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Chapter 2983: Bana Flower

Nearly a million legions left Tianguan in a mighty manner and stepped into the vast icy sea.

When a strong man goes out on a campaign, he will die ten times and never return.

The white sea surface with no visible edge is slowly filled with "dark clouds".

Lu Fan followed him and looked back, seeing a blizzard covering the sky and the earth. The sky gate towered into the vast sky, standing in the wind and rain, completely separating the two worlds.

"Is this outside the customs?"

When people looked forward and faced the frozen sea for the first time, they were all shocked.

The scene in front of me is desolate and solemn. The scene is like a frozen scene, boundless, and filled with murderous intent and coldness.

The scenery outside the pass is boundless and frozen.

Countless human and demon corpses were frozen beneath their feet.

The extremely cold weather turns this seawater into solid frozen soil.

The corpses of some human warriors were dug up bit by bit by workers over the years and brought to Tianguan.

But in the next battle, more bodies will be buried.

Gradually, Tianguan gave up exhuming corpses and turned to erecting monuments for them.

After every battle, a huge ice sculpture will be erected here.

Engraved on it are the number and time of the expeditionary legion.

Looking around, there are no fewer than thirty ice-carved stone monuments, large and small.

This means that more than thirty battles, large and small, involving millions of people took place here.

Blood dyed part of the ice red, and blood seemed to be flowing in the ice and snow, showing how cruel, bloodthirsty, and ruthless this new era was.

It completely matches the scene in the Qingwu scroll.

"Why are there still flowers?"

With a low cry, Lu Fan looked over.

I discovered that under my feet and in the ice crevices around me, extremely beautiful red flowers were growing.

It's so charming and intoxicating.

"It's so beautiful. There are such beautiful flowers here."

"Is the Ice Age finally coming to an end and everything about to recover?"

Some people stopped and subconsciously reached out to pick flowers.

This chapter has been completed!
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