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Chapter 5718 Old Friend

 When there are many people, the old man has to call Xiang Chen "Your Majesty" in public places.

However, the relationship between the two was irreversible, and there was also a sense of being both a teacher and a friend. Privately, the old man did not have so much fear towards Xiang Chen.

"It's all thanks to you, kid. Your cultivation level has improved so quickly, along with the evolution of the rules of the entire chaotic plane, and the revelation of the qi of heaven and earth, so that we old guys can seize the opportunity of the beginningless Taoism."

"It can be said that one person attains enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascend to heaven."

"Bah, what did I say? I compared myself to your chicken and dog."

Xiang Chen smiled when he heard this and came to sit down next to the stone table. The stone table was carved with the criss-crossing lines of a chessboard.

"It's been a long time since I've had a chat with you, are you coming?"

"Haha, come on, wait, I'll get the wine."

The old devil went to his wine cellar and took a jar of Duzu wine, which he would usually be reluctant to drink.

He poured two bowls of wine, Xiang Chen picked up a black stone and settled on it first, saying: "I know an old man who likes to play chess. His chess pieces are very smelly, and his chess skills are pretty good, but he is still not as good as you.


The old devil asked calmly: "Is it from the prehistoric era or the Hongmeng one?"

His words were a test, and Xiang Chen looked at him in surprise.

The old devil smiled and said: "Although you didn't say it, I also guessed that your cultivation has progressed so fast in the past few years, and you have evolved so quickly with the rules of the prehistoric world. I guess you are not living in the prehistoric world."

"When we reach the realm like you and I, we know very well that if you want to improve your cultivation quickly, you have to see a more magnificent world. You are not the kind of person who works behind closed doors."

Xiang Chen smiled and said: "You are as smart as ever. If only Er Mao was half as smart as you, old man."

The old devil smiled faintly, and Luo Baizi asked: "How is the world over there?"

Xiang Chen sighed: "It can be said to be a magnificent event, with nine heavens and ten earths contending, and it is even more chaotic than the prehistoric times -"

Xiang Chen talked in detail about various things about Hongmeng with this old man who was both a teacher and a friend, and he probably didn't ask the other person to help him figure out a bit about the world of the eternal universe in the ancient legend.

Xiang Chen revealed ancient secrets and the current situation in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths one by one. He did not reveal anything except about his identity in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

It's not that he doesn't trust the old devil, but Xiang Chen doesn't like to expose his back to too many people.

Xiang Chen talked eloquently for two hours, and both of them played four chess games, each with its own victory or defeat.

After hearing this, the old devil sighed: "What a world that makes people look forward to it. It seems that I can't live here forever. I should go out and take a walk to see the eternal universe and the scenery of the nine heavens and ten earths."


Xiang Chen asked with a smile: "Want to go out?"

The old devil stroked his beard and smiled: "After so many years of comfort, it's time to go out and have a look. But after listening to what you said, I always feel that Hongmeng is a big chess game now!"

Xiang Chen frowned, he actually felt the same way.

"Listen to what you said, the most glorious era of Hongmeng was the ancient times. The Hongmeng ancient times were older than our prehistoric history. So many powerful ancestors were born. When faced with the mysterious and unpredictable catastrophe of the world, wouldn't it be possible?

All kinds of back-up tactics?”

"There is also the Dao Ancestor in the Hongmeng legend. Could such a being also fall into a world-destroying disaster? Is the world-destroying disaster even related to him?"

"Besides, the current layout of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is really ingenious. Almost, almost in the same era, so many geniuses emerged. Lords of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths from all sides have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain."

"Those who are confused by the authorities are clear to the outside world. When we, non-Hongmeng people and people with countless billions of years of experience, look at Hongmeng from a perspective other than Hongmeng, we feel that Hongmeng is like a big chess game with invisible hands behind it."


Xiang Chen's heart skipped a beat when he heard this: "Old man, you don't want to say that Hongmeng is now a chess set up by big figures like Taozu, right?"

The old devil smiled lightly: "It's just a random guess, it may not be the case. I just heard that you came, and you clearly have such opinions and feelings in your heart."

This game ended in a draw. Xiang Chen threw the chess pieces into the chess box and sighed: "It seems that the water in Hongmeng is not that deep, grandma's."

From now on, Primordial Chaos will completely become a part of Hongmeng. It is really a big chess game planned by others, so don’t we also become part of the chess pieces."

The old devil stood up, put his hands behind his back and said: "In this big chess game in the world, the chess player does not have to be a fixed person. Any chess piece that can jump out of the chess board can also be a chess player!"

"Besides, you are just a troublemaker. You are the best at breaking up situations. In the past, you could stir up troubles even if you were extremely unlucky. But now that you have a huge world and a plane with great luck, you are afraid of a hammer."

Xiang Chen put his hands on the pillow and lay on the chair with Erlang's feet raised, and said with a smile: "I'm scared of you. The more complicated the better, the better. Only then will I have a sense of accomplishment in breaking the situation."

"Old man, come out and be my military advisor?"

"I don't want to be your little eagle dog. I have to take a walk first to see the world."

"Okay, come find me whenever you get tired from walking all the time. Having an old man in the family is like having a treasure. You are always by my side. I feel like I have grown a few more brains."

The old devil laughed and scolded: "You little fox, don't give me a high hat. You are more treacherous than me, and the Emperor Yu who has been ruling the world since ancient times probably has hundreds more ideas than me."

"You are so humble. I feel like you are all old coins of the same level!"


While he was talking, a figure came out of the sky, and when it almost flew over the yard, it fell down. The figure cursed: "Old ghost, who the hell are you trying to trick? Why did you suddenly set up a forbidden air array?"

The person who came was none other than the elder brother of the Ancient Demon Ancestor, Tai Yi Demon Heaven, and the Holy Girl of the Nine Heavens.

After all, he is Gouzi's second hair and his brother-in-law.

"Hey, Ermao, long time no see."

Xiang Chen greeted with a smile.

Taiyi Yaotian came over with a big smile and said: "Brother-in-law, why do you think of coming to visit us old brothers? You haven't seen each other for nearly ten thousand years? My sister is really a spoiler of a married daughter. I haven't contacted you for so many years.

I'll give it a try."

Er Mao has also reached the realm of the Unbelievable Emperor of Heaven and Earth. He is not as weak as the old devil. He is just not as calculating as the old devil. His talent in cultivation is naturally fierce.

Xiang Chen smiled and said, "I've been busy making babies these past few years. It's been a long time since I last saw you. Why don't we have a good meal?"

"Take it easy, old devil, hurry up and bring out ten jars of Du Zu's old wine!"

"Go away, go to hell, you are thinking about my wine all day long." The old devil of reincarnation cursed.

"Hey, what, if I don't care about your wine, I can still care about your body?"

Xiang Chen saw the two of them bickering and said with a smile, "Then I'll go to the kitchen to prepare the dishes."

Their eyes lit up at the same time, knowing Xiang Chen's craftsmanship, and they said one word in unison, "Okay!"

This chapter has been completed!
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