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Chapter 2038: Cosmic Cultivation Technique (Fifth Update)

 Su Yan was unmoved when he heard the words, still looking at Xiang Chen with his nostrils, and said arrogantly: "Although you are my young master, you can't erase my pride."

I'm so proud of you, uncle, you are so arrogant! Xiang Chen resisted the urge to beat him and said: "You accompany Mo Ya on a trip to block the news about the surrounding sacred mountains to prevent it from being exposed."

Su Yan nodded, shook his head and turned to leave.

"Crazy, Su Lige is crazy, and so are his descendants." Xiang Chen shook his head.

"Gouzi, what should we do next?"

Xia Houwu asked: "We can't stay in this place forever, can we?"

Xiang Chen said: "I have my own arrangements. Once I control the teleportation method in the sacred mountain, we will leave here."

"Young Master, if possible, I still want to go back to Luomei Academy."

Mu Baiyi said softly.

"Me too, I'm used to being in the Demon God Heaven." Shen Hou also said.

Everyone spoke one after another, hoping that they could return to their respective powers.

"Don't worry, everyone, I will let you go back, but you have to wait until I take control of the sacred mountain." Xiang Chen did not refuse these people's requests.

These people can only play their greatest role in the forces to which they belong.

Although they have become Xiang Chen's believers, it does not mean that they no longer have their own thoughts and opinions. It is just that the control of their beliefs will affect their thinking, and Xiang Chen's interests are the top priority in everything.

After explaining some things to everyone, Xiang Chen entered the secret room where Emperor Tianpeng was retreating.

This secret room of Emperor Tianpeng is very special, it is the only place that is not suppressed by the sacred mountain.

Taking out the ancient cauldron, Xiang Chen entered the ancient cauldron.

In the ancient cauldron starry sky, Tianpeng's physical body is being washed and refined by the original power of the ancient cauldron.

Tianpeng's physical body has also undergone some changes. The originally golden Tianpeng feathers glowed with purple-gold light, and the purity of the bloodline has been improved higher than before.

Tianpeng originally belongs to the ancient ferocious beast bloodline species, and its growth potential is comparable to that of a holy beast. The ancient bloodline originally accounted for 70%, but now after refinement, the strength of the ancient bloodline can reach 90%.

Xiang Chen directly swallowed Tianpeng's physical body into his own inner universe. The Ten Thousand Demons Holy Law circulated, and the sun and lunar immortal mana swept out, turning into a huge cloud of yin and light that enveloped Tianpeng's physical body.

Within Tianpeng's physical body, wisps of blood essence energy and bloodline power were extracted and poured into Xiang Chen's body.

Through refining, these wisps of blood essence energy and bloodline power converge and flow towards Xiang Chen's heart, where they will condense into a brand new bloodline power.

Xiang Chen was already familiar with the process of refining blood vessels. The moment Tian Peng blood began to flow into Xiang Chen's body, a stream of information about Tian Peng's cultivation techniques was awakened in Xiang Chen's Holy Scripture of Ten Thousand Demons.

Tianpeng Time Treasure Book!

Tianpeng Time Treasure Mirror, this is the most powerful cultivation technique of the Tianpeng clan, a cultivation technique that combines the Tianpeng bloodline and the way of time.

"The way to practice the way of time!"

As soon as he woke up to this information, a look of ecstasy appeared on Xiang Chen's face.

The way of time is one of the highest ways of heaven and earth!

Time, space, these are the basic laws that constitute a complete universe.

The Tao of Time is the most difficult to understand and practice. The strongest technique of the Tianpeng bloodline has a systematic and specific method for comprehending the Tao of Time. How could Xiang Chen not be surprised by this?

Xiang Chen's various demonic techniques all correspond to different Taoist techniques.

The Heavenly Wolf Taiyin Sutra and the Golden Crow Sun Sutra correspond to the general outline of the elemental laws and the power of yin and yang!

The Holy Hell Qilin Codex of the Holy Hell Fire Qilin bloodline belongs to the Fire Way.

The Xuanming Sacred Scripture of the Xuanwu bloodline belongs to the water-moving Taoist method.

The cultivation techniques of the Canglong bloodline belong to wood, fire, wind, thunder, water and other attributes.

This Tianpeng Time Treasure Mirror, the awakening of Tianpeng bloodline, belongs to the practice method of time Taoism.

The method of cultivating the Taoism of time and space is so precious that perhaps not many of it can be found in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

Dongmen Yida's understanding of the Tao of time relies on his own thinking and understanding. A blind man crosses the river, groping forward step by step.

Xiang Chen couldn't bear the excitement in his heart, while he studied the treasure mirror of time and refined Tianpeng's bloodline.

"The sky is always bright because of the time, the earth is alive because of the law, the sky has no time and the stars are extinguished, and the earth has no time and the law does not create anything..."

The opening chapter of "Time Treasure Mirror" is a general formula about the way of time.

In his consciousness, a picture emerged, a chaotic universe, heaven and earth are one, and in the solidified heaven and earth, there is no concept of time or space.

Suddenly, in this chaotic and solidified heaven and earth, a singularity was born. After the birth of this black singularity, terrifying energy exploded.

The chaotic world that was originally the size of an egg instantly expanded a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times, and ten thousand times inside. The terrifying power of space suppressed countless opportunities and was released in an instant. Also released at the same time was the power of time that moves the world.

The power of space opened up, and the solidified space turned into a huge universe.

There are countless dust and fragments floating in the universe. After countless years of evolution and the blessing of time, these dust and fragments have condensed into countless continents and stars.

I don't know how many epochs have passed, but some lives have evolved in the universe that was born. These lives are born with powerful supernatural powers and power.

And they are called innate gods!

Among them are the gigantic dragons thousands of miles away, the extremely beautiful ancestral phoenixes, the purple-gold Tianpeng, the simple and honest Xuanwu, and the dazzling Golden Crow. They each form one, and the Tao of the universe has made them successful, and because of their

Because of him, countless dharma evolved in the world, and the whole world became complete.

Among them, the Purple Gold Tianpeng represents the power of time.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Chen suddenly had a kind of enlightenment in his heart at this moment, a deeper understanding of the Holy Scripture of Ten Thousand Demons.

The Holy Book of Ten Thousand Demons is not just a supreme skill in the sense of the demon clan, but a general outline of the methods for the world's demon beasts to understand the entire universe.

This is not only a method for cultivating demons, but also a method for creating the universe!

After reaching this conclusion, Xiang Chen couldn't calm down for a long time. Can humans, creatures, and demons really create their own universe?

The amount of information on this technique passed down to him by the ancient tripod is too terrifying and all-encompassing. What kind of magic weapon is the ancient tripod itself?

While introspecting, he suddenly remembered the Divine Hidden Universe that he created. Isn't his Divine Hidden Universe just an embryo of the world in a sense?

Now that he has broken through the realm of Daluo Jinxian, the area of ​​the Divine Treasure Universe has reached three million miles. Isn't such a vast world comparable to a small world? It's just that the rules are not perfect.

"Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature. When heaven and man are united, I am the heaven and the earth, I am all living beings, and I am the master..."

Xiang Chen suddenly had such a realization in his consciousness.

When Xiang Chen was in seclusion in the ancient cauldron star to refine Tianpeng's body, the Nine Heavens Immortal World also caused an uproar...

This chapter has been completed!
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