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Chapter 413 Too late

"Where will we compete tomorrow?" Lu Fan asked.

"It's in our hospital."

Dean Wang explained: "And I heard that Liu De also complained to the city leaders this time, saying that I, the dean, was incompetent at my job, and wanted to use this matter to remove me from the position of dean and replace Vice dean Chen.

Now Vice President Chen has summoned a lot of people, who will stand by him and help Liu De win this challenge."

Lu Fan nodded, "It seems that the competition within your hospital is also very cruel."

"Yes, in fact, during the last personnel transfer, Dean Liu was supposed to take my position. It was only because he had a major medical accident before and was reported during the announcement that he was pulled down and replaced with me.

I will be the dean." Dean Wang said helplessly.

"You didn't happen to be the one who reported it, right?"

Lu Fan chuckled lightly, and without waiting for Dean Wang's explanation, he waved his hand and said, "I'll take the challenge letter first. Come to me tonight and I'll give you an answer."

Dean Wang nodded, led a group of hospital leaders and doctors, and turned to leave.

"Lu Fan, you don't really want to accept Liu De's challenge, do you?" Tang Huanxi's pretty face was worried. She still can't accept it. This man who has been sleeping on the floor for three years and has been regarded as a wimp by everyone,

How could he cause such a big disturbance in Nandu's medical community?

You must know that medicine is different from other medicines. You can achieve certain achievements in a short period of time by relying on opportunism and cleverness.

This requires years of accumulation and precipitation to gain.

It cannot be accomplished overnight or overnight.

"I haven't decided yet. Let's see what Dad does first. It's still early anyway, so there's no rush."

Lu Fan folded the challenge book and put it in his arms, then walked towards the door of the operating room.

The operation went smoothly. Tang Guohua was pushed out of the operation before noon. He was still in a coma and it would take some time to wake up.

Tang Huanxi and Shen Lu stayed in the intensive care unit to take care of Tang Guohua, while Lu Fan went downstairs to buy lunch, and by the way, he also wanted to buy a facial mask and toner for Shen Lu. She had to apply the facial mask while taking care of the patient in the ward.

Just when Lu Fan was standing at the entrance of the drugstore with his lunch box, staring at the dazzling array of product categories, confused.


I heard a sound of brakes coming from behind me, and soon, a black Buick parked in front of the drug store.

The car door opened, and Zhao Hong got out wearing a Chinese tunic suit.

This chapter has been completed!
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