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Chapter 22 The Coconut Trap

 I waved it a few times excitedly. The freshly made spear was quite easy to use and the sharpness was quite good.

If it were used to attack the human body, it would create a bloody hole.

Then, Zhang Ming sat on a stone and began to think about a safer way to fight.

"Acting recklessly like yesterday is not safe and efficient, so it is not feasible."

After simulating a battle inside the skull, I always felt that various methods such as "piercing the eyes" and "throwing boiling water" were too outrageous.

"In case of failure..."

"What the crab lost was a leg; what I lost was a life."

Gray memory fragments flashed through his mind, and Zhang Ming tried hard to recall the survival themes of Mr. Bei, Mr. De, and the Australian boy. When watching the video, I just thought that these people were very interesting. They were very hungry. Who could do it?

Can you imagine using this knowledge one day?

Gradually, an important keyword appeared in my mind——


In face-to-face melee combat, the error tolerance rate is too low. In the unattended wilderness, injury means death.

"But, I can make traps!"

"I can increase my strength crazily by adjusting my attributes. I just need to push a few big coconuts onto the boulders, wait for the crabs to chase them, and then push the big coconuts down hard."

"Use the weight of hundreds of kilograms of coconut to crush it!"

This plan has a high error tolerance and does not require close combat.

It’s truly a genius plan that only I could think of!

After thinking through the entire plan, Zhang Ming took a few deep breaths, took a spear, and set off boldly.


An hour later.

Coconut trap, finished!

To be on the safe side, he specially moved three large coconuts onto the boulder. Each coconut weighed three to four hundred kilograms!

Zhang Ming rested for half an hour, regained some strength, and carefully touched the "crab and leek garden".

Large groups of crabs were happily spitting bubbles and digging in the mud on the tidal flats, and the sound of "BiliBiliBiliBili" could be heard in the distance.

"Your master is here!" Zhang Ming wanted to shout boldly in front of the crabs.

But, he didn't dare.

He could only lie down in the grass, growing obscenely.


Earth World.

The big sea turtle in Mirage No. 16 actually escaped. The sight of a near-miss made many domestic followers heave a sigh of relief.

Next, the young man who was trapped on an isolated island chose the most familiar route: hunting crabs!

Although crabs are monster-like in size, they are alive once and mature the next time. As long as the traps are prepared, hunting them should not be difficult.

"I hope he can succeed in hunting... Don't make me worried anymore, my heart almost jumped out of my chest just now."

"My mother said that she would go to the temple to chant sutras for him and let the Buddha bless him for peace. It was really speechless."

"It's good to have some psychological comfort. If your heart can't bear it, don't stare at the sky."


Compared with the relaxation at home, most of the comments abroad are disappointment and loss.

People just want to see rivers of blood, especially when the public opinion outside the wall has not been very friendly, there are even more people with this mentality.

"Pay attention to other mirages. The one on the 16th will probably die soon."

"I didn't expect that turtle to be so timid and grow so big for nothing."

"What a pity!"

The person who distributed red envelopes whenever a natural disaster broke out in Great Xia has disappeared. It seems that he received a large number of reports and his account was directly banned.

But the little guys invented a new angle - low-level super powers!

"Have you noticed that he is very strong! Although I don't know how much those coconuts weigh, they are not hollow foam. They may weigh hundreds of kilograms."

"I think he might have some kind of superpower in terms of strength."

"Physical ability is a relatively low-level ability."

People with super powers have also appeared on the earth, accounting for about one millionth of the total population, that is, 1,000 people out of 1 billion, which is quite a lot in the world.

Among these thousands of people, basically all have physical abilities, which are manifested in strange strength, sprinting, extraordinary perception, limb regeneration, super immunity, etc.

Compared with the abilities such as floating, invisibility, and fire control that appear in the mysterious area, physical abilities do seem to be inferior.

Although the opposing army is late, it has arrived.

"That Fuso man who looked very advanced and could become invisible has already died in the mysterious area No. 7. What's the use of having advanced abilities?"

"Superpowers are only secondary. A smart mind, calm decision-making and talent for starvation are more important."

"I think No. 16 is a coward and doesn't dare to leave a familiar environment!"

"He is a coward!"

"You can squirt like this? Do you think it's a big reality show? I'm going to fuck you, you can do it."

Whether superpowers are advanced or not has become an important topic in the laning. Some people believe that this proves "God's preference"; a small number of people think that as long as the ability is easy to use, does it make sense whether it is high or not?

The so-called "advanced" is just for netizens to enjoy themselves, and there is no criterion at all.

Amidst these endless calls, Professor Peter Greer, who has attracted the attention of tens of millions of people, published a new tweet: "Dear friends, physical abilities are relatively widely distributed, but the superiority of superpowers is determined by quantity.

Inferiority is unscientific. There are far more humans than tigers. Are humans inferior to tigers?"

"To judge the quality of an ability, it depends on how much survival value it brings. The gentleman in the mysterious area of ​​No. 16, within the scope of his own abilities, chooses a familiar way of survival, which is a suitable choice."

"Even if he eats crabs every day and waits for rescue from the outside world, I won't find it strange. Instead, I will admire his wit."

"Recognizing one's own abilities and enduring loneliness are excellent qualities."

"In addition, I hope everyone will pay more attention to reality. With the eruption of Mount Fuji volcano, the living environment of Fuso Country is worrying, and hundreds of millions of refugees need to be rescued. Pay attention to reality and pay attention to your feet."

When it comes to this topic, there are even more trolls, too many to count.

Because everyone’s life is not easy right now, so I just go online to have some fun and vent my inner depression.

Even the famous professor himself was criticized. Many people asked him to donate more and stop being a moral policeman here.

"There is a chemical leak from a nearby chemical plant. Why doesn't the government deal with it? Where is the rescue team? Do you want to poison us all?"

"The railway is paralyzed. I'm still on the train. It's been two days and two nights, Fake. Our train's food has been exhausted. You all go to rescue the Fuso people, who will rescue me!"

Tit-for-tat is always present, and life outside the wall is so simple and unpretentious.



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