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Chapter 20.26 (Part 2) Dazzling Sunlight

 In the year 6901 of Jiulan Star, which was also the first year of the new return of the giant beast, and the 73rd year of Shuoyuan Calendar,

The war in the Great Black Hole of Creation has subsided. For Shuoyuan humans, the situation in the starry sky at this time can be opened with one punch and a hundred punches can be avoided.

Shuoyuan is not a "chaotic" force, and is relaxed and relaxed on the road. After the necessary struggle is over, it starts farming and accumulating.

…Wei Keng: Peace is beautiful, but we must always remember that peace comes in stages. Before the next war comes, we must quickly do what we should do in life.…

The Shuoyuan sect, or in other words, Wei Keng, has made breakthroughs in astral control technology from planets to stars.

In the third year after the conclusion of the negotiations between the Shuoyuan Sect and the alliance of star sea forces surrounding the Great Black Hole of Creation.

Sunset 03454, an orange-red star at the edge of the Blue Star and the Behemoth Nebula, suddenly dimmed in brightness and began to shrink abnormally.

This is shrinkage, not collapse. The collapse is when the carbon element falls into the center, the nuclear reaction becomes more violent, the hydrogen material is thrown out, and the star expands, revealing a hot reaction core "containing a spectrum of heavy elements".

But now the intensity of the nuclear reaction has become smaller, and the interstellar gas thrown out from the outside has begun to return to the star under the influence of gravity.

There is no doubt that this is a big project that Mr. Wei is working on.

That is to use quark robots and the theory of the unification of weak force, electromagnetic force, and strong force to extract the carbon and above elements and other molecules inside a star from the center of the doomsday star. This extraction is equivalent to removing nuclear fuel rods from a nuclear reactor.

Take it out.

On such a red giant star, helium and hydrogen act as reactor passivators relative to carbon.

This is actually an extension of Dyson sphere technology, except that it is no longer covered from the outside, but internally controlled.

Compared to the Earthly Satellite system in the Shenzhou plane, it is actually a satellite, because satellites revolve around the center of the celestial body. Although Earthly Demon orbits underground, it is also a kind of satellite. Who says that satellites must be built in the sky?

In the same way, why does the Dyson sphere have to cover the sun's corona? It also covers the central reactor, so why can't the control structure be penetrated deep into the star?

It's like falling in love, it's only successful when it gets deeper and deeper.

Weikeng's star control is from brown dwarfs to supergiants, and at the same time from main sequence stars to old red giants.

...Wei Keng: I'll take them all, old or young...

Inside this red giant, the "strong and weak forces" that originally brought together nuclear reactions were turned into electromagnetic forces by the quark robot, which suddenly deflated the "boiler" of the star.

The powerful electromagnetic force was artificially used to suck out all the metal ions and nickel-iron molecules from the star.

Wei Keng supports an iron-nickel fluid layer outside the core of the star

In Mr. Wei's description of the physical model, a star was originally a cherry that was soft on the outside and hard on the inside, with a core inside. Now it suddenly turned into a walnut, a kernel of "hydrogen and helium" wrapped in a hard iron shell.

After the walnut shell was formed, the nuclear reaction changed back into helium and hydrogen. As the nuclear reaction weakened, the star stopped ejecting, and the external material fell back again, so the star shrank. This star with a mass four times that of the sun just went from red to red.

Superstar status has rejuvenated him.

Although Wei Keng didn't know it, the technology he used to control the gamma ray flow between himself and "Polan Kes" (whose real name might be Holy Spear) in the plane of care was the same as the system of star technology he currently used in the dark plane.

In fact, the "inspiration" in consciousness can transcend plane reflections.

...Xingxing's rejuvenation technology has huge strategic significance...

After Wei Keng mastered this star control technology, he quickly handed it over to other comrades. This is one of the existing "dark energy" laboratories of the Shuoyuan faction.

In the dark universe, the construction of many high-order dark energy structures must rely on massive celestial bodies in the main sequence star stage (such as Jiulan stars), but these massive celestial bodies are monopolized.

Now Wei Keng has broken this monopoly.

In this transformed red giant star, Zhang Wei took turns to undergo more than a dozen tests before finally making the final coordination of his own dark energy field and fluctuations in consciousness.

He high-energy the carbon-based body and directly integrated it into the star's "hard walnut shell" carbon pool. Then his self-consciousness was "extracted" from the carbon field and successfully entered the dark energy embryo.

With the entire experimental process completed, he successfully repeated the dark energy flicker in the "carbon pool" (carbon-enriched area) on the inner iron layer of the star. As the flicker recovered, he advanced to level seven.

His dark energy configuration is "mass-space transformation", that is, converting the normal "particle matter state" into a matter soup! Then it condenses into a singularity.

Therefore, his dark energy type is named "Mustard Seed":

One of the common ways to use "mustard seeds" is to turn an asteroid over a kilometer into a matter soup, into a singularity, and then in this singularity, use the matter soup to reconstruct information. The microscopic particles may be different from the universe, but

This asteroid can be reprogrammed based on the information.

"Mustard Na Sumeru". This ability is on the "space side".

Just like the gravitational system can often pretend to be the "time system", this dark energy is very close to the "space system".

Zhenxun commented harshly: "Not bad, but imitations, not just cats and dogs, can enter the space-time system. The calibration and self-determination involved are too complicated."

...Every time she mentions the inheritance of time and space, Zhenxun is no longer so gentle. Because this is her difficult experience...

Wei Keng purely relies on the vastness of his consciousness and the meaning of tens of millions of his own efforts.

This is just like the perception of human eyes and ants and mosquitoes. If humans want to draw a five-pointed star, they can rely on the approximately 120 million rod cells on the hole to summarize information, but insects cannot do this because of the photoreceptor cells in their eyesight.

Want less

The "rod cells" that constitute Wei Keng's "vision" of time and space are tens of billions of separate cells.

Wei Keng, an individual who strives to find possibilities in philosophy, has a completely different sense of the value of time and space than those idiots who wait for time to burn out their lives.

[The current total number of Wei Keng: almost several billion (dynamic numbers) first-order Shuoyuan, 30 million second-order Shuoyuan, 236 third-stage Shuoyuan, and there are people who have unlocked the fourth-stage Shuoyuan once.

Wei Keng is a bug.]

The inheritance of the local space-time system in the Dark Plane is actually a historical foundation. Zhenxun inherited his master’s historical records of the entire Promised Star civilization.

Interstellar forces like Jiulan Star want to cultivate geniuses to enter the space-time system. They are just trying to pass the entrance examination. Looking at the entire star sea, among the young people who want to try to enter the time-space system, which one is not regional?


But in the end, it’s like a grasshopper that can’t jump through the autumn.

Zhenxun's inheritance of the orthodox space-time system actually cost a lot of money, almost draining the heroic spirit of an entire civilization.

A true space-time system, almost from birth, every step is involved in the major events in the star sea area!

For example, Zhenxun was born a princess and was the first in line to inherit the throne. However, she was born in the first year of the kingdom when it suffered heavy damage and decay. Therefore, she was ostracized by other factions in the kingdom and fell to the lower class. However, she also received a good education and

She met the great reformer of the kingdom and took care of her, and then she received education, that is, reform,

After she came of age, palace changes occurred in the kingdom, and she was supported as queen again, but she encouraged the reformists to promote the industrial and technological revolution.

Two hundred years later, her civilization came into contact with other interstellar forces, and a new conflict began.

In this way, she experienced a complete civilization development process in the first three hundred years of her life.

And this epic excitement was arranged by her master. And she was born to be the heir chosen by her master.

In order to arrange enough epic stories for her, her master forcibly extended the lifespan of various heroes on this planet for a thousand years and preserved them until her time, allowing her to prove them one by one. In the collision with these sages,

Break through history by adhering to your philosophy.

And she was not the only heir to her master. That year, there were multiple planets in the universe at the same time, all experiencing ups and downs in the vortex of time and space.

Of course, such large-scale use of time directly caused these planets to evaporate in the collapse of space. Note: They were actually transported to other planes.

After her master identified her, he turned against her and became his final opponent.

Finally, her star field was wiped out, which was the origin of the Space Twist Plane, namely Tianling Space City (Chapter 14.35). When her hometown was wiped out by a huge space-time ripple operation, Zhenxun cut off her connection with the past.

, began to look at the sea of ​​​​stars where she was! She became the supreme being of the "Tai She" clan, and was responsible for the mission of "correcting time" for the time and space of the major black holes in the universe.

After walking out of the planet, she finally realized that the people she originally regarded as her biggest rivals in her life were all her nourishment, which made her feel lonely all of a sudden.

This method of using the ups and downs of civilization to cultivate the "space-time system" has always been the secret of her school.

Zhenxun has experienced all this and knows how irreplicable this kind of inheritance is.

So almost a hundred years ago, Zhenxun saw a seventh-level space-time promotion fluctuation on the Blue Star, and ran over directly.

Then when he saw Wei Keng, he was also greatly surprised, "This is such a wild thing that came out of nowhere." He did not hesitate to fight and prepared to take Wei Keng away by force.

Jing Guyu was also greatly shocked after his captive Zhenxun compiled the information on the "time and space inheritance" of this plane.…

Zhen Xun was cultivated by the "space-time umbilical cord" of the older generation of the seventh level of the space-time system in the interstellar empire era, while Wei Keng was "seed of space-time" from an alien plane.

Mr. Wei began to perceive time and space in the Shenzhou plane, and then advanced through the historical calculation of time and space in the Space Twist plane. Before reaching the Dark Plane, he experienced no less than Zhenxun.

No matter how you break through the "space-time system" dark energy, you have to pay a heavy price, so this is the limit of "Zhengting".

The qualifications of Zhang Wei and Zheng Ting are roughly the same.

After Zhang Wei escaped from the control layer of the star, he met Wei Keng again.

He used his dark energy to carefully look at Taxi Qi, who was guiding him, and couldn't help but feel speechless.

He was able to confirm that Taxi Qiduo was also a level seven dark energy user, with a higher dark energy configuration.

And he discovered that the configuration of Taxi Qiduo's dark energy was an overlapping double structure. Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel awe-struck, feeling unbelievable in his heart.

When two similar dark energy fields intersect, they tend to oscillate at the same frequency, so Chang Hengxi can keenly perceive the emerging dark energy of Wei Keng.

Now Zhang Wei can feel the embryonic form of Wei Keng's space-time dark energy that is about to emerge.

…It’s not a big deal when I’m young, but when I grow up, I realize that I’m ignorant.…

Wei Keng did not show off to Zhang Wei.

Wei Keng: "Okay, as long as it succeeds, let's go home and see."

Zhang Wei was stunned: No request? No order. He even avoided talking about the help he was given this time. It was like a hotel, so he checked out and left.

However, Wei Keng is like this. He originally wants to liberate, not control. Things that he thinks are meaningful are decided and promised by him. He will never interfere. - In terms of personality, Wei Keng regards him as

An independent man.

Zhang Wei nodded silently and said: "You~" When he spoke again this time, he couldn't call Ta Xi Qi Duo for a while. He called him "Sir", "Teacher", and of course, he also called him "thief" before.

Wei Keng: "Call me Senior."

Zhang Wei: "Senior, Behemoth Nebula, I want to do something."

Wei Keng: "Well, you do what you want, but" Wei Keng became serious: "I don't care what you choose, this is your freedom, you don't need to do anything in the form of "pay back", now you don't owe anything

But once you make a promise, please remember that you are using your credibility and even your will as a guarantee."

Zhang Zhang nodded slightly, exhaled, squeezed out a smile and said: "Senior, Yanjin Yan, actually she~, I think~" Hesitantly, he wanted to help Yanjin Yan resolve his grudges.

Wei Keng didn't seem to understand. He counted his fingers, then raised his head and said, "Didn't I tell you not to talk to me like a child? If you like her, go and hold her. Don't look at me or other people's faces.


This chapter has been completed!
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