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Chapter 198 Signs of the Demon God’s Resurrection!

 Blue crystal people identify these unexplainable phenomena as "strong rules".

Once an intelligent life masters a certain "strong rule", it is considered to have broken through the spiritual limit and can reach a higher level.

But Zhang Ming believes that there is a third higher-level rule - the devil's rule, which is also the "only rule"!

Azurite people believe that after the "only rule" is split, it becomes a strong rule that can be learned by many people.

However, this perception is probably wrong.

Even if the "only rule" is split, it is still the "only rule", affecting the whole body.

Just like Zhang Ming drank a drop of blood and wanted to analyze something, he directly set himself on fire.

This kind of cognitive error is actually quite embarrassing. It means that it is extremely difficult to study the "Devil's Rules", and you will kill yourself if you are not careful.

"The plan to mass-produce powerful people is also unrealistic."

"According to the original plan of the Blue Crystal Man, study a drop of Demon God's blood. Everyone can learn from each other and share the benefits."

"But now because of the uniqueness, even if we try our best, only one person can get the research results..."

Of course, this matter cannot be blamed on the Azurite people. After all, their papers are just speculation, and no one has told them what the devil is. It is normal for some deviations to occur.

Having said that, the amount of information contained in the "only rule" from the Insect of Time and Space is countless times greater than Zhang Ming's life experience... That massive amount of information can really completely overwhelm one's will, and cannot be stopped by human power.

"But I remember that at that moment, I opened the memory library... I don't know if this information has been recorded. If so, maybe I can learn something."

With this idea in mind, Zhang Ming opened the "Memory Library" with great interest. As the milky white space opened, his heartbeat continued to accelerate.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ming's pupils shrank, and he suddenly discovered that his "memory library"...

What a mess!

As if it had been messed up by a naughty child, all kinds of books were scattered on the floor, and the huge bookcase collapsed in random directions.

As for new information, there is none at all!

"What's going on?" Zhang Ming was stunned.

Go to the console in the library to query the management records.

After a moment, his expression changed slightly, and he murmured: "There is an extremely large-capacity information collection that has entered the memory library. This thing almost occupied all the space in the library and crushed all the bookcases...


The memory library naturally has a capacity limit, and it is impossible to store unlimited information.

In the past, Zhang Ming never paid attention to the capacity issue.

In the library, the knowledge of two civilizations, the Flame Horn people and the Azure people, was placed, and even one percent of the capacity was not used. In this case, he was not worried at all.

However, the moment Zhang Ming was possessed by the Demon God's Rules, the entire library was filled to the brim and no information could be accommodated!

As the "Demon Rules" left, this huge mass of information suddenly disappeared without a trace, and was not recorded at all.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Ming finally figured out the situation. He was shocked by the power of the "Devil God's Rules". After a long while, he muttered to himself: "This should be a unique problem... If you can copy and paste at will, then

What else is called uniqueness?"

"It seems that we have to start from other directions."

It is quite convenient to organize the memory library. With a thought, those collapsed bookcases were erected again, and the books carrying knowledge were like flying birds, flying one after another and returning to their original places.

The whole process takes less than a minute.

However, when sorting out this old knowledge, Zhang Ming discovered another very precious thing left in a corner.

A magical insight!

At the moment when the Pillar of Heaven attacked the "Insect of Time and Space", he launched a perfect attack under the guidance of his soul clone.

At that time, the "Pillar of Heaven" created an extremely powerful set of special rules specifically for hunting insects of time and space.

Because Zhang Ming personally participated in the creation of idealistic rules, he had a different kind of psychological feeling.

The answer is very boring, just like solving an advanced math problem. If you don’t have enough knowledge, you can only memorize it by rote.

Zhang Ming experienced it many times in a row, "So it can still be like this..."

"Looking at it now, this wonderful realization is a little different. With the help of the power of the last wish, the blue crystal people specially created this kind of idealistic rule to deal with the 'insect of time and space'. It is like a sharp knife that can cut

The originally indestructible rules of the devil have been cut into small parts."

"Only by cutting it into small parts can it be utilized."

"The wisdom of a civilization is indeed smarter than my messing around."

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes.

There was no one in the room, and the monkey who was giving him a massage had already run away.

Only the small tree exudes a faint light.

In addition to the World Stone, there was a pile of coke-like soil in the flower pot. Zhang Ming vaguely remembered that when he was furious, this stone flew from afar, trying to seal the "Demon God's Rules", but it turned out that it

After exhausting its power, it turned into soil.

"This tree has evolved again. It's like a wild goose plucking its hair. Every time it passes through a world, it has to exploit some benefits. It has trees, stones, and soil. There is no small tree with such potential in the entire Sea of ​​Demon Gods!"

The little tree was sick and sick, and almost died after being tossed. It was silent and emitted a little light, seeming to refute Lao Zhang's nonsense.

Zhang Ming knew in his heart that this small tree had a great contribution to his ability to regain consciousness. "The will of the world and the devil may be two opposing entities."

"It's just that the power of the world is far from the devil's opponent."

My heart skipped a beat, so I simply held the flowerpot in my arms, picked up the coordinate stone of the "Insect of Time and Space" with the other hand, stretched out a finger, and poked the small hole gently.

There is no obstacle, it’s like touching the air!

This scene looks a bit weird. After so many years of training, Zhang Ming has developed muscles and a strong body, but he can actually squeeze into a hole as big as a sesame seed!

Even Zhang Ming himself was frightened. He tried it back and forth. It should be a special mechanism at the time and space level. This mechanism only appeared after the body was occupied by the rules of the devil.

"My body has indeed been transformed. There is nothing wrong with my fingers. Is it a special transmission mechanism?"

"Want to go in and have a look?"

I bit the bullet and thought about it for a while, feeling that I would have to go in and explore sooner or later, so I stopped hesitating and climbed in carefully.

The whole process is a bit like passing through a "soft" cave.

This cave is soft, like stepping in plasticine. It is very spacious, with a diameter of about 10 kilometers, which is about the same size as the wound of the Time Worm.

What he saw was a dark starry sky, and he came to the planet where the Space-Time Insect was!

This time, the main body is present in person, not the soul clone!

Zhang Ming still cherished his life. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva in front of the huge demon god's body. It was such a big piece of meat!

However, with the World Tree in his hand and the Source of the World hanging on his chest, he still has a little bit of confidence when facing a dead demon.

The most important thing is that he is really unwilling!

On the bumpy ground, there are tens of thousands of large and small hairs growing, the short ones are only a few meters, and the long ones are tens of kilometers long, like antennas leading to the distance. The field of vision of the main body is similar to that of the soul clone.

After 10 years of exploration, he is already familiar with this place.

"There is no oxygen and no gravity in this damn place... I have to bring some water in next time. I can electrolyze the water to get oxygen." Zhang Ming muttered in his heart.

There is very little information about the "dimensional rift", and in the information about the blue crystal civilization, there are only some detailed speculations.

Scientists from the Blue Crystal Civilization believe that the "dimensional rift" is a place where idealistic rules are greater than materialistic rules.

Here, personal ideas can play a greater role, and some rules can be created out of thin air just by relying on "imagination".

For example, gravity.

Zhang Ming imagined that the moon under his feet had the same gravity as the earth.

Sure enough, a mysterious force pulled his body like gravity, causing him to slowly fall to the ground.

Zhang Ming imagined again that a monkey was pinching his thigh.

Soon, a monkey-like shadow really appeared, grinning with big yellow teeth and pinching its thighs. But soon, the monkey shadow quickly disappeared.

"This is that idealism is greater than materialism."

"It's such a magical world. No wonder it breeds monsters like the Demon God."

However, only idealistic rules that are logically self-consistent can exist for a long time.

Like the current gravity rules, once Zhang Ming has a mental lapse, he cannot maintain it... because he does not understand the microscopic mechanism of gravity and just fabricated a macro-level force out of thin air.

As for the monkey created out of thin air, it is impossible to maintain it. It is a serious creature. How can Zhang Ming create a microscopic one?

Moreover, from time to time there are strange and mysterious mental fluctuations, blowing from all directions, disturbing Zhang Ming's mind.

"Ah&%&¥?" They are like a series of meaningless garbled characters.

"These mental fluctuations should be the so-called information tide. The accidental intersection of information has brought together new rules... It is really a place full of miracles."

Zhang Ming tinkered for a long time and found that he couldn't create something like "oxygen" for no reason. He could only hold back his breath and speed up the pace of exploration.

The "Insect of Time and Space" is the substantive embodiment of an extremely complex idealistic rule. In theory, every organ and every inch of its flesh and blood represents a part of the "unique rule".

Zhang Ming picked up a red stone from the ground and just wanted to study it.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind, and some special information seemed to pour out of me.

His natural ability "Attribute Conversion" seems to be somewhat useful, and he actually explained the specific rules contained in this red stone!

End of this chapter

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