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Chapter 880: The Contest Begins

Regardless of the three sects or one sect, those who already have enmity with Lu Fan.

Neither the young masters of the other twelve disciplines would tolerate the reputation and evaluation of an outsider being above them.

Yes, to them, Lu Fan, who had no background or training, was an outsider and an alien in the medical field.

Ouyang Honghai even echoed: "Haha, yes, at such a young age, his medical skills are so good. No wonder I have heard people say that this Medicine God Competition is not very valuable. That's because Lu Fan did not participate.

Come in, otherwise, the current competition rankings may undergo big changes..."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the young medical disciples present became even darker.

After working hard for several days, I stood out in the Medicine God Competition and achieved good results.

In the end, he turned out to be worse than a useless person who had never even shown his face before?

Lu Fan cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Master Ma and Master Ouyang really praise me too much. I really can't afford to be this young number one."

"Not only that, during my previous interactions with Ma Zexiu of the Ma family, I learned a lot from him. He is much better than me in every aspect."

"I feel that when it comes to being the first young person today, I can only be considered the second. Ma Zexiu of the Ma family is the best, and I am not as good as him."

At this time, Ma Zexiu just walked over from the door and walked into the Ma family camp.

Hearing Lu Fan's words, he was also slightly startled, secretly thinking that Lu Fan actually praised him in such a way, and his face suddenly lit up with joy, and some of his previous bad impressions of Lu Fan disappeared instantly.

However, when he saw Ma Tianxiong staring at him like a knife, he quickly lowered his head with an indifferent expression, pretending that he didn't take these compliments to heart at all.

Ma Tianxiong had experienced Lu Fan's eloquence as early as the night of his birthday, and knew that this young man was not only terrifying in strength, but also extremely sharp in words. He was not an economical person.

However, with just one word, he pushed Ma Zexiu to his previous position, which Ma Tianxiong did not expect.

Originally, among the three sects, the other sects all disliked the Ma family. He deliberately used a trash from the Ma family to irritate them. Didn't he make the other three families hate the Ma family even more?

After all, Ma Tianxiong was very scheming, and he did not expect to be able to do anything to Lu Fan with just a few words, so he laughed and said: "It is a good thing for young people to be modest, but being too modest is not good."

Then he turned around and said to everyone: "According to the competition format of the Medicine God Competition, after passing the previous basic skills assessment stage of traditional Chinese medicine, today's competition will directly enter the practical stage."

As he said that, a white-haired old man in a Taoist robe, a young man in a black gown, and a burly man in a black suit... filed out of the lobby and came to the four-handheld restaurant in the center of the courtyard.

He sat down calmly in the Taishi's chair.

"Master Kongchan, Meng Tianzun, and Wang Hao, the master of the Zhengqi Sect."

Lu Fan glanced at the three people and already made a judgment on their identities in his mind.

At the same time, the gazes of the three people were like three knives, sweeping across his face.

Except for Master Kongchan’s gaze, he looked quite kind.

Meng Tianzun and Wang Hao seemed eager to eat him alive on the spot! They were full of endless resentment and ferocity.

Lu Fan was slightly stunned. He had offended Meng Tianzun by killing Ouyang Ming and was resented by him. There was nothing to say.

But after thinking about it, Lu Fan didn't seem to have any interactions with anyone from the Zhengqi Sect.

Not to mention feuding.

And what makes Lu Fan even more strange is that Ouyang Honghai, who sits at the head of the Ouyang family, never showed any radical actions or words when facing his murderous enemy, except for the resentful look in his eyes at the beginning.


He even inadvertently raised the corners of his mouth, as if he had anticipated some extremely wonderful scene, which made him, the most powerful family in the Southwest and the head of the Ouyang Family, unable to help but smile proudly.

"As a member of the medical profession, everyone naturally understands."

"Whether it is one of three sects or one of twelve aristocratic families, the fundamental reason for its standing in the world is to help the world by hanging a pot and cure diseases and save people."

"Being able to cure patients, remove their flesh and bones, and revive the dead is my greatest ideal in practicing medicine throughout my life."

"So, after unanimous discussion with Master Kong Chan, Meng Tianzun, and Sect Leader Wang, we decided to simplify the content of the two-day competition, skipping the four stages of observation, hearing, inquiry, and treatment, and directly enter the final stage of diagnosis and treatment."

When Ma Tianxiong said this, he saw four Ma family disciples carrying a stretcher and walking out of the lobby.

"This patient fell into a coma due to hysteria three days ago and has not yet woken up."

"So the content of today's assessment is to diagnose the root cause of this person's disease and prescribe the corresponding prescription, diagnosis and treatment methods."

"The duration is half a day."

"Now everyone can start."

The moment the four people carried the patient to the center of the courtyard!

Liu Qingqing suddenly stood up and stared at the figure on the stretcher with a pale face: "Sister, sister?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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