Xin Zheng also expressed his respect for Taxi Qiduo.

After receiving the reminder, the defenders of the Xinzheng Regiment immediately became awe-inspiring.

Yun Heng (Level 6 Gravity Department, direct disciple of the new leader, Zheng Ting’s senior sister)

This "genius" of the same generation as Taxi Qiduo, after arriving at the Nirvana Planet, noticed that the planet was filled with a kind of dark energy fluctuation that made her heart beat.

In the end, she discovered clues, that is, every silicon crystal particle on the planet maintains a homogeneous chemical composition structure. Then she checked the various "dark energy traces behind the magnificent system" behind the surface of the planet, and silently admitted that "Taxi Qiduo has already

Dumped her to a great level" is so realistic.

Carp and crucian carp once belonged to the same river, but now carp leap over the dragon gate and crucian carp still rolls in the mud of the river.

This chapter has been completed!
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