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Chapter 192 Li Xianfeng’s Secret

 The evil nature of this species is much higher than that of humans. In other words, they do not hide their desires!

"You are about to die at any moment, and you are still making trouble there." Lao Zhang really didn't know what to say, but he was not a monkey's father, so he was too lazy to meddle in other people's business, "Shimama, you go over there and

Let’s talk about that Monkey King.”

Shimama yelled "Quack, quack, quack", and the smoke rolled onto the monkey "Pao Mao".

The monkey king was startled. He didn't know what this black stone was. He beat his chest crazily, as if to show his strength?

However, I felt relieved when I saw "Maomao" excitedly introducing these strange creatures.

Countless monkeys were pointing at their group, and Lao Zhang felt like he was an animal imprisoned in a zoo, being appreciated by the public, mixed with ghostly sounds such as "rhinoceros" and "baga".

"Fuck, is this a preview of returning to human society? Why do you feel like you're being treated like a monkey!"

Even though his face was as thick as steel, he was still pierced by the gazes of tens of thousands of monkeys (including female monkeys). His face was as hot as a red balloon.

Both Xiaobai and Brother Hao were so shocked by the crowd of primitive monkeys that they hid in the room and did not dare to come out.

"When you return to human society in the future, you must stay hidden, otherwise you will be the center of attention and die on the spot!"

Zhang Ming found an open space, gently lowered his wooden boat, and threw out the insect corpses on the boat.

With a "bang", the insect fell to the ground.

Naturally, the corpse had been simply processed, the internal organs and the like inside had been removed, and it had been exposed to the sun for a long time.

Otherwise, it would have stunk all the way down the road.

Seeing the appearance of the monster, countless onlookers screamed in surprise.

Now the monkey was getting more excited about "taking risks". He pointed at the insect and screamed "chirpy croak", and his face became even more proud.

More and more monkeys gathered around, shouting and touching the insects.

This magical species has great differences among individuals. The smaller monkey is just over one meter tall and weighs thirty to fifty pounds, just like a kindergarten kid.

The bigger monkeys are two meters tall and weigh several hundred pounds. For example, the one wearing a grass skirt and holding a cane may be the monkey king or some other profession. The monkeys around him obviously respect him very much.<


There are also some "elder monkeys" holding a stone tablet and quietly recording something on the side. Maybe it is recording history or something else?

Because their tails have forks at the back, like three fingers, Zhang Ming named this magical intelligent species "three-tailed monkey".

The monkey king holding a cane stepped forward, carefully inspected the corpse of the big insect, and shouted loudly: "&% (Quiet)!"

A group of monkeys suddenly stopped making noise, and each one looked focused, with bloodshot eyes, as if a big insect would suddenly jump up.

After a long time, the Monkey King announced in a high-pitched voice that this was indeed brand-new knowledge! They had gained new knowledge!

Suddenly, the canyon turned into a sea of ​​joy.

The biggest hero, the three-tailed monkey "Maomao" was surrounded by a large number of tribesmen and enjoyed the supreme glory.

That monkey face couldn't stop smiling, which made Zhang Ming feel frightened. He was worried that this guy would suddenly die suddenly: "Hey, buddy, you are an old monkey, wake up, don't die tonight!"<


However, if you think about it carefully, it is not surprising. Only such a glorious tradition can inspire this population to give up their survival resources and explore "new knowledge" in distant places when they are old and frail.

Although their so-called "new knowledge" often does not make much sense.

"Shimama, can you let them find a quieter place for us to rest? We have been carrying the sailboat for so long, and we just want to lie down for a day. With so many monkeys watching, it is really too much!"

Shimama quickly rolled onto the three-tailed monkey's buttocks and shook violently.

"Maomao" was still immersed in being surrounded by flowers, but inexplicably felt that something was messing with his butt.

No need to think that it must be a female monkey. Now that it has obtained inexhaustible mating rights, the monkey's face still can't stop smiling.

As a result, the intensity of the vibrations continued to increase, and a very strange voice was faintly read: "I am the Monkey King, the Monkey King, the Monkey King!!"

Only then did he suddenly realize that what was stuck to his buttocks was the all-powerful Lord Shimama. Recalling the scenes of torture along the way, he broke out in a cold sweat and showed respect to Shimama. Along with the surrounding people

The Monkey King and the elders all took a high look at this strange stone.

Witnessing this scene, Zhang Ming suddenly felt that Shimama had a good way of teaching and educating people.

Why does he, Lao Zhang, even though he is so powerful, not have this kind of authority?

Soon, after friendly exchanges between the two parties, Zhang Ming, the "unidentified creature suspected to be an insect", obtained a quite advantageous place to live.

Even though the monkey king's eyes sparkled with curiosity, this guy didn't look like a worm, right? Maybe he was a close relative of monkeys?

However, the clan elder "Maomao" said it was a worm, so it is a worm!

Zhang Ming breathed a sigh of relief and moved his sailboat to the open space.

Occasionally listening to the chirping of monkeys and the low hum of insects around him, and smelling the fragrance of soil and the smell of grass, he suddenly felt that his current life was not bad. There was a trace of loneliness, but there was no so-called loss, and there were so many goals.

Even if the target is far, far away.

Tired travelers will one day stop and choose their own place to rest. This is a temporary resting place and will not stay for a long time. Zhang Ming mechanically stepped onto the sailboat and found a stool to sit on.

, Brother Hao, who had recovered from hypothermia, slowly walked over and lay at Zhang Ming's feet, yawning lazily.

The relics of human civilization are slowly aging and being lost. Brother Hao is one of the relics of human beings, and it is also slowly getting old.

Compared to humans, the three-tailed monkey civilization is so inferior that we don’t know where it is.

Putting aside issues such as world unification, the Three-tailed Monkey has not yet mastered writing and language, and even smelting bronze is a bit laborious.

However, compared to humans, the life of this race is indeed more simple and less cunning.

"Is it really a good thing to bring them a more civilized life?"

"The more prosperous a civilization is, the more materialistic it will be. But the lives of monkeys are really free and happy."

Zhang Ming doesn’t know the answer to this question, or the theorem of the world is like this: what is gained, what is lost.

This open space is quite large, with hard rocks on the ground and no trees.

To the west of the sailboat, there is a large pit. A gurgling stream passes by, and the pit is naturally filled with water.

Zhang Ming's nose twitched, he jumped off the sailboat, felt the temperature with his fingers, and found that the water temperature was exactly 40 degrees!

"Natural hot springs! My dear, these monkeys really enjoy themselves." Lao Zhang shouted with a smile on his face, "Brother Hao, Xiao Bai, you guys also come and take a dip in the hot springs!"

"Shimama...where is Shimama Guren?"

The cheers of monkeys were everywhere in the distance, and an old but extremely excited voice could be heard faintly: "I am the Monkey King, the Monkey King!"

Shimama should have a friendly exchange with the monkeys.

Zhang Ming was too lazy to take care of it, so he took Brother Hao and Xiao Bai to enjoy the hot spring leisurely.

He closed his eyes and just relaxed. Today may be the most relaxing day for him in ten years.

I don’t even bother to listen to the radio anymore. Everything about the earth, civilization, demons, and spiritual practice are all thrown out of the sky!!

He is just enjoying the warmth that comes from the monkey world and the earth.

Unknowingly, I actually fell asleep in the hot spring!

When you opened your eyes early in the morning, the sun was already rising. How long had you been sleeping? Zhang Ming yawned, stretched, and soaked in the hot springs all night. His skin turned a little white.

Suddenly, I found a large group of monkeys standing next to the hot spring, pointing at me, and screaming and laughing.

The leader is none other than Shimama!

This black stone is so proud that it colludes with the tall monkey king!

"I am the grandson of the Great Sage Qitian..." The Monkey King spoke human words, holding a stick in his hand and shouting proudly.

As a result, I forgot the words in the middle of speaking. After all, the pronunciation of human language is more difficult than that of monkey language.

"Sun Wukong!" Shimama added.

"Sun Wukong! Rhino!"

"Shimama has already controlled the monkey king, right? Now I am the monkey commander?"

"That so-and-so, give me back your clothes!" Zhang Ming always felt that something was wrong. He popped out a drop of water with his finger and knocked the monkey who was snatching the clothes to the ground.

When he stood up from the water and wanted to change his clothes, the monkeys laughed louder, and more monkeys pointed at him.

Shimama couldn't wait to read the spiritual language again so that Zhang Ming could understand what these monkeys were discussing.

(Zhizhizhi, look at that guy’s tail, it’s so weird, it actually grows in front!)

(Zhizhizhi, you are so ridiculous. This guy only has this little hair, and his whole body is bald.)

(Hey, that spear is so beautiful, let me steal it!)

The little monkey jumped down from the tree with a "whoosh" sound and rushed towards the ice spear!

As a result, it carried it with a grin on its face for a long time, and the spear didn't move at all. This is a wonder from heaven. It weighs two hundred kilograms. How can a little monkey carry it?

"Go, go, go."

The veins on Zhang Ming's forehead popped out, and he couldn't help but curse loudly: "Damn, why am I like a monkey locked up in a zoo!"

He stood up from the pool, put on his clothes, and tied the ice spear to his back.

Finding that this strange and powerful creature was a little angry, the monkeys looked angrily, pretending that nothing happened, and dispersed.

Of course, the big monkeys headed by the Monkey King still attach great importance to Lao Zhang. It can only be said that the scene when he came here carrying the boat last night was too shocking to the monkeys... Well, those monkeys have tried it too

I wanted to lift the sailboat, but the end result was naturally - after lifting it for a long time, the sailboat didn't move at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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