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Chapter 21.21 Don’t live for others, dare to die for yourself

 When the space door is closed, Wei Keng is in the center of the secret realm. At this time, he can feel that the chaotic spiritual energy around the entire continent is shrinking from all directions. Once it shrinks to the center of the secret realm, it will be destroyed.

However, even though the spiritual energy storm around him was like a turbulent sea, Wei Keng did not have any regrets at this time. Because "living for others" is not as good as "dying for yourself".

When Wei Keng collected many innate elixirs, he had already begun to assume the possible treatment he would receive if he returned to the Zhuming Sect.

The treatment may be better, but it is also possible that being restrained by the sect will have different consequences.

Immortal cultivators have a high degree of freedom, and a high degree of freedom also represents a high degree of self-interest. Although the sect can guarantee some fairness, what if the benefits reach a certain level?

The elixir this time can solve the urgent needs of many monks in the alchemy stage. This kind of opportunity can only be encountered by the alchemy monks by trying their luck. They are even willing to spend all their money to find clues, but now it is certain that the secret realm is

If there is an opportunity they want, and this opportunity only comes once in forty years, they will inevitably adjust their bottom line flexibly.

Key information: Wei Keng's current bone age is less than thirty years old. Therefore, in the view of some high-level monks, Wei Keng can forcefully lower his cultivation level and wait another forty years before entering the secret realm for the second time to collect spiritual medicine.

For the sect, it is far more important to allow the Dan-Jie stage to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage, or to allow the Nascent Soul to be replenished, than for a Qi-training disciple to be delayed for forty years.

You know, the demonic evil sect will even directly select Tianlinggen disciples to make their own corpse puppets.

The Zhu Ming Sect's Jiedan people have absolute confidence and use "profits" to promise a small person to practice Qi cultivation and maintain the state of spiritual practice and Qi practice. Of course, if the inducement fails, they can also force it.

In short, after confirming the opportunity, it is inevitable to win! There is no room for compromise. As the saying goes, "The way of heaven is ruthless, and we must fight for the upper limit."

...Wei Keng: When faced with selfish groups, let go of the need to help others...

From the general point of view in the world of immortal cultivation: the path Master Wei has chosen now is a dead end, and there are no so-called monks who have survived in the secret realm in the entire sect.

This is indeed what Wei Keng is facing at this time: the endless changes in the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will cause the magic weapon to collapse. No trace will be left. Ten deaths will lead to a lifetime.

If Chao Xiangxing was here, he would definitely not understand Wei Keng's choice.

Wei Keng: They will dissuade them, and of course they will come up with their own relatively meaningful plan.

Well, that means letting Wei Keng lower his level to collect herbs.

In short, it is similar to the ancient times, "Your efforts are not worth it, and it is a waste to drain your energy yourself, but I can make you work hard for me and create things that are meaningful to me."

This kind of logic is similar to that of a man watching a woman commit suicide and saying, "You're going to die anyway, why not let me enjoy it." It has always existed widely in various societies.

Wei Keng: I don’t know how I got here, but in my previous life in the 21st century, the evil things called freedom, but actually “selfish” values, and the “dedication” spirit of the crazy consumer society, left me with a poor sense of justice.

Wreaked indelible devastation.

Deny the significance of others striving for great ideals, and use various "reality" to tell others that your great ideals are false and empty.

People who are successful in the upper class always emphasize how young people in society provide surplus value for their part-time jobs, which means "struggle". Even if they are expelled, they still advocate that this is "graduation after struggle."

As for Mr. Wei, after experiencing the last flames of his previous life, he has long since lived a full life.

So as long as it is what you believe in, don't be afraid of death, don't be afraid of getting tired, and keep moving forward, but you won't set a value for others to prove your ability and significance. Just lie down.

...Any cultivator on the path to immortality will have conflicts of distracting thoughts and inner demons, and right now, Zhongwei Keng has passed without realizing it...

Wei Keng opened the system: "Start typing now and explore the content this time."

The system responded: "Yes, it has been entered. All the information you upload now will be used as important information for the cluster."

For Wei Keng, the greatest hope is that we need step-by-step relay cooperation. Now that this secret realm has been explored to this extent, we must not give up halfway.

When the spatial link connecting the Luoyuan Immortal Realm was broken, the entire secret realm began to slowly separate with the break.

Wei Keng came to the center of the secret realm again. At this time, the storm had swallowed up 90% of the area, and there were only a few hundred kilometers away from the center. At this time, the spiritual energy in the center also seemed chaotic.

Wei Keng examined the terrain area. In the process of collecting the four super-level spiritual grasses, Wei Keng found many traces of other spiritual beasts in the caves with third-level spiritual beasts, all of which were traces of fourth-level spiritual beasts.

This proves that the thousand-year-old spiritual grass grows from generation to generation.

Therefore, Wei Keng speculated that high-level spiritual grass seems to have the potential to be a stable and protective umbrella in the spiritual energy storm. It can ensure that the monsters can survive the chaotic storm that travels through the void in the secret realm.

Wei Keng summarized the geological survey of the entire secret place he was in, and determined that the monster cave and the root system of the spiritual grass showed a circuit along the growth lines.

Of course, further speaking, when those monsters were seized of the spiritual grass, they all pursued it like crazy. Even if the enemy was extremely powerful, they did not run away at the first moment. Instead, they tried to recapture the spiritual grass without seeing the situation clearly.


Human monks who enter the secret realm always feel that these second-level monsters that consume their own mana and energy have no flexibility at all.

After Wei Keng took a copper brick and knocked out the perfect circuit of the cave and root system of the spirit beast and spirit grass, he sighed: That is the key source of dependence (spirit grass) that the monster cave can rely on to survive after the secret realm is closed. It was pried away by the perpetrators, of course.

Come out and fight hard.

The monsters who have lost the symbiotic spiritual grass are looking for monks regardless of the consequences. It is like a person who has been defrauded of his savings for decades. Even if he cannot get it back, he still has to fight to the death because he can't let it go!

Wei Keng shook his head and sighed: "So, you Laughing Spirit Beast is not tactful and sophisticated enough, and you don't know how to advance or retreat when encountering powerful immortal cultivators. We, these fish who are born to bite the bait, if our savings are swallowed up and our properties are seized, can we

Why don't you take a step back and the world is brighter?"

In the last few days, the secret realm slowly rose up, and the power of the stars and the strong wind outside the territory slowly suppressed it.

Wei Keng, who had already decided to conduct a perfect secret observation for his own cluster, selected a magical elixir and deployed it to form his own formation.

Wei Keng compared his actions to building a space station base on the moon base that would allow people to survive.

Selected by Wei Keng as the formation base, this is a spiritual creature called "Tianwan Liu". It has grown for more than ten thousand years. Its effect is to nourish the soul. A drop of dew it condenses every twenty years can make

Repairing the damaged sea of ​​consciousness, a rare item like this, is a bit cheaper than a rare item like the "Ten Thousand Years Soul-nurturing Wood".

The one who occupies this spiritual object is a golden pheasant. The beautiful flowing color of the painting has a ray of gold, and there is a trace of the blood of the phoenix bird in it.

Fourth-level monsters. This is a rare level in the entire central area of ​​the secret realm. According to Wei Keng's spiritual perception, there are no more than one palm in this secret realm. Of course, only such monsters can occupy the most precious spiritual objects.

When the outer spiritual energy storm was approaching like a doomsday fire, Wei Keng was staring at the bird outside. The chicken was also staring at Wei Keng under the tree from the treetops, and croaked in warning that this human race should not come looking for death.

Obviously, Wei Keng wanted to occupy the magpie nest, but this spirit demon seemed to have just been promoted and did not want to take action. It just tried to force Wei Keng into the "poisonous circle" (spiritual energy storm) and suffocate him to death.

So the man and the beast were patiently confronting each other during the final shrinking process. However, as the time passed little by little, Wei Keng finally raised his head and looked at the sky.

Wei Keng deployed the Kanyu system in the entire secret realm, which ultimately played a role in leveraging the earth's veins and resisting the invasion of outer gang energy.

The earth veins cause the Gang Qi to shrink in the center of the secret realm. It is no longer the original spherical shrinkage, but the ground is invaded slower. When the Gang Qi shrinks, the dome becomes lower first.

In the final stage, if the spiritual energy storm shrinks normally, it will shrink to a hemispherical shape of one kilometer, and the dome will be one kilometer.

This flying monster has the advantage of flying, but now when Wei Keng used the Kanyu Formation to shrink the spiritual energy to maintain a range of 20 kilometers, the energy began to compress from the top and flattened, and the dome was directly lowered by 500 meters, and even

There is a chaotic spiritual energy storm within a hundred meters.

This is a problem for the flying monster, at least it cannot fly high and launch a dive attack. As a hunter, Wei Keng is lying on the ground waiting for the best opportunity to kick an eagle.

Before this, Wei Keng stood outside the warning circle, and the Golden Pheasant did not take the initiative to attack, thus missing the opportunity.

After systematic and objective analysis, in fact, the spiritual power of this huge monster was stronger than Wei Keng at the beginning. If it flew up and simulated a dive at the beginning, it would be even stronger.

However, Wei Keng faced off against the monster on the outside, and did not take action until the last stick of incense. The battle was settled in fifty breaths.

When the golden pheasant encountered this surprise attack, it still started to fly towards it according to its old habit. However, after entering the chaotic aura circle in the sky, it realized that it was flying high, and its feathers scattered chaotic aura like exploding flames. Countless tiny thunders emerged from the void.

came out and penetrated it.

But before it could take the pain and adjust, Wei Keng's fist struck.

If the fist hits its feathers as usual, it will be like a peck with 80% force. Although it will lose some feathers, it will not be fatal.

But now, this blow hit the root of its wings, causing problems with its balance. Originally, it had to adjust its posture to avoid the space storm, but now it fell into a more chaotic area, which was like a pheasant flying into the boiling oil.


The golden pheasant fell and rolled in embarrassment. This fourth-level spiritual beast, which was seven meters tall and had a wingspan of fifty meters, landed on the ground. It unfolded its own spiritual pressure and flapped its wings violently, kicking up a large amount of flying sand and rocks in an attempt to prevent Wei Keng from approaching.

However, due to the limitations of the dome, it cannot fly and has no viewing angle advantage. As a free-roaming chicken on the ground, it has ground disadvantages. When it flaps its wings, a smaller satellite suddenly shoots onto its head.

With one stroke, a stream of hot blood was released. The blood just covered its eyes.

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The golden pheasant fluttered its wings and struggled. Finally, it slipped and fell from the cliff. It just rolled into the spiritual energy storm. The blazing wind and chaotic spiritual energy made it look as beautiful as "an old hen fell directly into a basin of boiling water."

Feathers begin to burn and fall off.

Wei Keng had already jumped down when the golden pheasant rolled down the cliff. When the spiritual energy storm behind him was completely engulfed, he hid in the willow tree and drilled towards the predetermined spiritual pattern area.

Hiding in the center of the big willow tree, after a stick of incense, the spiritual energy storm came completely. Wei Keng found that the huge willow tree began to shrink, and its stable spiritual power was compressed into a light mask that remained stable, while the light mask remained like a small world that remained stable.

living space.

Wei Keng's spiritual power here is stable, and he can just fit within an inch of his body.

Wei Keng looked at the storm of spiritual energy in the outside world. It was a scene of all things withering in the frosty sky. Except for the spirit grass and other thousand-year-old spiritual objects that could maintain circulation and exchange in the earth's veins, he couldn't help but be speechless. If this still stayed in the Gang Qi, all living things would be destroyed, oh,

At this time, the strong wind gradually weakened,

Wei Keng paused and found that the sky suddenly brightened. He raised his head and saw that the secret realm seemed to have risen high enough to escape the influence of Luoyuan Continent's Gangqi.

At this time, Wei Keng looked up at the dark sky outside the secret realm, where countless stars were shining brilliantly. And the "sun" was emitting endless flames.

By some strange coincidence, Wei Keng stretched out his hand to explore the energy space of Lingliu. He suddenly felt a sharp pain in his hand. Wei Keng felt that a large amount of spiritual energy was peeled off his body, as if he had entered boiling water.

However, Wei Keng was stunned for a moment, and found that although his spiritual energy had spread, his innate true energy had not collapsed, and the trickling spiritual source in his spiritual energy had begun to open, and vitality was continuously pouring into his fingers.

Monsters and monsters rely on spiritual grass to live in symbiosis, but Wei Keng suddenly discovered that he had a similar circulatory system in his body, but it was quite weak. At present, it can only maintain short-term stability in Xing Gang.

Wei Keng checked it himself and found that it was the spiritual energy in his body. Wei Keng thought for a moment and suddenly stretched out his hand into the spiritual energy storm. At this time, he felt that most of his arm was melting. However, it formed an optical illusion.

At this time, the system prompts: Gangfeng is not wind, but similar to cosmic rays. It is the energy fluctuation in the dense space of the star universe at this time. When the spiritual energy is stripped away and washed away, the material of your body will become unstable.

Wei Keng nodded, and then asked: "But how do I feel? Although my whole body is in severe pain, the source of spiritual energy in my body seems not to be affected."

System: "Spiritual source is similar to fire. According to current observations, quasar radiation is enriched to a certain extent and is in the process of mass-energy conversion, so now you just have this convergence point." This is like ice formation and phase change.

A condensation nucleus is required.

However, when the system marked Wei Keng, Wei Keng looked at himself and at the same time at the willow tree behind him.

Wei Keng: "Gan, photosynthesis? I am a spiritual grass!"

System: "To a certain extent, you are a very precious "big medicine". Friendly suggestion, you can try to change from the soul-absorbing state to the soul-creating state in the stars! Please try to adapt and evolve here. This data

It is of great scientific research value.”

Although the system saying "work" is very outrageous.

But Wei Keng understands that if his group wants to enter this "sea of ​​stars" in the future, it must take the first step, which is to travel across space in a secret realm like a "kayak", and it must collect life status.

Just when Wei Keng began to think about the situation, there was a fluttering sound outside. The golden pheasant, which was burned by the real fire of the sun and the strong wind, was smoking, and its bones were glowing with fire. It crawled out and walked toward it step by step with difficulty.

He climbed over to the big willow tree, but his whole body was very weak, and his spiritual energy was draining away like water leaking from his body.

Wei Keng thought for a moment and stretched out his hand. He picked up a pebble outside and hit the bird. The bird was hit. He looked at Wei Keng's outstretched hand, which obviously showed hope. He whined and said,

Wei Keng lowered his head.

It obviously wanted to come in, but its strength was completely insufficient to defeat Wei Keng at this time. Wei Keng thought for a while and leaned half of his body out from Lingliu to check. As a result, half of his waist was stretched out. Wei Keng suddenly felt

The true fire of the sun and the nine heavenly winds were penetrating his body at the same time.

The whole body felt as if it was being hit by ice water and the skin was being burned by the intense sun. The spiritual energy in the body suddenly burst out and moved to the head, forcing Wei Keng's consciousness to become clear.

Under the intense sunlight, the bird, which was about to reach the elixir stage of a medium-rare roast chicken, saw Wei Keng, just like seeing a bottle of water in the desert. It showed hope, but thought of something and gasped, and then

A stream of spiritual blood spit out from his mouth.

This spiritual blood merged into Wei Keng. Wei Keng paused and felt the jumping spiritual power in the spiritual blood, which is the source of life of the bird.

What did Wei Keng think of: This is a contract signed by the monster when it recognizes its owner and gives half of its life force to the owner.

Wei Keng thought for a while, even though half of its vitality was in his hands, it still had the risk of falling out, so the safest strategy was to ignore it.

But in the end, Wei Keng sighed and laughed at himself: "Who doesn't bite the bait fish?"

Ever since, Wei Keng walked out of the barrier, and suddenly felt like his whole body was on fire, as if countless stones were pressing on him, and he could no longer jump. Wei Keng finally knew why this golden pheasant couldn't move.

Wei Keng walked a hundred steps and finally came to the golden pheasant. After thinking for a while, he started dragging the feathers on its buttocks.

Master Wei did not dare to let his head point at him. However, the bird seemed to feel something, and the tail feathers on its buttocks contracted violently, covering its buttocks. Wei Keng was so angry that he stuffed a handful of stones into the chicken's buttocks, and Wei Keng said:

"What are you guarding against? I don't even think you stink."

This chapter has been completed!
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