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Chapter 158 The time when Hong Yue and I were on a blind date (4K)

 "Gu", the strongest saint in history, sat on the rostrum and released this internal report.

Hunting the Demon God was not as easy as imagined, because they encountered a technical problem that exceeded expectations!

Among the billion-level last wishes...

Contains a trace of...

Death scare!

This fear of death is not obvious in normal times, and it does not even affect the use of the last wish at all.

No impact at all!!

Death is like a lamp going out. How many people can face death with a fearless attitude?

How many people are not afraid?

Therefore, researchers of the blue crystal civilization have long known that there is a trace of panic in the last wish, and there is no way to eliminate it.

In the past, ten people, hundreds, or even millions of last wishes were combined, and this "death scare" did not affect the specific use of the last wish.

But now, there are unprecedented billion-level last wishes, most of which are about "killing the insects of time and space", but there is also a trace of "death panic".

Combined, these "death scares" become an astronomical figure, producing some kind of sudden qualitative change!

"What is the impact of this trace of death panic?" In the conference room, an old man with gray hair and beard frowned and asked slowly: "If it only weakens the power of the last wish, it doesn't matter. One billion shares of the last wish are not enough.

Then there are 1.5 billion, 2 billion. Even if the mainland is submerged, there is no need to worry."

"As long as we can successfully hunt the demon god, we can raise this continent again!"

"No, the number cannot be increased." Sitting at the front, the tall "Gu" said, "The last wishes of about 500 million people have just achieved some kind of qualitative change, giving them some subtle spirituality, just like

It’s the same as the will of the world.”

"Nowadays, the entire Pillar of Heaven's last wish is divided into two. The main part is still hunting the demon god, and the second part is some kind of fear of death."

"If the number of last wishes increases again, after integration, this subtle spirituality will continue to increase, which will become even more troublesome."

"So, is it feasible to divide 1 billion last wishes into 10 100 million copies?" Someone else asked, "100 million last wishes should have no spirituality, right?"

Another expert said: "It's not feasible. It would be better to cut off one of his fingers than to hurt ten of his fingers."

"Ten 100 million-level last wish attacks are just superficial wounds to the insect of time and space. Instead, they will wake it up and make us lose the opportunity."

"After our rigorous calculations, a last-wish attack of 800-900 million level is the limit of power that can kill it. One billion last wishes is a relatively safe number. Any less will not be safe." The tall "Gu" shook his head.

He shook his head and said calmly.

Everyone in the conference room had difficulties. After finally building the Pillar of Heaven, this historical level of difficulty suddenly appeared.

But who would have thought that the so-called "death panic" would suddenly become spiritual?

There is only one chance. Once it fails, the blue crystal civilization will suffer a strong counterattack from the "insect of time and space"!


When Zhang Ming heard this, his pupils dilated and sweat broke out all over his body. He couldn't help but cursed: "Holy shit, this is an accident?!"

He understands best the trace of "death panic" in the blue crystal man's last wish.

Because he has read the memories so many times and been tortured to death, how can he not know the reason?


After a long while, an old man's voice sounded in the conference room again.

"Have you ever heard of a saying called 'disaster of the world'?"

An old man sitting on the wing said slowly: "This is an interesting idea I heard from other civilizations."

"How to say?"

"They believe that the nature of the Demon Sea hates life and intends to make all life sink to the bottom of the sea."

"When a certain intelligent species in the world is about to get a long-term, almost eternal chance of survival, the Sea of ​​Demon Gods will cast a certain curse, causing some sudden disasters to occur to the civilization."

"They call this accident the 'disaster of the world'."

"Of course, the current accident may be because we did not plan well in advance. After all, we have never integrated the last wishes of one billion people, and we do not know the principle of quantitative changes leading to qualitative changes."

"But is there a possibility that it is some kind of curse coming from a higher level?"

The suggestion of this conjecture once again triggered discussions among the senior leaders of the Blue Crystal People.

Someone else asked: "How to resolve the disaster in this world?"

"Maybe... there is no way."

A long and lengthy discussion began in the conference room, with groups of researchers coming up with suggestions.

In this mysterious spiritual language illusion, Zhang Ming sighed deeply. He was actually able to understand the sudden unexpected fact.

Because the fear of death in "The Last Wish" is equivalent to an irresolvable flaw.

In modern control engineering, there is a term called "redundancy". This amount is to ensure that instruments, equipment or a certain task can operate normally under abnormal circumstances.

The more parts and components, the more complex the project, and the higher the precision requirements.

A machine composed of 10,000 defective parts can run smoothly; a machine composed of 100,000 defective parts can only barely run; a million or ten million may not run at all.
The production accuracy requirements of a fighter jet are completely different from those of a sewing machine.

Nowadays, the problem faced by the blue crystal people is really difficult to solve...

But the Azurite people of that era were really full of talents and heroes, and they actually came up with a solution during the discussion.

"Last wish!"

Among them, an expert wearing a white dress made a suggestion during the meeting: "As long as we find a group of azure people with strong enough willpower, not afraid of death, and willing to sacrifice themselves, create a new last wish, and scare the spiritual death

Hedge it!"

"In this way, wouldn't it be possible for the Pillar of Heaven to continue to function?"

"Gu" shook his head: "Obviously, such capable people with lofty ideals who are not afraid of death are too rare even in our clan."

"Of all of you here, how many of you are willing to sacrifice yourself without complaint to hedge against the spiritual fear of death? Since you can't do it yourself, how can you let others do it?"

"Even if this small group of warriors is selected, how can they fight against a billion-level death terror with their last wishes? This is too difficult."

The researcher said: "In fact, it doesn't take long... to launch an attack, ten seconds, or even five seconds is enough."

"A five to ten second confrontation, I think it can be hedged with a small number of warriors' last wishes."

This chapter has been completed!
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