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Chapter 135 New Friendly Species

"The Paranormal Anomaly Investigation Department was jointly established by 112 countries and is responsible for handling abnormal accidents all over the world. After two years of inspection, campaigning, and voting, the first minister was served by Qin Yiwei of my country. This is an important position, responsible for the safety of all mankind."

"Finally, the decision has come to an end." Zhang Ming ate the boiled seafood, feeling quite helpless.

This special agency has a certain degree of military power in order to respond to abnormal events urgently.

This kind of military power is so powerful that it can directly crush a small country.

Therefore, the election and appointment of the person in charge was naturally the focus of the confrontation between the major powers, and it took a total of two years to make the decision.

This efficiency is really... staggering.

The name Qin Yiwei is often heard on the radio and is also mentioned in Wang Fumin's letters.

He is a superpower with excellent work ability and special mental abilities.

Psychic abilities are still quite rare on earth, and can effectively reduce the risk of decision-makers being controlled by monsters.

However, for some reason, Zhang Ming always felt that Li Xianfeng, an old friend who had been broadcasting for ten years, didn't seem to like Qin Yiwei very much.

"Is it a political struggle? After all, Li Xianfeng is also responsible for this aspect, but he is more academic."

"But there are capable people on the earth, so it's not necessarily a bad thing."

"Li Xianfeng, he's old."

Li Xianfeng is already over 50 years old. If he retires at the age of 60, he will not be able to broadcast for a few more years.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ming couldn't help but feel a sense of time passing by, and sighed slightly.

Radio: "The establishment of the Paranormal Anomaly Investigation Department, known as the 'European Coal and Steel Community' in the new era, has laid a solid foundation for further cooperation around the world in the future."

After the news broadcast, he began to report the latest academic progress: "Now we will study the theory related to strange objects, 'etheric band theory'. This theory can roughly explain the operating principles of some strange objects... Due to the high difficulty, we have a total of

Divided into 30 parts for explanation."

The density of monsters on the earth is not comparable to that of the Sea of ​​Demon Gods.

But the total number of monsters on the entire planet is enough for scientific research, and various theories are developing very quickly.

Zhang Ming is not a real scientist, but he has studied hard for ten years and can still do it. Even if you don't understand something for a while, you can use the "memory library" to record it and slowly digest it later.<


As for why you should listen to these difficult-to-understand things, it’s because... only with enough knowledge can you create stronger artificial wonders.

Zhang Ming has the ability to "split souls". He can fuse his split souls into some monsters, which can effectively remove the hostility in them and make them more convenient to use.

"Splitting Soul" is definitely a bug-level forging method.

The legendary craftsman "Gong Zhizi" of the Yanjiao people spent his whole life trying to find a way to eliminate the spiritual backlash of Jinggui Qi and forge Jinggui Qi like the Qi of Heaven.

But he failed in the end.

On the contrary, Lao Zhang, who did not know how many years later, used "Splitting Soul" to inexplicably achieve this...

However, Lao Zhang's forging skills are terrible. If "Gong Zhizi" comes back from the dead, he will definitely jump out of the coffin and curse him for having a unique talent, but he has made a lot of rotten fish and shrimps!

The combination and utilization of strange objects is a university subject that cannot be exhausted in a lifetime.

Just like the eyeball of a six-eyed strange bird, it has the innate ability to "fix the soul". The bird is dead, and the eyeball is just a dead object. How to transport the "spirit" in the human body to the eyeball to stimulate its supernatural properties; how to accurately

"Fix the soul", hit the target, not yourself; how to eliminate the instinctive anger in the eyeballs and connect with people's minds.

These difficulties need to be overcome by various means.

"Soul sub-body" can only solve the last problem. As for the first two difficulties, it can only be slowly polished through the accumulation of time and experience.

"Actually, my talent is not as bad as I thought..." Zhang Ming played with a bone stick in his hand, stuffed a bird tendon into the hollow part of the bone, and used this bird tendon to connect the eyeball of the six-eyed strange bird.<


Finally, scales are carved on the bone, and a "soul-fixing" pistol is completed!

This soul-fixing pistol can absorb the spirit in the human body, bringing a mysterious sense of connectedness. It is like having a third eye, capable of emitting a soul-stirring colorless light at any time.

Zhang Ming raised a handful of dust and scattered it into the air.

There was a "buzz" sound, the bones vibrated, and the "hundred soul" was activated.

A small light path appeared in the dust, which was formed by the scattering of light by colloidal particles, which means that the ability to fix the soul is indeed completed through "light" to complete the entire superpower mechanism.

"Is the speed the speed of light... As long as you aim, you will hit almost 100% of the time, which is a bit amazing."

Zhang Ming estimates that the "Dinghun" pistol can exert about 30% to 50% of the supernatural properties of its original version. If you want higher power, you need more sophisticated planning and forging methods.

This is actually pretty good.

If he activates "Soul Fixing" by himself, the purely acquired ability will not even have 1% of the original power.

Even if "fixing the soul" is merged into an innate ability, it will still take a very long time to master, absorb, and improve before it can catch up with the 50% strength of an eyeball.

It is impossible to do it now, because the spiritual system's [Lightning Control] is both offensive and defensive. It is impossible for Zhang Ming to give up Lightning Control and pursue "Soul Fixation".

Therefore, it is a very cost-effective thing to study for a period of time and get a rare item with good offensive power.

"Xiaobai, I'll give you a small gift!" Zhang Ming stood up from the workroom and found that his buttocks were a little numb after sitting all night.

He casually picked up a failed "soul-fixing" pistol and threw it to Xiaobai.

The failed product can also barely activate the "soul-fixing" ability, but it can only exert about one ten thousandth of the original owner's strength. If it hits an ordinary person, it will only cause a trance, and if it hits some small fish and shrimps, it will only cause a coma.
But for novices, it is a very interesting gift.

It soon took the bone gun and started studying it excitedly. The bone gun kept vibrating.

"Don't hit anyone. I'm warning you first. If you hit someone, it will be confiscated immediately."

At dawn, the killer whales were already jumping happily around the wooden boat, making "ying yum yum" laughter. They were calling Zhang Ming to come down and play.

"Today we want to go to the New World. Can you please show us the way? I'll treat you to a big dinner!"

Zhang Ming raised his sail and rushed towards the New World with the killer whales.

He needs to let his "Homeless Homeless" Debuff take a break, even if he only finds a small island and rests for a while.

At this time, the Pelican sister also woke up from the coma. I don’t know what kind of mentality she had, pretending that she didn’t wake up.

It wasn't until Zhang Ming looked over that the pelican let out a cheeky "ga" as if to say hello.

It squatted on the deck a little unhappy, hatching its eggs.

Sister Pelican may be thinking, I've obviously become stronger, but why did I get knocked down again... I've really become a lot stronger.

Zhang Ming made a simple breakfast, then threw a 20-centimeter-long small fish in front of the pelican, and said with a smile: "Do you want it? If not, I will feed it to the killer whale."

The Pelican sister glanced at Zhang Ming with her round eyes. She originally wanted not to eat the food that came her way, but when people are wandering in the world, sometimes they can't help themselves.

It made a "quacking" sound and ate the fish.

Xiaobai crept over quietly and comforted the Pelican sister: "Ah woo."

How can a person wander in the rivers and lakes without being knifed? Isn't it nice to get a fish after just one beating?

The pelican raised its head, combed its feathers, and screamed "quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack!"

I want to be strong all my life, not weaker than others, how can I give in because of a fish?

Xiaobai called out "Aww" and quietly climbed onto the pelican's head, but you have already eaten the fish!

The pelican didn't put up much resistance to its crawling behavior. After all, the two parties had been together for a while, and they were familiar with each other. As for the previous struggle, it can only be regarded as acquaintance without fighting.

It squeaked again, and its eyes shone with crystal tears.

Sister did not give in!

My sister gave him this egg, and even if he eats the fish, we still owe him nothing.

Anyway, this egg can't hatch a bird, so why not give it to him to eat!

Xiaobai was a little confused and couldn't refute.

I didn't expect this pelican to be so arrogant, and I couldn't help but feel like "when a hero sees a hero, we feel sympathy for each other".

At this moment, Brother Hao discovered their conversation, barked a dog, and ran over with his tongue hanging out.

No one knew what this corgi was talking about. The four short legs hugged the pelican's legs, looking very intimate, and then the pelican scolded him with a "quacking" sound.

Corgi stared at the pelican for a long time with his dog eyes, then suddenly barked "woof, woof, woof"!

"Hit my dog!" Zhang Ming, who was continuing to tinker with the "Soul-fixing Pistol" in the workroom, yelled lazily.

Brother Hao suddenly felt like a eunuch who had received the emperor's instructions, shaking his butt in a pretentious manner.

Then it hugged the pelican's legs, and it also wanted to climb on the pelican's head like Xiaobai did.

However, the eldest sister, who has been self-reliant all her life, did not take advantage of this trick and kicked Brother Hao away in one move.

This magical scene made Xiaobai involuntarily imitate the human eye-rolling action. This dog looks like a corgi and is quite cute, but deep down it is a teddy?

Looking at the blue and clear sea, Xiaobai prayed deep in his heart: "Ah woo!"

(I hope you won’t encounter too powerful a monster, I hope everything is safe, I hope...)

"Ah haha, powerful monster, here I come...the stronger, the better, the more awesome the better!"

"It would be best to have a demon!" Zhang Dadi's extremely excited shouts came from the workroom, and Shi Mama also barked.



The journey led by the killer whales lasted about 20 days, and the sailing ship sailed more than 2,000 kilometers. The killer whales swam happily at first, and were happy to point out the direction for Zhang Ming, a cute creature, and even pushed him

Ship sailing.

But after leaving the familiar sea area, I gradually became restless.

They... don't dare to move forward anymore.

After all, killer whales are not a powerful species, nor do they have special bloodline. They really dare not go to some dangerous places, otherwise they will face the disaster of annihilation.

At this moment, the sea water is getting shallower and shallower, from the original depth of one thousand meters to about three hundred meters at present. The shallowest submarine continental shelf is even only a hundred meters, and some large coral reefs are about to be exposed above the sea surface.

Looking around, the sea water changes from clear to green, from green to blue, from blue to blue, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

However, Zhang Ming frowned slightly. In theory, aquatic animals in shallow seas should be more abundant than those in deep seas.

But obviously, that is not the case here. In this area, fish are relatively rare, and even there are many fewer shells on the seabed.

The killer whales were not even willing to continue moving forward. They were shouting "嘤嘤嘤" on the side, as if to indicate that there might be danger ahead and they could not continue to move forward.

"Well, I know that if we continue to move forward, we should be able to find a new continent... Thank you, there is no banquet in the world, so say goodbye here."

The killer whales screamed "嘤嘤嘤", one after another, as if they wanted Zhang Ming to stay with them.

"Any place where you can rest is dangerous, I already know this."

"But we are not weak here. I have to find a way to repair my boat." Zhang Ming pointed to a wooden board on the sailboat that was scorched by the exploding fish.

Although emergency treatment was carried out, there was no water seepage and it did not affect the operation of the ship.

However, over time, structural changes will still occur, affecting the stability of the sailboat.

Zhang Ming doesn't want to wait until the ship actually enters the water before dealing with this problem. It's always better to solve it as soon as possible.

"Besides, I want to go home, to my hometown. I can't stay here with you all the time."

The killer whale couldn't understand such a complicated language, but it also felt some of Zhang Ming's emotions. They called out sadly and looked at him with smart eyes, hoping to make Lao Zhang change his mind.

He jumped into the sea with a "plop" and played with his friends for a while, comforting them.

Stroke them one by one, touching their soft and smooth bellies.

"Go and go back to your familiar hometown, just as I am going back to mine."

Only then did the killer whales realize that Zhang Ming had made up his mind, so they stopped shouting "嘤嘤嘤" and left with three steps at a time.

In the blue water, the black and white elves shuttled at high speed, splashing white waves.

"What a bunch of free and easy whiners." Zhang Ming climbed up the mast, waved his hands and shouted, "Goodbye everyone! Goodbye!"


They screamed, gradually, gradually...disappeared beyond the distant horizon.

Zhang Ming let out a long sigh, all the feasts in the world were over, and after 20 days of happiness, nothing was left in the end.

Time is really a cruel thing. It makes dust crawl on the desktop and it makes dust crawl on photos.

Let the memory fall into my heart again.

In the end, nothing was left.

Perhaps this kind of journey is the norm in life.

This chapter has been completed!
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