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Chapter 32 New Food

 The radio continues to broadcast today’s news.

"Dear listeners, do you feel lonely who are far away in the world? Are you surprised by the changes in the world? Do you feel anxious that human beings will be destroyed?"

"The order of various countries is collapsing. At least 80 countries are completely paralyzed and in a state of anarchy."

"Incomprehensible supernatural phenomena occur frequently, and unspeakable external risks are encountered in the ocean. According to the latest news from Reuters, an ocean-going cargo ship successfully returned to Earth through the mysterious zone of the Atlantic Ocean, but all crew members on board have disappeared."
"Military personnel investigated the monitoring equipment on the tanker and found that a dark, six-clawed creature killed all the crew members on the ship at an extremely fast speed. It could easily break a person's neck, and its thick scales could withstand gunfire.

, it only takes two seconds to move 100 meters."

One hundred meters in two seconds...

Zhang Ming frowned, feeling that this monster might be stronger than him.

"Compared to the powerful combat power of mutant life, human beings are as fragile as saplings."

"In the pyramid area of ​​North Africa, an unknown and terrifying black fog appears. As soon as humans approach the black fog, their bodies will dehydrate and turn into walking zombies. The scope of the black fog is constantly expanding. The authorities are requesting emergency rescue from international joint organizations."

"Russian submarines discovered a kind of super life form on the edge of the mysterious zone in the Arctic Ocean. They are 10,000 meters long, as big as jellyfish, and their tonnage far exceeds the largest life form on the earth. Just because the water in the shallow sea is too shallow, these super life forms are temporarily

It does not interfere with the realm of human existence."

"In the Kunlun Mountains of Daxia, a mysterious Buddha's light is discovered. Those who witness the Buddha's light will fall into a coma. After waking up, they will describe the scene of the end of the world."

"The living environment of the earth is becoming worse. We are being carried and pushed by the torrent of the times. We can't help it, and we have no time to stop and breathe. Human beings are trying to survive in the cracks of the times, and individual joys and sorrows are under the curtain of the times.

Both big and small."

"We always think that we are the helmsmen of the times, but in the end we find that the entire human civilization is just a tired egg in the mud."

"Friends, you who are far away in the world, can you imagine the coming of the supernatural era?" Li Xianfeng asked a heartfelt question on the radio.

Zhang Ming opened his mouth, but no words came out.

I just feel the wind and sand from the times blowing on my face, causing pain like scraping.

Looking back, I found that the turtles were also listening to the radio, opening their mouths "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong."

Turtles have some intelligence, but they can’t understand human language yet. They just listen to the fun and beg for some crab shells to eat.

Anyway, they are just greedy.

Zhang Ming is actually quite curious about what magical effect the "crab shell" has, so that it is worth asking for from the turtles.

I also specially ground some powder and ate it for half a month.

In the end, I found out that it was useless.

There is only a negligible amount of body heat flow.

Zhang Ming speculated that these sea turtles may be keen on eating crab shells because they lack certain mineral elements.

They are so big that the growth of turtle shells requires a lot of minerals, and crab shells contain a lot of the mineral elements they need.

Among them, the new super-large turtle seemed to be talking to a super-small turtle. It roared loudly, and the huge airflow almost blew out the fire.

Then, the super little turtle climbed out in a flash.

It is completely white, like white jade, with complex and delicate patterns dotting its back, and its two black eyes are like black pearls.

Judging from the size, this is a baby turtle that is one or two years old. It is only a little bigger than a fist, but it is the smartest one among this group of turtles.


The little white turtle opened his mouth aggressively, trying to express something, which sounded a bit cute and sinister.

"We don't understand Turtle Language, please speak clearly." Zhang Ming said angrily and collapsed on the chair.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"


This looks a bit like a dog.

Zhang Ming stretched out a finger, said "hehehe" with a strange smile, and wanted to clamp its protruding head.

The little white turtle quickly retracted its head and screamed more fiercely: "Aaaah!!"

"You're still excited, aren't you? Are you the king of turtles? If you want to rule this island, have you ever asked me, Lao Zhang, for my permission?"

But generally speaking, I understand a little bit.

Zhang Ming stood up from his chair and looked at the new large turtle.

Through the flickering light of the fire, I discovered that there were some barnacles growing on its neck and shell, all of which were only as big as a snail.

Other turtles have been rubbing their mouths against these hard barnacles, but their mouths are too clumsy to bite such small things.

"You want me to remove these barnacles?" The new food and attribute points came. Zhang Ming was surprised and happy. He recalled the wonderful taste of fried snails and kept swallowing his saliva.

"Ah!" The little white turtle jumped excitedly.

Zhang Ming touched the cool and smooth skin of the oversized turtle and found that the turtle was quite cooperative and motionless.

"Just don't move, I can help you."

"Ah ah ah ah..." The giant turtle was still a little reluctant and squirming.

The name barnacle sounds like a plant, but it is actually a shell parasite.

The mucus they secrete through their meshed tentacles adheres to the turtles, affecting their swimming, and sometimes burrows into the skin, causing pain to the turtles.

You can often see scenes of humans rescuing sea turtles on the sea in online videos, and now I have actually encountered them. This experience is quite novel and interesting.

Zhang Ming took out a bone knife made from a crab's pointed legs (actually he was reluctant to use a metal knife), roasted it on the fire and sterilized it.

The super-large sea turtle stared at the bone knife with its dark eyes, and wanted to shrink back and run away.

But the little white turtle roared, and the giant turtle could only hold back its fear and stick out its neck.

Zhang Ming scolded: "You are so big and so timid. Look at your strong body. You may weigh tens or hundreds of tons. You can crush me to death in one go. What a fright are you!"

There was a soft "click" sound.

This barnacle the size of a snail was uprooted, with a trace of bright red blood.

The oversized turtle felt a stinging pain on its neck and opened its mouth wide, but its body was very honest and it lay motionless.

Its mouth was always open, and its dark eyes saw the barnacle in Zhang Ming's hand.

The turtles were immediately shocked that their natural enemy was defeated so easily. They all opened their mouths in shock and looked at the smallest "King of Turtles".

"Ah ah ah ah!"

The little white turtle shouted proudly, rolling on the ground in ecstasy, and its tail almost raised to the sky.

It seems to be expressing, I said this strange guy has a way to remove barnacles, you still don’t believe it!

If it weren't for me, it would still have to suffer from barnacles!

You all have to be grateful to me!

"Aaaah!" The turtles all recognized its genius and great wisdom, confirming the little white turtle's status as the "King of Turtles".

"Look at what it does, shouldn't you thank me? Isn't it me who does the work?" Zhang Ming spat.

Throwing away the barnacle in his hand, he was about to get the next one, but he found a turtle trying to steal his loot. He quickly kicked the thief in the head and knocked it sideways.

"Mine, mine!" He yelled gesticulating at the turtle, "I won't give it to you, you can't take it away!"

Turtles don’t understand.

But after being kicked, he immediately shrank his head.

However, another thief turtle appeared, probing his head.

So we simply quit, guarding our trophies, and kicked them one by one with the Foshan Shadowless Kick.

However, these thieves were thick-skinned and had amazing defense capabilities, and Zhang Ming was unable to use all his strength. After a while, it turned into a tug-of-war.

Finally, the oversized turtle parasitized by barnacles became anxious - it was also being tortured by barnacles!


The giant turtle roared and then stopped fighting.

"Rules are very important, understand? Without rules, nothing will happen."

Zhang Ming taught earnestly and seductively, took a suitcase, and threw the removed barnacles into the box one by one.

These turtles are really an intelligent species. They may have developed their own language, and they know that the lives of their companions are more important than their own appetites. Each one of them stayed where they were, looking longingly at the vines in the box.

More and more pots were accumulated, and finally they piled up into a small mountain.

After working hard for half an hour, it got completely dark and the radio stopped playing.

The barnacles on the neck of the oversized turtle had been picked clean, and it was healthy and light. The huge body twisted happily and screamed with gratitude. The huge body almost crushed the fire.

Zhang Ming also harvested about ten kilograms of barnacles, scooped up some sea water with satisfaction, and kept them in the suitcase.

"I wonder how this thing tastes? Will it bring attribute points and new abilities?"

Grilled one over a charcoal fire and carefully stuffed it into your mouth.

To be honest, without all kinds of seasonings, the barbecue is not very delicious. The smell of sea water is very strong, and there are also some mud, algae and other impurities, which is a bit disgusting.

But the body heat it brings is very obvious, much more obvious than crab meat!

As for new abilities, they are not available at the moment. It may be due to insufficient intake.

Zhang Ming was overjoyed: "Tomorrow's food is ready! We just need to soak it for a day and let them pull out the contents of their stomachs."


"Do you know about the monster on the island? That guy is a great threat to me. Do you have any corresponding information?"

Zhang Ming took out a pen and paper, drew a dark shadow-like creature, and made a few gestures to show that it was very big, even bigger than a super turtle.

I learned from the radio that the mysterious area is very dangerous and full of monsters.

There are many human teams who are also trapped in the mysterious area and have... died.

After these human teams died, disasters often broke out on the earth, which made Zhang Ming very stressed. He hid here for a month and ate crab meat, which made him almost go crazy.

But this deserted island is ridiculously peaceful.

He has been here for a month, and apart from the mystery and unknown in the center of the island, there is nothing special.


You don’t need to think about it to know that there may be some huge risks hidden here!


If we use animal theory to describe it, it would be territory!

A certain extremely powerful existence occupies this desert island. All creatures on the desert island are within its territory and are the objects of its hunting at will.

So there are no other monsters coming here.

As soon as this idea came up, it really made me sleepless and sleepless.

If these smart turtles can reveal some information, it may be possible to avoid it.

The other turtles looked at the barnacles eagerly. Yazi, who was not very smart, only the smallest white turtle rushed over and grabbed Zhang Ming's shoelace.

"Oh, do you know something?"

The little white turtle held the pen with its two front paws, and because its claws were not very flexible, it drew some ghost symbols crookedly.

It probably means that in the very center of the desert island, there are some... squares?

What does it mean?


The little white turtle spread his head and glanced at the tin house again.

"A block like my iron house?" Zhang Ming was shocked and felt a little inexplicable, "There is a house in the center of the island? What does it mean?"

He didn't know if he understood the meaning wrongly.

This news is a bit big.

Then, the little white turtle discovered the beauty of painting and started scribbling happily.

It drew one turtle, two turtles, three turtles...

With a hint of doubt, Zhang Ming kept this information in mind and watched the white turtles paint. Is this the wisdom brought by mutation? They already have a rough language, and they can learn to paint with just a little chance.

with text.

It is not impossible to evolve into a truly intelligent civilization in the near future.

Of course, these turtles are still a little stupid. As a species that lives in the sea, it is difficult to control the use of flames and cannot smelt metal. This may be a natural limitation.

But besides turtles, are there any smarter species in the world?

For example, mutated monkeys or mutated orangutans?

What would happen if these intelligent species met human civilization?

What if there is a race stronger than humans in the mysterious zone?

Zhang Ming was silent, riding on a turtle, fully enjoying the magical pleasure of enslaving primitive civilization.

"While you haven't grown up yet, let's bully you first."

The turtle being ridden was also extremely excited, jumping around the fire.

"Aww! Aww!"

This life is like a savage, like a hermit. Far away from the city, far away from the countryside, far away from everything.

It seems like there is nothing left...

After making a fuss like this for a while, Zhang Ming snatched the precious ballpoint pen back: "If you want to draw, you can just find a branch, don't use my pen."

"It's time to go to bed."

...(PS: Two in one!)

This chapter has been completed!
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