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Chapter 952 Enforcement of door regulations

When the motorcade returned to Song Mei's residence, the four missing Rolls-Royces and Mercedes-Benz also stopped early at the public relations gate.

When the guard in charge saw the convoy returning, he locked the car door, got out of the car, threw the car keys on the hood, and left with understanding.


A figure was thrown directly on the floor of the mansion conference room.

Kong Qing rolled around, dragging his arms-less body and kowtowed desperately to Master Kong Chan:

"Master, I was wrong, Master! Please let me go! I'm also obsessed with things. Please, Master, let me go this time. My disciple's arms are broken, which can be regarded as the punishment he deserves!"

Kong Qing's face was full of tears, and his expression was even more horrified. He witnessed the whole thing in the car and already knew that the previous plan to frame Kong Ming and force Kong Ming to death was completely exposed.

And even the Ma family didn't bother with the Bodhisattva Gate.

I am in doom this time. I just hope that Master Kongchan can take into consideration the relationship between master and disciple and spare his life.

Master Kong Chan didn't speak. What was lying next to Kong Qing at this moment was Kong Ming's body.

In order to identify Ma Tianxiong and make the truth known to the world, several days after Kong Ming's death, his body was still not buried and was hidden in a secret room with extremely low temperature.

Now, the injustice has been cleared up.

Master Kong Chan could finally carry out Kong Ming's body and seek justice for his most beloved disciple in front of all the Bodhisattva disciples.

Hundreds of Bodhisattva disciples were kneeling behind him.

Their eyes looking at Kong Ming's body were full of grief and sorrow.

But the look in Kong Qing's eyes showed endless anger and murderous intent!

"You are a traitor who cheats on others! As the chief disciple of the Bodhisattva Sect, you actually colluded with outsiders to frame your senior brother and even forced him to death!"

"You actually dare to be shameless and ask Master to spare your life!"

"You should be cut into pieces with a thousand knives, then hang your body on Ten Thousand Buddhas Cliff, serve the owl eagle, and die to apologize!"

The Bodhisattva disciples were filled with righteous indignation.

They all spoke up and asked Master Kong Chan to execute Kong Qing to avenge Master Kong Ming.

There was another woman present.

Wearing a black dress and a black hat, she stood quietly next to Kong Ming's body, her head lowered and silent.

She is Bao'er.

The beautiful croupier who captivated Kong Ming's fascination at Bellagio and sacrificed her life for it, Chen Bao.

It was Coach Lei Minglei who found her and informed her of Kong Ming's death.

According to Lei Ming, although Chen Bao initially believed what Ma Ao and Kong Qing said, he received a sum of money and wanted to join forces to frame Kong Ming.

However, after several contacts, instead of intending to continue to frame Kong Ming, she fell in love with the chief disciple of the inner sect of the Bodhisattva Sect.

After all, Kong Ming's identity, temperament, appearance, and gentle way of treating others are the most attractive and secure for a woman like Chen Bao who has been in the world for a long time.

Especially when you see someone like Kong Ming, who should be detached from the world, but he is pretending every day to come to Bellagio to protect his own safety.

Chen Bao had already been sincerely interested in him and told him in private about someone trying to slander Kong Ming.

Advise him not to come to Bellagio again, otherwise he will be in danger.

Unexpectedly, a young man who has never seen the world and has never seen the mortal world fell deeply in love for the first time and could not listen to anyone's words.

After he knew that someone was going to use Chen Bao to frame him, instead of running away immediately, he directly confronted the person behind Chen Bao. On the night of the accident, he went to see Ma Ao, and he also met Ma Ao.

However, due to accidental exposure to the incense in Ma Ao's room, there was no turning back.

Chen Bao stood aside silently, never speaking from the beginning to the end.

She is just an inconspicuous little croupier in Bellagio.

In a top medical school like Bodhisattva Sect, I am at a loss as to what to do and don't know how to speak. I am so heartbroken that I have no intention to speak.

Kong Qing was kneeling on the ground, with only his head remaining on his upper body, and he was currently kowtowing desperately to Kong Chan.

"Framing fellow disciple 100873647 and forcing him to death."

"It has been more than a hundred years since the establishment of the Bodhisattva Sect. It has gone through many vicissitudes in the world and almost perished several times, but it has persisted all the time."

"But something like this has never happened to you."

Master Kong Chan kept his eyes closed and never looked at Kong Qing again: "Where are the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall?"

"I'm waiting!"

A group of disciples wearing white robes with red demon-subduing pestles printed on their chests stepped forward.

"According to the sect's rules, if you harm your fellow sect members, you will hang on the cliff of Ten Thousand Buddhas and serve as an eagle to atone for your sins."

"You should send this person back to the Bodhisattva Sect and enforce the sect's rules!"

This chapter has been completed!
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