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Chapter 900: Forbidden Art of Miao Border

Master Kongchan removed his finger from Liu Yingying's pulse, took a breath and said, "It's exactly what I expected."

"How is it?" Lu Fan said excitedly.

So far, Master Kongchan is the only person he has ever met who has a thorough understanding of blood spells.

"The Blood Talisman, as the name suggests, is a kind of worm that lives in the blood of the human body and relies on devouring human essence and blood to survive."

"This has the same effect as the witchcraft called Heart-Eating Gu in the Miao border area."

Heart-eating Gu?

Lu Fan was stunned.

"Yes, this kind of heart-eating bug is called triatomine bug in Chinese medicine. It is a kind of beetle that is completely black and has sharp spines in its mouth."

"Trypanosoma cruzi is parasitic in the body of the triatomine bug. After the triatomine bug bites the victim, the trypanosoma cruzi will enter the human blood circulation, eventually enter the heart, survive and reproduce in the heart, and eventually rip the heart and die."

Master Kongchan sighed: "The triatomine bug is known as one of the top ten poisonous insects in Miao territory. Because of its insidious methods and the tragic death of the victim when the poison attacks, it was killed by Miao territory as early as seventy years ago.

It is designated as a forbidden technique for all wizards, and all wizards are prohibited from using it. Otherwise, they will be expelled from the Miao territory and hunted down by all wizards."

"But I heard that twenty years ago, there was a family of seven in Miao territory. Because they offended a wizard, the whole family was found dead at home the next day."

"The seven orifices were bleeding, the skin all over the body was ulcerated, and a big hole appeared in the chest. The heart had already been eaten away, leaving only some residual flesh and blood..."

"Is this the Miao wizard's revenge on his enemies by using the Heart-Eating Gu?" Liu Yingying asked.

Master Kongchan nodded: "Yes, this is the only case of murder caused by the Heart-Eating Gu in the past seventy years. The wizard who was responsible for the Gu has not been found yet."

"I happened to be passing by here at the time and witnessed all this happening."

"I am well aware of the horror and unsolvable nature of this poison, so I have been working hard to find a way to crack it, so as to prevent this poison from reappearing in the world and causing a complete loss of life."

"Since this poison originated from the Miao border, the people in the Miao border must know how to break this technique."

Lu Fan frowned and said: "Why don't you go directly to the Miao wizards to find a solution? As far as I know, among the 12 generations of Chinese medical sects, there is a Miao family who is in charge of the Miao Mountains. Don't they know the solution?


Master Kongchan's words ignited Lu Fan's hope of breaking the blood spell in Tang Huanxi's body.

The mechanism of the Heart-Eating Gu sounds similar to the Blood Talisman. He even has reason to believe that the source of this spell is probably spread from the Miao Territory. If a method to crack it can be found in the Miao Territory, or the Miao family can directly

If you take action, your chances of winning will be much greater.

"More than seventy years ago."

Master Kongchan looked at Lu Fan and said: "Seventy years ago, when the Heart-Eating Gu was included in the banned witchcraft laws, all the information, records, practices, and methods of cracking the Heart-Eating Gu were burned in a fire.

There is nothing left in the world anymore.”

"Furthermore, the person who had learned this technique back then, seventy years later, even if he was only a ten-year-old child at the time, is now over eighty years old."

"Very few of them are still alive."

"As for the Miao family..."

He took a deep look at Lu Fan: "As a member of the twelve medical families, the Miao family has always looked after the ghost doctor. The current head of the Miao family, Miao Qifeng, is the god-sister of the ghost doctor Meng Tianzun. You

After killing the chief disciple of the ghost doctor sect, as well as the guardians on the left and right, they have restrained themselves from bewitching you."

"I want to ask them to treat illnesses and save people, but I'm afraid it's impossible."

In one sentence, cold water was poured directly on Lu Fan's head.

He has already formed an eternal feud with the Ghost Doctor Sect and the Ma family. Unless one party is destroyed, there will be no possibility of relief.

"Little friend Lu, don't worry. When I passed through the Miao Territory, I had a brief exchange with a great wizard from the Miao Territory about the Heart-Eating Gu. I also have some experience about this technique, but it will take some time. Maybe I can find a solution.

The method of blood spell."

"This technique is listed as a forbidden technique in the Miao territory. It has its own uniqueness. Even if the great wizard of the Miao territory takes action, it will take a certain amount of time."

"So don't worry, give me some time and I will find a way to crack it."

Lu Fan nodded when he heard this: "Thank you, Master Kongchan."

And just when he was about to let Master Kong Chan go to rest, the phone suddenly rang.

It's Kong Zhuyin calling.

Lu Fan glanced at Kong Chan apologetically, then stood up and walked outside the door to answer the phone.

"Mr. Kong." Lu Fan responded.

"I helped you find him. Kong Qing is now at the Paramount Palace, but there is some news that you should also know." Kong Zhuyin said straight to the point.

"What?" Lu Fan asked.

"Before Kong Ming died, he also went to Bellagio, and the Ma family brought him there."

This chapter has been completed!
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