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Chapter 103 'My Tragic Life When I Was 27'

 After Zhang Ming scolded himself in his diary, he rubbed his temples again before calming down from the state of "activating a large number of ineffective abilities".

Next, he summarized the stories that happened on the earth.

"When I was 27 years old, the living environment on the earth deteriorated drastically. Melting glaciers caused sea levels to rise. Food crises and survival crises coexisted. The international situation became increasingly collapsed..."

"Smoke of gunfire is rising in all war zones, the number of nuclear-armed countries is increasing rapidly, and the risk of nuclear proliferation is increasing sharply."

If the difficulty of manufacturing a hydrogen bomb is 100, the difficulty of making an atomic bomb may be only 1.

The manufacturing principle of this thing is so simple. Any undergraduate graduate in physics can calculate the critical value of a nuclear bomb explosion, and the rest is to use a centrifuge to enrich uranium.

Even if you can't make it, as long as you have the raw materials, you can still make a dirty bomb with radioactive elements.

Therefore, in the fourth year of entering the supernatural era, in an era when the influence of big countries is declining, a small country has already created an atomic bomb!

"Small-scale nuclear weapons are used on the battlefield, which further intensifies conflicts and contradictions, and seems to have evolved into eternal hatred."

"But it's just a war between small countries, and it has limited influence on big countries."

"To me, it's just a fantasy story, existing in a distant world."

"Atomic bombs are just atomic bombs. In the past, people actually exaggerated the destructive power of nuclear war. Nuclear war cannot destroy the world, and mankind cannot be destroyed as long as the big powers do not come to an end."

"And war only occurs to eliminate the population that cannot be fed."

"Decades later, that land can be inhabited again, just like Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Fuso, just like Chernobyl. Plants are still growing silently, and in a few decades, it is

There is another vast sea; but the numerous bones in the yellow earth are no longer known to anyone. This is a true portrayal of the world."

Zhang Ming paused and then wrote: "The eastern region of Daxia is troubled by border wars, and refugees with a population of 100 million have nowhere to resettle..."

"But overall, the political situation is quite stable."

"The infrastructure construction in the west, including the Suiren Project, which affects hundreds of millions of people, is about 30% progress. More and more people are moving to the west. The terrain there is higher, there are relatively few earthquakes, and it is not much affected by border wars."
"The merger of Pangea is accelerating. It is expected that in 6 years, the seven continents will officially merge into Pangea."

Zhang Ming thought for a long time and found that there was nothing to add, so he could only sigh slightly.

Unknowingly, the times are moving forward, and the future is becoming increasingly difficult to predict.

He wrote something slightly more cheerful: "The wave of spiritual energy swept across the earth. In this year, more humans awakened their innate abilities, accounting for about 8% of the total population."

"However, the qualifications of human beings seem to be similar to those of Flame Horn people. Ninety-five percent of their innate abilities are at the level of rotten shrimps, and they cannot even reach the yellow level talent."

"The remaining half are mostly yellow-level talents. They will only come in handy when the 'Human Breathing Technique' has been practiced to the limit."

"It's just a pity that as of now, no one has come into contact with the 'Human Limit', and there are very few people with even 100 points of physical fitness. Even these people are mostly people with original physical ability, and they did not climb to 100 points because of breathing skills.


Lao Zhang was in a complicated mood and sighed.

Earthlings, can you please hurry up!

We have prepared a whole set of gift packages here, just waiting for you to hit the bottleneck!

The strongest man in the world is sitting on the golden toilet, waiting for your challenge!

Of course, a big reason is that the current version of "Human Respiration" is not very efficient.

Zhang Ming also has to take some of the blame for this matter.

The first generation of great sages of the Flaming Horn people spent a lifetime developing the "Flaming Horn Breathing Technique".

Later, after generations of continuous improvements, it took hundreds of years to fully fit the physical structure of the Yanjiao people.

Although he, Zhang Ming, has a lofty position and stands on the shoulders of giants, he has only been tinkering for a year and a half before he hastily demonstrated to the mirage - can the efficiency of "Human Breathing Technique" be increased?!

It would be great if it works!

Anyway, the general result is this... Lao Zhang himself definitely doesn’t admit this responsibility. It’s all because of those experts who don’t work hard and don’t care about me, Zhang Ming!

Okay, the grand narrative is basically finished.

Record some personal details again.

When he thought of that incident, Zhang Ming's whole face turned rosy, and his hair couldn't help but stand on end, like a terrifying upright ape whose canthus was about to split and entered a state of rage!

He wrote angrily in his notebook at a very fast speed: "Lu Tuyu really has bad intentions! He took advantage of my absence from the earth to pick up my sister!"

"He said that my sister was very cute, so he gave the coral stone I gave him to reimburse my train ticket to my sister!"

"I, the most powerful superpower in mankind, am actually trapped in this hellish place, watching a good cabbage being eaten by pigs. I want to send my blessings but can't... I really want to beat him to death! That's it.

Even the parents of both parties have met!"

"You guys don't give me a gift to my uncle! I'm so angry!"

Lao Zhang breathed heavily and patted his hot forehead.

Of course, this is normal because... it’s been four years.

The 14-monthly bottle has too much blank space in the middle.

My sister will be a senior in college soon, so finding a boyfriend is a normal thing. He even personally suggested it in his letter. It’s good to fall in love in college, but youth is all about falling in love.

But more importantly, after Lu Tuyu practiced the "Human Breathing Technique", his eyesight was restored, and he transformed from a militiaman to a regular soldier, and went to serve in the military!

Regular soldiers are not as loose as militiamen.

There is no such thing as "asking for leave"!

There are only a few days off throughout the year.

Long-distance love, how painful it is!

As an uncle, Lao Zhang could not wait to slap that guy in the face and knock off his front teeth!

What do you mean by picking up a girl and then joining the army? I don’t even know what you look like, whether you are tall, short, fat or thin! I let you pick up my sister!

I'll beat you up when I get back. If you accidentally die of old age, I'll beat your son or grandson!

But I had to bite the bullet and accept the result.

After taking a few deep breaths, Zhang Ming calmed down his feverish gossip and put aside Lu Tuyu's bad incident.

Let’s talk about another good friend, Lao Wang.

"Wang Fumin said in the letter that his wife is ill...a very serious disease, glioma, a cancer in the brain, with an average life cycle of about eight months."

"So he had to ask Li Xianfeng for help. The fact that the mysterious drifting bottle existed was also exposed."

"But this doesn't change anything. The bottle has recognized its owner, and its owner is still Wang Fumin himself."

"With the help of Comrade Li Xianfeng, his wife was admitted to the best hospital and received the most advanced treatment."

Zhang Ming paused and then wrote: "I calmed his emotions in the letter in the drift bottle. [Tiansha Lone Star] must be a superpower at the emotional level, not the fate level."

"All this is just an unfortunate coincidence."

"But actually, I feel a little uneasy inside and am not too sure..."

"I have read a lot of information about the Flaming Horn people, and I am generally inclined to believe that this is really just an emotional ability, and misfortunes are inevitable in life. Although I have many rare items at my disposal, none of them can cure cancer."<


"I sent some strange items that can enhance physical fitness. I don't know if they will have any effect. They can only rely on themselves."

"I hope Wang Fumin's wife is well, and I hope they can get through this difficulty as soon as possible."

After writing this, Zhang Ming sighed.

Of course, he quickly looked away from this matter. People are born, old, sick and die, the moon waxes and wanes, the Yanjiao people are extinct, the great sage commits suicide, and Xuanwu's enlightenment fails. It's tragic enough, right? For the whole world

Generally speaking, everything is calm and the sun still rises in the east and sets in the west.

In the short life of a human being, there are thousands of buildings, only six feet to sleep at night, a huge fortune, no more than three meals per day, and eventually dissolve into the heavy soil, without any exception.

Regarding the death of individuals, Zhang Ming was inexplicably open-minded.

"This is actually a year in which many things happened, but it is also an abstract year."

"I can only imagine everything that happens in the outside world and go through it in my mind, but I can't understand the specific details and the love and hatred between people."

"No matter what, your 28th birthday is really worth celebrating!"

After Zhang Ming finished writing something worth recording, he opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

At first, my mind was a little stiff, like a robot.

But as he wrote, he really became active again. The emotions unique to human beings brewed in his chest, making Zhang Ming reveal a subtle smile with complicated emotions.

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, the five flavors are mixed, just like when a person drinks water, he knows whether it is cold or warm.

The "Source of the World" hanging on the chest seems to be spiritually resonated and emits a faint light.

Taking steady steps, we arrived at the basement below the auditorium, where a faint aroma of alcohol filled the cellar.

Zhang Ming sniffed his nose and suddenly felt happy: "This brewing is good, it's not vinegar anymore!"

He carefully picked up a coconut water jar and uncovered the gap that was tightly covered with palm leaves and mud.

And inside the coconut water tank, there is about 150 kilograms of liquor!

After many attempts, Zhang Ming's knowledge of winemaking reached a new level, and he mastered various processing techniques.

Of course, such trivial matters are not worth recording in a diary.

In the cellar, in addition to white wine brewed from rice, there are also sorghum wine, glutinous rice wine, corn wine, wild fruit wine, etc., a total of... more than three hundred jars!

The alcohol concentration of natural fermentation is generally not high. With his current physical condition, it is impossible for him to get drunk, which is to indulge in addiction and miss the disappeared civilized life.

If you want to obtain high-concentration alcohol, you must use multiple distillations, which is another complicated process.

When I walked out of the auditorium carrying a water tank, I was greeted by fertile farmland with vigorous growth, rapeseed, rice, wheat, sorghum, corn, onions and other crops, as well as spider orchid, purslane, fennel and other natural antibiotics.

.If Zhang Ming’s own productivity was not insufficient, he would still want to plant more fields.

This island has a warm climate, no winter, and abundant sunshine and rain. Rice often matures for three seasons a year, and wheat can also mature for two seasons. At this moment, faint goose-yellow wheat flowers are blooming in the wheat fields, and there is a strong fragrance of wheat.

Paired with turtles peeping out and basking in the sun, it forms a beautiful pastoral picture.

Further ahead is a reservoir of about a thousand square meters, with many turtles playing in the pond.

Who would have thought that in just four years, this place would already be a paradise?

"Hey, today is my birthday. Did you get a gift for me?" Zhang Ming held the water tank and shouted loudly to the little white turtle lying on a boulder.

Xiaobai didn't know whether he was sleeping or really practicing "Xuanwu Breathing Technique", but he was frightened and rolled down the stone.


The little white turtle looked at the big tank in his hand and jumped on the ground in surprise.

This scene is quite weird. A turtle can actually jump higher than a rabbit, almost jumping on Lao Zhang’s head.

It grabbed Lao Zhang's shirt and crawled along his arm to the coconut vat.

Even the little white turtle has grown a lot in the past few years!

"Children, don't always think about drinking." Zhang Ming walked to an open area and opened the lid made of palm leaves and mud.

A faint aroma of alcohol comes to the face, refreshing, and there is a comfortable aroma of cellar mud.

Zhang Ming scooped some out of a plastic bottle cap and took a small taste.

To be honest, it's a bit cloudy, the taste is a bit choking, and it also has a hint of sourness.

It cannot be compared with what is made in a real big factory; even Erguotou, which costs 10 yuan a bottle, cannot compare.

But it is wine after all and can be eaten.

"Don't laugh at the farmer's wax wine..."


A large group of turtles smelled the smell of alcohol and crawled over together!

Zhang Ming said seriously to a group of gluttonous turtles gathered around him: "The reason why I teach you farming and winemaking is not to satisfy your appetite."

"On the one hand, alcohol is a good disinfectant. Even if you have rough skin and thick flesh, you still need to disinfect after being injured to reduce the chance of infection."

"On the one hand, when you are lonely...alcohol, paired with cucumber, is undoubtedly the best in the world."

"Cucumbers are undoubtedly the best in the world." Shimama rolled around obscenely on the side, her old voice getting louder and louder, with a serious meaning, "Cucumbers are undoubtedly..." <


After years of instruction, this guy not only repeated the reading, but also learned to tamper with the lines, greatly improving his level of obscenity.

Patients with high blood pressure, cerebral thrombosis, and stroke should not come into contact with Shimama, otherwise there is a risk of sudden death.

"I'll make you cheap!" Zhang Ming bent down, grabbed the black stone, and threw it into a wooden bowl filled with wine. Immediately, Shimama stopped repeating like a slave and sank lazily.<


It is addicted to it and cannot extricate itself.

Zhang Ming has never understood what this thing is. It does not require water or food. Is it a perpetual motion repeater?

This chapter has been completed!
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