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Chapter 6899: Only heads left

There were many other border refugees in the distance covering their ears, obviously shocked by the thunder.

After a long time, Shaobu finally regained his composure and looked at a large, black pit that appeared not far away.

He trotted over and saw that the charred pit was filled with pitch-black scorched earth, and a small cauldron covered with cracks lay quietly in it.

He jumped down and picked up the small, dark cauldron. The small cauldron was still warm. Shaobu looked at it for a long time, then stretched out his fingers and entered the palm-sized cauldron. He found nothing unusual.

"What a big thunder, Shaobu, show me what you are holding in your hand!"

At this time, several teenagers came over, and one of them, a much taller boy with a short hair, scolded.

Shao Bu looked at these people with wolfish eyes, and put the small cauldron behind his back, unwilling to hand it over.

The short-haired boy sneered: "Hey, how dare you not give me a lesson? Teach him a lesson!"

As he spoke, he rushed down with three teenagers, waved his fists and hit Shao Bu.

The refugees in the borderlands are all ferocious people, and so are the young people. Shao Bu took a small cauldron and used it as a brick. He hit a young man who was punching him hard. The young man was hit by the cauldron and suddenly wailed.

, scalp blood flow.

But the short-haired boy flew up and kicked Shao Bu in the chest. Shao Bu spit out a mouthful of blood and was kicked out. Several other boys immediately surrounded him and stomped him!

After all, Shaobu couldn't beat the four-handed man with his two fists. He could only grab the boy with an inch head and beat him hard, butt his head with his head. When he was hit to the ground, he hugged his feet and bit them hard.

Tear hard.

The short-headed boy screamed, and a piece of meat was torn off his leg. He raised his foot and stepped hard on Shao Bu's head, causing the opponent's head to sink into the dirt. The others surrounding him also stomped hard.


After beating Shao Bu unconsciously, he picked up the cracked small tripod he got. The short-haired boy looked at the black and cracked small tripod and cursed: "It's just broken copper and iron. What do you think it is?"

nice one."

He threw the small tripod on Shao Bu's body, stepped on it twice, and then limped away with several brothers.

After a long time, Shao Bu got up from the mud pit in a daze. His face was swollen into a pig's head, and his whole body was covered in bruises and bruises.

Living in a place like this, if your personality is too weak, you will only be bullied to death by others, so you have to beat him even if you can't beat him. At least in the future, the short-haired boy will not dare to bully him at every turn.

Dragging his scarred body away from the battlefield, he came to the border town. The deserted town here was also extremely dilapidated. Most of the houses were built of earth and stone. There were a few restaurants and inns used in this place.

Constructed of quite precious wood.

Go to the pawn shop to get gold teeth, broken tripods, and many other random little things for sale.

However, because the broken cauldron was too broken, the shopkeeper didn't see anything special about it, so he didn't sell it. Shao Bu got more than twenty taels of broken amethyst in exchange for it.

Using these broken amethysts, he bought two different-world versions of sesame cakes. Shaobu squatted at the door of the teahouse and listened to the storyteller inside.

"Speaking of which, the great master of the Northern Yuan Dynasty, Gu Xi Yongbo, led an army of tens of millions from the Northern Yuan Dynasty and marched straight in. The 20 million troops led by Song Tianchen that day were no match. They were beaten back and forth. Now they have lost the land of the three prefectures in succession. If this continues,

The entire North Wonju Province of Tianfeng is in danger!"

The storyteller was slobbering and talking vividly, and then started talking about the battle between masters in the Beiyuan battle, as if he was saving his life.

A guest who listened to the storytelling lamented: "If Marshal Yang of Tianfeng was still there, how could Beiyuan be so rampant?"

"Yes, Marshal Yang finally regained Hezhou back then, but he was forced to evacuate by the three golden orders of the stupid dog emperor that day, and ceded the land to Beiyuan. So what happened? How many years of peace and stability have we had? Beiyuan still has

Didn't he call me again?"

"That dog emperor, if he didn't have the support of Confucianism, how could he sit on the throne safely?"

"Hush, be careful, there is a powerful Confucianist behind that dog emperor after all."

"What a damn thing to be afraid of. We are in a no-nonsense zone here, so what can I do if I scold him?"

When people listen to storytelling, they don't forget to curse the emperors of today.

After Shao Bu finished listening to the storytelling and finished eating the sesame seed cakes in his hands, he returned to his home.

His home is even more dilapidated. It is a house made of piled stones. One side of it has collapsed. The four walls are leaking on three sides. The roof is made of oilcloth mixed with straw. The room is dirty and messy. A thief has come.

They all had to wipe away their tears and leave.

This is a true portrayal of the living environment of scavengers like him.

Putting the broken tripod on the three-legged table, Shao Bu lay on the oily and shiny kang and fell asleep soundly. Tomorrow he would start a new day of scavenging.

As time passes, the broken cauldron is slowly absorbing the energy between heaven and earth, and the cracks are slowly repairing bit by bit.

Winter is the most difficult time for border towns. The world is so cold that many desert residents freeze to death every year.

On this day, when Shaobu came home, he was shocked.

I saw an extra human head on my table!

It was an extremely handsome man's head. Shaobu had never seen anyone so handsome.

The human head yawned, looked at Shao Bu a little tiredly, and murmured: "Boy, where is this place? The energy of heaven and earth is too thin."

Shaobu was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and then he gritted his teeth, picked up the bench next to him, and smashed it on the person's head. The bench hit the person's head so hard that the bench shattered, but the person's head was unharmed.

As a result, the benches were broken into pieces, but the heads were unscathed.

The man's head floated up, his eyes looked at Shao Bu with a surprised look on his face.

"There is life energy at the level of gods, but there is no cultivation at all——"

He sensed this side of the world again and frowned: "There is an invisible confining and sealing energy between the heaven and the earth, which limits the use of your power——"

Shaobu looked at the heads spinning around him. Even after seeing countless corpses, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

"This kid is so timid." Xiang Chen smiled and shook his head slowly.

He looked back at his own cultivation and couldn't help but sigh. All the energy in his body had been sucked dry by the black hole. The large amount of eternal jade, crystals, and elixirs he had brought with him were all consumed in the confrontation, and the power of his bloodline was weakened.

Now I can barely form a brain.

His spiritual thoughts spread out and he sensed the information in this world. Gradually, many people's figures and conversations appeared in his ears. Xiang Chen began to collect and integrate this information to understand this world.

This chapter has been completed!
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