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Chapter 21.06 Go My Own Way

Dazong Dynasty, Tiande 345, it was June and the heat was rising.

Wei Keng is fourteen years old this year.

One day later, as the morning glow appears, the true energy accumulated in the bone marrow becomes stronger and stronger. Finally, as the body absorbs the first ray of morning glow every day as usual, the true energy condenses into a steady stream of heat.

Gathered in the Dantian, unlike in the past when only the first ray of vitality could be absorbed, the rays of light were continuously injected into Wei Keng's body, and merged with the true energy to gradually form the innate true energy.

In the small courtyard, Wei Keng's body was glowing with red light, and layers of transparent aura outside his body were condensed. It was as high as a palm. When this wisp of innate true energy was formed, the original energy was no longer strong.

It is like a flowing liquid, but can solidify at any time and is as hard as fine steel.

Wei Keng said in a self-satisfied tone: "Of course, I want this as hard as fine steel, what's the use of it."

Wei Keng paused for a moment, feeling a boyish yang in his lower abdomen, and added: "Well, it is still of some use. Ahem, Qi needs to be practical." Wei Keng cultivates his body and adheres to the precision of the body.

In the absence of spiritual consciousness, most martial practitioners use the zhenqi structure as an additional sensory organ. After Wei Keng was promoted to Xiantian, he quickly gathered the wisps of zhenqi under his skin.

Most innate masters release their true energy outwards, but now Wei Keng has chosen to be completely restrained.

Now the true energy flows back into the body, forming a dense but exquisitely arranged arrangement. This arrangement will be permanent, and the release of the true energy will cause it to be permanently destroyed. As a result, Wei Keng, an innate person, is far inferior to a normal warrior.

Wei Keng has a unique way of thinking about martial arts. It is very different from those who travel through time and space (artificially repaired by will). This difference is like an adult's understanding of "muscle strength" among high school students.

When high school students' muscle strength increases rapidly between the ages of fourteen and twenty, they are superstitious about solving problems with their fists. At this time, they will be superstitious about the movie atmosphere of "Young and Dangerous" and "Hot-blooded High School". But adults know

Muscle strength has its limits, even a tiger has to be lifted away by the iron arms of an excavator.

When Wei Keng was practicing martial arts, he was already thinking about what the upper limit was. Zhongren never considered "breaking through the upper limit", he only thought about changing a path.

Master Wei determined based on the existing data in the system that "innate warriors" were far weaker than monks in the Qi training stage.

Even a monk at the third level of qi refining can rely on his spiritual sense advantage and use fireball to defeat martial arts masters who release their true qi. Obviously, innate warriors are subject to an upper limit, similar to "the limit of human muscle is impossible to challenge tigers, leopards and jackals."


Wei Keng is now determining what the "theoretical upper limit of true energy growth" is related to. So he tries his best to exclude all interference and let the true energy be contained in the body.

This time, Wei Keng stared at his heart in the red light and confirmed, Wei Keng: "The total amount of true energy is related to essence and blood. The strongest true energy will not exceed this formula (essence and blood are used as constants).

The total amount of human essence and blood is related to "Qi" and "Shen". In the case of human beings, it seems that the "Qi" level is the easiest to break through, which can also lead to the improvement of "Jing" and "Shen"."

Narrator: Just like the situation in the earth's industry, when humans start to understand the rules of the universe, they first start by converting mechanical force into electromagnetic force. Therefore, they can only break through from electricity, and it is impossible to break through from the combination of strong and weak forces. But if it appears on a white dwarf star

The development of life and civilization is another matter.

Wei Keng: So, if warriors are classified into essence cultivation according to the classification technique, then? Monster?

Wei Keng guessed the demon group by inference! These groups began to break through from the elves. In essence, there is no difference between the human race's martial arts and the demon race's cultivation. It is all because the human race is innately deficient and cannot improve.

How much blood does a monster have in its body? How much blood does a human have in its body? A tiger lies peacefully in the snow, but if a human falls asleep in the snow, it is really gone. Can this be compared?

Some alien techniques can help humans simulate the cultivation of demons, but they also require breakthroughs in "qi" to raise "essence" and then simulate demon energy.

...Wei Keng: Of course, if the "jing" can be multiplied to the extreme through coordination, human martial arts can still be cultivated...

After Wei Keng was promoted to Xiantian, the acuity of his eyes, ears, and smells increased hundreds of times compared to the past.

A few hours later, after the first cycle of Wei Keng's adjustment, his perception of things reached a new level. A few hundred meters away in the west of the city, the number of times the blacksmiths struck iron, the rise and fall of the big trees in the east of the city, and the eight trees in the middle of the city.

How big a bucket the well was filled with water was all known because Wei Keng's fine Qi structure could detect the vibrations of the spiritual field. Of course, there was also the breath of the martial arts masters between the two sects in the north and south of the city.

This kind of usage is no longer the traditional way of using Qi. Wei Keng's Qi is not released to hurt people, but is only kept in the body to enhance the "feeling".

For example, the tiny ossicles in human ears evolved from the gill bones of fish. The bones that originally supported the bite force evolved into hearing, which opened a new path.

Narrator: In evolution, a species sometimes needs spare potential to open up a new direction.

Now Wei Keng has no urgent need to fight with martial arts. He is far away from the disputes in the world, and there is no vendetta against immortal cultivators. At least according to his current situation, he has a few spells on hand. Infuriating Qi is specifically used for body perception.

Wei Keng jumped three feet high and easily picked up a leaf from the tree. His eyes were shining brightly, and all the texture of the leaf was visible before he crushed the leaf.

Wei Keng exhaled: "Hey, we have found a new road, but is the front of this road open?"

When the innate true energy is formed in the body, based on the few existing information in the world of immortality.

Wei Keng made a hypothesis. Although the innate true energy cultivated by the human race has flaws, if it remains intact for a long time, a breakthrough will occur after the body's vibration frequency is high enough.

...Monsters need to go through years of cultivating themselves in cultivation, while human warriors need to travel thousands of miles if they want to purify their true energy...

In addition to Shancheng, Wei Keng left, leaving behind a letter: "How vast is the heaven and earth, I want to see it." Then he resigned. Of course, before resigning, he gave the third son some homework that he had not yet understood.

All places are indexed.

Before Mr. Wei left, he went to the shops of several aristocratic families in the city and took away a few packages of silver.

In the past, Wei Keng had a difficult time walking in this world. First, he was young and had no yellow or white things in his hands, so he had to live with others. Now he no longer has such worries, and it is natural to cut off his life as soon as possible.

As for the various arrangements and uses that the old people in Shancheng had made for Wei Keng, Wei Keng could only say that it was none of my business.

In Chushan County, the county magistrate looked at the letter and tore it up. However, no arrest documents were sent.

… When traveling thousands of miles, you have to be like a greedy snake, always paying attention to the road. After all, a body of energy is a tonic in the eyes of some monks...

Ten days later, Wei Keng arrived at the foot of Yongzhu Mountain, which is considered a famous mountain and river in the Dazong Dynasty. There is a martial arts sect here with legends about cultivating immortals. It is said that the friend of the ancestor of the sect is a cultivator.

There are many things to see in this mountain. It is not too steep at first. There are bluestone steps from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. Judging from the smoothness of the steps, they are commonly walked. Wei Keng based on the geological records of the Great Zong Dynasty in his hand.

From the description and rough map, it can be determined that this is the famous Juque Sect on the western border.

When we reach the mountain neck, the stone steps disappear, which means that the journey of the literati has reached the end.

But on this steep peak that looks like the back of a crucian carp, there are still traces of human activities that continue to extend. There are footholds every three feet on the cliff. If you step on these footholds if you are not careful, there will be an abyss below. Wei Keng jumped lightly from the cliff.

Finally, after turning around for a long time, we finally reached the top of the mountain.

Looking at the towering building on the top of the mountain, the scale of this building far exceeds the normal mountains and temples before the 20th century on earth, but is as grand as the Potala Palace! How much manpower does it take to build a spectacular building on the top of the mountain?

, and this is not even considered a sect of cultivating immortals.

Why does this plane sect have such high financial resources? Wei Keng doesn’t know, but he understands, after all, even immortals in this world can cultivate.

As a young man who came all the way to worship the mountain, he was led to the mountain gate by two disciples in Tsing Yi.

After taking a look at Wei Keng, these two disciples took Wei Keng into the mountain gate. Well, although these two disciples were not innate, they were able to walk straight up the cliff with a height of several tens of meters.

A disciple named Siyou reminded Wei Keng: "Jique is about to recruit handyman disciples. If you feel that you can't bear the suffering, you can go back now."

Wei Keng: "What does it mean to endure hardship?"

Siyou: "Doing laundry, washing dishes, and cooking."

Wei Keng said honestly and honestly: "Can you chop wood and fetch water? Well, I don't know how to wash clothes?"

The two disciples looked at Wei Keng and couldn't help but look at each other.

Heavy physical work such as chopping firewood and fetching water are not easy in the chores. Is it tiring or easy?

Wei Keng entered the sect because he wanted to walk more, rather than being ordered around in the backyard.

As for the disciples of the Juque Sect, Wei Keng looks like a young master. His skin is too good. He has obviously not been exposed to wind and sun. Can he withstand physical labor?

After Wei Keng was taken into the mountain gate,

A middle-aged scholar with a crown on his head glanced at Wei Keng and said to Siyou: "Yes, he is a good martial artist. But..."

He stared at Wei Keng and said carefully: "Tell me your place of origin, my Juque sect will not accept disciples of unknown origins.

As for Wei Keng, he immediately started to perform timidly. For a few minutes, Scholar Mo thought carefully about Wei Keng's adventure.

The story compiled by Wei Keng: "Originally in a small mountain village, during a market, he was sold to Ganjia Town, and then when he was stuffed into a sack on the way, he escaped. Passing a cliff on the way, he fell down and saw a red fruit

, I was very hungry, so I ate it, and then my whole body was on fire and my bones were twitching and painful. When I woke up, I felt very dirty, but my body was light and airy."

This is a script written by the system, based on the intelligent AI creation template of the website in the late 21st century, providing a tailor-made excuse for Wei Keng. This hero Mo may not be able to see that Wei Keng is innate, but he can definitely see that Wei Keng is innate.

The body has survived the beating.

There are so many adventures in the world. Of course, it is impossible for Da Xia Mo to persuade them all to believe them all, so let his disciples go and verify them.

Wei Keng settled in the sect. Two months later, the sect confirmed the town Wei Keng mentioned. Wei Keng was included in the sect's directory, of course as an outer sect.

…Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the average disaster in the rivers and lakes is one hundred years…

After spending three years in the mountain gate, he gradually grew from a fourteen-year-old boy to a young man.

A dark iron sword weighing 20 kilograms and as tall as a person could not be splashed by the water swung in the palm of the hand. It swung gently in front of the face, and the fallen leaves were split into two.

Wei Keng put away his sword and finished his homework for the day. He habitually called up the system and checked the bone and muscle data to see if they were standard.

When Wei Keng finished his work, many disciples inside the sect were still suffering in the medicine vats. No, there were screams coming from the next room.

Wei Keng commented heartlessly: "Oh, are you quenching medicine or scalding a live pig?"

Martial arts in Jianghu are divided into outsiders and insiders.

External martial arts, such as Eagle Claw, Iron Sand Palm (Poison Palm), Corpse Yin Finger, these skills are all about tempering a part of the body and converting foreign objects into weapons!

However, the difference between external martial arts and internal martial arts is not in the resources invested, but in the goals. Internal martial arts also need medicinal baths and physical strength, but the overall balance will not be achieved because of seeking extreme attack power.

Emphasis on one item.

As for Wei Keng, he uses a heavy sword. He moves with the sword and hides in the shadow. The more he practices, the more elegant he becomes. There are no calluses on his skin and no protruding joints.

Medicinal baths are not something you just take casually. When practicing, the body's yin energy accumulates or the dry fire is strong, and it needs medicinal baths to regulate it. As for Wei Keng, Daxia Mo in the sect has repeatedly confirmed it and found that Wei Keng's body is very good.

There is no need to adjust. Oh, according to his guess, this may be the medicinal power of the strange fruit nourishing Wei Keng.

In just two years, the blood in the blood vessels was like mercury. This state of affairs was contrary to common sense on earth, and it took Wei Keng a long time to accept it and construct new common sense.

That is, the energy in this world has energy levels, and matter can also be condensed.

As early as a year ago, Wei Keng had progressed to the middle stage of congenital stage, and now he was sure that his blood, even his hair and skin, were different from the outside world.

Due to the difference in experience, when other junior teenagers had just cultivated the acquired strength of Qi, they were still curious about the warm heat flowing up and down the body, and were still studying how to make this inner strength flow in their arms, calves, and other organs.

Or he performs "extraordinary power" moves with his elbows. Wei Keng starts to pay close attention to the details of "breathing in and out" practice.

This is like being new to a game that has just opened a new world and preparing to become the "Liver Emperor". Advanced players are already thinking about how to create "game scripts" based on code.

For example, let the true energy circulate naturally for 24 hours. Well, Wei Keng communicated the spiritual energy and opened up several groups of meridians in the stomach that are not recorded in various martial arts secret books. This made Wei Keng swallow a large amount of morning glow cloud dew every day.

Finally, you can absorb spiritual energy.

These morning dews were refined and transformed into Qi in Wei Keng's stomach. Twelve hours a day without interruption, the amount of refining continued to increase day after day.

...Wei Keng: Men, don’t let foreigners use their vitality. If you put too much, your digestion will be bad. Look at me thinking innocently. It tastes good when you eat it...

There may be dozens or hundreds of people in the early stage of Xiantian in the world, but there are far fewer in the middle stage of Xiantian. The late stage of Xiantian has been rare since ancient times.

The late stage of Xiantian corresponds to the late stage of Qi training. At least the realm is right. Because no matter how strong the innate body is, it is still a body of flesh and blood, and cannot control spells and magic weapons. Cultivators will look down on such people who can only fight with swords.

For those in the world of martial arts, a spiritual shield can block all mortal soldiers.

Wei Keng, who is about to enter the late stage of Xiantian, also admits this, but is still refining Qi, because his specialized condensed perception system is still strengthening, and there is a possibility of qualitative change.

On the day when he was seventeen years old, Wei Keng stood on the edge of the cliff and took a deep breath at the morning dew on the cliff. Just like a giant whale sucking water, Wei Keng swallowed up all the seven or eight feet of morning dew on the cliff.

Because the cliff at Wei Kengxuan is quite steep and precipitous, no one could see this scene.

After doing all this, Wei Keng returned to his room. A very exquisite incense burner-shaped structure was placed beside his bed. This incense burner-shaped structure has countless small structures. Each of these structures is the result of Wei Keng's clever use.

Burnt by fire.

Wei Keng cuts some big trees in the mountains every day, burns some sap on the fracture surfaces, puts it in bamboo tubes, and picks up some rocks from some mountains. Now the fresh sap and rocks are placed on

In this incense burner, this incense burner is used for fasting. Compared with the big rice pills, which often require large amounts of rice, the juice from chopping trees is more suitable for my current state of approaching breakthrough.

At this time in the room, Wei Keng adjusted the arrangement of the items in his room, lay down solemnly, picked up the incense burner and placed it on his abdomen, closed his eyes and rested.

At this time, Wei Keng used his true energy to carefully plan the movement and fall of his spiritual energy.

The flow of true energy in the body began to slow down, even solidify, while the flow of spiritual power began to accelerate. At the same time, the few things placed just right in the room also caused the spiritual power in the room to begin to flow, which was not as good as

The orthodox spirit gathering array is better than nothing.

A large amount of water spiritual power rolled back into the Dantian and moved along the 6,000 selected water veins among the tens of thousands of veins in the body. When I felt the swelling and pain of these veins in the body, my mind moved slightly.

He switched to another spiritual sense and began to introduce Qi into the body, and then the vigorous wood spiritual power began to follow the wood veins. The swelling and pain of the original water spiritual energy veins gradually slowed down. When the wood element was absorbed to the top, Wei Keng changed

An inspiration.

This kind of situation of absorbing various spiritual powers in turn would be very strange to cultivators if they saw it! By the way, what kind of spiritual roots does Wei Keng have now?

After absorbing all the spiritual energy, Wei Keng stopped practicing and started to stand up and shake his body. He began to move his muscles and bones. He stepped on the rock steps and sputtered out stone powder.

After a set of large opening and closing body stabilizing techniques were completed, the true energy in the body penetrated three points faster than usual under the spiritual pressure that had just ended.

Everything seemed to fall into place, and the innate Qi began to condense again. During the condensation process, some impurity Qi that did not flow fast enough appeared. These impurity Qi were quickly moved to the internal organs for tempering.

Wei Keng's requirements for innate true energy are different from the powerful ones that masters in the world seek today. Instead, he only seeks the purest.

Wei Keng: It is as pure as high-pressure water vapor, so the upper limit of true energy is higher.

The pure innate Qi in Wei Keng's meridians that had been released all year round finally spread throughout the body's network like silk threads, without leaking at all, locking the whole body, as if it had become an innate spirit gathering thing.

This chapter has been completed!
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