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Chapter 146: I, Lao Zhang, want to be a... British bear!

 Due to years of education, every Azurite person understands the importance of building the "Pillar of Heaven" and also knows the ultimate goal of using the "last wish" to hunt down the demon god.

They repeat this slogan every day.

Yell a few words when you wake up in the morning, and yell a few words before going to bed at night.

This is not just as simple as political correctness, but a major matter of the survival of civilization!

From the age of 12, blue crystal people have to learn the "golden light" ability. The intensity of the "golden light" during their lifetime is directly proportional to the intensity of the final "last wish".

However, after searching for a long time, Zhang Ming could not reconstruct how "Golden Light" practiced simply relying on these memory fragments.


This blue crystal person is very sexy!

I will never forget the beautiful woman I met when I was young.

Even when I get older, I still occasionally recall the girls I missed in the past, even though these girls have long since become grandmothers.

"Ah, that's normal..." Zhang Ming held his forehead and sighed, "Even I, Zhang, need short movies on my computer to spice up my boring life."

As for the girl I missed...don't even think about it.

Thinking too much will only make you sad.

Finally, there is the terrifying demon "Insect of Time and Space".

The life span of a blue crystal person is very short, "Ding" can only live for fifty years, and "Shi" can only live for seventy years. Only by breaking through to the "Neng" stage can the life span reach one hundred and twenty years.<


This lifespan is too short in the supernatural world.

There is only one explanation - the influence of the demon "Insect of Time and Space"!

"This civilization is really difficult."

Zhang Ming thought for a moment. If the people on earth encountered such a demon-level "world hunter", he really didn't want to think about that scene. As long as the hydrogen bomb couldn't blow up the terrifying red moon, the human race could only be wiped out.


If the hydrogen bomb could really blow up the Red Moon...

Oh, that’s okay.

In this way, after slowly searching for several hours in the memory library, the second half of the memory became increasingly nonsensical and turned into an unknown piece of data.

"Hmm... maybe it's some kind of information encoding that requires a specific algorithm to decode?"

Zhang Ming felt dizzy, but he couldn't activate the search function of the "Memory Library". After all, he didn't even know what information he wanted to find.

Fortunately, there is a browsing speed bonus in the "Memory Library", so Zhang Ming can only be patient and sort out the information slowly.



In this way, time passed slowly. It took a total of 10 days to analyze the memories of the Azurite people and gain a general understanding of the ideology of the Azurite civilization.

In addition to the supernatural science with the "last wish" as the core, they also invented simple industrial means with the steam engine as the core. However, regarding the subject of electricity, there are only some formula theories and no industry has been formed.

Zhang Ming guessed that it might be because [Death Wish] was so useful that it had a crowding-out effect on natural science at the economic level.

Whether it is research, experimentation, or large-scale industrialization of electric power technology, huge costs are required. Now that the Blue Crystal people have "last wishes" for very useful things, it is naturally impossible to invest huge costs to tinker with these things.
Just like the "resource curse" problem, rich natural resources may be a curse rather than a blessing to the development of cities and regions, because the industries in the region tend to be simplistic.

The development of society is complex. If you can make easy money, why should you make difficult money?

"For the same reason, in a civilization rich in supernatural resources, natural science will be crowded out."

"Research in natural sciences requires huge investments and a huge amount of manpower and material resources."

"Even though we clearly know that natural science has huge potential, some things are difficult to reverse by the will of the leader."

In addition to the above conclusions, Zhang Ming found more than 30 number strings that may be important.

Because these 30-odd number strings appear repeatedly many times, maybe they are the password of the "Spar" computer?

Zhang Ming is not sure.

When there is no other way, we can only treat a dead horse as a live doctor.

However, Zhang Ming was not in a hurry to set off. On the one hand, the boring process of searching for clues was too boring, and he didn't sleep much, causing his collapsed mental value to not recover yet.

On the other hand, the proud pelican became slightly uneasy, looking into the distance from time to time, raising its long neck and howling a few words.

It wants to escape!!

The pelican is really capable. At least it managed to survive in the Sea of ​​Demon Gods before meeting Zhang Ming and others.

He was still aboard a large freighter, guarding it for two full years and escaping unscathed.

"What are you afraid of? How could the Bird Emperor escape directly? You should punch Nanshan Kindergarten and kick Beihai Nursing Home?" Lao Zhang couldn't help but tease it.

"Gah!" the pelican screamed fiercely, with all its feathers standing on end, eager to launch an attack!

After not hunting birds for a few days, it began to whistle again, thinking that it was the owner of the boat.

However, there is also a subtle sense of crisis in Zhang Ming's heart.

But there are some things that are blessings rather than disasters, and disasters cannot be avoided.

Their ship runs so slowly that it reaches the sky at 100 kilometers a day. It is impossible for them to fly hundreds of kilometers in an hour like a pelican. It is impossible to escape even if you want to!

What's more, he also has the "Source of the World" as a back-up, so the problem... shouldn't be too big.


The pelican screamed toward the sky and flapped its wings a few times, its bird face becoming more and more uneasy.

"Emperor Bird, I have a suggestion, you take all of us and escape...your big mouth bag should be able to fit the rest of us, right?"

When the pelican heard that Zhang Ming wanted to get on it, it looked wary, cursed a few times, flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

"Have you really left?" Zhang Ming shouted.

"Gah!" The pelican circled several times in the sky.

"Abandoned us, Bird Emperor?"


It seems to express that you guys are either lunatics who are not afraid of death, or you have weird life-saving abilities. You are a stupid bird, big and conspicuous, just stay here and wait to die?


Soon, the pelican howled and disappeared into the night sky. It would rather float on the sea for the night than come back.

In the eyes of Zhang Ming, Xiaobai, Brother Hao and Shi Mama, the image of the "Bird Emperor" plummeted and turned into "Bird Mama" again.

"What should we do now? Should we escape or stay? We can't escape very far..."

Zhang Ming frowned and tasted it carefully. The frightening sixth sense still existed and was getting stronger as time went by.

Xiaobai also held the ancestral turtle shell and kept doing divination.

This is the first time such an obvious sign of crisis has occurred.

Usually it happens on a whim, and some risks are suddenly perceived. In comparison, this time it is a bit unusual. It is foreseeable and continuous, as if... a natural celestial phenomenon?

This chapter has been completed!
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