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Chapter 290 Shimama makes a crazy wish

 Zhang Ming took out the moon coordinates that he carried with him. As his most important possession, he naturally took it with him wherever he went.

Then, after looking around for a while and not seeing the gourd's movement, he moved the huge goat head and threw it into the space coordinates.

"Shimama, you are watching from the outside!"

"Can I make a wish for it?" The bold stone said cowardly, "Let me, Lord Shimama, walk a bright road for you!"

"Whatever you want, I don't care about having another stone with the same problem." Zhang Ming said with a smile, "Should Emperor Shimama not be afraid of death, right? No, no?"


After an hour, the golden gourd realized that the time was up, and then returned to the original place through teleportation.

It noticed that Zhang Ming had disappeared, and also saw the black stones and red stones lying at the bottom of the abyss. It didn't say a word and stayed there motionless.

"Can't you find him? Do you know where he is?" Shimama eagerly provoked.

The gourd shone with golden light, and then fell into silence.

"You call me Emperor Shimama, and I will tell you." The stinky stone is very playful. As long as the opponent is not [Long-cherished Wish], then it is afraid of a hammer? Anyway, its defensive ability is unparalleled in the world. You, a little gourd, can

What can I do?

As a result, the little gourd was just silent and didn't say a word.

Shimama was anxious, you are a talkative gourd, why don't you talk to me: "Now I make a wish to tell a story about the combination of yellow hair, tauren and pure love. It is required to be within 100 words and told with emotion."
Hulu doesn’t want to deal with a madman.

The slave Shitou became more and more enthusiastic and said crazily: "Please speak to me in the tone of a beautiful vampire girl! Please, please make my wish come true! I have already made a wish, why don't you speak."

The gourd rolled out several meters away from the madman.

"You are such a soulless guy!" Shitou was furious.

The gourd became a little angry, and with a flash of golden light and a "pop" sound, it collided with the stone.

The stone flew only about 5 meters, and it was not painful or itchy.

Shimama was overjoyed. This guy was too weak, and he kept provoking wildly: "You don't follow martial ethics, so you sneak attack on the old man!"

The gourd's whole body bloomed with golden light, but it was really weak, so it could only stay away from the stone again, and whispered in a voice that no one else could hear: [The stones in this world are so perverted!]



In the darkness and silence, above the red-lit moon, Bai Ze has recovered from the initial shock.

It is indeed the corpse of the devil. The devil who was extremely weak is also a devil.

"Now there is a way." Zhang Ming said, "By splitting the soul and talking to the gourd, I may be able to avoid some risks."

"Do you have any other particularly good ideas here?"

Can it also split souls? What kind of ability is this?

It can no longer see through this guy.

The old sheep head opened and closed its mouth, habitually chewing the cud. Even though it does not have any body now, it still retains its habit until now.

After thinking for a long time, he said: "I have something left by the original mythical beast 'True Listening'. 'True Listening' can identify everything in the world, and is especially good at distinguishing true from false."

"However, if you want to discern information at the level of a demon, you only need three short breaths."

Zhang Ming nodded and said with a smile: "Instead of being so nervous, it is better to let it go and test it! Otherwise, you will not be able to live in the future."


Soon Zhang Ming pulled the old sheep's head and got out of the space passage.

Gourd discovered him, glowed with golden light, and became lively again: [Actually, you don't need to avoid me, I have no idea about your property, let alone steal your things.]

Zhang Ming was too lazy to listen to its explanation and cleared his throat: "I have a very important wish. I want to know the purpose of your coming here. Your answer may mean the treatment you can get in the future. After all, no one wants it.

Live a life of fear."

[Okay, if you definitely want to know, I can tell you.]

The calabash hesitated for a while, then said in its clear and crisp voice, [It made an interesting deal with me.]

[It spent a lot of power to throw me into this realm and let me follow you; and I need to wait for you to die, recover the extraordinary remains, and help it complete the first step of anchoring this realm.]

[But please rest assured, I will not take the initiative to harm you, I will only wait quietly for the moment of your death. If you age and die naturally, that is the best outcome. Anyway, I will only use your body.

.You shouldn’t care about this, right?]

Zhang Ming was greatly shocked. Are you going to wait for me to die of old age? And this guy is still following me until I die of old age?

"Then thank you very much, Gourd Monster."

Perhaps because of Zhang Ming’s wish, Calabash’s mood improved significantly: [So you plan to name me ‘Calabash Monster’? I can accept this name.]

Zhang Ming glanced at Bai Ze from the corner of his eye.

Bai Ze was also stunned, the flames in his eyes flashing with the power of "listening" from the mythical beast.

Is this all true?!

It was surprised to find that what the gourd said was actually true!

Nothing false at all!

But if you think about it carefully, this is an honest conspiracy, the kind that has no solution.

How long can a tiny human live?

Comparing the life cycle of the devil, the other party will die of old age in just one sleep. Who can withstand the ravages of time?

Bai Ze's heart felt cold. How long can Zhang Ming live? He really doesn't know, it can only be a few thousand years at most. There is no solution to this conspiracy!

On the contrary, old Comrade Shimama gloated and "ga"ed, as if he had heard a joke.

Zhang Ming looked at the six-digit number in his life span column and fell into deep thought: "Well, this is an excellent method..."

[Are you satisfied with my answer? What other wishes do you have?]

"Satisfied, but what if too much time passes and you become impatient? Or, in other words, will you die of old age first?"

The golden light on the gourd's body flashed: [I am very patient. As long as you make more wishes, my mood will always remain happy.]

[And you don’t need to pay any price. After all, I have no ability and the wishes I can fulfill are quite limited. It has not been measured by the scale of judgment, so you can rest assured that there is really no price.]

【I am more confident and will live longer than you.】

"I hope so." Zhang Ming nodded solemnly. While thinking about various conspiracy theories, he also thought about how to play with this monster that was leaning against the door, waiting for him to die of old age.

He is the audacious Emperor Zhang, who even dares to humiliate [his long-cherished wish], so what if this little monster is playing with it? If I make a wish for it to call me daddy or master, will it agree?

Zhang Ming seemed to have thought of something extraordinary, his eyes flashed and his heart beat wildly.

"I'll tell you how to humiliate it!" Shimama seemed to see what Zhang Ming was thinking, and said secretly, "If you call it soulless, it will get angry."

Zhang Ming nodded in agreement: "I see, this is the same as scolding the great Yanjiao clan!"

Hulu: [I want to know, what is the Yanjiao clan? A... very great race?]

"Gah!" Shimama roared angrily.

Bai Ze, who was watching silently on the side, saw that this group of lunatics could actually live in harmony, and a huge question arose in his mind: What is going on in this world? Do you dare to play with the bait thrown by the devil?

But it couldn't raise any objections, because what the gourd said was indeed true - it was just here to wait for Zhang Ming to explode with gold coins after his death.

It will not actively harm.

Under such circumstances, we can’t keep people trapped in the abyss for a lifetime, right?

After you get out, think of a solution.

Bai Ze sighed secretly.



Time slowly jumped to the next day, and the exciting moment finally arrived!

"Move 3 meters east and 1 meter north!"

"Yes, it's right here, release downward!"

From the deck of the 300,000-ton ship, the gantry crane lowered a giant seal weighing up to 100 tons and in the shape of a pyramid.

Zhang Ming swam into the water, found the corresponding position, and directed the engineering team to align it with the corresponding groove. With a loud "boom", the seal was accurately embedded in it.

"Calabash Monster, what do you think when faced with this scene? Your master [Long-cherished Wish] has been sealed."

[I have no special ideas. What needs to be emphasized is that [Long-cherished Wish] and I are only in a transactional relationship, and it is not my master.] Xiao Gourd's voice sounded a little confused, [Its power cannot penetrate, and there is no connection with me.

What’s the relationship?]

"Okay, whatever you say."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Ming fired another signal bomb.

The sound of "rumbling" sounded.

The runes on the surface of the seal flashed regularly. A part of the material at the bottom solidified quickly like cement, and was firmly combined with the bottom of the abyss. Unless the ax of the abyss was used, the seal could be destroyed by chopping hard, otherwise the conventional small blow would be enough.

It's noisy and can't be destroyed at all.

Finally, Zhang Ming created some sludge-like abyss pollution to disguise the seal so that it would not be damaged by some monsters.


At this point, the seal maintenance project that lasted for 84 years, 8 months and 12 days has finally come to an end!

Every Honggang man felt an indescribable sense of heroism and joy in his heart. Following the announcement on the radio, they roared feverishly in the cabin.

"We succeeded!"

"Leaving the abyss!"

"Mr. Bai Ze... you should fulfill your original promise! Let us leave the abyss" Admiral Gondor shouted on the ship.

The old sheep head guarding the exit had a red light flashing in his pupils. This old stubborn man who had traveled from another world had some gratitude and some emotion in his heart.

Times have changed and history has changed. It really needs to go out and see the new world, and it also wants to understand the methods of peak civilization to kill demon gods.

Thinking about it this way, I even started to look forward to it.

This chapter has been completed!
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