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Chapter 1717: Happy Talking

Qi Qiansha stood in the center of the banquet hall, looking down at his ministers like a king.

"I, Qian Luomen, have been married to your Luo family for hundreds of years. You don't distinguish me, and I don't distinguish you."

"We met here today. If you kneel down and call me Sect Master, I will naturally be called you."

His tone was very calm, but it carried an impulse that made people want to surrender and worship.

"Master Qiansha Sect, in our hearts, you are the second sect leader of our Luo family, there is absolutely no lie!"

Luo Huasheng raised his head and spoke with excitement: "It's just that today you also saw that the villain Lu Fan humiliated my Luo family several times, and even beat my young master Gu Sha to death in front of me."

"This Gu Sha is very close to you. Please ask the Master of the Qiansha Sect to take action and seek justice for our Luo family!"

"Please Qian Sha Sect Master, seek justice for our Luo family!"

Others also shouted, as if Lu Fan was a bully who had bullied them for many years. Today, they finally met their master, hoping that he could avenge them.

"Haha, I came here today because of Lu Fan."

Qi Qiansha finally laid his eyes on Lu Fan, with a slight smile on his lips: "The champion of the Shenglong List Ancient Martial Arts Competition and the inheritor of the Zulong Palace, I have been hearing your name all this time.

Today we meet each other for the first time, and I say to myself that a hero really comes from a young age, and he is indeed worthy of his reputation."

Qi Qiansha's tone did not contain any hostility, but instead made people feel like a spring breeze, making them indescribably comfortable and comfortable.

"Master Qian Sha Sect, Mao Zan, I am just a junior. At my age, I may still have the strength to fight, but in front of Master Qian Sha Sect, I am just an unlearned and unskilled junior, making Master Qian Sha Sect laughable."

Lu Fan responded in a neither humble nor arrogant manner, but he told the truth.

Qi Qiansha nodded in appreciation: "Haha, you are young and wise, but you are not arrogant or impetuous. You will be a good young man who can take on big responsibilities in the future."

To an outsider, the conversation between the two people was just a polite conversation between a junior and a senior.

But in Luo Huasheng's ears, the more he heard, the more something was wrong. With Qi Qiansha's strength, he shouldn't have broken Lu Fan's limbs first, and then brutally crushed his martial arts heart, causing him to completely lose his fighting ability.

Then humiliate as much as you want?

Why is it that when listening to the conversation between the two people, they are all in harmony, and Qi Qiansha also admires Lu Fan very much?

This chapter has been completed!
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