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Chapter 176 The Fusion of World Wills

 On the earth's civilization side, neither the number of strong people nor the foundation of civilization is good.

Without a truly strong person to lead the team, the probability of overturning when exploring the Sea of ​​Demonic Gods is still too high. This kind of crisis does not mean that the aggression is insufficient. Human guns and missiles are still effective against most monsters, but

Human beings have a hard time dealing with various mental and sonic attacks, and the interference of the "Homeless Man" is especially obvious to the weak. Therefore, the plan to explore the Sea of ​​Demon Gods cannot be too hasty.

Zhang Ming thought for a moment and then sighed: "This opportunity will last for a hundred years. If we develop it for a few decades first and then enter the market in the second half, the problem will not be big."

"But in the past hundred years, development must be accelerated, otherwise the opportunity will be missed, and it will be too difficult to make up for it..."

After Zhang Ming finished expressing his opinions, he let out a long sigh.

His purpose is just to report the news as soon as possible so that the people on Earth can seize the opportunity to strengthen themselves.

As for the problem that the mud cannot support the wall, there is really no way!

Anyway, he, Lao Zhang, tried his best, but in the end it was up to the people of Earth to strengthen themselves!

"By the way, do you have that kind of... micro-robot over there? How many functions can a robot smaller than a sesame seed achieve?"

Zhang Ming remembered another thing and asked those scientists.

He did not intend to tell the truth that "the spatial coordinates of the devil are in his hands". After all, people talk a lot, and some underworld existence might peek into it, causing some harm.

Even if this matter is told to the higher-ups of mankind, what is the point of something that cannot be seen or touched?

"A robot as big as sesame seeds...what functions do you want?"

Zhang Ming made a few gestures: "The one that can explore, monitor, and move. The higher the performance, the better!"

"This kind of robot can be designed as a long thin line, with a control instrument connected behind it." The experts discussed it for a while and said, "What do you need this robot for? If it is to explore a certain

Supernatural phenomena, it is very difficult to borrow robots..."


"Because the smaller the electronic instrument, the more susceptible it is to interference from idealistic rules. Many of the detection robots we dispatch have encountered this situation. The internal chips will have errors due to some reasons, causing the robot to be paralyzed."

"There are also many supernatural phenomena that robots cannot detect at all, such as some spiritual and hallucination-type supernatural phenomena, and some halos that can be observed by the human eye, but cameras cannot."

"Is that so..." Zhang Ming scratched his head, this was the first time he knew about this, "I can send a robot next time, but forget it if it's too big."

In fact, he doesn’t expect the robot to help too much.

In the end, you still have to rely on yourself.

After the notification was completed, there was nothing more to say. Zhang Ming kicked these high-level human beings offline one by one from the Gaia space.

In the end, only one old friend, Wang Fumin, was left, and we chatted for a few words.

We haven’t seen each other for many years. Lao Wang seems to be a little bigger, and the muscles on his body are clearly defined, but his expression has changed a lot.

Zhang Ming said with a smile: "I always feel that your life was not very good back then. You didn't even mention your daughter in the letter? You have a sad face."

Lao Wang's expression relaxed and he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Hey, that's it. I recently made some small plans to make her suffer a little, and she finally became more honest!"

"What means, let me tell you."

Wang Fumin rubbed his hands and said with a wry smile: "I found some local gangsters, kidnapped her directly, and sent her to a foreign wasteland to scare her into losing her waist. Finally, I made her escape on purpose and was escorted by several companions.

I wandered all the way back and suffered a lot along the way."

"Do you think this person can be dishonest?"

"It can still be like this! What's the effect?!" Zhang Ming was shocked.

Wang Fumin had a sad face, he was angry and funny at the same time, "I have seen the real dark side of society, and finally I am no longer a bad girl. After returning to Daxia, I became a lot better."

He sighed again: "It is really a sin to use some political means to deal with my daughter. Fortunately, the effect is indeed remarkable."

"I've done a lot of bad things over the years. Just like what I said in my letter, you can't help yourself if you want to achieve a certain goal."

Zhang Ming smiled and sighed: "It's a pity for parents in the world, but it's good to be able to correct a child at such an old age."

"Then, will humans make good use of this opportunity? After all, it is a big piece of cake. The cultivation of mutant life, the extraction of seabed minerals, and the exchange of civilizations all need to be carried out in the Demonic Sea."

"Although the cake is big, you still have to live to eat it... This matter is not as simple as you think." Lao Wang shook his head, "We have to build a brand new ship, what kind of breeding industry, plantation industry ship. The personnel must be

Training and internal publicity must also be done well.”

"The broad masses of the people are very conservative. Once they hear that there are benefits and risks in the Sea of ​​Demon Gods, they will most likely be opposed to it. There will definitely be a lot of people who say that their cities have not yet been built, and their wages are thousands of dollars.

What does exploring the Demon Sea have to do with me?"

Zhang Ming was stunned for a moment, deeply convinced.

Lao Wang continued: "This kind of cake obviously requires decades of careful planning. How many people can afford to wait decades?"

"Even if the supernatural era comes, the operating rules of human society are still the same. If something cannot produce results in a few years, it will encounter great practical resistance. This is not determined by the will of a few leaders, but the operating model of the entire society.


Zhang Ming understood what Lao Wang meant.

From sports, to business, to politics, human beings are indeed eager for quick success. If a sports coach cannot produce results in one year, he will have to leave; if a business CEO cannot produce results in two or three years, he will have to leave; politicians must also leave.

The same is true. Even if you have great talents and strategies, and have a forward-looking vision, if you cannot achieve anything for a few years, the people below will still express their sorrow and have various objections.

Especially when exploring the Sea of ​​Demon Gods involves huge risks... the objections from the bottom cannot be ignored.

It may be that Wang Fumin has been pessimistic about the dark side he has been exposed to recently.

However, from the perspective of watching the fire from the other side, Zhang Ming is not so pessimistic: "Old Wang, the main issue is strength."

"Although from your point of view, you always feel that human beings are a bit stretched. From my point of view, the strength of human beings is still growing. It has changed a lot over the years."

"What's more, if you can't change the world, change yourself. As long as you are strong enough, you can lead a team to mine alone."

"Sigh... That's true. I have to seize the time to practice." Wang Fumin nodded seriously.



After making the call, Zhang Ming felt a little sad and helplessly silent for a while.

The problems he encountered in his haunted hometown were really many and complex.

After thinking for a long time but unable to come up with a solution, Zhang Ming simply threw these worries away.

From his backpack, he took out the coordinates of the "Insect of Time and Space" in the Sea of ​​Demon Gods and studied it carefully.

"This is my greatest heritage!"

After thinking about it for so long, this thing looks like a hard round stone without any supernatural properties.

I can’t break it, cook it, or smash it with a hammer. I don’t know where to start.

The laser hole punched through in the middle is only the size of a sesame seed. In theory, through extraordinary vision, one can clearly see what is inside, but now it cannot be seen through anyway, indicating that this is indeed a special space phenomenon.
Anyway, I had nothing to do, and the surrounding environment was relatively safe. Zhang Ming took out a thin thread, swallowed a sip of saliva, and made up his mind.

Stuff the thin wire into the small hole!

emm...it always feels a bit obscene?

After he pulled out the thin wire, he found that the drilled part had been broken.

"Huh...it doesn't seem to be pinched off?"

Zhang Ming frowned slightly and carefully observed the broken thread. It was not cut by some force, but it gave off an old and aging feeling.

It is as if this thin line has existed in the small hole for thousands or tens of thousands of years and automatically decomposed into fly ash.

"The rules at the time and space level...are really terrifying."

"Even if humans really send me an exploration robot, it won't be of much use."

"In this case, how should we explore it?"

Zhang Ming was in a bit of trouble.

The demon "Insect of Time and Space" was most likely killed by the powerful attack of the Pillar of Heaven.

But for the sake of safety, he still wanted to see with his own eyes what the so-called "Strong Idealism Rule" was, and also wanted to see if this thing failed.

If there is a small accident, he, an ordinary rookie, can't handle it!

Thinking about it this way, the only thing that can be explored is the clone of one's own soul!

The soul can change its form at will and is naturally pervasive.

However, facing a terrifying existence at the level of a demon and sending a soul clone, Zhang Ming still felt a little uneasy.

"The ideal rules at the level of time and space should not impact the body from the clone."

"I don't have any other choice... I'm just scared, so I'll do it!"

He slapped his forehead hard and took out a little bit of his soul.

Calm down your mind, control the soul body, and get into the small sesame hole.

Zhang Ming's pupils dilated, he held his breath, and carefully felt the movement of his soul body. He felt that he was slowly squirming in the small and dark gap.

After a long time, my heart skipped a beat, and he...he went in!

Oncoming is...

A vast and absurd universe with almost infinite space! This "universe" is very dark, and there are only a few "luminous bodies" that can be observed. If the stars in the human physical universe gradually extinguish and there are no more luminous bodies, perhaps

It will also become what it is now.

However, from the perspective of the soul, you will find that this place is filled with a strange halo, which ebbs and flows, twisting into various weird shapes.

Zhang Ming looked around in shock, but his heart was filled with ecstasy, haha, as expected, I still have to rely on myself.

This chapter has been completed!
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