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Chapter 5757 Famous in Tiandu

"Li Wangchen is timid and refuses to fight. He is not worthy of being the commander-in-chief of the Yinghuo Star Territory. I beg your Majesty to change the commander-in-chief!"

In Tiandu, many people began to march and shout on the streets, whether spontaneously or under the instigation and organization of thoughtful people.

Many people who didn't know what happened asked people around them.

"what happened?"

"You don't know? Tiangong's newly replaced Yinghuo Marshal Li Wangchen avoided fighting on the Yinghuo Star Territory battlefield. He was afraid of the Netherworld thieves and did not dare to fight with them head-on. He would only avoid fighting when he commanded the army!"

"What, is there such a thing? Didn't General Li Wangchen fight many beautiful battles before?"

Many people who did not know the situation on the battlefield in the Yinghuo Star Territory became aware of the current situation they were facing on the battlefield in the Yinghuo Star Territory through these parades and shouts.

In the court hall.

"Your Majesty, Li Wangchen is cowardly and refuses to fight the Netherworld army, which has caused our army to lose all face in the hearts of the people and humiliates the soldiers under my father's command. I beg your Majesty to allow the last general to lead troops to Yingluo to support the front line to take over the army and fight to the death with the Netherworld thieves."

Xu Xingxiu's eldest son, General Huaihua, a three-star general of the third rank, asked for orders in the court.

The Xu family is also a first-class noble family in Tiandu, a family of princes and generals. After learning that Xu Xingxiu's army was taken over by a foreigner, Li Wangchen, a one-star general, the Xu family was furious.

The Xu family does not want to lose the position of one of the top ten military commanders.

The Minister of Household Affairs also stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, Li Wangchen's continued avoidance of fighting will only destroy the morale of our army. Please give your Majesty another careful consideration to Li Wangchen's appointment as commander-in-chief."

Zhang Shoufu's people also came out to help.

"Your Majesty, Li Wangchen is still too young."

"I beg your Majesty to take back your order and choose a new commander!"

Opposition to Li Wangchen continued to sound, and most people, whether it was a matter of stance or in their hearts, did not believe that Li Wangchen could take up the position of commander in chief of the Yinghuo Star Territory battlefield.

Ouyang Shengwu came forward and argued against all the opinions: "Li Wangchen has only taken over the position of commander-in-chief not long ago. Maybe he is still planning a counterattack. Everyone, frequent changes of commanders during the war will only affect the morale of the army. Please give more to Li Wangchen."

Give him some time to prove himself!"

"If Li Wangchen doesn't change, the morale of the military has been weakened by his influence!" Wenren Hanbing, who is also the commander, said in a deep voice.

Everyone said that the public was right and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was right, and they argued endlessly.

Suddenly, the chief eunuch above struck the hall with a whip, and with a crack, he shouted in a high-pitched voice: "Quiet!"

The people were arguing and then quieted down. The Ninth Five Supreme Eternal Lord sitting above him looked majestic: "The change of commander is a decision that I and several Zhuguo and the Minister of War have discussed for a long time. Time will tell the answer if Li Wangchen has the talent."

"Give Li Wangchen another three years. If there is no results in three years, it will not be too late to change the coach."

The Eternal Lord has said this, and everyone below did not dare to make any excuses, and all saluted and called His Majesty wise.

The court meeting ended, but the people's discussions continued. Once every three or two days, they criticized Li Wangchen for not doing anything and only commanding the troops to flee.

It is unknown how many half a million people there are walking around, but spies are bound to be indispensable.

On this day, there were still many people marching on the streets to protest and demand a change of commander.

Outside the gate of Tiangong, a top-notch warship flew directly out of the gate of Tiangong and came to the sky above Tiandu. A strong man of the emperor level with a red flag on his body broke through the air and flew directly over Tiandu, shouting loudly.

All over the world.

"Good news from the front line, good news from the front line!"

"On the battlefield of Yinghuo, temporary commander-in-chief Li Wangchen led the Sixty-sixth Army to break through the Nether Command Center and behead the enemy commander Hong Jichen!"

"All units of our army began to pursue the victory and launch a counterattack against Netherworld!"

"Good news, good news from the front line, our temporary commander-in-chief Li Wangchen led the Sixty-sixth Army to break through the Nether Command Center and behead the enemy commander Hong Jichen!"

The voice and spiritual thoughts of this powerful emperor spread in all directions, echoing in many neighborhoods of Tiandu.

"Li Wangchen steps down——"

On the street, people who originally shouted that Li Wangchen would step down as commander-in-chief were stunned for a moment.

As they listened to the good news that kept echoing over and over again, they were stunned with shock and their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Then what did the messenger say?"

"Okay, it seems that Li Wangchen beheaded Hong Jichen, the commander of Netherworld, and our army has launched a major counterattack!"

"This, how is this possible-"

As the voice of the good news messenger spread, a huge uproar instantly arose in the Eternal Capital.

Xu family!

Xu Huaihua and others gathered in the hall.

A strong member of the Xu family laughed and said: "Now that there is opposition to Li Wangchen in the capital, the voices for changing the commander are getting stronger and stronger. If Li Wangchen doesn't do anything anymore, I think the court will not be able to bear the pressure and replace him!"

"Humph, I don't know what kind of good luck this kid got, but he just won a few small battles to make His Majesty value him so much."

"That's not because he is from Fan Zhuguo, so he has his back against the big tree to enjoy the shade."

Xu Huaihua clenched his wine glass and said: "My father's position, I will never allow any outsider to taint it. Third uncle, you should work harder on Li Wangchen's publicity!"

Uncle Xu nodded: "We will continue to strengthen our publicity efforts."

Suddenly, a voice interrupted their meeting.

"On the battlefield of Yinghuo, temporary commander-in-chief Li Wangchen led the Sixty-sixth Army to break through the Nether Command Center and behead the enemy commander Hong Jichen!"

"All units of our army began to pursue the victory and launch a counterattack against Netherworld!"

The voice of the good news messenger was conveyed, and everyone in the Xu family hall was petrified immediately after hearing it, and they were stunned.

The Ninth Prince's Residence.

After reading the battle report from the front line, the Ninth Prince Gu Tianfeng also had a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Li Wangchen--if my highness gets you, I can be sure of the throne two more points!"

The Ninth Prince directly looked up to Li Wangchen so highly.

Similarly, the Ministry of War, Fan Zhuguo, and the heads of major aristocratic families all placed relatively detailed battle reports on their desks.

In the Eternal Heavenly Palace, an extremely detailed battle report was placed on the Dragon Table of the Eternal Lord, in which even the army that Mu Feng and the others participated in was mentioned.

Among them, Princess Tianle and others even reported a more detailed understanding of this battle, including Xiang Chen's command and general scheduling of this battle.

"The unknown mysterious army——"

The Eternal Lord looked at the record about the unknown mysterious army above and thought deeply for a long time.

On this day in the Eternal Heavenly Capital, countless public opinions reversed, and the name Li Wangchen became the hottest topic in the Heavenly Palace.

The previous insults and negative remarks about him disappeared in one day. The government even sent people out to arrest those who maliciously spread rumors. Many spies were caught and executed directly after finding out the details.

This chapter has been completed!
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