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Chapter 4045: Adaptation to Evolution

 Yu Zhongjun nodded when he heard this: "It makes sense, then let these people be detained here for now, and we will make a decision after the matter is found out."

"Let me report this matter to His Majesty first."

Yu Zhongjun took the interrogation process information to Emperor Luo Tian. Xiang Chen looked at everyone and sighed.

These stupid kids, if they chose to come to find me, how could they have so many troubles?

"By the way, Uncle Six, Aunt Six and Xia Houwu are also here. Their plan was to find you first, but they parted ways with us. I don't know where they are now." Xu Tianling said.

"My brothers and my wife should understand. You idiots, don't be brave and do things you are unsure about in the future. Just stay here and take care of yourself. I will get you out in a few days."

Xiang Chen and Luo Tianwei gave a few instructions not to abuse them first, and then left.

In the Human Emperor's Palace, the Human Emperor Luo Tian watched the entire process of Xiang Chen's interrogation using illusion techniques, and frowned slightly. From this point of view, there was indeed no problem.

"General Xiang Chen, what do you think?" Human Emperor Luo Tian looked at Xiang Chen.

Xiang Chen said: "Although I have confidence in my illusion, it is better to be cautious about this kind of thing after all. They are people from Beiminghai, and their identities should be confirmed, but can Beiminghai be our ally?

We need to find ways to further confirm this, as the enemy of our enemy is our friend."

"If Beiminghai is really still resisting the Witch God Clan and is interested in forming an alliance with us, we might as well give it a try. Your Majesty, I have something I don't know whether to say or not."

"I love you, but it doesn't matter."

Xiang Chen said: "The origin of our Luotian universe has been extracted by the Witch God Clan. It is difficult to stop the destruction of the Luotian universe. I think what we have to do now is to find a new one for our Luotian civilization."


Move everyone away before the Luotian Universe is completely destroyed, accumulate strength, and wait until Dongshan to find the Witch God Clan for revenge."

"The people from Bei Minghai can come here. They say they have a teleportation array that can teleport away. If they are worthy of forming an alliance, can we use this teleportation array to transfer our Luo Tian people out? In this way

We can avoid the fate of civilization’s destruction.”

Xiang Chen's words made Emperor Luo Tian immediately go silent. Is the whole clan going on a big migration?

He had never considered such a thing before, because there was no teleportation array that could leave Luo Tian, ​​and the only teleportation array was still controlled by the Witch God Clan.

"General Xiang Chen, are you trying to make us give up our own universe? We have finally adapted to the current environment of heaven and earth. How can we survive if we leave here? Our physique is no longer able to absorb the original divine essence from the outside."

Yu Zhongjun said with a wry smile, "This is another difficult problem. It's like they used to be a land race, but the flood that destroyed the world came. In order to survive, they paid a heavy price, and a very small number of people evolved into underwater creatures."


Now, Xiang Chen wants them to return to the shore, but they are no longer used to it.

Luotian Human Emperor sighed and said: "This is indeed a huge problem. It's not that we don't want to leave. The problem is that we have experienced the dark years when the origin of the universe was extracted. Most of the races died and became extinct. A small number of us

People have finally adapted to such an environment, and we are no longer accustomed to the outside universe."

"Once upon a time, it was difficult for water to remove the vast ocean. Wushan was not a cloud, hey--"

Xiang Chen said: "The trees move the dead and the people live. Since we can evolve from the original creatures into doomsday creatures adapted to the power of destruction, why can't we continue to evolve back? We still have time. It is difficult to do it in one step, and it may cause a large number of creatures."

Death, but we can gradually adapt."

Luo Tianrenhuang said: "To adapt to the corresponding environment, Luo Tian no longer has the environment of the original world."

Xiang Chen smiled faintly and said: "Why not? Yes! Has Your Majesty forgotten that the inner universe in the bodies of those creatures from the outside world are just small original worlds?"

Upon hearing this, Emperor Luo Tian narrowed his eyes, and his eyes instantly glowed with brilliance.

"Haha, yes, why didn't I think of this? The inner universe of these outsiders is naturally in line with the environment of the outside world." Human Emperor Luo Tian clapped his hands, and Xiang Chen's words also made him wake up.

He looked at Xiang Chen and couldn't help but think of the prophecy left by the old Imperial Master. The Imperial Master would guide the Taoist Savior to revive Luo Tian. If Xiang Chen was really the Imperial Master, his thoughts were combined with the old Imperial Master's prophecy. He

I somewhat believe that Xiang Chen has this possibility.

"It just so happens that I have quite a few of their inner universes here. Brother Yu, do you want to go in and give it a try?" Xiang Chen took out a universe bead and asked Yu Zhongjun with a smile.

Yu Zhongjun couldn't refuse, and said: "Then I will go in and try out the environment inside for Your Majesty. Please help Brother Xiang to open it."

Xiang Chen cast a space spell, opened the entrance to the Inner Universe space, and said: "The Inner Universe inside may not be as big as your own Inner Universe. Brother Yu, remember to seal your own Inner Universe to prevent it from expanding."

Yu Zhongjun nodded and flew in. He came to this inner universe. This inner universe is indeed a small original world, and there are still rich original divine accumulations and the divine energy and magic power of the master's practice.

However, after he came in, he felt as uncomfortable as a fish on land. He couldn't breathe. When the original divine essence of breathing entered his body, it would cause certain system damage to him and make it difficult to absorb it.

He does not need to absorb this original divine essence, but maintaining his life will consume his divine power of destruction. Once the divine power of destruction is exhausted, it will begin to consume his own vitality.

After a while, Yu Zhongjun came out, shook his head and said: "It's hard for me to adapt to such an environment with my cultivation, just like a fish out of water."

The Luotian Human Emperor sighed after hearing this. They had indeed become a doomsday race among the people of other universes, and could only adapt to the extreme environment before the end of the world.

Xiang Chen said: "This is because it is a pure original space, and nothing can alleviate it. If the power of destruction is blessed and integrated into it, and part of the original divine essence is integrated, the people who enter can slowly and gradually adapt to evolution.


When the body gets used to such an environment again, it will have no problem surviving outside. Evolution, like cultivation, requires an over-adaptation process and cannot be achieved in one step."

"Furthermore, we can study techniques that can absorb both the divine power of destruction and the original divine essence and popularize them among our people. With the blessing of the techniques, such evolution will come faster."

This chapter has been completed!
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