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Chapter 343 Kill!

Zhang Zihao had never killed anyone before, and he could not accept the tragic death of a living person at his hands for the time being. He was willing to let it go. Anyway, the outcome was already decided, and there was no need to kill again.

Bai Sha nodded with difficulty.

Zhang Zihao then stood up, hugged Bai Sha on top of him, turned his body backward, rose into the air, and smashed the opponent's head to the ground. He used the hard ground and his own strength to complete the killing blow. This is also a must in wrestling.


However, Zhang Zihao didn't want to kill him, so during the fall, he didn't let Bai Sha's head hit the ground, but his back.

The audience saw Zhang Zihao slam Bai Sha to the ground with a muffled sound, and the whole place fell into almost dead silence. However, Liu Yingying and everyone in the Liu family cheered happily.

Zhang Zihao stood up and Bai Sha lay on the ground. If Bai Sha listened to Zhang Zihao and pretended to be dead, the game would be over.

But just when Zhang Zihao turned his head and looked at Lu Fan's position, Bai Sha suddenly opened his eyes and kicked his uninjured foot hard towards Zhang Zihao's ankle. Zhang Zihao was defenseless and lost his center of gravity. As soon as he fell to the ground, he was hit by Bai Sha.

Sha strangled his neck!

How terrifying would it be for a warrior to unleash his arms with all his strength?

Can smash rocks!

Zhang Zihao immediately felt difficulty breathing, and could even hear a "clicking" sound like a broken bone coming from his body and neck! He hit Baisha's head with his fist, and the more Baisha struggled, the more he struggled.

The tighter it gets.

What happened in seconds!

Zhang Zihao's consciousness was blurred at this moment, and he felt like he was going to be incontinent. His eyeballs were bulging but his vision was blurred, and he felt like he couldn't hold on any longer.

At this time, he vaguely saw a white spot in the pool of bright red on the ground beside him. It was the teeth spit out from the mouth of Liu Feng after he was killed by Bai Sha in the last battle. The teeth were lying on the ground.

In the pool of blood...Zhang Zihao saw the situation and reached out to grab it in the palm of his hand, slamming the sharp broken teeth into Bai Sha's eyes! Bai Sha let out a scream and let go of his hand.

Zhang Zihao got rid of the control and stood up. Looking at Bai Sha who covered his eyes and screamed in a low voice, he strode forward angrily, poured all his strength into one punch, and hit Bai Sha hard on the head.



There was a sound of broken bones that echoed through the entire boxing gym, making everyone's hair stand on end.

Bai Sha was half kneeling on the ground, but his head was tilted to one side without any support. It was only connected by a thin layer of skin and flesh and hung in the air. The bones on his neck were broken like a cutting!

He died on the spot!

Dead silence!

The whole boxing gym was deathly silent!

It took thirty seconds for the audience to make a roar in the stands.

Some were screaming excitedly; some were trembling with fear from the power of Zhang Zihao's punch; some had their lips tightly closed, so frightened by the successive flips that they began to doubt their own eyes...

Of course, there are also people who bet on gambling and either lose all their money or make a lot of money.

This chapter has been completed!
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