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Chapter 4709: But not much

 Everyone was stunned for a moment. Is the battle over now?

What about the brutal fighting and the gorgeous magic showdown?

That's it?

This kind of victory made the audience extremely dissatisfied.

"What is this? Is this the end?"

"That's it, I've been looking forward to this for nothing, is this it?"

"Crack down on counterfeiting, crack down on counterfeiting!"

"Evil mountain, evil pen!"

In an instant, countless viewers stood up and yelled angrily, calling for crackdown on counterfeiting. This made them very dissatisfied. What they like to see is the passionate fighting, the scenes of fighting that make people's blood boil.

Rather than such an understatement of victory.

"Psychic attack!" The man named Fengya frowned and looked at Xiang Chen. Is this person good at psychic attacks?

The crowd in the audience was furious, and there were countless people calling for crackdown on counterfeiting.

The host quickly said: "Calm down, everyone, this is not a crackdown on fraud. What this handsome guy just used was a mental attack. The evil mountain was defeated by the mental attack."

However, the spectators who had lost their bets did not buy it and shouted angrily about fake punches.

Xiang Chen listened to the tide of questioning and said with a smile: "Who told me to fake my punches? Come forward!"

Wow, in an instant, many viewers stood up, and some people questioned: "You are all in the same realm, how could you defeat the evil mountain with a mental attack all at once."

"That's right, Evil Mountain has a record of eighteen wins in the same realm." Others responded one after another.

"Fake punch!"

Xiang Chen didn't show any anger, he still smiled and said: "Then let me experience what spiritual attack is."

"Illusion, a colorful world!"

In his eyes, a powerful spiritual force burst out again and spread, covering the indignant crowd.

And the eyes of these people were stunned for a moment, and all of them showed strange expressions in an instant, with evil thoughts and gluttonous thoughts in their eyes, and then they all bit into other people around them crazily, and each of them changed.

Like a zombie.

The auditorium was instantly transformed into chaos, and the scene was extremely bloody.

"Hahaha, interesting, bite him!"

"Wocao, Wu Laoer, can I bite you there?"

"Are these people under the illusion of magic?"

More people gloated about the good show.

"Okay, stop playing around and compete with a bunch of ants." Di Xuanwei said in a lazy voice.

"It's the boss." Xiang Chen released the illusion after hearing this.

When these people woke up, they screamed and became chaotic. They found themselves bloody, with traces of being bitten on their bodies, and their mouths were full of blood.

They should be lucky that Xiang Chen didn't use any more extreme illusions. The scene was exciting with the sex demons dancing wildly in the colorful world.

After these people woke up, they understood something, and they all shut up and dared not speak. However, many people looked at Xiang Chen with resentment and wanted revenge in their hearts. Many of them had family backgrounds.

Fengya said calmly: "We lost this battle. In the next battle, you go to the Sixth Level of the Taichu Holy Emperor, Evil Leopard!"

A skinny young man jumped down instantly, looked at Xiang Chen with fierce eyes, and said coldly: "Go away, someone else will come!"

Xiang Chen looked at him and said calmly: "It's enough for me to beat you. Today I will beat all your challengers to the ninth heaven!"

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar, and the audience immediately became energetic. This was a challenge beyond the realm.

The host even said excitedly: "Our handsome boy is going to cross the border and challenge, please give him a cheer!"

"Beautiful boy, handsome boy!"

There were bursts of cheers from the audience, and the cross-border challenge was also their favorite show.

The evil leopard's face was gloomy and ugly, and its hands had sharp claws, which were two feet long and looked like scimitars.


His body suddenly disappeared with an astonishing speed. He was a practitioner of the holy law of the beginning of space.

The next moment, someone else appeared in front of Xiang Chen, tearing him apart with his claws.

His claw light instantly penetrated and tore through Xiang Chen's body, splitting it apart.

However, his expression changed.

"At this speed, you won't even be able to grab a hot piece of shit if you eat it. Don't call it a bad leopard, call it a snapping turtle."

Xiang Chen didn't know when he appeared behind him. He took out his claws and transformed into the hands of a blue dragon. He immediately grabbed the back of the opponent's neck and squeezed it hard.

With a click, the opponent's neck was crushed, his head was twisted by Xiang Chen and kicked away.

The Taichu Holy Emperor from the sixth level was killed instantly with one strike!

The host exclaimed: "What a terrifying speed of space movement. It is faster than the evil leopard. It seems that our handsome boy is also a practitioner of the holy space law, and the holy space law is stronger! Let's watch the slow-motion replay of the evil spirit.

The moment the leopard was killed."

The high-magnification space-time mirror replayed the scene just now. The moment the evil leopard took action, Xiang Chen had already appeared behind him. What the evil leopard tore up was just the spatial afterimage of Xiang Chen.

The audience screamed and cheered after watching the replay, and a cold look appeared on Fengya's face, and he said coldly: "What is the origin of this person?"

Someone next to me quickly said: "I don't know, young master, I have never seen such a character come out of the Tiankun Bandits."

"Trash, I don't know what to do with you. Next stop, Evil Turtle, you go."

Next to him, a short, fat man with a thick build and small eyes nodded and jumped off the battlefield.

This person is in the seventh level of the Taichu Holy Emperor Realm.

Xiang Chen looked at him, smiled, and said: "What a bastard, what a coincidence, I am your ancestor."

"The one who is appearing now is the Evil Turtle from the Seventh Heaven of the Absolute Beginning. The Evil Turtle is known as the Battle Mage. Can our handsome boy defeat him? Let's wait and see!" The host also gave a general introduction.

"court death!"

The evil turtle had a fierce look in his eyes and stomped the ground. In an instant, a magic circle was formed in an instant, and ice swords sprouted from the ground, stabbing Xiang Chen in unison.

Xiang Chen moved to avoid it in an instant, while the evil turtle sneered and launched a space magic circle to change the space force field.

Xiang Chen, who was moving instantaneously, was forced to change his direction of movement.

And an ice sword stabbed fiercely towards the direction he was forced to change. It looked as if Xiang Chen had hit him himself.

Xiang Chen sneered: "A little capable, but not much!"

He instantly formed a seal with his hands and cast the magic of time and space.

Change the world!

The force field that controlled him disappeared instantly.

But the ice swords that were stabbing him suddenly appeared and stabbed under the evil turtle.

However, this evil turtle's body is very hard, and the ice sword broke even when it stabbed his body.

The evil turtle frowned, but then slapped the ground with the divine mark of his palm. With a rumbling roar, the entire battle platform instantly changed, turning into a bottomless underwater world. Xiang Chen was sucked into the sea.


Then, a powerful thunder array appeared, and the entire underwater world instantly turned into a minefield. All the water turned into a lightning guide, and all the lightning struck Xiang Chen's body.

Combination array attack!

This chapter has been completed!
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