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Chapter 2 Mirage


Terrifying earthquakes and tsunamis are erupting one after another around the world, and a large number of rescue efforts are overwhelming.

Just six hours after the disaster broke out, officials established a special disaster management department.

In a large room with about fifty people, people were looking up information attentively, and a large amount of information was summarized on the central screen.

"We are still doing well here, but we do not rule out the possibility that the disaster will expand further and affect more areas."

"What causes earthquakes?"

"Maybe it's plate movement, or maybe there's some kind of change deep in the earth's core..."

The saying "If the earth farts, humans will burp" is not a lie. Looking at the information at hand, everyone in the room frowned and frowned.

The director of the special department was named Li Xianfeng. After answering a phone call, he coughed lightly: "Everyone, please be quiet!"

"Let's not talk about other things for now. Our main job at the moment is to rescue the citizens trapped in the mysterious zone."

"I just received a call. At least one of our citizens was stranded on a desert island in a mysterious area of ​​the Pacific and had brief contact with a satellite phone."

"The mysterious area of ​​the Pacific..." said a thirty-year-old man wearing glasses nearby, "It's not easy to rescue. The tsunami in the Pacific is so strong that even aircraft carriers can't pass through it. How can we rescue?"

"How long can he survive alone? He is not an expert in wilderness survival."

Li Xianfeng sighed: "You are right, no matter from any angle, our rescue operation is very difficult."

"But we have to do something, even if we use satellites in the sky to send some broadcasts, it would be good."

Mysterious area, a brand new geographical concept.

Since the moment the earthquake occurred, artificial satellites in the universe have photographed large and small fogs appearing in the four oceans: the Pacific, Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Atlantic Ocean.

Quite a few planes and ships were trapped in the fog and lost contact.

Only a few survivors from the fringes escaped.

It is difficult for satellite radio waves to penetrate these fogs, resulting in people knowing very little about the mysterious areas.

What's even more strange is that, according to the few words revealed by a few survivors, it was actually a sunny day inside, which was completely different from the so-called "satellite fog".

It seems like... two worlds!

Just then, the "ding-ring-ring" phone rang again.

Li Xianfeng's pupils dilated slightly when he was halfway through listening.

"Something big happened! Come out with me!"

The group of people hurriedly ran out of the room and stared at the western sky in stunned silence.

It is evening at this moment, the setting sun is shining slantingly, the fallen leaves under the plane trees are withered, and the light and shadow are mottled, intertwining with the feeling of the passage of time.

But at this moment, no one was enjoying the scenery. Instead, they were staring at the sky.

The clouds high in the sky actually outlined a vague scene. Under the light wind and mist, it seemed that there were people or ships passing through the clouds.


"A mirage indeed!"

The dark red sky was like a projection screen divided into multiple pieces, and multiple strange scenes appeared at the same time: Arctic iceberg expedition team, Atlantic ocean tanker, desert island survivors in the Pacific, luxury cruise group, and trapped people

fishing boat...

Added up here and there, there are a total of 16 large and small scenes.

From one of the pictures, Li Xianfeng discovered the wreckage of the plane broken into several pieces, as well as a dazed trapped person.

"That is……"

My mind buzzed, and thoughts came to me one after another.

"Mirage... mysterious area... trapped people?"

"Why did a mirage appear in the sky? No, not only Zhang Ming, but the other survivors also appeared in the mirage..."

Streets were blocked with cars and water, and the ground was shaking slightly.

Although the magnitude of the earthquake in Yunhai City was not large, it still made people panic. God knows whether the shoddy project will suddenly collapse.

A series of great escapes are taking place in this huge city.


"Bah! Bah!"

"What idiot was playing with his cell phone while driving and hit a car in front of him, blocking the road." A fat driver rolled down the window, lit a cigarette, and honked the horn several times angrily.

Because there were so many cars, the traffic flow was moving faster than anyone could move.

My wife was sitting in the back seat, playing with her three-year-old daughter: "Don't say bad words in front of your daughter."

"Daddy, don't say bad words!"

"Hey, hey, dad is criticizing them, don't use your mobile phone while driving!" Wang Fumin, the fat driver, couldn't help laughing and changed the subject.

"Earthquake Disaster Announcement: A 4.2-magnitude earthquake occurred in the **** area (** north latitude, ** east longitude) at 16:45 on December 28, with a focal depth of 35 kilometers."

"Emergency notice: Please seek refuge in the nearest shelter and please do not drive on elevated roads to avoid the risk of landslides. There are currently congested roads..."

"Oh, there are traffic jams everywhere. When can we drive back to our hometown?" Wang Fumin tapped the steering wheel with a headache.

Suddenly, my daughter shouted to the sky: "There is a movie playing in the sky, and a big plane has fallen!"

"There are also big ships sailing in the sky!"

Wang Fumin took a puff of cigarette nonchalantly and exhaled the mist, thinking that his daughter was watching a cartoon: "Hey, boss, how much does a box of fried rice cost?"

"70 yuan a box."

Due to the blockage of the road, the queue stretched for dozens of kilometers, and some vendors who were good at sneaking around were walking around selling food.

"It's better to rob this hugely profitable business." He cursed in his heart, but his daughter and wife had to eat anyway, so he waved his hand and said, "Two portions of fried rice, and more rice!"


"Daddy, the people in the sky are breathing fire." My daughter shouted excitedly.


"That's a mirage!"

More and more people discovered the strange sight in the sky, and the discussion became louder and louder. Even the food vendors were attracted. While selling lunch boxes, they took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the sky scene.

Wang Fumin couldn't help but turn his head and look to the west.

Scenes of mirages, like a movie, play out strange and weird scenes.

"Really... someone is breathing fire!"

"There are still people whose bodies are suspended. What's going on? Are they people with super powers?"

Even though the whole world is being hit by earthquakes and natural and man-made disasters continue, the nature of the Internet is to seek novelty. Without novel topics, what is the Internet?

This mysterious phenomenon spread rapidly and attracted global attention at an exponential growth rate!

A large number of netizens screamed excitedly and discussed the reason: the spiritual energy has revived!


This chapter has been completed!
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