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Chapter 1022 Shake the foundation!

Seeing that Lu Fan didn't speak, Zhong Boyong waved his hands calmly: "What's wrong, there are no outsiders here, so don't use the official tone. Just say whatever you want."

These people are usually aloof and condescending, and are used to using official accents, so much so that they feel that they are speaking properly, but to outsiders they sound confused, and they have to figure it out to understand the deeper meaning of their words.

This usually works, but here, no one is willing to bother with it.

"Haha, sorry."

Seeing that Zhong Boyong had pointed it out, He Jie looked a little embarrassed and said: "Actually, to put it bluntly, Jinling is an international metropolis, and the market is naturally open to the world. There is no such thing as whether we can do business or whether we can do business well."

"But if you are talking about doing pharmaceutical business and want to make the business bigger, in the final analysis, the problem is only two words."

He paused slightly: "Ma family."

"In Jinling, Jiangnan, and even in the national pharmaceutical market, the Ma family has a good market share."

"Especially in Jinling and Jiangnan, there are 17 hospitals and three national hospitals, as well as the small pharmacies you see on the roadside when you go out, and even the medicines on the counters in pharmacies are all Ma family industries."

"The Ma family not only owns the largest pharmaceutical product production line in the country, but also has its own independent distribution system. They open hospitals and pharmacies, and then sell their own medicines."

"This is a complete industrial chain. After decades of development, it has already become airtight in Jiangnan. Outsiders can't even think of inserting a needle in."

"So I think it's difficult for Brother Lu's suggestion, and that's the difficulty."

Starting from the foundation to establish the rule of the rocking horse family in the medical field of China is something that Lu Fan has been thinking about during this period of time and has already begun to put it into action.

Since the Ma family took the position of leader of the three sects of the Chinese medical sect, they have used their power and status to almost monopolize the entire Chinese medical market in these years, and sought violence from it, so that they could win over such a group of people in such a short period of time.

A large group of subordinates and disciples.

The growth and development of any force is inseparable from power and money.

Power points the way, and then money paves the way.

Both of these are indispensable.

Jinling and Jiangnan are the base camps of the Ma family. Lu Fan asked Zhong Waner to conduct a survey and statistics.

Every year, the Ma family can earn no less than 300 billion in net profits from the Jinling and Jiangnan pharmaceutical markets.

This is the main source of funds for the Ma family to maintain such a large family and maintain high-intensity dominance in the medical field in China.

The tree of Hebao is born at the end of the hair.

He believed that the moment when the mighty tree of the Ma family appeared, it was shaken.

You don't even need to wait until the moment it collapses, the tree will fall and the animals will scatter. The Ma family, which has lost the support of the major medical families, is actually not that scary.

In the hall, Zhong Boyong gently sipped the tea and asked: "Are there no exceptions?"

"For example, if I spend money to build a hospital, the medicines are better than others, cheaper than others, and the services are more considerate. Then I invite a group of top experts from home and abroad to sit in for consultation. People are not stupid. Who is better and who is worse? They

Naturally there will be judgment.”

Zhong Boyong has never been stingy in solving problems that can be solved with money.

"Haha, Mr. Zhong may not be aware of our country's national conditions."

He Bureau laughed awkwardly: "No matter how much money you spend and how many top experts you invite, in the eyes of ordinary people, you are just a private hospital."

"China is not a foreign country. The people's mentality of recognizing state-owned enterprises and not private enterprises will be difficult to change in a while."

"What's more, it takes a lot of time to build a hospital, introduce personnel and equipment, and meet the approval standards. But your affairs are so urgent that you may not be able to put out the fire that is far away, and it will be difficult to implement it smoothly."

"Then open a pharmacy and a pharmaceutical company."

Zhong Boyong put down his tea bowl and said: "Mr. Zhong has dominated the shopping mall in these years, and has also met some qualified pharmaceutical dealers with complete production lines. Many of them were once well-known large pharmaceutical dealers in the country, but they were forced to do so by the Ma family.

Because of the squeeze, they had to withdraw from the Jiangnan market, and some even had no choice but to develop overseas."

"But as long as I cheer up in Jinling, I believe they will still be willing to come back and have a good fight with the Ma family."

This chapter has been completed!
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