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Chapter 286 Lao Wang’s new career

 The friendship between civilizations is as light as water, but don’t expect that if something happens to your side, expect other civilizations to come to your rescue and help.

If you really have that kind of thought, you can only say that you have a childish disease! It is not unjust to exterminate the clan for various reasons.

The only bond between civilizations is interests!

Of course, the Third World War fully squeezed the potential of mankind. All kinds of war weapons spread like cabbage, which was quite good during the war. But after the war, it seemed to have become the current management of various countries.


"Sigh, the current public security is indeed a bit chaotic. In particular, the overall strength of human beings has become much stronger, and there are many cases of heroes breaking the law with force."

"Now I lead the team every day to collect weapons from other strong men and do nothing else!" Wang Fumin complained.

The rune weapon system based on ultra-low temperature etching technology is booming. In this life, Li Xianfeng made his fortune because of this technology.

Yuanguang Group is a giant capital group controlled by him, which mass-produces various high-end machine tools.

"How can you pass on wealth if you don't have children? And is it important to pass on wealth?"

Lao Wang thought of his daughter who had tortured him all his life, and sighed: "It doesn't seem to be too important..."

Li Xianfeng said: "Since I have the next life, what's the point of having children? As for inheriting wealth...it's not as difficult as you think. I'll give you all the stocks, and then you return them to me. That's it."

?At most, it’s just a tax.”

"Haha, I took your equity and ran away. There is such a good thing as pie falling from the sky."

"Anyway, I will rely on your support in the next life, Lao Wang. It's still early, there's no rush."

In addition, unlike in the past, the number of private mercenaries has also increased rapidly.

In the midst of the Third World War, which was going all out, civilians burst out with great strength and there were countless active heroes.

In other words, people with superpowers are getting stronger and more destructive. Some folk masters, with certain abilities, can punch through a wall with one punch, and their destructive power is astonishing.

The government really cannot restrain this group of people, so it has to give up some power and let these superpowers manage themselves.

There are still 4 big countries and 8 small countries in the world. In order to unify the global power, the new coalition government will surpass these countries at the military level, and the parliamentary representatives will be represented by representatives of each country. This is also to avoid dictatorship.

But no matter what, these countries have the power of autonomy and the binding force of a unified government, which cannot be compared to the past "era of repression".

Some countries that advocate freedom allow civilian mercenaries to exist. The new unified government has decentralized management power, making it difficult to restrict these things.

A particularly strong team can even briefly enter the Sea of ​​Demon Gods, which is also a talent spurt brought about by the war.

"How many S-class, 200-power humans are there now in the world?"

"At least 30,000 to 50,000 people. Some people deliberately hide their abilities and it's hard to find them... How to put it, dispersed power is always useless. Setting up a mercenary organization can at least make use of the power."

"What's your current combat strength?"

Lao Wang smiled: "Guess?"

Li Xianfeng said: "It has been many years since you broke through the three levels, right? There are always one or two thousand, right?"

"You are underestimating me." Lao Wang didn't give in. "The physical level is about 3,000, and the perception and mental level are more than 2,000... War is really a tragic thing. Too many people died in the past 20 years. I have made progress.

Very quickly. But recently, there has been little progress. It seems to have entered a special bottleneck period."

"Perhaps this is better. We have to welcome better times."

More than three thousand!

That is really Lao Wang's confidence, and it is also the confidence for the earth to contact the outside world. Squeezing those S-class civilians to death is like squeezing to death an ant.

"Anyway, in response to this trade, we have something worth taking away. There are still more than ten years left, so there is no rush. The pattern of the earth should be stable for a long time."

"There's another thing I almost forgot to mention. Lao Zhang... might be crawling out of hell." Wang Fumin drank the expensive cup of coffee in one gulp and joked, "He fought with me a few days ago.

The phone call said that he was finally crawling out of that damn place, so congratulations!"

"That's really gratifying."

"Unfortunately, things have changed a long time ago... I just briefly talked to him about some things. Maybe this is a better era?"

He stood up and walked out the door: "Let's go, thank you for the hospitality, I have a meeting to attend later! I'll meet you for two drinks tomorrow!"

Lao Wang walked further and further away, leaving only the middle-aged arms dealer Li Xianfeng in the coffee shop, drinking coffee and muttering to himself: "Better times? Lao Wang, in fact, every era is the same.

It’s just that you are too strong and don’t know.”

Just two days ago, he received a death threat.

Whether advanced manufacturing is related to the military, it will inevitably involve politics. For a behemoth like Yuangguang Group, there will definitely be people who want a piece of the pie.

He feels that it is the same in every era.



"Warmly celebrate the 84th year of the Abyss Seal Project. The seal completion rate is 99.9%! Thank you for your hard work and dedication over the years! While the Abyss Seal Project has not yet won a decisive victory, we still need to adhere to the guidelines, recognize the main goals, and complete key tasks

, implement major measures, do not be careless..."

The old comrade of Gondor is delivering his own long speech.

He drank a little too much today, and his tongue was a bit uneasy. He always felt like his life was on the hook.

Not only were these 84 years not a disaster, they also made him stronger and even laid a solid foundation for his future career in politics.

After returning home, he will definitely have a seat in Gondor in the Supreme Council of Honggang Civilization!

Thinking of this, the old comrade from Gondor began to feel elated again and continued to make a long speech, "Faced with the complicated world situation, we Honggang people should continue to ride the wind and waves and move forward with determination..."

Of course, no one listened to his nonsense, and everyone in the cabin was immersed in the carnival.

"Dong dong, dong dong dong!"

In the unique gong and drum music, there was a lot of drinking and drinking, and Zhang Ming was also a little drunk, singing ancient songs along with the Honggang people.

"No matter how vast the world we have traveled, the thoughts in our hearts are still the same."

"The feeling of going home is not far away."

All major workshops on the entire ship started to resonate.

In the blink of an eye, the 300,000-ton steel giant echoed with joyful singing and transformed into a sea of ​​joy.

Even the old craftsmen who were making the last seal couldn't help but sing along.

I’m so happy!

Zhang Ming treasured this difficult yet joyful time very much. He raised his glass and said loudly: "Cheers! I wish us to go home soon and enjoy the warmth of our hometown!"


A little alcohol numbed his nerves. 142-year-old Zhang Ming was a little drunk today.

Even Xiaobai, an "underage turtle" who is over 100 years old and has never been allowed to drink, was allowed to have a drink.

As time went by, Xiaobai also grew up a lot, from the size of his fist to the size of a small plate. The patterns on the turtle shell became more complex and mysterious, and the strength of his limbs also increased significantly. The only thing that remained unchanged was

Those black and bright eyes, like black pearls, are clear and a little stupid at the same time...

Although Xiaobai has experienced a lot, there are many things that he still has not experienced.

If measured by physical strength, Xiaobai already has 300 points of combat power, and he is still a genius turtle who graduated with a doctorate!

As for the old dog... it is really old. The hair all over its body is curled up and looks a bit slovenly. The hair on the edge of the beard has long turned gray, and its eyes also look a bit cloudy.

Even if Zhang Ming drank the fountain of life for it and customized a set of "Corgi Breathing Technique" that was not very effective, the flow of life cannot be stopped by human power...

It’s still alive anyway, so don’t worry about it!

"Brother Hao, if you persist for a while, you will be able to see the real blue sky and white clouds!"

The old dog didn’t understand much, so he just lay in the kennel and enjoyed the freshly cooked boiled intestines.

Ahem, Master Shimama... This guy, who doesn't know how many years he can live, is chatting and laughing with the old sheep head in the abyss.

Their most popular topic is a romance novel called "The Overbearing Blacksmith Falls in Love with Me". Naturally, it is a cultural work of Hong Gangren. It was written by a bored crew member and serialized every day. It has become popular all over the ship.

These two guys watched with great joy, and Shimama made weird laughter from time to time, urging updates every day.

Bai Ze...this guy is a prude!

Zhang Ming could swear that it was extremely happy inside, and it kept up with the gossip novel every day, but it was serious about it, saying that it was just a casual read, but if the Honggangren writer didn't update it for a day, it would go crazy for a while.

What is this if not prudery?!

But these are not important, after all, it has lasted for many years...


The 84-year-long abyss sealing project is finally... completed!

Today, Honggangren’s craftsmen are working overtime to make the last seal.

All the work will be completed tomorrow!

When the day finally arrived, Zhang Ming couldn't help but burst into tears. Then he picked up the wine glass and toasted all the Hongsteel people in the hall: "Brothers, tomorrow, when all the seals are completed, we can leave the abyss.

"Thank you for your hard work and dedication. With this glass of wine, I wish you all a better tomorrow."

"But today's ceremony cannot be omitted. After all, today is not over yet! We have to take every day seriously."

A large number of Honggang people stood up from the dining table and shouted: "Your fucking rescue team! You haven't come to save me yet!"

This sound is like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

Shocking the world, weeping ghosts and gods; chanting the spring and autumn, lamenting the past and present.

Then a group of people laughed and drank the glass of wine in their hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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