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Chapter 1105 Gathering of All Parties

"Let my big brother come in quickly!"

Ma Tianxiong stood up hurriedly and strode out to greet him.

"Brother, what's going on?"

"How did these people die without making any sound? Was it done by some master?"

Ma Tianxiong looked grave: "If we don't find this person, the face of our Ma family will be completely lost in front of the world!"

It was not that he had never suspected Lu Fan, but Ma Tianming had already told him about what happened in front of the Palace of Paradise. Lu Fan was captured by Song Jianqiu and imprisoned in the Jiangnan Martial League dungeon. He was personally guarded by the great swordsman Song Jianqiu. This was absolutely not true.

Possibly escaped.

If it's not Lu Fan, then it proves that the Ma family has got into trouble with someone even more troublesome.

A big shot who massacred more than 30 people in the Ma family, and even Ma Tianming, who was in charge of the house, couldn't detect it.

"Want to hear the truth?"

Ma Tianming was holding a stripped corpse in his hand. The whole body was smooth and glowing with white light, as if it had been smeared with oil. It looked particularly strange.

"True, truth?"

Ma Tianxiong was stunned: "Brother, what do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I just want to tell you that your unscrupulous descendant may have caused big trouble outside."

Ma Tianming's tone was calm, but it had great impact: "I have examined these corpses and there are no injuries inside or outside the body, but the cause of death of everyone is exactly the same, that is, brain death."

"brain death?"

Ma Tianxiong was slightly startled. As the head of the Ma family, it was natural for him not to be unclear about the meaning of the three words brain death.

The irreversible loss of all brain functions, including the brainstem, and the disappearance of spontaneous breathing and brainstem reactions are equivalent to pronouncing a person dead.

"But brain death should also be caused by certain factors, such as suffocation, serious illness, or severe internal and external trauma. Could it be that they just died without any cause at all?"

Ma Tianxiong said doubtfully: "This shouldn't be the case."

"But if the opponent is strong enough, it is possible that these people can be suppressed to death instantly just by pressing with momentum."

Ma Tianming said calmly: "You only need to use a terrifying momentum to lock the opponent's energy and blood and stop his heart for three minutes. That is enough."

Momentum, energy becomes energy due to energy, energy nourishes energy due to energy.

Often a powerful ancient martial arts master will compete in terms of momentum before a battle. The side that wins in terms of momentum will often crush the opponent with absolute victory in the subsequent battle.

It can also be used to kill people, just like Cao Sheng deliberately exuding momentum in front of the Palace of Paradise, forcing hundreds of people to vomit blood, and several great masters to resist with all their strength.

Strong people have many ways to kill, not just limited to simple force.

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