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Chapter 1448 The First Beautiful Girl

Seeing that Lu Fan ignored him, Nangong Wenxiu snorted coldly and left.

If Lu Fan doesn't take the initiative to answer, it will be useless no matter how provocative he is.

Although he wanted to kill Lu Fan countless times in his dreams, he also knew very well that he was no match for Lu Fan.

If Lu Fan didn't take the initiative, if he took the initiative, it would be no different from seeking death.

The banquet was still going on. After the greetings, the main stage of the banquet hall was handed over to the graceful celebrities and beauties who could often be seen on the TV screen.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are lofty stars and unattainable goddesses.

But in the eyes of these people at the Peace Hotel, they are just objects.

It is an item that they can exchange at will without even paying any money.

So they didn't even pay attention to these female stars who came on stage to sing and dance. They whistled, threw money, and halfway through singing, they pulled them down and sat down on their laps, pouring wine into their mouths...

Lu Fan felt as if he was not in a Peace Hotel, but back in the past, in a brothel, watching the young masters who were looking for fun and unscrupulously preying on the brothel ladies.

Lu Fan became more and more bored as he watched. After drinking a few glasses of wine, he asked, "How long do we have to wait? If the meeting at the Wu League ends too late, I will go back to sleep and see them tomorrow."

He was told by Lei Ming that he had to wait here for the small meeting at the Wu League to finish, and then call him after Lu Wushuang came out. Lu Wushuang would then take Lu Fan to meet the three giants of Yongxing. Yongxing did not know Lu Fan.

But it will definitely be sold to Lu Wushuang to save face. When the matter comes up, with Lu Wushuang taking the lead, it will definitely be much easier to handle.

Coach Lei also frowned and looked at the time: "Logically speaking, it should be over. Why is there no news yet?"

"Wait for me a moment. I'll go over and ask if there's anything going on over there."

After Coach Lei stood up and left, Lu Fan took out his cell phone even more boredly and chatted word by word with Tang Huanxi.

Then suddenly, the entire banquet hall fell silent.

Lu Fan put down his cell phone and looked up, thinking that the Wu League meeting was over and some big shot was coming.

But when he raised his head and followed everyone's gaze towards the stage, he couldn't help but be stunned: "Qin Chaoge?"

This chapter has been completed!
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