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Chapter 1326: Chinese Medicine

"Thank you, Dean Wang."

Lu Fan turned his head and looked at Dean Wang with a determined look on his face, sighing slightly in his heart.

In this era of loss of faith, it is truly commendable to be able to stand up and take responsibility at this juncture.

"For the lives of these ninety-seven innocent newborns, I will fight with you."

Lu Fan said to himself secretly.

"Prepare a pair of silver needles for me, starting with baby patient No. 001."

Lu Fan directly began to issue instructions: "Prepare more disinfectant alcohol and some medical tools, especially medical gauze, as you will need a lot later."

Upon hearing this, Dean Wang immediately asked the nurse to do as Lu Fan said.

The little nurse was also very cooperative and quickly completed Lu Fan's instructions and brought silver needles, alcohol, and disinfectant.

"very good."

As Lu Fan spoke, he washed his hands in a spray of water, picked up two silver needles and twisted them between them. After waiting for the nurse to open the sterile incubator, he moved like lightning and quickly pierced the baby's gums with the silver needles.

, Da Ying, there are several major Qi He acupoints in the ears and navel.

The silver needles trembled and buzzed, with different shades, twisting and turning. Lu Fan fired twenty-seven needles in one go, his hand was like a flower, his wrist made a shadow in mid-air, and the silver needles flickered, just like an ancient performance.

It was like a magic trick, dazzling the little nurse and Dean Wang and others next to it.

"Okay, there's no need to use the incubator anymore. Just wipe off the blood stains on the baby and keep it at normal temperature and humidity. Don't expose it to wind, and remember to cover it with a quilt."

After Lu Fan applied the acupuncture, he turned around and walked out: "Next one."


Dean Wang and a group of doctors looked at each other in disbelief, watching helplessly as black water began to flow from the navel of Baby No. 1's belly. At the same time, the swollen belly gradually deflated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then returned to normal.

"Heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure are all back to normal!"

A nurse stared at the numbers on the monitor, her face filled with disbelief.

"Is this Guanyin Hand?"

This chapter has been completed!
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