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Chapter 356: Horror Restoration Ability

Early the next morning.

When Lu Fan opened his eyes, standing in front of him was a girl wearing a white nurse suit. The pink shirt at the collar was clearly visible, and she was wearing white pantyhose on her legs.

"Then what..." Lu Fan opened his mouth, wanting to ask how Tang Guohua was doing.

Unexpectedly, the nurse who was changing his dressing suddenly turned her head and saw Lu Fan waking up. She was stunned for a moment, and then she looked panicked and ran out the door with a pretty face.

"Doctor! The patient is awake! The patient is actually awake!"

Listening to the young nurse's shocked shouts, Lu Fan smiled helplessly, sat up from the hospital bed, and reached out to pull out the needle in his hand.

"What are you doing? Don't move! Do you know how injured you are?"

At this time, a large group of doctors and nurses in white coats swarmed in from the door. Seeing Lu Fan actually sitting up and trying to pull out the needle himself, they immediately scolded and stopped him.

"Quickly, check the patient's blood pressure, heart rate and body temperature. Why did he wake up so quickly? I hope it's not for that reason..."

The chief physician had a solemn look on his face. When he saw Lu Fan yesterday, he almost concluded that he was a dead man! He had been shot four times, covered in blood, his muscles and soft tissues were necrotic in large areas, and his face was completely distorted... They didn't even

Knowing where to start rescuing him, it was the man from the Liu family who told him that he didn't need to resuscitate, he just needed to help him remove the bullet from his body, treat the wound with anti-inflammation, and then find a quiet and hygienic room to sleep overnight.

He didn't believe it at first, thinking that the Liu family was taking human life lightly.

It's just that he, a doctor, dared to disobey the Liu family's orders. He could only follow that person's request, perform surgery to remove the bomb, then disinfect it and send it to the ward, where he would find someone to take care of him...

The patient actually got better!

"The blood pressure is normal."

"Heart rate is normal."

"The body temperature is normal."

"The patient is doing fine!"

A group of doctors and nurses stared at each other, as if they were shocked speechless by Lu Fan's terrifying self-healing ability.

"You can all go out."

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit strode into the ward and issued an expulsion order to all the doctors and nurses.

These people were obviously extremely wary of the middle-aged man's identity. When they confirmed that Lu Fan's body was no longer seriously ill, they put away their tools and left the ward.

When only Lu Fan and the middle-aged man in front of him were left in the ward, the middle-aged man stared at him closely with a pair of deep eyes, and with a "pop", he knelt down towards Lu Fan.

Lu Fan frowned. He remembered that this middle-aged man was the one who led the team to block the door when he left the warehouse last night. He was a member of the Liu family.

Lu Fan didn't speak, and the middle-aged man kneeling on the ground didn't speak either.

Time seemed to have stood still.

"I'm not dead yet, what are you doing?" Lu Fan said angrily.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

When Lu Fan spoke, the middle-aged man responded with three loud bangs.

This made Lu Fan even more unhappy. Isn't kowtow three times a way to worship the dead? Is this guy really looking forward to his own death?

This chapter has been completed!
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