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Chapter 1830: Save My Father

Except for Lu Fan, all the masters who visited the village were poisoned.

A middle-aged woman also said that there is no cure for this poison.

Because they have no intention of letting these great masters leave alive, the only hope of helping them detoxify lies in Lu Fan's hands.

"But the antidote hasn't been found yet, right?"

Akko tilted his head and glanced at Lu Fan: "Don't worry, I can't die. If I'm really about to die, I will come back to find you, so hurry up and develop an antidote. Don't just watch me die."


After seeing Ake off, Lu Fan returned to the villa to have lunch.

Tang Huanxi works in the company and never comes back at noon. Lu Fan can also take advantage of this time to study the inner elixir in his hand and try to brew the antidote as soon as possible. Now it is not only Tang Huanxi, but also a large number of people waiting.

I asked him to take action to save lives.

In the afternoon, Tang Huanxi's phone call came unsolicited.

"Lu Fan." Tang Huanxi's voice was very gentle.

"How did you know I was back?" Lu Fan asked with a smile.

"How could I not know that you forgot to install surveillance cameras at home? I knew it as soon as you came back. I saw you busy, so I didn't bother you."

Tang Huanxi asked softly: "I'm going to get off work soon. Let me treat you to dinner."

Lu Fan could hear the longing in his wife's tone and immediately agreed: "Okay, we'll get a room after dinner and let's have a good chat."

"Bah, you still need to book a room while chatting?"

Tang Huanxi said slightly, then lowered his voice: "I have a surprise for you tonight. I will send you the address later, and we will see you after get off work tonight."


Lu Fan hung up the phone and thought for a long time. After so many years of marriage, although the relationship between the two is no different from that of a normal couple, it has also broken through that level. However, this surprise was still a surprise from Tang Huanxi's mouth, but Lu Fan was really

First time heard of it.

Lu Fan had no intention of studying the inner elixir anymore. He had already sent invitations to the Bodhisattva Sect and the Blood Medicine Sect, asking them to come to Nandu to look at it for him. Even though he was half-assed, he definitely couldn't see anything, so he just packed up his things.

Drive to the agreed dinner place.

While driving, Lu Fan's mind was filled with the so-called surprises that Tang Huanxi said.

From time to time, an idiotic giggle appeared on his lips.

Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, a figure jumped out from the roadside, stood in the middle of the road, opened his hands, and stopped the car.

This chapter has been completed!
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